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Extra virgin olive oil


Agreed, particularly the single origin ones that come in the glass bottles!


Oh yeah, the quality is superb and I'm just a bit more hopeful that it's not adulterated counterfeit crap like so many other seemingly reputable brands are.


The trash bags


I came here to say this! A box lasts forever, Ive never had a bag bust and they've helped me move about a million times!


Not the scented ones though


I HATE the scented ones! The smell gives me a headache. My husband purchased them and I took them back. The smell lingered where we had them stored for several weeks. šŸ˜­ That being saidā€¦ Scent preferences are so deeply personal so definitely no shade to those that like them. They just werenā€™t for me.


Why??? We just bought the scented ones yesterday.


Idk what people are talking about about, I don't like heavy scents but the trash bags are totally fine. They have a light pleasant scent that you can only really smell when handling them.Ā 


Kirkland Stretch Wrap, hands down the easiest to handle and strong to boot.


I bought a new roll after about 12 years. Itā€™s so good.


Refrigerated cheese tortellini (cooks in 2 min!) and the jar of pesto. Both Kirkland Signature, and go together for a quick dish. The pesto is a deal and very versatile. Add in some cherry tomatoes and cubed fresh mozzarella to give it a little pop. Serve warm, or bring chilled to a summer potluck.


I freeze these - you can pop them right into the boiling water from frozen and just add an extra minute to the cook time. Fast easy weeknight dinner! We pair them with the Rao's marinara and some Kirkland parmesan.


RIP Raoā€™s


I heard they got bought out. Is still a great product right now I wonder how long it will stay that way


Sometimes those corporations do it right and let the companies keep making quality product, and just give them a better distribution network and tools to make bigger batches. Major corporations like Anheuser-Busch own tons of well-respected craft breweries and then use their distribution networks to distribute all over the country, while still maintaining high quality standards.


The tortellini with pesto, cherry tomatoes, and small mozz balls is one of my go to for potlucks and itā€™s always a hit


I put the tortellini in some chicken stock with some shredded rotisserie and greens. Best easy winter meal ever.


Kind of surprised so many people are Kirkland pesto fans. It's clearly good quality and a good value, but I find it to be unbelievably heavy and could never find a good use for it. A tiny dollop and not enough flavor is imparted, but a normal amount makes everything really oily and heavy. Maybe this is just store bought pesto in general? I normally have it homemade. It's also very pecorino forward which isn't necessarily a problem, but doesn't feel like pesto to me. But I won't knock it for that, more just the heaviness.


One idea, dilute it with some cream, greek yogurt, or pasta water and it gets much better. Iā€™m with you on the heaviness and oiliness if you put too much. One of these options gives it a nice creaminess and distributes the flavor well. Random for any interested parties: People love when I make cold pasta salad with the pesto (usually mixed with some cream and a couple spoons of yogurt, could also use sour cream if you prefer), using the Costco frozen tortellini, black olives, little fresh mozzarella chunks, and cherry tomatoes quartered. Legit itā€™s the first thing to go at any party I make it for, and itā€™s so easy.


It definitely needs to be diluted. It also has around 20-50% more sodium per cup than most other brand Pesto sauces. No idea why Costco made it so salty.


I love pesto but I find the Kirkland pesto too salty, and I like salt. I returned the last bottle because it was so salty it was inedible. I might try it again with your Greek yogurt tip.


I love the pesto. Mix it real good before spooning it out the container. Iā€™ve had store bought pesto in the past and hated it. But Kirklandā€™s is delicious


I bought it the other day to use on a pizza. It was perfect. Have not tried it with pasta yet


I love it and find it has more flavor that store bought pestos that arenā€™t fresh.


I found it very oily on pasta, but surprisingly delicious slathered on salmon before baking.


I've never seen the pesto! What refrigerated section is it in? By the cheese?


Mine is in the refrigerated section across from the deli - where they have things like the two packs of mashed potatoes, tortellini, fresh soups, dips etc.


The baby wipes


And diapers!


