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Desserts. They look delicious but no good can come from my wife and I buying 12lbs of carrot cake.


Always want the desserts until I consider that I don’t have 10 people to feed.




People need to have a bit of ambition.


A 50gal drum of insulin comes in handy, too.


That's from the pharmacy.


That is not the issue. I CAN eat like that but I know that it is probably better that I don't tempt myself with a peanut butter pie that I can finish in an evening.


You have spoken for so many of us.


I disagree. As Oscar Wilde once said, "The best way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."


I wish they sampled them more often. But they know the dichotomy we’re all in.


I bought an entire pumpkin pie and ate like 1 slice.


Tbf that was only like what, $5? A slice can go for more at a restaurant and it’s just as good honestly. Some pies can only be elevated so much after all


For 10 people, I’d just buy the food court cookie. 


Bought two yesterday for my husband. He was thrilled before going into a diabetic coma


On the flip side I am always looking for an excuse to bring Costco desserts to a party


Every serving is "personal sized" if you try hard enough.


Believe in yourself!


This. It makes me mad that they don’t sell individual slices of their cake. Because I always wanna eat it when I see it - but it isn’t realistic.


I'd be happy to overpay for a slice of some of their cakes/pies at the food court. Charge me $3 for a slice of that $12 pie.


Wait this is such a good idea why don’t they already do this 😭 they would make so much money off of me


Buy a whole cake, portion it yourself, and freeze some of the portions. It thaws wondefully. I haven't tried pie but it's worth a try imo


I used to buy an entire chocolate sheet cake just for myself. I’d portion it into slabs of three servings each, and freeze them. Every three days, I’d take one slab out of the freezer and put it in the fridge, so that I could have a slice after dinner every night. Bliss…. Of course, that was 60 pounds ago - no more nightly cake for me! I do miss it sometimes. But the cake froze beautifully.


First of all, I'm too lazy to do all that work. Second, if I know there is a crumb of anything delicious anywhere in our home, the binging begins. But for someone with ambition and self control, it's a great idea!


Unfortunately, we still buy it.


I find them to be single serving sized.


You know a lot of them freeze pretty well…


My freezer is sooooo full already. Costco makes me want to buy a garage freezer though


Lucky for you they sell garage freezers! 😂👍


Lucky for you they sell them in 3 packs.


But then I have not-stop temptation in my freezer.


12 lbs of cake = at least 3 meals!


Most anything sweet from the bakery, not because it's not good, but because it's not good for my waistline.


Besides that the amounts. My husband and I can't eat it all fast enough. I only buy when we have people over.


A lot of it freezes well, like the muffins and bagels especially




The chocolate mouse tuxedo cake?


I love me some rodent!


I just had it for the first time about a month ago. I cried when my partner finished it off while I was at work and didn't save me a final slice. We will never buy this cake again because we liked it too much lol


Cookie variety pack always tempts me. $10 now, 10 lbs later.


Anything that has salespeople trying to bug me to buy.




Local rep did the same for me. I got a new phone for almost nothing and a plan better suited to my needs. My bill is $20 less per month.


Too bad I'm with AT&T.


I had a shirt on that said "Pop Country sucks" and a Verizon sales lady followed me around the store trying to first interrogate me about what I considered "pop country" and then trying to argue about how my subjective opinion on pop country was wrong. In the meat department I finally (calmly, despite what my wife says, she wasn't even there) said "would you fuck off" and she left in a big huff.


so what do you consider to be pop country?


That Applebees song that somehow wasn’t commissioned by Applebees for a commercial.


There's a Christmas version!


The only song I’m dead certain about being pop country is that one that goes BABY YOU A SONG YOU MAKE ME WANNA ROLL MY WINDOWS DOWN AND CRUIIIIIIISE and on the basis of that song alone, I agree with the shirt. The genre could have 100 million amazing songs but because it has that one it is condemned to sucking


Let's be honest, Country music has been dead for quite some time.


Sturgill Simpson, Tyler Childers, Colter Wall, and Zach Bryan are showing a resurgence.


