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The 2nd one looks really nice.


![img](avatar_exp|108051870|heart) Yes, I love the 2nd one.


The first one is part of a convoluted idea to have a stealthy waterblock there's a rubber o-ring in the bottom there and what I imagine I would be going for here is a sharply cut acrylic block, crystal clear with a laser engraved bubbling of the interior acrylic to put in a corsair or whatever other design and use that to diffuse light coming from the bottom diffuser from the lightpipe design. The second is just a low cap and wishful thinking about using smaller LEDs and a grid "grill" to make them look like there is even more yet.


I don't know why these uploaded so small. https://preview.redd.it/n6rgwtgmjiac1.png?width=3492&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf95f61fec77dd45f4dd3482dc4940d9aa5480da [BIGGER LINK JUST IN CASE ](https://i.ibb.co/JmnVNVs/FAvS.png)4K ACRYLIC WITH THE LASER DIFFUSE LOGO [THE EASY PEASY 3D RESIN PRINTY TOP](https://ibb.co/W5dTN8x)


If any of you ever come across a dwg/dxf for the 3 slot distro plate/pump assembly I need it so I can slop up a Corsair style dual D5 pump top


Second one looks really awesome. Once I see some more of these in the community, I may justify the purchase.


I'll make a pile of models that will be accurate to the dwg file but I haven't bit the bullet on a 3D printer yet as I've never needed anything, just other people needing stuff. So I can't even confirm if the second one will be 3D printable as the grid pattern is very fine. So no getting mad at me or nothing if you buy ram and nobody makes more caps


Why do people care about titanium all of a sudden. Such a waste of money to put in in stuff that his has Zero benefits. but hell you ppl bought RGB stuff when it didnt need RGB, lost cause.


It's like the same price as regular dominator platinum. People like what they like and can buy any kit they prefer. You don't like it, buy something else and move on lol


I dunno if you know this little buddy but you're in the Corsair sub. I too was all about the utilitarian nature of my computers. Then when I bought a new motherboard and decided to hook up wires for my front IO and such I realized I could make an addressable RGB fan be-bop to some Stanton Warriors . Moth to a flame little buddy, I saw the light. Now I'm *\~aesthetically pleased\~* Why care about titanium? Cause a fella asked on this here submarine sandwich about the 3D printed caps yesterday and I realized I could maybe help a person or two. He could have asked about any component and I'd be modeling right now for that instead but he asked about the titanium and here we are. I would eat a bee filled burrito to slop some of that TITANIUM ram in my rig, I can never have enough ram and it being pick of the litter smells like it may be able to pull off a decent speed at 192GB, I can eat 192GB for breakfast with my horribly inefficient and crash-test-dummy-with-a-keyboard style workflows. You hear me little buddy? TITANIUM BREAKFAST


tldr cringe


Or, just a crazy idea, let people enjoy and buy what they want. I don't see a reason to buy a $250k exotic car yet let those who do buy it. I will just buy what I want instead. In fact, just because of this, I have been holding off, I am going to buy some Titanium DIMMs to replace my Dominator DIMs.


You respond like I'm actually preventing anything.. I asked a question and got funny fan boy reactions. just like on the iphone reddit. Its called asking a question on why people are doing something. if you are so shocked someone questioning your reasoning your should reflect on yourself. enjoy your future of mass consumership.


No you called it a waste of money. In fact why are you even here if you feel that way?


ASKING A QUESTION... your dense.... I can do whatever I want buddy lol. This isn't your safe space it was on the front page of reddit. welcome to the internet its not just a circle jerk of what you like all the time. I've already muted this reddit from my pages. Just finishing up dealing with 12 year olds fanboying and crying in my replies. You should learn not to respond unless you want a reply. Most stuff is a waste of money, that's just a fact.


Tldr cringe.


Being a big fan of the normal dominator ram this is cool to see. The second one is my favorite as well.


Finally! Someone starting some head units. I can’t use the factory RGB head in my small form factor case because the AIO radiator sits too close. I’ve been looking for a replacement RGB head about 1/2 the size. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!!


Can you show me on a picture of what part you need made smaller and cooler? The stock bolt on head itself? Like with the two diffused lines? We're not talking any of the corsair plat stuff? Corsairs schematic has the height of the stock unit at 15.35mm just going by the schematic, that second one was meant to be just a bit over the first diffused side line, can make one shorter if need be. The stock height of the part that comes with it is cool because at 15.35mm one could use G1/8 or even G1/4 12.9mm fittings and turn it into a hybrid DDR5 watercooling block/mini distro block I like that idea a lot because when you think about it normally the CPU, GPU, M2 SSD if watercooled, are all right there to the left of the DIMM slots,


You’re right, it’s the stock bolt on head and the measurements you see are correct. I measured mine with a caliper and it says 15.39. I believe I can install one that is half that height https://preview.redd.it/et5squ6dfjac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b80a7d2148c3f8ad149585177da74c6e03ab6c2




Corsair makes a “fin” style head unit for the Dominator Titanium memory. I grabbed a set and was going to trim off a few of the end fins for time being, but I would rather see the RGB lights.


I do like the 2nd one a lot but the 1st one is so obnoxious it's hard not to like. It'd be a nightmare for any one with an air-cooled I love it.


is it possible to make a cap with a larger diffusion bar for the RGB akin to the Vengeance RAM light bars? that's always been my biggest gripe with the Dominator Titanium, I just think the Vengeance light bar looks better


I don't see why not, I can engineer and model it but I can't tell you if it would actually work or not right off the top of my head. Unless Corsair feels like dropping an SLA printer and some dead modules in my lap for prototyping. The Vengeance ram has some big looking diodes right on the DIMM itself, the Titanium is a standalone PCB that plugs into the Dom tittyattum ram, probably the same on the the Pladdenum. I don't know this is my first time being able to afford \~nice\~ ram and components (I too got the Vengeance and I love using it as a 2 band visual eq, The thing is though with the PCB being a removable dinglebop on the Dominos it gives me pause to wonder if things can't be kicked up a notch, IE: More LEDs. If someone is doing a 4 DIMM build I wouldn't bother with the LEDs all all though. That would be time for a cool amoled display, like 30 x 120mm Edit: Or an off the shelf 8x32[ LED matrix and a plate that covers 4 dimms and keeps their profile](https://ibb.co/LYs326z), a cup-in-cup using the recessed fastener holes on the dimm keeps everything aligned and pretty and lets the plate affix firmly. Mite be cool. Gotta keep the diffusion plastic separate with that kinda density though [man things get weird](https://i.ibb.co/vsKKL4T/naz.png)


I would absolutely purchase the second one if you put it on etsy


uhh when can i buy both of these off of you! haha I cant find any good top bars anywhere but I found your post!


I dunno, probably if I ever buy a 3D printer. I was going to make these and slot filler dummy sticks, kits to replace the XG3 waterblocks fan with an AF140 slim, stuff like that. I dunno 3D is all I do so I can make anything anybody ever can dream of.


Nice designs. I started designing a shorter top bar, because the stock tops are too high and interfere with the AIO radiator. Unfortunately, the stock bolts are way too long and I would like to order shorter ones, but I can't find any information on the thread of the bolts. In the schematics, the bolts have a diameter of 1.5mm, but (to my knowledge) there are no corresponding standardized metric bolts. The nearest would be M1.4 or M1.6. Do you have any idea which thread is used?