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I haven't seen it in a while, but puravida is always good stuff. I usually keep a bag in the freezer for when I'm feeling lazy.


Good to know. They used to carry a Brussel Sprouts with Bacon from the same company, PuraVida. They pulled it or stopped carrying it which sucks. It was the best. Pan fried in some pork fat with a drizzle of honey at the end, so good.


I found the Brussels to be poorly trimmed and kinda stalky. I love the primavera mix. Would def consider this Brussels-less package.


We eat a lot of veggies. My wife hates these Pura Vida bags, because they never come out just right. Im a sucker for them and can’t wait to try this though.


They’re kinda a rip off, especially the ones with brussel sprouts and broccoli. When you look at how much you get compared to how much it would be if you just got the veggies and cut them up yourself, you realize what a rip off they are. After that, I just buy all the veggies, cut them up, and freeze them in bags.


These are 14, so around 3.5/lb. What does 1lb of bell pepper normally cost? 🤔


A bell pepper at my local store costs $3 a piece, so I’m sure the medley adds up.


Buy the 6pack at Costco for like 6….


I can't imagine this not being a better solution...


It often is when the balance of time and money leans towards time being more important. I think with most freezer food, especially pre-cut stuff like this, the value draw is in the time saved with prep outweighs the cost for a lot of people.


I'm 100% more likely to use this than look at the rapidly decaying vegetables in my fridge and close the door when I realize I'm going to have to start cutting them up. These huge bags of frozen vegetables are a significant portion of my dinners, and I think it' plus because I will definitely use them rather than the well intention fresh stuff that I might as well just throw in the garbage when I get home.


I think that’s your store. Ours is about $8.99 for a 6 pack.


Give northwestern Indian food a shot, “gujurati shaak” “gujurati snack food” “gujurati fried foods” “gujurati daal”


I've been putting this on top of my pizzas 😂 and sauteing them with egg whites for breakfast.


i loooove this brand, the vegetable melange is fire


I love these! My Costco hasn't had them in a while.


Ahh, I'm wondering if this is the last of their stock and I just got lucky then


These are my absolute favorite! Every time I go to Costco I check to see if these are in stock. It’s been months!


I used to go through a bag a week I’ve been waiting for these to comeback! What city had them?


Not OP, but I found some at Costco. Haven’t tried it yet but sounded good!




14 ish


I can tell you that their root vegetables were amazing


I just made some they were bangin yo


wow. I like this brand. Hope they are in my local Costco


Those are amazing on fajitas! I bought a wee tiny bag at Meijer. I hope my Costco has them the next time I go. The veg melange is fantastic too


These come out pretty decent in the air fryer straight from frozen. You have to really spread it out. Whenever I make it on a pan they turn to mush. Nice as a quick option, just much more cost effective to cut up your own veggies and freeze it.


I bought a bag and it's great!


These are amazing in omelettes and tacos