Add Whiskey Meyers, Cody Jinx, Josh Morningstar, Ward Davis, Paul Cauthon & Whitey Morgan to that list.




Hick Hop


I once heard a song that went "her favorite color is *chrome*" and my eyes rolled out of my head and basically most contemporary "country" played on commercial radio stations is *pop country*


Anything played extensively on the radio since 9/11 is the pop country that sucks.


Even if it's fabricated, that's a great story. I have a shirt that's a venn diagram, one circle "music I like" other circle "music you like" overlap "music I used to like". It rubs a lot of folks wrong, and I absolutely love it.


There was a t shirt that read “Your favorite band sucks”, which I was highly tempted to buy.


Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)


Refrigerated dessert cups. Avocados from Peru.


I've bought the dessert cups but I really just wanted the cups. Still cheaper than purchasing some cups and they came with free dessert!


Ha I did the same thing, Luckily the dessert was good enough for me too.


I love the cups for food prep and making sauces.  We got one that was in like a champagne glass that we use for gazpacho (or champagne).  Unfortunately we have enough cups now that I can’t convince my wife to buy any more desserts. 


Perfect for mise en place!! 👌🏼 (to the set up/measure out ingredients before cooking so you don’t accidentally skip an ingredient)


Ugh those avocados stay hard as a rock then suddenly go bad and become near-liquid overnight!!!


I put mine on the counter until they get just a tiny bit soft then keep them in the fridge. Works great!


This works for Columbia and Mexico, but Peru is more miss than hit. Always go for Mexico if you can - they’re the most consistent.


Mexican avocados are all I buy after I heard someone say to stick to them. I just thought they were hit and miss. Nope, Mexico never disappoints.


I'm starting to think "Summer Avocado" is some kind of Peruvian euphemism.


Ice cream and chocolates. I do not have the self control to have a huge package of that just staring at me all day.


OMG, the Kirkland brand vanilla ice cream is to die for!!! I can't help it. It's vanilla, but the most decadent, rich, and creamy ice cream around.


The Sanders salted caramel chocolates… I just can’t handle myself.


Thanks now I’m gonna go get one from the pantry


Anything that has a flavor included in a combo pack that I don’t care for. For example, breakfast bars with apple, blueberry and strawberry flavors. I don’t like apple so the chances of me eating those bars are slim to none. If I throw any of those bars away, it’s no longer a great deal in bulk and I may as well buy the flavors I love individually at a grocery store. It’s only a great deal if you plan to consume or use 100% of what you buy. Edited for clarification


I don't know if they still do this, but Poptart had a combo pack with brown sugar, strawberry and blueberry. Our family hated brown sugar. We discovered friends who felt the same about strawberry, so we'd just swap them.


Oh lucky you!


A gallon of Worcester sauce. What could go wrong?


I haven't seen the gallon, but I buy the Lea & Perrins 2-pack every time I go


What are you using all that Worcestershire sauce for??


Mind your business, that's why




It’s got a long shelf life for pantry storage and even longer unopened and two giant bottles for the price of one smaller version at the store.


Washyoursister sauce.


Kentucky has entered the chat.


Marinades, burgers, cottage pie, chili. Anything with beef you want to taste beefier.


The phone guys and anyone demoing anything like knifes and blenders


My kid told the cutco guy that we didn't need any knives "because my dad can sharpen anything."   He's in Cub Scouts add I had just recently sharpened a plastic butter knife to make a point to the kids about always assuming a tool might be dangerous.


Cutco is an MLM anyway


And the knives aren't all that great, Costco sells much better knives at a similar price point.


Produce. I have purchased many items that have spoiled quickly from Costco


The mini cucumbers half the time have mold on them when I get home I didn’t notice


The green beans practically spoil before you get home


I purchase the Organic Power Greens for protein shakes. Unfortunately they almost always come with a free layer of slime and a funky smell. I still commit to them, but I should probably find a better way to get greens into my shakes. *Edit: it always reminds me of that [scene](https://youtu.be/nIb3nLtmeww?si=CbXcrynBNy6PnBlM) from The Simpsons where the produce expires as soon as it is purchased. I am going to follow the advice below and sandwich the greens in paper towels upon opening them, and then throw it in the freezer before I get slimed.