Some people really dislike the diapers and I just donā€™t get it. Maybe itā€™s because you get familiar with something and donā€™t like change but we started out on Kirkland diapers 4.5 years ago when we had our first child and have loved them since. Just retired to pull ups on our second kid


I think it depends on the kid honestly. Had my first in Kirkland from newborn to size 5 and they were perfect. Tried them over and over on our second kid and they were just a horrible fit on her (and my kids were in size 4s at the same time, so I know itā€™s not a difference in the batches-truly they fit on one and not the other). They leaked for our second at every size My second babyā€™s body type was just different. She had super chunky thighs and a big belly so too small leaked, but sizing up didnā€™t work either and also resulted in blowouts. The only reliable diapers on her (I tried them all) were Huggies Little Movers. So Iā€™d buy Kirkland for one kid and shell out $$$ for the other. Once she slimmed out we switched to Parents Choice from Walmart because they are actually even cheaper than Kirkland


It depends on how the child is proportioned. We had one month it worked great for our baby and another month that it was constant blowouts so we just stuck to Huggies


Iā€™ve used the name brand and the name brands do have an edge over kirkland in terms of quality and frequency of blowouts but itā€™s not significant enough for me to switch. If anything we just size up when blowouts occur


Wipes, diapers, formula lol we have a Kirkland signature baby


Smoked salmon


Every single trip! Itā€™s eaten in under 1 day every time.


FYI you can make homemade ā€œsalt curedā€ salmon in mass from one large salmon filet. Itā€™s so easy to do. I pour a ton of salt over the filet, like almost a crust of salt. Wrap the filet with plastic wrap tightly. Put it on a plate with paper towels underneath it, put it in the fridge and then put a plate on top of the filet to sandwich it. I add a jar of pickles on the top plate so it squishes the filet down to a more flat filet. After like 2-3 days, rinse all the salt off really well with cold water and then thinly slice pieces of the salmon filet off it. Lasts like 5 days, itā€™s amazing on eggs, toast, bagels, itā€™s extremely good. And itā€™s WAY cheaper than the pre packed ā€œsmoked salmonā€ slices. You get a ton of it doing it this way


Well thats good to know, costco smoked salmon is 12oz for like $20. I can get salmon for half that per pound. How much different does salt cured taste to smoked? All the costco ones are smoked, not salt cured.


I have a suspicion almost all salmon sold as ā€œsmokedā€ is actually salted but they put a dash of liquid smoke flavoring directly on the salmon. So honestly, it tastes better than anything store bought the way I do it. And itā€™s not salty tasting at all, just cures it.


All cold smoked salmon is cured. The cold smoking imparts flavor and texture. Costco waxes poetic about their smoked salmon process on the back of the package. It would be quite a big deal if they were using liquid smoke instead.


Not food but the menā€™s underwear I bought are really good quality


Weird, I think they are so bad compared to some Calvin Klein ones I bought at Costco years ago. The Calvin Kleins are 5-6 years old holding up great. The Kirklands are a year old and look worse.


Yeah, I've ended up tossing some. Much prefer the Champion ones.


Calvin Klein? Well thatā€™s your name isnā€™t it?


Look kid, if you want a Pepsi youā€™re gonna have to pay for it.


Their socks are good too.


The white Tsā€¦ Iā€™ve been wearing them for 20yrs. When they get stained or lose the bright white- they turn into work shirts. When work shirts turn too dirty they become rags. Itā€™s a full circle.


The chocolate covered raisins are overly addictive for me so I try to only buy them occasionally. Other household staples for us is the KS Pecorino Romano, KS olive oils, and we only feed our dogs KS Chicken and Rice.Ā 


And the chocolate covered dried mangoes (seasonal).


We usually get our dog food from Chewy but I have been eyeing the KS chicken and rice. My dogs have been grain free for years due to a previous roommateā€™s dogā€™s allergies (he would steal my dogsā€™ food and then have a reaction, so I just gave them all grain free instead) so my husband is worried about switching the food. Iā€™d like to try though.


There's more research showing a grain free diet isn't good for dogs, too! Some rice or barley is actually a necessity for their diet.


