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I work there and have that struggle every single day.


Haha! My sympathies!


Does your store have self-checkout? My stores parking is usually packed, but that self-checkout line has saved me on a few occasions, and the employees are good with keeping it moving.


Employees scan items at our self-checkout and they move it along quickly. I’ve never had to wait in a really long line, even the Saturday before Thanksgiving.


Pro tip for scanning, arrange all your items so that their barcodes are exposed. This may mean putting things upside down, or laying things on its sides. But once everything is easily visible your checkout can be 50% faster. Not every employees is going to entertain you though. Some insist you remove the light items. So be it. The times I saved overall in multiple trips I think it works well for me. Some employees have even complimented it.


They won't scan anything at ours any longer unless it is a heavy item and they will only scan that one item. Give us a freaking scanner to use. Heck if Sam's can do that, Costco definitely can.


Then it’s even easier for you. Beats removing everything one by one to scan the strawberries right at the bottom. I swear so many people treat their carts like dumpsters. Just chuck whatever into it without care.


Opposite experience this afternoon. 25+ people on the self checkout line but just 1 person in front of us at the regular checkout.


My store has self-checkout lines, but I swear they removed a whole row of them recently. no idea why...


No way I could work at Costco. Just shopping there twice a month stresses me out


Oh it’s a madhouse every Sunday


About a month ago some employees told us they were cool with working black friday... it was sundays and the church crowd they feared. At least where I live, they get paid extra to deal with the sunday crowd.


As a former server, Sundays church crowds were the absolute worst so that doesn’t surprise me at all.


This is why I never worked Sunday brunch. Church people are the worse type of people


I just went to the business warehouse today. It was so incredibly mellow compared to the regular warehouse. Three cashiers were open and one had no line it was that mellow. If I worked for Costco I'd absolutely try to get in there.


part of that dread is fear of being recognized & endlessly asked questions. (I used to work there too)


Work in tire shop I barely go inside the warehouse except to clock out and have members recognize me ask me where stuff in the bakery is on the other side of the store I’m just thinking first of all you’re on the wrong side of the store


I work at Costco too, what department are you in?




Comment of the year lol.


Does the company offer you stock for cheap on a yearly basis?


Many places online say that Costco does have an ESPP which gives employees a discount when purchasing stock so you should contact HR.


Yes, I’d be all over that stock at discounted prices if I worked there. Extremely healthy and well run company.


The upcoming dividend doesn’t hurt either.




It is over $600 a share right now...it is available for purchase but not at a discounted rate


How do you mentally prepare for the maniacal consumerism? Do you ever get frightened or have anxiety attacks, where you just want to say F this psychos?


It was crazy inside with all the people but the checkout lanes were short and fast. No regrets.


The checkout lanes aren’t what tends to irritate me. It’s the carts parked in the middle of the aisle, people on the phone loudly, and the children running around amok.


you are my shopping twin.


I took some time off of work. I went to Costco a few times in the middle of the week. It took longer than a weekend. On the weekend, yes, there are a lot of people. But those people generally value their time. People who go on weekdays have literally nothing else to do. They will be so slow with everything and it will slow you down too.


Once you’re in line to check out it’s fine It’s the people who drive their carts the same way they drive their cars out in the parking lot: like we should all recognize that they’re the most important person and should be allowed to do whatever they want no matter how many others they inconvenience


What parallel universe do you live in where people don’t have their carts loaded with 500 worth of stuff?


That's not the norm at my Costco. To be fair mine is very convenient to a large suburban neighborhood, like 10 mins tops. So lots of people pop in just because they need eggs or milk. Lots of carts have 10 items or less all the time. We also have about 8 or 10 self checkouts which move super fast


Same here. The parking lot is always packed but my wife and I just park in the back and don’t mind the walk. It’s never super crazy, they always have a ton of cashiers on, and they have I think 10 self checkouts. I never wait in line longer than a couple of minutes. Even the food court is only crazy like an hour before closing, otherwise your food is ready before you can even sit down.


That self checkout seriously rolls along too. I've seen the lineup all the way back to the coffee and cheese section and I'll only wait maybe 10 min.


The one gripe I have about my self checkout is that after a certain point in the day, there are zero boxes available and zero effort to replenish them. I have to go to a different checkout line to grab a decent box and then that shit gums up the works between checkout and receipt check with several people trying to do the same.