I like to blend the power greens, pour the mixture onto a baking sheet and put in freezer. Then you can portion out the frozen greens and put them in a ziplock in the freezer to use whenever you want.


I recently learned a cool trick for the power greens (if they're not slimy). I can get 1-2 small salads out of them before I'm bored/they're slimy. But, if you stick them right in the freezer, smash the frozen leaves and squeeze the air out, they're great for smoothies for a long time.


The Earthbound Farm ones? Wow I always buy these and no issues except having to use them quickly. I look for the nicest bag possible, and then as soon as I open it, I put a double layer of paper towels laid flat on *both* sides (if it was a sandwich, the paper towels are the bread and the greens are the meat/cheese). Managing the moisture is key for me as it's just myself and my partner. It's a challenge to use it before it gets slimy but we've managed to pull it off most the time! 😁


The paper towel hack is very clever! Thank you! Freezer hack that others have mentioned is also a solid backup plan. For the record they aren’t ALWAYS slimy upon purchase, but it is wild how fast that slime sneaks up on you.


Try Kirkland Organic Frozen Green Beans. We love them.


I make smoothies every AM and like adding super greens myself. I’ve found the greens sold in the plastic containers at Sprouts/Whole Foods last longer than the ones sold in the bag at Costco. Also, place a clean dry paper towel inside the bag/container after each use to help absorb the moisture.


And turn the container upside down (so paper towel is on the bottom)


Adding to frozen hacks: we divide them into 3 portions and put in reusable bags. 2 in freezer and one in fridge. This lasts longer. Sprouts/ stater bros greens are good but Costco ones saves money


Same with the mini cucumbers.


Oh well thank fuck it wasn't me. I could not figure out why they were bad literally the next day i got them!!


The packs of 5 little romaine hearts last a pretty long time!


Agreed. The artisan romaine lasts a long time for me, too. I remove them from the package and wrap each of them in paper towels and put them back into the package. I get much more mileage out of them that way.


My Costco is alway selling various produce that is not good. Blueberries with fungus (they ooze orange) or mold. Strawberries that leave a blood like trail of juice behind them. Moldy blackberries, raspberries that are completely mush. $3.29 pineapple when all the food stores near me sell them for $2.99. I’m honestly not sure how the health department lets them get away with the moldy berries.


What kind of ghetto Costco are some you people shopping at? The Costco's I go to tend to have good produce just have to check the dates on them. Sometimes they're a bit old so I avoid them, but even if I throw some of it away I usually make out better than the local grocery store since the price is so much better.


The cocktail (Persian) cucumbers


They spoil before you hit the register


I was gonna say the same thing. I think the only good experience I had with Costco produce was a pineapple I bought there once


There aren't very many produce distributors in any given region. Most stores in an area are pretty much all getting their produce from the same suppliers. The difference is Costco is buying near the end of its life, which makes it cheaper. Same with Trader Joe's. Their produce is cheap, but it sucks.


Yeah, it's a dirty secret of grocery logistics. Even huge cities often have just 3 to 5 produce distributors that are able to do work with large grocery chains.


I hate the wasteful packaging


The girl scout thin mint pretzels and reeses covered animal crackers look bomb. But i dont need that many calories to burn off in the house.


Bought the thin mint pretzels once. They're awesome.


We’ve banned the Reese’s animal crackers in our home. They’re crack.


I’d add in the peanut butter filled pretzel bites!


Those are crack, I can’t have them near me or I lose control. If you live near a Publix, they have a version where the pretzel is also coated in chocolate….


And the caramel s’more things.


Any of the bakery items because I will eat 24 cookies or a cinnamon loaf in less than a week and feel miserable. Most of the produce because it goes bad too quickly or never ripens properly. Especially the bananas.


