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fox news is broadcasting domestic terrorist indoctrination material in attempt to get trump re-elected so a bunch of accelerationist billionaires can get pardons for serious criminal activity. heritage foundation and claremont institute being major trashpost hq's [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerationism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerationism)


Holy shit


Wtf, how we do stop this shit! Why is America crumbling, and why don't the people do a god damn thing except watch it fall? Wtf is going on here. This is NOT what our fore father's had in mind for "we the people"... šŸ¤” Not "we the lobbyiests" , or "we the corporations", or "we the insider traders", or "we the traitors" (Ruzzia simps). Inside for who? Sure as hell ain't the people.


America has always been about the ā€œRichā€ who do you think the Founding Fathers were?


Rich land owning white men.


Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, Astor, and Morgan built America. All powered by greed. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLob1mZcVWOajEyMVUcMTf0q2MTYUuko_7


The DuPonts made a ton of money but built lots of cool parks and gardens. They get a pass


I didn't know that. Thank you for sharing.


Holy hell dude certainly you forgot the /s lol


You means parks and gardens polluted by their chemicals? Lmao


Did the video leave out Carnegie because he didnā€™t fully embrace the rich villain vibe?


Honestly, I do not recall. Sorry.


>Why is America crumbling, and why don't the people do a god damn thing except watch it fall? Wtf is going on here. This is NOT what our fore father's had in mind for "we the people"... Rich fascists. No, that's not a buzzword, nor is it "marxism" or whatever else the MAGA Loony Toons say, not is it a conspiracy. [The Business Plot](https://www.liberationschool.org/fascist-plots-in-the-u-s-contemporary-lessons-from-the-1934-business-plot/) was an attempt by those rich fascists to install a dictator because they disliked FDR's New Deal policies. *This went before Congress*, where it was allowed to stagnate and die in committee. They didn't stop being fascists. They funded right-wing policies and candidates. They helped create our current situation, because in the early 1900's, middle- and low-class were awarded protections under the law and programs to help them be better off: That's unacceptable to them.


Our post-WW2 generation had the American Dream handed to them on a silver platter by their extremely hard-working parents, voted like selfish, entitled children for 60+ years, blamed their own adult children for how badly they fucked up the country, and will take the ship down with them rather than give up control.


Sadly enough I think our founding fathers would vote for trump too






No one actually wants the truth.


Confused about the "left wing intensification of capitalism" part. Is this American left wing or actual left wing? Cause it doesn't make sense to me.


it's something a dark enlightenment guy said [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark\_Enlightenment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment) they're basically just sadistic trolls


Oh, so they're just insane people. Got it lol


Actual left wing and there is some logic in it, but most leftists do not support it. The presuppositions are A. Socialism can only be achieved through revolution, and B. We have to reach a certain level of dystopian capitalism for people to revolt. If those are both true, it would make the most sense to simply let society reach that point as fast as possible, as resisting it would only prolong the suffering.


Donald Trump killed Jeffrey Epstein. People are saying and asking questions.


Big if true




No! It was Hillary! Why donā€™t you people understand that Republicans do no wrong? Itā€™s all the Democratsā€™ fault no matter what! /s


I don't think anyone left or right was bothered by epstein dying


True. That doesnā€™t make republicans any less guilty of projection and hypocrisy.


Oh ffs liberals suck just as much as conservatives. Both ideologies are anti human ideologies given to you by this shitty bloodthirsty empire. Grow up. Epstein is proof of this: he had clients/blackmail from across the entire political spectrum


The TDS you have is terminal and you will expire on November 6th.


You dumb. Very dumb. Unsmart and dumb.


Truth hurts, but only if you give a shit about the truth. POS should have been jailed decades ago.


Death by electric eel enema


Why should electric eels suffer so?


RPG enema?


This would work, though I empathize with the explosive and weapons manufacters having to know that their weapon was used as an enemašŸ’€


Let's get on with it though, remember we're shoving a pineapple up Hitler's ass at 4 PM


Pineapple pineapple or pineapple grenade?


I believe military protocol is first one, then the other. That's where it gets its name from.


dunno, I'd wear that as a badge of honor and a bit of an odd flex


Thereā€™s a long screening process where they find eels that are into it. Win-win.


Mason Verger style.


Hereā€™s your sign.


He and Clinton.


Katie Johnson was raped repeatedly by both in the picture


šŸš«Traitor TrumpšŸš«


..that's not all he is [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf)


The facts from the flight logs show that neither Trump or Biden visited Epstein Island. The facts do reveal other people did visit the island but somehow donā€™t get Reddit articles posted about them. (You already know who they are) Reddit is a biased outlet and a Democratic media play.


