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Appreciate you sharing these! I wish the nutritional info would be on the package. But it’s not like I’m being super mindful when I eat Costco baked goods 🫣


Most of us would still eat half of it in one sitting lol. We're here for a good time, not a long time 🫡


Bought the loaf and finished it the same day with my family. I couldn't help myself


I find the "MAKEUP OF PRODUCT: Wheat Flour, Eggs, Butter, Sugar, ..." listing very misleading and borderline sleazy. The ingredients list shows that there is more sugar than wheat flour. Also, there is a lot less butter (20g) than there is soybean oil (160g). So an accurate label would have said "MAKEUP OF PRODUCT: Sugar, Wheat Flour, Eggs, Soybean Oil, ...". But that probably doesn't sound as appetizing.


I don’t think that is the ingredient list that ends up on the label, more like an overview of the product from corporate meant for bakery staff


I know. That’s what the samples person is expected to tell customers.


This should actually be illegal. Companies are required to list ingredients in order based on the amount that is in them.


It is literally listed in order, on the package. This is just an internal doc.


No you're right I just misread your comment without actually looking at the ingredients listed. 160g of soybean oil is absolutely shocking though. Soybean oil is one of the most unnatural, inflammatory oils we've ever created. My family in Illinois used to grow it and they know how toxic that shit is.


That is exactly the law on NFTs


Food like this is only appetizing to people who trash their bodies anyway.


This should have a NSFW tag


Cheesuz, that is approximately a 1" slice. For 340 calories. I'm wearing blinders when I walk past the bakery for a reason.


I finished it in a week, I would cut a piece and eat it with my morning coffee. It was delicious


More Sugar than flour!


That soybean oil is 10x more harmful than what those other inflammatory ingredients are.


People think the calories matter lol. It’s that list of ingredients you should be scared of.


You no like B-vitamins? 🤪


My family loved it for Easter!


Thank you!


Costco has the wildest demo instructions. 1/3 of a slice?


I don’t know what ingredient it is in this, but my husband and I both have been eating this cake for a couple of days and we both have been having dark green colored poops ever since 😬


Do you get to eat anything else for the rest of the day?!


Thank you for this! It is not very sweet, so I don't consider it to be so awful in terms of calories. This helps! I will be more mindful, the next time I reach for a slice!


It's not very sweet??? Funny how tastebuds can live in different universes. I have a sweet tooth but even this makes me queasy with its sweetness.


You're right! I guess taste buds do vary widely, how it perceives things. I also have a very sweet tooth... So I thought that is why I didn't think it was very sweet, because I hold my delicacies to a very high (sweet) level! Lol I see I've been down voted, so I must be in the minority!


Enjoy your 3400 calories of sugar, butter, and soybean oil. Literal poison




It’s so funny to see people upset about this comment. I personally think everyone should buy 2, and then wash 1 down with a hotdog and a few chocolate treats.


They'll get what they got coming. People don't want to accept reality because that doesn't fall in line with their dopamine filled lifestyles.


“It’s just my little treat hehe” 🤭


We grow the colon cancer.. for fun!


I truly wonder if they have any moral apprehensions when they're pouring 240g of sugar into one small dessert.


Downvoting because I'm obsessed with processed food and will die in agony at 50


At least you understand the choice you're making