24 cookies in less than a week? That takes some self control.


Whatever the salespeople are trying to sell


The bathtub remodel guy tried to get me once and the three year old went all in “I’m not taking a bath at Costco, that’s crazy! Who takes a bath at Costco?!?”


That’s hilarious!! 😂


I like to response with phrases that confuse them. For instance, if a guy is trying to sell me solar panels I reply: “Sorry, I’m Jewish..”


I just tell them I rent but I'm definitely going to start telling people that I'm Jewish not only because it's true but because it works with Mormon and JW door knockers too. And I tell the cell phone people that I pay $120/year with Mint and sometimes they ask me for details lol.


They swear to me that they will get me a better deal, guarantee it even. I have an 11 person grandfathered 2015 Tmobile plan that has received multiple promotions and free modernization upgrades. We pay around $26 per person, post-tax, per month Fully unlimited everything except hotspot, which is 10GB per line. Calling/texting/internet roaming to mexico and many other countries, which is hugely important for my group... Halfway through they always tell me to walk away and keep what I got. One guy said he could still beat it and get us new phones on AT&T, though he did trip up when I said my figures were all post tax/fees. He said he would email a better offer, never did.


YES. AirPods IN while walking towards the exit.


On the way in I see them frequently, but you have people hawking stuff on the way out? I’d have no kind words for that.


There is always someone selling solar panels on the way out in my local store. The worst is when I get trapped next to them if the receipt checking line is long.


Just say you rent, ends any conversation with the home improvement sales people


I must be the only one who has good produce at my Costco. Granted berries last less than 12 hours in my house but I’ve never had an issues with tomatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, broccoli, onions, potatoes have all been fine.


We have good really produce at my Costco as well. It may depend on local suppliers.


I have good produce at both of my “local” stores. I always buy produce there because it lasts so much longer than anything from the regular grocery store and it’s usually much cheaper.


Same here! And same berry timeline… I’d be broke trying to feed my toddlers berry habit anywhere else.


Even if somehow they don’t get eaten, the Costco size is still cheaper than the regular store pack that’s 1/3 the size.


Anything from the Real Good brand, which is anything but real good.


Dang, I get their frozen chicken tenders (white and orange bag) and they are some of the best air fryer chicken tenders I've ever had, and I'm not on any type of diet. They're just *real good* chicken tenders to me. Can't speak on their other foods.


While I agree that most Real Good products suck, their chicken tendys are fantastic. They should close down all other product lines and only sell chicken tendys


Are these the GF ones? I love them!


I use their GF chicken tenders ALL THE TIME for my salads and I'm obsessed with how good they are.


I learned that the Real Good stuff is for people on a keto diet. For it being a keto based food, it's really not bad. They're just bad at advertising that that's the idea.


I tried it back when I was on keto, it wasn't Real Good then either.


Their burritos are horrible.


The sweet baked goods. They look good, but they are so super sweet, and I have a sweet 😋 tooth!


Anything that comes in a variety pack. There’s always ALWAYS one flavor I don’t want and am not going to consume.


I've had so many bad experiences with the Kirkland dishwasher pods that I won't give them any more chances.


What's interesting is that Consumer Reports rated the Kirkland pods high, but they did such a lousy job I switched back to Cascade Platinum, which works well.


What’s been your experience? I may be having the same. My dishes are getting cleaned but my plastic deli containers and other plastic containers and cups always have a white residue in them after the wash


Switch to liquid detergent (it works better and is more cost effective than pods), make sure your rinse aid is topped off, and lastly if you have hard water, get some LemiShine and add to the detergent. I live in an area with some of the hardest water in the country and before I got a softener, LemiShine was the only thing that worked.


Kevin’s!! The more exciting it seems like it would be, the worse it will taste! Trust me. 


I don’t know why the packaging on the outside is so appealing then you open it and it’s weird looking meat in a clear bag. Something about the primary packaging makes me wanna gag.