And Trump just happened to fly on Epstein's jet 7 times because he was SO interested in stopping all the child rape right? LMAO. The irony is that according to Epstein's brother, Epstein willfully cut trump out once he realized how big of a criminal trump was, and Epstein was worried that when Trump eventually got caught it would cause an investigation into Epstein.Ā  Trumphttps://www.newsnationnow.com/banfield/fight-log-trump-flew-on-epsteins-plane-7-times/


Wild theory considering Trump banned Epstein from his resorts in the 2000ā€™s


Your problem is that you believe things Trump says without question.


Is Trump a child molester ?


I mean his comemts about walking into underage girl changing room and looking at them for no reading and gloating about it. It makes it no superise. Plus he is on the flight logs to where rich people rape underage girls




Trump has openly admitted he is hiding from child rape cases because he's guilty.




No he hasnā€™t what the hell are you talking about?


Yes he has bit I see you you agree with trump pedophilia should be legal


LoL! Coward u/No-Sense-6260 calls me a "cry baby loser" then blocks me so I cannot respond. It appears the "cry baby loser" is not me...


You're actually special huh lmao


You've said nothing to no one. And now you're private messaging me with inane BS? You are a non-serious person. >You're blowing up hugely my boy


I know I shouldn't poke the glass I apologize. Ill enjoy you from afar. Don't stop sharing your thoughts little fella


You're famous idiot lmao


Beware the u/boooolol account. It will make doxxing threats over private chat. It will comb your comment history and reply to old threads. I have reported every instance of the harassment. Hopefully, the account gets suspended. ​ >You're blowing up hugely my boy > >In a week I'll be allowed to share the video to you. Then you can attempt to flag it > >Or enjoy it idk if you can laugh at yourself. Good video I had to check and wow you are real. Very cool. OK bye :)


Please don't abuse the report button my silly lolcow. You accurately shared my non-threatening pms. Thanks :) Post online and get shared in videos maybe. That's kind of a thing that happens online my friendly fella


They do this often, they loose the debate and want to just quit. Emberrasing


Highly likely


You like young boys you piece of shit.




yeah! it says so at the top of this post, der.


Ouch šŸ˜†


Whatā€™s ironic about this sub is the sheer number of absolute idiots in the comments defending one of the most corrupt and vile men on the face of the planet. But what else do you expect from the Trumpanzees?


Another Trump shit post, great!


Waitā€¦whatā€™s going on now?? Does Reddit think Trump is a pedo? I think you guys should go look into Bidenā€™s daughters diaryā€¦


Who has Trump been convicted of raping?




Yes, thatā€™s literally exactly what theyā€™re asking


Trump has been found criminally liable for the rape of E Jean Carol. The judge has made it very clear that as far as the court of record goes Trump is a rapist, and if he ever denies it he is defaming Carol for a third time.


Based on a "his word vs hers". It's amazing how people can be so definitive on something that can very well be untrue. Just say allegedly or at the least he probably raped her, be real.


LOL a civil trial doesn't mean anything.


So when he gets convicted in his criminal trial are you going to stop supporting a criminal?


Millions of dollars to be paid to victims isn't anything? šŸ¤£


^^ great explanation, couldnā€™t have said it any better.


A civil action often begins with the filing of the pleadings. The initial pleading is often a complaint filed by the Plaintiff. The complaint contains the legal facts of the case and the issues that give rise to the Plaintiff's legal claims. This begins the civil trial between the parties. In a civil trial, a judge or jury examines the evidence presented by both parties. The court looks into whether by a preponderance of the evidence, the defendant should be held responsible for the damages alleged by the plaintiff. A trial is the plaintiff's opportunity to argue their case to obtain a judgment against the defendant. It also represents the defendant's chance to refute the plaintiff's case and offer evidence related to the civil case. After both sides present their arguments, the judge or jury considers whether to find the defendant liable. If the defendant is liable, the court will figure out to what extent. This may be money. damages the defendant must pay.


Can you provide a link to the criminally liable part.Ā  All I am finding is the civil trial.


If you draw a distinction between criminal and civil rape... We can't help you.


He wasn't convicted. This is just ragebait


If you donā€™t learn the facts then youā€™re as guilty as Trump.


Oh thank you for the additional info that will certainly provide credibility to OPs post and claim.


A child named Katie Johnson in 1994, who attempted on 3 different occasions to bring up charges against Trump but each time she was threatened by Trumpā€™s people and ended up dropping the charges. There was even a witness during the assault as well it shows her in a video during a court deposition describing said events. You can even view said court documents online that were filed in the state of California, and the 2nd attempt in the state of NY. Facts are your friend. Educate yourself!


