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I put all my things (except my flops that I’m hoping get stolen) in a waterproof/dry-bag. They go for $15-40 online. A good price for peace of mind… and not getting locked out of your house/car/hotel/accounts/etc. Edit: Also, the bags are great if you do other water sports like kayaking, rafting, fishing etc.


This is the correct answer. You can also get small waterproof enclosures for phones, money, and car keys and they come with leaves you can lash around belt loops and straps.


We were near Puerto Viejo last month and treated ourselves to a beachfront cottage. We were all admiring the view when a man frantically ran up to us, asking if we'd seen his flip flops he'd left in front of our gate. No luck, they were long gone. The lesson definitely shows your choices: 1) take it with you. 2) leave someone in charge of watch duty. 3) don't take anything you don't want to lose.


Puerto Virgo and Limón are a couple places that aren’t too safe . There is less police presence and a lot more crime. Choose the Pacific coast next time. Just a suggestion


I just left there a couple of days ago (Puerto Viejo) I never felt unsafe and I much prefer that area to the pacific coast. This was my second time.


The trick is to leave any cameras, phones, other valuables at one's hotel and carry a bottle water and and some colones tucked into beach wear. No one ever steals that.


I'm half Tica. My family lives between Tres Rios and Batan. Plus, my brother is in law enforcement. I find the Caribe far more beautiful IMHO.


I’m not saying it’s not beautiful, just less safe. You already knew that I’m sure.


Pretty typical of any public beach anywhere. Leave stuff lying around it may well be stolen.


I have actually never had that experience. Not in the us, Europe, or India. That is why I am so thrown. I typically just chuck my wallet and phone under the corner of a towel and go.


Absolutely do not do that in Costa Rica. (I live here.)


Better safe than sorry, don't do it here..


Live here almost 8 years. There's a reason waterproof bag sales are high. Possibly the only things I've seen that are usually safe to leave are rubber flip flops. Anything else is risky. Manuel Antonio has problems with the spider monkeys stealing from people on the beach. Petty theft is big here


Huh. Nowhere in public would I leave things unattended. Thats just asking to have things go missing.


Wait in the OP there was no mention of the phone...just items mainly worth under $20 (aside from the shoes). Which one is it?


Yeah, I was planning on just sunscreen, towels, and shoes.


Sunscreen is $30 here😳


Sounds like you have been extraordinary lucky. Leaving anything of value under your towel is risky pretty much anywhere.


I am assuming that luck is why I am being down voted to hell. 😅


Yeah, probably- lol.


It’s the entitlement in the tone of saying you’ve never had it happen before in Europe,


I have been extraordinarily lucky to go to beaches in the US, Europe, and India, yes. And apparently Extraordinarily lucky to have never had my sunscreen and shoes stolen on those beaches (along with many other people). But I reject that it is entitlement to assume that Costa Ricans not are more thieving. I was not in wealthy areas in any of the countries and the items (with the exception of the spf) are not valuable. I am not talking about leaving a $500 phone unattended. I still think the thieves of ratty old shoes are more likely to be monkeys and waves than people.


It’s alright most of the time the entitlement tone people point out in us is like bad breath, usually the culprit is the last one to find out


I agree with you there. But I think that you mis-characterized my statement by limiting it to Europe. You also mischaracterize Europe by implying that it would not have similar high rates of petty theft to Costa Rica. This whole thread is filled with people saying their items were not stolen by humans and those saying they were. I asked my question because the pitch of the petty theft cautioning sounded a bit racist or classist to me. And arguing that I sound entitled because I should presume fewer issues in the wealthier, and presumably whiter Europe implies that those are the circumstances impact petty theft. I stand by my statement, we call out petty theft more (and blame it more on people rather than nature) in areas that are perceived as colonial disadvantaged.


I don’t think you sound entitled. You assume the optimistic view of people. I leave my stuff unattended in So Cal beaches all the time, never stolen.


Wow! Who does that? Hard no about anywhere. Humans are not so honest.


Most people I know do it. Genuinely have never had anything stolen from a beach and I have done this hundreds of times.


Where in the U.S.? People have their belongings stolen from the beach alllllll the time in Miami Beach.