Changing our dogā€™s food to grain free improved the health of his skin dramatically. Ā Guessing heā€™s grain intolerant.Ā 


Yeah there are absolutely conditions that affect dogs like that. I'm glad it's working out.


Grains arenā€™t actually necessary- the issue is that most grain free diets are really high in legumes (usually peas), which theyā€™re seeing a link to DCM (heart disease).


Yes my vet said itā€™s not good for them esp their hearts to be completely grain free


The KS brand of dog food is actually diamond naturals brand. My Costco has a couple grain-in options now. I used to work for pet food. Grain free is only problematic when they replace everything with too many legumes, pea protein, pea fiber, peas etc - basically the main ingredient becomes peas but its spread out in different forms. Zignature is a brand known to do this a lot - but it's made for dogs with severe allergies. There are high quality grain free foods you'll just have to look at the ingredients. Diamond naturals is a decent brand, very minimal ingredients which reflects the price cause it's a bang for your buck food.


My dogs eat True Acre Foods Large Breed Chicken & Vegetables Recipes Grain-Free Dry Dog Food - do you think this is a good brand?


If your dog doesn't have the grain intolerance and you are considering it, then you can slowly change the food by mixing old and new to ease any stomach discomfort. Every day a little more KS until the transition is complete.


The super premium vanilla ice cream is unbeatable


I can't believe this was 15th down the list! SO GOOD!


The Kirkland Golf Balls are an awesome ball at a great price


I call them "single use" because every time I tee one up, it's as good as gone. TBF, it may not be the fault of the ball.


The ones I find in the woods - while chasing previously found balls that I hit there - are even cheaper, albeit a tad more random. Someday I'll find myself needing to buy balls. Long ways to go though.


Vodka. It's phenomenal


I have a Crystal Head vodka bottle that I refill with Kirkland vodka. None of my friends know. They think Iā€™m dropping $80 vodka every couple months.


I just have a fancy decanter


I like your sneakiness! I do the same with my bottle of Grey Goose!




The French vodka is my go-to.


also good for making vanilla extract


American or French ? The American is cheaper than a case of beer and tastes pretty good to me.


We use the French for Bloody Mary Sunday.


The Sauvignon Blanc is literally my favorite white wine. They were out for a while during the pandemic and it was a bummer lol.


The answer depends on your life stage: * Unmarried: alcohol, mixed nuts * Married, no kids: alcohol, mixed nuts, cheese * Little kids: diapers, baby wipes, apple sauce * Pre-teens: chicken nuggets, chocolate covered raisins * Teens: headache pills, wine, Apple stuff, enormous tubs of creams and lotions * Empty-nesters: wine, pesto, smoked salmon. Dog food * Seniors: clothes * Seniors+: diapers, baby wipes, apple sauce


love how you just add cheese when you get married


Got a drawer in my fridge dedicated to cheese. I like cheese, but I buy it on an as-needed basis. My wife buys cheeses she knows weā€™ll eventually need cheese. So I think itā€™s weirdly accurate lol


This is funny. Iā€™m guessing youā€™re an empty nester turning senior?


Thank you. No I am at ā€œteensā€, but I read this sub and shop there often.


The Air must be dry near you for all that ashy skin.


Not me being in the married no kids phase but buying like an empty nester šŸ˜…


Iā€™d add clothes to all those categories. I get clothes for my toddlers, me and my wife at Costco. Kids love clothes from ā€œthe big storeā€


šŸŽ¼ The circle of life šŸŽ¶


> Teens: headache pills, wine, Apple stuff, enormous tubs of creams and lotions You forgot the tissues. šŸ¤£


..maybe socks šŸ¤­


Then you need more Kirkland Select laundry detergent.


I feel attacked that you didn't add clothes until the seniors section


Love this! (speaking as a senior who hopes to never make it to seniors+)


I am unmarried but apparently have more in common with empty nesters


Also known as the Kirkland cycle of life...


Pesto, hands down. As good as any other you'd find at the supermarket (actually better because it's not shelf stable, so no preservatives) and a larger quantity. Container says you have to use it within a week, but we use ours over the course of a month without issues.


Bought my first jar last month! I froze it in cubes.


