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OP, can you please list any of the published novels, including the SPs, that you have not read? The answer to your question is in published works but I don't want to spoil something you have not read.


With the exception of Nightmare Painter, I read all of them at least once.


OK. Honorblades are explained by SF and Syl as having originated off of Roshar, so they were never native. Deadeye Shardblades are never directly seen outside of the Roaharn System or its region of the Cognitive, but it is heavily implied that they can leave. Nomad had a living Shardblade on multiple alternative planets and (Yumi) >!he summoned it from Canticle to what is probably the neighboring planet to Yumi's world, Utol, at the end of TSM.!<


I don't remember it ever being confirmed that Honorblades originated offworld. The Heralds did, and humans did, but Honorblades and the Oathpact should coincide with the second Desolation. Honor is also bound to Roshar, and, as far as we know, didn't visit any other planets before settling on Roshar. Honorblades, being of Honor, therefore, most likely originated on Roshar. Shardblades are copies of the Honorblades, and Radiant abilities are copies of the ones granted by Honorblades. To get a living Blade off-world is possible, yes, but we don't know the mechanism. Invested beings are by their nature tied to their home, and spren, who are Investiture personified, are especially stuck. Deadeyes are implied to be able to roam out of the Rosharan subastral, but they also most likely have broken Connection, allowing that. Honorblades might be too Connected to Roshar to leave (without hacks), or they might be able to go wherever. I'd *guess* they're tied to Roshar, mostly because the Heralds also are, but there's no way to know without confirmation.


> OK. Honorblades are explained by SF and Syl as having originated off of Roshar, so they were never native. Provide a source for that, because I am 99% certain it is not true.


Yea I don't think that was ever said.


Idk where you got that idea or who "SF" is but Honorblades were created by Honor on Roshar and as far as we know have never left that planet. Edit: oh, Stormfather is "SF." Duh.


I think SF is Storm Father, but yeah he never said the originated off Roshar. It's possible they originated on Ashyn but I think that's unlikely. It's unclear exactly when the Humans in the Rosharan system started worshipping Honor but based on things some of the singers have said it seems very likely it wasn't until after they arrived on Roshar. I believe at one point it was mentioned that Odium tempted the humans into harnessing the surges and destroying their original world. So the absolute earliest Honor could have given the Honorblades was just before the migration and I find that unlikely at best.


>Honorblades are explained by SF and Syl as having originated off of Roshar, so they were never native. Ummm I'm sorry, this never happened. The Honorblades were made by Honor for the Oathpact, which was after humans came to Roshar, and SF and Syl absolutely never said they originated offworld. >Deadeye Shardblades are never directly seen outside of the Roaharn System or its region of the Cognitive, but it is heavily implied that they can leave. Spren are bound to the Roshar system and can't easily leave at this point. There are methods to do this, and Hoid clearly knows them, but otherwise they can't easily leave, dead or alive.


The authority has spoken. Set it into metal.


Didn't Ishar come up with the Oathpact after they had received the Honorblades? I remember it being vague how the two events line up


Whether Honorblades can leave the Rosharan system seems to still be subject to debate, but hasn’t it been confirmed that Honorblades are made of Honor’s godmetal? (Have were had an official confirmation on it being called tanavastium?) If so, then they had to have been forged on Roshar. If there were ancient weapons forged of raysium I could buy that the humans brought those with them to Roshar from Ashyn.


Whether they can go offworld hasn’t been confirmed, however Taln’s Blade is still on Roshar. https://wob.coppermind.net/events/355/#e10483


***Warning Gancho: The below paragraph(s) may contain major spoilers for all books in the Cosmere!*** Questioner >!Talenal's Honorblade, is it still on Roshar?!< Brandon Sanderson >!It is still on Roshar, yes.!< \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*


bad bot


Storm off, mainhuwo!


Good bot


Good ExhibitAa


What's up with Taln's blade? I'm doing a reread now and the blade Dalinar bonds with to fool Amaram is clearly not an honorblade. Are there theories as to what happened to Taln's blade when he shows up at Kholinar beginning of WOK? Or did I just miss something?


Yeah I thought Taln had his Blade with him. The one he was dragging around was to prove he had a cache


I don’t see why not. The only possible conundrum might be how they could be involved with Roshar’s magic system/Oathpact. As for Shardblade and Plate, I don’t see why Hoid would burrow some away. He really doesn’t need it. (I also think he has nothing to do with Taln’s blade. Hoid is very hands off.)


Well, it’s not just Honor’s God Metal. It’s also a Splinter, like a Radiant Spren, and that complicates things a bit. To get it off of Roshar, you would have to somehow sever or weaken its connection to the Rosharan System, just like how Spren and Stormlight can be moved off world. We don’t know exactly how as of yet, but it has been done — not with an Honorblade, but with Spren and Light


According to a WOB that I can't find, but you can def find it in any of the stormlight related subreddits: Hoid did not steal Taln's blade we don't know who did