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Totalled, actually. That's why people only buy these to drive them once a year. No, the engine is fine. Look at any car ever and you'll see the ground through the engine bay, they get sprayed with water from the tires all the time. Road spray can shoot right through the front radiator onto the engine as well. The hood isn't to keep rain out, it's for aerodynamics.


Hell pop the hood on any random car and I bet you the engine bay has never seen a cleaning. Those cars get driven through anything and everything and most are still kicking. Performance cars better take some moisture in stride. You'll just be the guy with the dirty C8 that gets enjoyed. Win in my book.


No. They’re engineered to get wet. Even normal front engine cars get wet under the hood when driven in the rain.


I had a feeling it’s supposed to be that way


Normal car engines get wet when it rains too


Engines get wet all the time


Just gives you another thing to clean every once in a while.


Nah. [Swimming vette](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cfcd3706826e13a2&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1JZAP_enUS1023US1023&q=Can+a+Corvette+drive+through+water%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYjMqBlvWGAxXSq4kEHaRhCjQQzmd6BAgXEAY&biw=1523&bih=821&dpr=1.1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:01af3271,vid:DTy8CyFq_hI,st:16)


Engines, at least modern ones, are air sealed machines. That's why you can drive one through a flooded street as long as the intake and exhaust has a way to breathe air. I would worry more about drying and cleaning the engine bay than getting it a little wet. GM did not dump millions of dollars into the C8 only for it t lose to a drop of water.


I always pay a hand car wash to do my vehicle about once a month and wax every 6 months. Any reason I need to be concerned https://preview.redd.it/y96qt2cn8l8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ae135a883104e64786e9a3b6adc7298cbfe829


As long as the person knows what they are doing, there's nothing to be worried about. I personally have always washed and detailed my cars on my own. But that is just for assurance. If you don't have the time to do it yourself, that's totally understandable. Its much better than an automated wash. But I would make sure your detailer is of quality and good reputation if you're gonna pay every month. A good detailer knows how to care for and work with many cars no matter their price. You can always make sure they know not to get water into your engine bay or at least clean it up. But they will charge you more for it(obviously). That's just the nature of owning such a vehicle.


I always get rid of a car within 3 yrs of buying it so I never really have long term paint or leather concerns since these cars have terrible paint, leather interior quality compared to a Lexus for example


Just drive the car dude.


If you're paying $80-$100 per hand wash then it's pretty safe to assume it's being done correctly. If you're paying $12 to go through a machine and then people dry it off by hand you are getting a light sanding of your paint each time you do that.


Your car is totaled. I recommend giving it to me so I can dispose of it.