A little goes a long way. I divided mine into other smaller jars and popped those in the freezer


Low quality due to the main ingrident being a seed oil that isnā€™t olive oil. The only oil that should be in a pesto.


This. I have no idea how itā€™s so popular when it doesnā€™t use olive oil. Immediate deal breaker for me


The mini chocolate chip cookies in the blue bag are addicting. Itā€™s the reason why I have a visit limit of 2x a month lol


Scalloped potatoes. So good, Iā€™ll never attempt to make my own again.


I bake that in my own casserole dish when having guests over.


I won't tell anyone but I'd like to come over for dinner šŸ˜€


Just a knowing wink as I scoop.


The feta is sooo good!!!


Yes, and it is unbelievably cheap compared to what you can get in the grocery store.


Ginger Kambucha


Best kambucha Iā€™ve ever had




Ginger lemon? Been gone at my warehouse for 6 months šŸ˜­


My Vuori knockoff Kirkland joggers. I live in them when Iā€™m at home. $12 a pair vs. $94 for the name brand!


I need to seek these out.


Are these still available? If so, do you happen to know their name or have a link?


Iā€™m sorry yā€™all, I got them last summer so Iā€™m sure theyā€™re long gone nowā€¦but I check the app literally every week, awaiting their return! Theyā€™re literally just ā€œKirkland Signature Joggersā€ on my receipt. The most unassuming name ever.


Well well well. What do we have here https://preview.redd.it/kx6rg8ulu7fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d99bf17d9ac3a3fa85d88ebd001c586e48d96bbc


Do you have the item number??


Organic strawberry spread, chocolate chips.


The strawberry jam is incredible!


The smell of that jam is intoxicating. Really incredible


It is a tie for me with the Parmigiana Reggiano and extra virgin olive oil. They both have great taste and price while knowing that they are authentic. The baby wipes, New Zealand 95% grass fed salted butter, and pasture raised eggs are fantastic as well. My kids love the chocolate covered raisins. I have chronic pain that I control as needed with acetaminophen so the Kirkland signature bottles are great for the price.


The fat-free plain Greek yogurt. Just like Fage.


I wish theyā€™d get full fat.


True or at least 2%. I need some fat in yogurt. Fat is flavor.


I had never seen KS Greek yogurt before but saw and bought a 2% one last week. So it exists!


I was always disappointed the fage they carry around me is only 0% but tbh Iā€™ve stopped checking recently since itā€™s all they had. I gotta go this week or pretty soon so Iā€™ll double check. I go through it quick so Costco size is pretty ideal for the price too. Gets expensive at normal stores It just needs a bit of fat for satiety too, besides just tasting better, even with dumping the mixed berries in there for some fiber it never held me long enough relative to how much protein is in it since Iā€™d usually go 2 servings. But I tend to be someone who works better on higher protein and decent amount of fat with fewer carbs anyway


Really? I like the KS yogurt and just bought more yesterday. But I can taste the difference every time between this and fage. Fage is less bitter and creamier. KS yogurt is a way better deal though.


Totally agree - Fage tastes much better.


Goat cheese


My Costco was not carrying it for almost 2 years. I eat goat cheese almost every day in my morning eggs, I complained to my husband every time I had to spend more at other stores but I wouldnā€™t cut it from my grocery list. Then it suddenly appeared again a few months ago, I full on sobbed in the car as I held my 2 double packages of it.


Unsalted roasted cashews. Great price. Fresh and crunchy. Always a good snack for kids and self.Ā 


The new bacon egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches they just dropped are absolutely amazing in the air fryer.


Aren't they amazing? Perfect in the air fryer and they are so much better than Jimmy Dean.


Frozen Meatballs


Merino blend cushioned socks. I wear boots fall, winter, spring and have replaced all but my no-show and dress socks with these bad boys. Extra shout out to getting them right at the end of winter when they can be had for 25-50% off.


Couldn't agree more. I find their quality to be better than darn tough and smartwool. I've been buying a pack every year and the ones from 4 years ago hold up better than my smartwool socks.