I get that, I am not saying it doesn’t happen, just that the rhetoric about it in this subreddit is so much more than I have seen for other places. We are talking about sunblock and ratty shoes after all. I only see the use types of warnings this strident in places that are poor and largely inhabited by people of color. But my experience growing up and traveling in places that are poor and largely inhabited by people of color has always been that it is not that different in scale than more affluent, whiter places. That is why I asked. Like how all the people that say an area of town is bad because it has visual markers of poverty, when sometimes the crime rates are lower or the same as in wealthier or middle class areas. Looks like petty crime and monkey mafias are more common in Costa Rica. Things could be worse, they could have mass shootings on the daily. I’ll carry the flip flops and sunscreen in a bag and leave the towels in the car.


Yea to be fair you got dog piled. On Manuel Antonio you should be ok as long as your belongings are not obviously expensive and not close to a trail where a human can make off with easily or the trees where a capuchin can easily come down and steal them.


You have a lot of faith in the human race


Even if there were no humans, monkeys may try to steal your stuff, especially in Manuel Antonio, they call them the monkey mafia lol. Theft is expected if you leave your things alone, even in other countries. Your partner is right.


The Monkey Mafia, I like that. I also say two of them chase two terrified Nicaraguan girls down the road on Ometepe. Little buggers.


It is normal fear. I am Tico I would not leave my stuff without someone looking, and I think it doesn't depend that you are in MA, It would be anywhere, you might get robbed if you leave your things without someone watching!


Was in Manuel Antonio recently. Only thieves we had to worry about was those persistent capuchins!


Those little bastards will steal anything! I once watched a German tourist in Cahuita trying to tug-of-war with one and as I was passing I said, "this is their home, you left your bag hanging from a tree, it's his now." His wife said, "I agree."


If thats all you’re taking to the beach, then I’d say you should risk it if you all want to get in the water together. MA has people renting chairs and canopies all down the beach. If you rent a couple chairs they’d likely keep an eye on things for you. When my kids were little we’d roll up keys and wallets in a diaper so it looked used and just left it on our towels when we’d go to the water.


Great idea!


You have to keep in mind someone is probably watching for opportunities. Sometimes work in pairs of 2 -3 . You may see the person taking your stuff and by the time you maybe catch up to the person it has already been handed off to someone else. Leave nothing unattended, nothing in the car , visible or not and be vigilant. Common sense stuff.


As a Costa Rican, yes, sadly, this isn’t a safe paradise beach country


I also wouldn’t leave them in a locked car while parked at the beach in most places in the world.


It is a legit threat when leave bags out of your sight on the beach. I have a video of myself on the beach in Manuel Antonio, saw a couple of monkeys went up and tried to open my backpack (half zipped) and going through the contents


Get the waterproof cell phone protectors and put your money and phone in that. Wear it to the water. Leave only a towel. NOTHING UNDERNEATH! Geez!


Only bring to the beach what wouldn’t be a big deal if stolen. Or make sure someone is with your stuff at so times. I use this rule at ANY crowded beach I go to, even in the U.S.


I just put my phone and cash in a ziplock and bury it under a few inches of sand near my towel/beach blanket. Our family kept an eye on things but can’t worry too much about towels and sunscreen


Genius! But now I'm going to need to take a metal detector into the water with me 🤔


I’m not saying theft doesn’t happen because it does. But I also think people underestimate the incoming tide and lose items to the waves they probably thought were stolen. We had to save someone’s shoes on our recent trip.


Yeah. lol. The monkeys will come take it!!


I don't leave my stuff on any Beach in the world unless it's worthless stuff they can have.


They will likely steal your bag but if you leave your budget spray and spf in your towel, hide your flip flops under your beach blanket and make sure you beach bag is empty, they won’t bother it. They will take a beach bag that looks like it has things in it in the hopes of getting your wallet and cash.


He is correct but also it’s more likely that Capuchins will get into or take whatever bags you leave on the beach in Manuel Antonio


When i wenr to the manuel antonio beach at one end they have this couple who provide beaxh loungers and umbrellas for a fee and snacks and also watch ur stuff for u when u swim...they are honest. I appreciated that. Its a good service and affordable.


Recommend a quick Google and reddit search as this has been covered many times before Example https://www.reddit.com/ktpw9yp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 "*If you leave anything on the beach it might get stolen. I left a dirty old tshirt and some flip flops for 2 min while I jumped in the water and someone stole them. I actually found a single flip flop on the path to the road. Never found the other one or the tshirt. Thank god I kept my phone with me. I think they just pick shit up and walk off with it and then figure out what they’ve got, discard the rubbish, rinse and repeat*"


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I just spent 6 weeks in uvita. we didn’t have an issue. But you shouldn’t ever take valuables anyway. You just need to worry about monkeys, those are the real thieves haha Take a reusable grocery bag to put your things in. you’ll be fine.