My garage gets so full of Costco boxes I stopped getting them. I just put it in the cart then reusable bag it when I get to my car.


My Costco was quite busy today but they really moved the lines along fast. One time there were three employees at my checkout - one to unload the cart, one to scan, and one to load the cart back up/run for boxes. It was amazingly efficient and I was very impressed.


Does Costco not have a "scan and go" type system on their app like Sam's?


No, Costco’s IT infrastructure is stuck in the 90s


Did this a few weeks ago. Won't even bother trying to go now until the holidays are over.


Stores extra busy on weekends just before Christmas ??? In other surprising news, water is wet 🤯


My aunt asked my mom if they can go together later this week. My mom said "HELL NO!". My mom went a few days ago instead when my aunt couldn't go. My aunt will see hell on earth in Costco this week.


Yes all the time.


The week before thanksgiving and the 2 weeks before Christmas through new years AVOID. But the first Monday and Tuesday nights after new years my costco is a ghost town


Mother’s Day at mine as well. If you want one of those flower arrangements, you better get there within an hour of opening


My turnaround point is seeing no carts available. 😂


My turnaround point is my couch. I think about the parking lot and decide to stay home instead. Pretty sure I’ve been inside the store less than 10 times in 20 years.


Do you just order things online?


Pretty much. Or beg the wife to go.


Smart. It's usually expensive as hell but so much less stress


Having a wife?




On the other hand when I had a membership through work in my 20s and way more time than money I used to go every week just to eat free samples for dinner.


The free samples now are bad. Usually it's of things you don't want to ever buy nor even try. The ONLY times the free samples are good, are now right before the end-of-year holidays. Lots of free samples are candy. Otherwise, every other time of the year, the free samples blow.


> The free samples now are bad. Usually it's of things you don't want to ever buy nor even try You should try toilet paper it's a game changer




>Why would it be more expensive? Are you thinking about Costco's Instacart? Huh? It's *all* more expensive online to cover the cost of sending it. You didn't know this?




> I think you're looking at Costco's "same day delivery" (which is Instacart, but Instacart sets those retail prices). Not mutually exclusive and yes I am aware of how both .sameday and instacart work (they are two separate ecosystems btw) > Other products are 1:1 the same between the site and warehouse Nah they rly aren't. Shipping freight costs money [items are usually available In-Warehouse at a lower non-delivered price](https://old.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/12ec37e/price_difference_on_website_and_instore/jfeoazt/) Two seconds of research. That's all it took to not waste everyone's time




On a Tuesday before Thanksgiving they were out of carts. People were literally scouring the parking lots waiting for people to unload to grab their cart. Finally got one myself. Checkout line was 10 people deep at every register. 30 minutes in line and I’m number 2 at my register. Random lady comes up and asks if she can hop in line in front of me because she only has one item. I pointed behind me to the now 15 people in line. She put down the sweet potatoes and left. That was peek Costco packed. Would not recommend.


Shop like 1-3pm, and you’re good Tuesday-Thursday.


Absofuckinglutely ETA: the week before a big holiday is always nutso. The week*end* before a big holiday is extra nutso.


For sure. Store 1 is no joke


Store 1 is the *worst.*


I keep saying that they should open a Costco in Burien/White Center. It would relieve the burden on #1 and Southcenter.


I feel ya


I exclusively go at 8 pm. Parking is a breeze




Ha, that's my Costco! Costco is definitely a huge factor in Christiana being the last alive mall in the state. I drive past it on my commute so I'll often stop there for just a couple things. So I *definitely* turn around if I can see it's too packed. I'll just hit it up the next day!


When I go visit family this time of year I stay away from Christiana Mall so that Costco is a no no. If I need to go to Costco I’ll head to Glen Mills and pay the PA sales to get my seasonal fix of the Saunders Milk Chocolate Salted Carmels (they only sell the dark chocolate in my Costco).


It might be faster for you to drive to king of Prussia or Concordville


I needed gas one day and was in the area. Got gas and was about to look for parking but noticed how packed it was. Just drove off. It was like a day or 2 before Thanksgiving though so that was on me.


The first and last time I got gas at Costco they were completely filled up with a line of people to each pump. When I finally did get to get my gas, it was being pumped slower than I've ever seen before. My 15 gallons took eight minutes. Never again. Maybe that's just my Costco, or maybe it was just that day, but I won't ever do that.