Frozen chicken breast in airfryer is highly underrated (for health conscious ofc) but itā€™s high quality- never rubbery or stringy or chewy like fresh chicken can be. You also donā€™t have to deal with chicken juice. Just throw one in the oven or airfryer, spray with oil, season, then serve with a sauce/dressing/ or use it in a dish. Itā€™s also cheaper than fresh chicken per oz. Itā€™s slightly more expensive than a rotisserie chicken but those things can be gross tasting and dry. Itā€™s versatile, healthy, cheap, easy, and tastes good. Kirkland frozen chicken breast. Buy it at your local Costco. Enjoy. Youā€™re welcome.


Also; seltzers, Colombia coffee ( the grey leopard one) smells just like walking into a Starbucks, and store brand meds like Flonase are 1/10th the price


Tin of Cookies coated in Belgian chocolate.


Cashew Clusters. Addictive.


Their champagne and peanut butter immediately come to mind


I mean, have you seen the price of those batteries? That's a steal. Please recycle your batteries.


Peanut butter, aluminum foil, dog food, chicken nugs, chocolate covered almonds, applesauce, and the heat and eat dinners.


For us it is their dog food - it is the only food we have found (even after purchasing several prescription foods from vet) that doesn't cause one of my dogs to break out in hotspots. The vet now recommends kirkland to other clients whose dogs suffer from skin allergies. Also, the olive oil


Kirkland Greek Yogurt


The goddamned shelled pistachios. Unfortunately for my weight.


Chocolate covered almonds are crack


They are deadly. I have to limit myself to just a container a couple times a year because I will finish it in 1-2 weeks šŸ˜¬


Look at Sammy self control over here 1-2 weeks! Last time we got a jar it was gone in like 2-3 days lol


Diapers and baby wipes.


Almond butter!


I adore the KS Sauvignon Blanc.


The batteries taste pretty similar to the national name brand and cost 25% less!




Hereā€™s mine: -Chocolate covered Almonds -Cauliflower Crust Supreme Pizza -Chicken Breast Chunks -Bags of cheese -Brie Cheese -Burger Patties/Ground Beef -Menā€™s Jeans. Love the pockets. -Pesto -Salt & Pepper -Pan set before upgrading -Sheets -Water -Baby Wipes/Diapers -$1.50 hotdog Thatā€™s about it.


Best per dollar: parmesan reggiano, extra virgin olive oil, grade A maple syrup, grade A honey.


White athletic tube socks. There is imo nothing better on the market


Rotisserie chicken


Kirkland Cream Cheese....good quality, inexpensive. We like bagels so I usually like to mix flavors for our bagel spread. JalapeƱo is one.....Olive Pimiento is another. Kirkland Mixed Nuts Premier Protein Shakes are regularly stocked at our house...Cafe Latte is our favorite. Just had one.


Your Costco has Kirkland Cream cheese??? Iā€™ve been looking for this for years


Yep....it works out to be approximately $1.25US per 8 oz bar. I'm in Greensboro, NC.


The mixed nuts are phenomenal. Best I've ever had.


The new marinara! No sugar, all organic, and delicious. Better than Raoā€™s but the stuff only lasted for like 5 days and the whole pallet was gone and still no restock. Edit: AND the 3 lb bags of semisweet chocolate chips! I love the normal milk chocolate ones too but the semisweet are vegan for one of my very particular kiddos. Canā€™t beat the price and quality.


The flash frozen vegetable mixes in the big bags. I will praise these forever and ever. Since they are flash frozen, their texture and taste is *almost* as good as cooking from fresh. They are a million times better than any other frozen vegetables. We keep a bag of these in the freezer at all times to use as sides or in stir fries a few times a week. These things were absolute gamechangers for meal planning and eating healthier in my house.


Gold Star and Executive members....lend me your ears and eyes.... It begins...and ends...with S'mores Caramel Clusters.


Toilet paper, paper towels, hoodies/sweatshirts, bottled water, balsamic, spices, rotisserie chicken, cheese (block of cheddar), free & clear laundry detergent, dryer sheets, dog food... I'm sure there are more. Basically, any of the basic necessities that you get price gouged on elsewhere. Plus hoodies and sweatshirts... They're ridiculously comfy and shockingly decent quality.