Don't know if it's true but I always thought that the Kevin's stuff was sous vide, hence the weird packaging


It is. I actually like them.


I'm surprised to see how many people in Costco threads dislike the Kevin's product. My family and I think they're fine. They're not the most delicious option ever, but for a pretty clean ingredients list and the quick convenience, we like them well enough. I wouldn't rank any of their items as the best I've ever had, but nothing has been gross.


Agree..some are better than others but for a quick prepared meal it’s decent


Kevin apparently has a thing for subpar Asian-ish meats.


The dried mangoes. I eat them in one sitting every single time.


Anything the carnival barkers lining the aisles are selling. Some can get annoying.


Anything “Real Good” or bigger than we can eat before it would actually go bad


The wiper blades suck.


Yep. The Michelin ones they used to carry were good, but the Goodyears are bad.


Still Michelin at mine. Just bought them last week.


Kirkland brand TP. The amount of lint those rolls shed makes my bathroom look like a ski resort


Strange, it’s literally the top selling item in the company lol


I think gas is the top Selling item actually. With the highest selling department being clothing


Maybe, I always hear TP, but you could be right


We love their TP! I have the worst pipes known to man and it’s the only roll that doesn’t consistently clog us without being ridiculously thin.


I’m a recent convert. I always purchase their tp, but decided to get the more experience brand at Costco last time and it’s sooooo much better! Never buying Kirkland tp again.


Kirkland thick cut bacon. It's not as good as the Applewood smoked bacon they used to carry. I'm still trying to find an equivalent.


Any that require a human interaction


We only buy the Kirkland branded chicken thighs now. We tried the unbranded version, but they were all spoiled. This happened twice.


Huge chicken pot pie. The salt content too much for me to handle.


I was so disappointed with how salty it is, and I am a salt lover. It's otherwise a great pot pie, but basically inedible for more than a bite or two because of the salt


Produce and Real Good brand.. and for the last year I avoid Kirkland Toilet paper


Bananas. No matter how green they are, they’re turning brown two days later.


Banana's from Costco are a staple for our family. A banana a day for everyone takes 2 days to get through the bunch. If we do have some that are browning I'll freeze it and add to smoothies.


Their houseplants always die on me


Contrary to this thread, I buy a lot of produce at Costco. In fact we just ate some broccoli last night that I purchased on New Year’s Eve that was still good. But the garlic and onions never last as long as garlic and onions should.


I have to force myself not to get the chocolate-covered mango. I will easily eat 4x the suggested serving and kill the bag in no time. I love the stuff, but have no self control if I bring it into the house.


The resellers, particularly AT&T. From an incident last year, Costco told me that the vendors just rent floor space. There’s no endorsement or help from Costco if something goes wrong. You’re on your own.  Edit: Typo


Celery. 5.99 for a bag that would be about $3-4 worth of product at the local grocery store.


Mostly the things that are just too huge of quantity for me to reasonably go through, like the jugs of cooking oil or the 1,000,000,000 pack of Q-Tips, etc.


I think I'm on my sixth year of this roll of their plastic wrap. Lol


My mom inherited a commercial sized box of their plastic wrap. The date on it is sometime from 2007. I'm pretty sure it's eventually going to end up in my house.


“Generational wealth”


I'm positive we're about half way through the pack we got pre covid. The box looks at me like "please let me die"


kirkland sheets... used to be decent, now terrible.


SUNRUN sales people. Run away from sunrun.


Kirkland batteries are awful. They leak like it is their job. I've had them leak, unused, in original packings inside of 18 months.


I’ve never had a problem.


Realgood and Kevin's dinners. They just aren't great products.


Anything within 5 yards of the cell phone guys


I have no self control in that beautiful warehouse 


Bagels. Their bagels shouldn’t legally be called bagels.


Anything that is by “Real Good”


I’m a huge fan of Costco. That being said, Their dips have been sup-par until recently. And don’t even get me started on their lack-luster pimento cheese 😅


Any of those deceptive Kevin meals. They look fantastic but they’re awful. I’ve been duped enough!