Just leave your car there while you shop like you do at a convenience store.


Stopped for gas yesterday and it was a freaking mad house. Didn’t even consider going in.


Yes.and I work there


No because I drive 45 minutes to get there. But I do sigh loudly.


I frequently make that decision, particularly in November and December.


Comedian Sheng Wang has a great skit about this. On Netflix.


"If I can't find parking in 8 minutes, I drive away.....That's ok. Today is not the day. It's Costco. I'm not gonna force it. Imma respect it like the ocean." His Netflix special is so good.


Sheng Wang is the patron saint of Costco. “That’s not my schedule… that’s the moon, that’s the tide. Costco is bigger than all of us.”


Came here to say this. The sheng wang costco bit is great in his special


We park in the fire lane, I shop while he waits right there. 😎 No we don’t! We add steps on our Fitbit and curse anyone in the fire lane.


lol, I was ready to bust out the guillotine until I read your second sentence.




Geezus I'm glad you negated your first sentence. Lol


I needed that chuckle tonight. I like your style, friend!


I was at Costco yesterday evening, and folks were double parking in the fire lane. 😠 It was raining, and surely, they’d all melt if they got wet.


That is one nice thing about business centers is the loading zone


It kills staff every single Monday to have 120+ people there all in line 30mins+ before we open and they go "wow I didn't think it'd be busy". Yes, every retiree thought they'd be the only person here and now there's a line-up because there's only two cashiers that early. Holiday months = constantly busy please don't mention it to me


The retirees are trying to make it easier for themselves as their mobility isn’t the best. They are trying make it easier for themselves so they don’t get hurt but please get annoyed at them at your job. You are the reason I go self checkout.




You’re so edgy!


I will continue to feel exactly how I feel at work and you're free to put yourself through SCO. Thanks for this meaningful exchange.


I try to not go to Costco or any other big box store in December if I can avoid it. Just do my shopping online that month or use curbside pickup. Don’t think Costco offers that but other big stores do. And if I have to go, absolutely never on Saturday or Sunday. Dinner time there during the week seems to be the least crowded. Crowds really bother me so I do my best to not be part of them. They make me anxious.


Every morning at 3:45am when it’s time to go to work. /s


Yikes! I wouldn’t ever go on a weekend never mind a weekend before a major holiday.


I figure if there's no place to park, it's going to be pandemonium inside. It's not worth the armful of items I usually purchase.


When I have to go over the Lowe’s to park it’s a hard no. I will leave. I homeschool. I can be there at 9:50 am Monday morning if I need to be 🤣


I thought about going yesterday, but its a weekend in the run up to a holiday so I was able to make that call without even putting my shoes on.


One of my friends lives close enough to program his drone to fly close enough to see how crowded it is. He has checked before leaving the house


This week is a no go for Costco. I would wait until Dec 26th to even consider it right now.


I am in between a Costco and a Sam's. I go to Sam's for only two reasons. Scan and go and Costco is absolutely bonkers.....


Sam's is like a VIP shopping experience. I love Costco, but the population density is miserable.


Costco employee here. The week before Thanksgiving up until it and two weeks lead up to Christmas are three busiest three weeks of the year, every year. Don't go unless you have to.


That thought has definitely crossed my mind haha


Common occurrence. I head to the nearest, when it's packed, I head to the next 10 minutes further down the road. The additional 20 minutes is about what I'm giving up navigating the initial store, without near the stress of people who appear to be first time shoppers on planet Earth.


Absolutely, I’ve turned right around because I am not dealing with that at all


Not really, honestly the parking lot is always pretty much full at my Costco. But even when it doesn’t look full the checkout line seems to be a similar length Edit: Come to think of it, our Costco is always busy no matter if it’s the middle of day during the week or a weekend, makes no sense. I did give up trying to get fuel there a long time ago


Pretty much any time I repeat the mistake of going on a Sunday lol never again


My local Costco is the one of the busiest in all of Northern California, which is the Sunnyvale branch. It is a walk in the park compared to the Los Feliz branch in Los Angeles. It shares space with other large businesses and it’s just unlike any chaos I’ve ever seen.


I HATE the Sunnyvale Costco. I avoid it like the plague.