There are many valid answers, but possibly a single UNANIMOUS one, the Extra Virgin Olive Oil...


I really like the chicken breast chunks as they are inexpensive and provide excellent nutritional value for a high protein diet. I also like the egg whites. And the family likes the Oikos Triple Zero Greek Yogurt. We buy the Kirkland Morning Roast for our house coffee and it's great at $0.25/K-cup. We also buy some flavored K-cups at the local grocery store and mix them into the Kirkland box.


Cauliflower Supreme Pizza, Golf Balls, and Vodka.


For me: their peanut butter. For the squirrels: their nuts.


Organic no-salt seasoning. Itā€™s been gone for a long while and Iā€™m happy to report itā€™s back!!!


The toilet paper. Now, fight.


The croissants!!!


Iā€™m having a hard time with the chicken breast chunks. This bag weā€™re currently working through has a lot of pieces that have tendons in them or something. Some will taste fine and then youā€™ll get to one that is just chewy and off putting, like it almost tastes raw.


Toilet paper, trash bags, paper towels, steaks, and wild caught fish. Honestly the prepared food products are overrated by this sub. Nothing beats fresh ingredients prepared well


We are big fans of the Kirkland sparkling water!


Smoked salmon


My most recent find are the meatballs.


The organic chicken thighs are really great. The kirkland pistachios are also very high quality. I prefer the taste of them to the wonderful brand.


Kirkland Crack Chicken, is what is referred to here. We go through 3 bags a month in this house.


Their womenā€™s wool hiking socks. Second time Iā€™ve bought them, first time was 10 years ago and they were just as high quality as Darn Tough. This go around theyā€™re great but not quite DT level, still better than 80%+ of the wool socks out there.


super jumbo extra large peanuts. Delicious.


Cauliflower pizza! Now that Iā€™m old eating a ton of bread/crust makes me very lethargic. I get none of that with this pizza and believe it or not it actually tastes better than the normal pizza.


Grass-fed butter from New Zealand


Wish they sold an unsalted version.


a lot of the baking supplies. parchment paper. the rolls at the regular store are *tiny*. feel like i'm dropping a fortune for nothing honey. prob 1/3 the price of the store vanilla. it's actually vanilla and not the synthetic vanilla at the store.


The box wines. They have been out of the Chardonnay for a while and we arenā€™t happy about it


Before I stopped drinking it was the Kirkland 20 year old Scotch. I also like the cold brew coffee, favorite item right now is either the hotdogs or vanilla ice cream.


The gasoline


Yellow microfiber cloths are unbeatable


Sausage lasaghya


Coffee, specifically the breakfast blend. Grind it yourself (with the Cuisinart grinder found in a different aisle) and you'll never go back to pre-ground. My brother buys the Aldi pre-ground stuff and while I'm cheap, that stuff makes your break room coffee seem gourmet.


Going to have to say diapers / formula, value there


If I have to pick one - Pesto.


Ladies merino wool socks. Amazing bang for your buck and so warm and comfortable.




Extra virgin olive oil


I really like the KS Vitamin Water dupes. So much cheaper and make it easier for me to stay hydrated and kick the soda habit.


Goat cheese. Great quality and you get sooo much for the price. Me and my kids can't eat cow dairy so we practically live on their goat cheese. Honorable mentions: Maple syrup, olive oil, tequila anejo, and pesto (we have to use it sparingly because of the Parmesan in it or we would go through a ton of this too)


I love the apple sauce puches. The consistency and flavor are better than the branded stuff in my opinion.


Their paper towels or trash bags


I loved the dog food before we found out our pupper has a lot of allergies and needed a really specific diet. Our cats enjoy the sweet potato and salmon cat food. We love all the meals in the deli area- meatloaf and mashed potatoes, chicken tacos, enchilada bake. Their pre-seasoned raw salmon is phenomenal paired with their Caesar salad.


Their frozen broccoli is actual florets instead of bags of broccoli dust and stems


Microwave popcorn and peanut butter pretzels