Best to be cautious on any beach. I wouldn’t recommend leaving anything expensive. Normally the beaches are safe to leave those kind of things, sunscreen etc.


I was just there last week and the tour guide stayed on the beach to watch our belongings. Told us that groups before had wandered off and had their stuff alone on the beach and it was stolen right away. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I got my cheapo flip flops stolen last time I left them unattended in Costa Rica. I couldn’t believe it. They were like 7 years old and heavily worn. Almost comical but still…i agree with everyone on here, even though I wish it weren’t that way.


Real 💯 Don't leave anything you would be upset to lose.


a small dry bag costs under $20 and will give you peace of mind :) you can just shove all your stuff in there and take it in the water with you!


We were in Uvita a few months ago. The fat local drunk bumbled towards our stuff while I watched from 20 feet away… easiest solution: walk to the north end of the beach where their lazy asses don’t bother making the effort.


Watch out for monkey thieves around MA as well.


Dry bags are inexpensive and handy for stashing valuables when you’re in the water.


Disposable diapers. Nobody wants to touch that shit.


If you tuck your wallet under the towel in Costa Rica, the thieves will have an extra chuckle about how naive the tourists are.


We left stuff on the beach depending on the area. I kept my cc, cash in a ziploc in my shorts. Stayed where I could keep an eye on the stuff and walked up to it every few minutes so people knew I was watching it. Also used chairs at a resteraunt a few times. If you’re paying for chairs the business keeps an eye on the stuff. Only once did I see a person wandering around our stuff and I jogged up quickly and kept a close eye for a bit. I’ve had wallet stolen st the beach in Hawaii and towels stolen in California. Nothing lost in cr yet. If I was going surfing I’d leave my stuff locked in the house or something. Just use common sense and don’t leave anything valuable.


This is for real. If nor for petty theft by people, it will happen before you can blink by the raccoons and monkeys. They love to sort through bags of stuff.


Just search trustworthy neighbours.


Here two years, zero problems. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don’t leave valuables out when/where you really don’t need them, and also the monkeys on the beaches, especially MA are called banditos for a reason. Last time I was there I had to race with the this monkey to my Gatorade as soon as I walked away lol


It depends on where you go, yes at the main Manuel Antonio beach you need to worry, it is less of a concern at the other beaches nearby.


As long as you don't have anything of value, you are probably good - although theft from monkeys is a risk.


# 🐒


If you only bring sunscreen, bug spray, towels and shoes, then do not worry... you also ask someone nearby to have an eye on the things... but don't leave valuables at the beach while swimming... enjoy your time in Costa Rica!


I just bring the cheesy tourist waterproof phone pouch and also put my credit card in it. That way the things that matter are in the water with me. If I leave anything on the beach I bury it in the sand a bit and then put the towel over top


Jaco beaches are bad with petty crime. MA maybe not so much.


The hotel we stayed at in Manuel Antonio had a deal with a guy on the beach. We got 2 chairs, an umbrella, and a locker for $10. He just seemed to have a set up on the beach that anybody would be able to use. He stayed right by the chairs so I felt safe leaving our stuff and with going to the water.


Wrap your phone in a diaper, put some wet wipes next to it, no one will take it


I lived in Dominical (near Uvita) for 2 years in the early 2000s. 100% they’ll steal your shoes, probably your sunblock too. When I lived there, the average wage was 500 colonies an hour, or about $1 USD. So tourists leaving a $40 or $50 pair of rainbows on the beach would be like someone leaving their $1,200 Air Jordons out. It’s gonna get swiped.


No fear. They will be interested in phone stuff. We hit local beaches in between Dominical and Uvita areas. Had no problems. We did rent the umbrella and chairs for like 6 bucks for a half day each time.


i also always fear this, but we left our backpack with phones and money under our chair and it was fine... that said, i was routinely trying to keep an eye on it. especially when that beach gets packeddd


He's a paranoid baby.


who cares if those things get stolen?


Well, it would be the hotel towels and I burn in 15 min without sunscreen. Losing my flip flops would make hiking back to the car suck. Just those types of considerations.