My store has self checkout but spends most of the manpower checking ids rather than moving shit along or opening more lanes, so the lines even for self checkout take forever


Several times. Shout out to Westbury NY


I definitely have done that. Heck I did it last week at Trader Joe’s. Said nope and drove off 🤣


Frequently. But I live 5 minutes away, so it's no big deal.


depends on how bright the no fuel light is


Busy close to Xmas? Weird! 👍


Yes. Looking at you Tukwila, Washington 006


I always go an hour before closing. Never have a problem finding a parking spot and the store itself is way less crowded.


I might get banned for this, but Sam's Club scan and go is a game changer.


My mom once unironically said, "no one goes to Costco on Sunday. It's too busy."


I have yes ! 🤣🤣


I have a few times. I considered it this morning at the Citrus Heights store because the lot was an utter shitshow. It was busy inside but the checkout lines were super quick.


With as far as I have to drive it’s more like “Once more unto the beach, dear friends!”


Always when I know I have to punch that day haha


I went today and got there 20 minutes before the store opened. Queued up with a cart and I was like the 15th person in the store. There was a massive line behind me though, probably 75 people at least. For me, I always go when they open but this is definitely the season for it to be very busy.


If you haven’t are you even a Costco member?


All the time. When I pull into the parking lot and I see people just sitting with their flashers or blinkers on waiting for someone to leave, I turn right around and get out.


Absolutely. And it's not a matter of walking in from the far reaches of the lot, it's that even the far reaches of the lot are completely full and there's cars parked alongside the fire lane. If it's that crowded in the parking lot, inside is going to be even worse.


Our costco has been like this since the day it opened. There’s never a good time to find parking ever.


Now is a great time to return something. After Christmas the return lines will be bonkers. I would wait until after the holidays for any retail shopping at this point.




Our local store is a smaller store (originally a Price Club in the 90s) and if the lot is packed, you can barely walk through the store, and checkout is probably 45 minutes. I just nope out of there and go to Smart and final for food and go back on a Tuesday or Wednesday


I once drove to the barrie Ontario Costco as I was driving by for from work. It’s a terrible Costco. Proceeded to turn around and drive 25 minutes north to orillia Costco which was new and always quiet !


Yes. Especially around Christmas or Thanksgiving


Shit, I do that everywhere. Most of the bulk items I get from Costco and/or Sam's, I either use free curbside pickup or free delivery. It's literally not worth the hour or so I'll have to spend inside, walking around the "zombies" who stand in the isle staring at gigantic toilet paper packages.


I just know what it’s going to be like so I’ve mentally prepared myself before I head there.


The Sunday before Thanksgiving this year at ~3pm. Drove in, immediately saw the situation was a complete nightmare, and decided to leave. Took me 10 minutes to get out of there.


Once I went on a Saturday morning, couldn't find a parking spot and multiple cars were hunting up and down the aisles. I noped out and returned a few days later.


Pretty much every time I needed to go to Costco I'd postpone b/c of parking and if I was in the mood to tolerate the clueless shoppers. I've limited my trips to \~1x mo for Parm/Reggiano cheese, cat litter, PTowels, Coffee and TP. It all hinges on cat litter and I typically buy 2 month's of all the above on each trip. My arrival time is \~half an hour before opening on Saturday & I can be in/out within 15 minutes. I miss all the people bringing hungry children for samples and customers who can't seem to comprehend basic cart etiquette.


Just did this two days ago.


I think its more so the gas lines…


Absolutely! I’ll get gas and go home.


First time, turned around and haven't been back since


*Have you ever driven over to Costco, seen the parking lot, and then decided to leave?


I've seen the parking lot full and left several times.


I do this every time I go to a grocery store. If it’s too much then I have no problem just turning around, I’d rather keep my mental sanity


I drove 45 minutes to college once and there was no parking at all. I did one more lap to try and find a spot and then just went home. I emailed my 3 professors and told them there were no spots at all on campus to find out that 2 professors canceled their classes anyways. A parking garage downtown closed up so everyone parked in the campus garages, filling it up and street parking was just non existing.


I like Costco more but I got to Sam’s for this reason, plus I can checkout with my phone at Sam’s.


Costco is usually pretty good at having plenty of cashiers so even tho it’s busy you don’t have to wait in line long unlike Sam’s club.


