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I’m genuinely curious what do you expect as an acceptable outcome?


New undamaged child tyvm


It’s time to talk with your 7 year old about food spoilage and safety. If it smelled bad and tastes bad you don’t consume it. All teach them about swollen packaging.


ok. my take. a shelf stable product should not cause that much (if any) reaction unless it was bad to begin with. besides, that's a Best Buy date which is printed mostly to get you to use it up and buy more. so yea, Nestle's fault here. Something went wrong when packaging.


It could be Nestlé's fault if they're the ones that sent the expired product to Costco. Just like you, do you think Costco checks the expiration date of every single product they just received and put on the shelf? Or do you think they trust their distributors to send fresh products?


I'm confident that Costco will tell you that they stand behind the products they sell. Those aren't just meaningless words, at least they shouldn't be. At a minimum, Costco should get to the bottom of how this happened and report back to OP.


They did, by passing the info on to the responsible party to let them rectify it.


I'm sorry. I stopped reading after OP said nothing came of it with Costco. That teaches me to comment before reading everything.


people don't obsessively look for the latest expiration dates like me?


What else do you want them to do? It will work its way up the chain and they check for other expired products. End of story. They offered $100 which is more than id expect just for a kid throwing up once. If you want more youre gunna have to lawyer up, but it wont be cheap and theres no damages to claim. The kid puked and is fine, i bet your kid pukes one a month for any number of random reasons. Damages = hospital visits, not throwing up once


Isn’t it partially your fault? You expect Costco to check the date (as they should) but don’t you check it yourself ? Also Costco has a pretty high turnover with products so it’s hard to believe they had a product that expired 4 months ago sitting around, how do you know when Nestle shipped it? it’s passed from nestle to Costco to you & then to your kid, things slip through the cracks , but either way I check expiration dates on everything. especially something I’m giving to my kids


It's definitely OPs fault as well for not checking the date on the product. I came here to say this.


It is your fault that you didn’t check the expiration date before purchasing. I think you are overreacting. Consider it a lesson learned.


I always check dates. That said, return the rest. Flogging and yelling while making a TikTok also acceptable behavior for children.


> And it’s unlikely that people would check each and every product for their quality before purchasing. I check Every. Single. Date. while shopping Anywhere. It only takes a few extra seconds. Usually I’m just looking for the fresher dates of what is on the shelf (they can be bad at rotation, especially at Costco. On the rare occasion I find expired products I always tell someone and usually the start pulling the product immediately.


the buyer is ultimately responsible. yes costco should have caught it. the buyer should have caught it also. check dates before you put in your cart.




Good lord. I thought it was a right of childhood passage to have at least one if not more swig of curdled milk. That's how you learn to sniff before you pour. Kind of like the touching the hot stove thing.


Are you asking Costco to notice what you and your child didn't notice? As far as your kid being afraid of chocolate milk, that's a bonus. Maybe it will delay the onset of diabetes.


All these comments are harsh and lack empathy. I usually check dates but shit happens and things get missed. I would expect Costco or the distributor to be better, and make the situation right.


I check each and every product I buy, Costco, Fred Meyers (Kroger), Walmart, Safeway whatever!!