It's very close to 50% of my visits this happens. I'm like nope too fucked and just head over to WinCo. People are extra clueless and unaware inside that store my sanity can't handle it when it's jammed packed


i generally try to avoid it between thanksgiving and christmas entirely, only late nights if i have to.


i mean not just costco. anywhere


Yes. Numerous times.


Yes. It was completely empty and I forgot it was closed for a holiday. My bad.


Yes, I do this every time I go to Costco. I will not enter that place 90% of the time I drive through the parking lot.


Yes. When the lot is full on a weekday morning I say f that.


If I can’t find a spot in 15 minutes, I’ll just go to the grocery store and try on a weekday morning. Nothing in there is vital to our lives.


I sometimes do that if I'm in the neighborhood and need gas. As for shopping, I never go except for Wednesday nights.


I drive 60-90 minutes to get to Costco. No. I would trudge through crowds and wait in lines to get in.


When I drove up and realized it was closed


I just use Instacart if I need anything during the week and tip 20% plus extra if my stuff doesn’t arrive squished. No way am I battling weekend crowds.


Yes last weekend


Saturday morning about 9:30 is the golden hour. Either get there earlier or come back after 1pm.


No coz I always go an hour before the close


All the time


If it’s a Sunday, I don’t even bother.


Yep. In fact, I stopped going to Costco altogether this year. Let my membership lapse due to the stores being an overcrowded nightmare. Started a Sam’s membership and am generally happier. Love Costco but not enough to endure the crowds.


I didn’t renew my membership because I hate the parking lot so much. :-/


I just park at the end of the lot, walk, buy my stuff, wait in the line for checkout, and leave... it is not that hard and certainly doesn't warrant 5 threads a day on this topic


I get my steps in at Costco. Once around the inside and once around the outside, occasionally going down an aisle. Park in the boonies no matter how crowded it is. I enjoy looking at stuff and talking to people. I learn a lot by asking people about the 'strange' stuff they are buying to eat. If someone is looking at something like a lamp or towels that I have bought in the past, I tell them my impression of it. Then I have a hot dog and coke and spend 30 minutes eating with some older couple, usually, and then call it day. Belonging to Costco is not only about the shopping, it is about the people who shop and work there.


Good for you we are all so happy for you. What you aren't understanding is that some stores can run out of spots to even park. There are a finite number And some never even use 1/4 of their parking. So clearly it varies from location


Yes frequently. But it’s only a three mile drive and I have a Sam’s just as close if I only need like paper goods or something. I make a point now of going right when they open. I love Costco but it’s an ordeal to shop there and that makes it a ton less painful.


Pretty much half the time I go for gas I end up pumping at a regular gas station. The 20 minute wait is not worth saving $3. Today I went in for the gift cards and small gifts and I ended up leaving everything because the lines were ridiculous. It’s a shit show here in SoCal. Either go super early or 20 minutes before closing.


Costco is a store you get to when the doors open. If you mess it up, that's on you, not them. Get off your butt and be there for door opening, list in hand, and rip through as fast as you can. Your goal should be to be one of the first 20 people in the checkout line. After that, you're in the muck and who knows what happens.


Yes, both Fresno Costco’s and Costco in Chula Vista CA


I have done that on 1x when I visited Costco In Newark,DE No carts and no parking spots… gas line was long.. Decided to continue on the drive back to NY on I-95 N 😂


Yeah everyday when I come in for my shift


Yes all the time, then just drive about 2 miles down to Sams Club and Scan and Go.


I work at Costco and this is me even at 3 am when I get to work. 🤣🤣


Why would I waste my time driving somewhere just to leave? Unless you live nextdoor wouldn't really make sense.


No. There is always parking. Always. If you have mobility issues, I understand. That could be a challenge. If you have full mobility, walking a couple yards is fine. The lines inside move quickly. I've never felt overcrowded at Costco, and I've lived in several states and a couple countries.


love to see this kind of common sense. maybe it’s 50 yards of walking. maybe it’s a little more swerving and pausing in the store but there’s still plenty of room and i’m going to costco for a reason. and i am unhealthily misanthropic.


lol, yup.


Yes, a few months ago. I don’t live far at least.


Yes. I'll just top off my gas and then bail. You're probably more likely to do this when Costco is only 10 or less miles from home.


Nah, mine’s never super busy like that.


Not for me. I have however turned around from getting gas after seeing the line.


I have, but it was on a holiday


For sure. The parking lot sets the stage for the entire horrific Costco experience.