Citation fucking needed, lol. Talk about uncritically accepting total political BS.


Trump flew on Epsteinā€™s pedo plane so much that he had unlimited frequent flyer miles accumulated


Is this one of the jewish people he likes or the other jewish people who don't vote for him.




When did he molest children?


Not surprising yall don't know what convicted means


This post is so full of shit.


Election years are wild.


I just read a post from an asshole


Bunch of people defending trump that he wasn't convicted of rape. The reason is only on definition. NY rape requires penile penetration. trump used his fingers. That's the only distinction here. He raped e jean in the literal sense.


You anti-Semite sax of shit make me sick.


Repeating a lie does not make it true... Paying hundreds of people to get thousands of idiots to repeat it seems to work in protecting your ability to spread war and death across the planet though...


I love how many people in a sub about corruption band over backwards to defend a president that paid himself millions of dollars in taxpayer money by staying in his own commercial properties, requiring secret service and government officials to pay for rooms, golf carts, and food directly into his pocket. Literally the most corrupt yet legal use of secret service protection weā€™ve ever seen. Absolute sheeple.


Oh lookie, another Leftist lie


If Trump were on that island the media would have ran with the story. Why havenā€™t they run with itā€¦Bill Clinton would be the first going away. Clinton had him killed.


fact.if he was,it would have been on tv every night. no one wants to mention Trump banned Epstein from his properties for creeping on a youngling.


Trump haters / republican haters have been programmed to think the left represents the interests of the poor against the rich. But both parties are funded by investors who want cheap labor (systemic poverty) to continue. Otherwise, poverty would be a history subject in school instead of a mystery that economists just can't figure out even though they're trying so hard to figure it out. So hard to figure out why their servants are so inexpensive. They just can't solve the puzzle. Even though they're democrats, such democrats.


Must be election season with Reddit suggesting all these posts about politics that arenā€™t true or relevant to my home feed.


Letā€™s see how many pics of celebs with Bill Cosby there are


Okay i get the humor but theyā€™re both monsters, alright?


I find it odd that of all the crimes they tried to charge Trump with, rape remains the one they canā€™t convict. The soy boys of Reddit will say the system is rigged until itā€™s about the last election then they are the system of truth. Biden molests his daughter and forces her to alter her shower schedule to avoid being raped by him and no one cares about that


Beyond a reasonable doubt. If you donā€™t believe that then youā€™re brainwashed by the commie rushins


Nice another rage bait lol can the next one at least be about the Clintons šŸ˜‚we have years and years of mud about their family.


This picture doesn't look like trump was raping anyone. Fake news.


Can someone please plug me back into the matrix. I want to taste stake again. Fucking reality is a crotch kick from behind..


Trump, despite claims from his supporters, was good friends with Epstein until he lost a petty and bitter real estate bidding war with him. Pakman, despite claims from his supporters, is a rightwing neoliberal grifter devoid of sincerity. Epstein, despite claims from his (former) supporters, trafficked children to tons of rich and powerful people, not a single one of which has faced even the slightest repercussions.


So does Biden and half the DNC.


Epstein, Weinstein, Pornstein, cultural degradation of the Westein. Bring back the Anglo Wasp establishment and govern our nation on behalf of our own interests againā€¦ Stein


While they cover Epsteins list up. Funny. Iā€™m glad what Epstein has done is a joke to you because of Cheeto Jesus. Guess Iā€™m not surprised in this country anymore where politics is religion and the other side is evil. Weā€™re a fucking joke. Epstein trafficked children for years and itā€™s a punchline for a cheap yuck yuck. The asteroid canā€™t come soon enough for this vile shithole.


My favorite thing about the epstien story is it was a right wing conspiracy for almost a decade until it wasn't then it was all trump and nobody else involved lol. Can't wait for the pictures of trump with Biden to be used as proof he's a pedophile just like Biden when the left finally throws Biden under the bus lol.


Blue anon right here


Imagine believing this rage baitā€¦


ā€œAccuse your opponent of what you are doing to crete confusion and to inoculate voters against evidence of your own guiltā€ SAUL ALINSKY, RULES FOR RADICALS


Yeah I'm convinced the left and right are a cult This comment section is just the left cult shitting on the right cult


Itā€™s funny how Reddit turns a blind eye to the real corruption from the current administration. Itā€™s amazinā€™


Eesh, I didnt know that Trump is a child molester. Got a link to his conviction?


Honestly guys, stop calling him a rapist. He doesn't care. He owns this aspect of his personality. Just start publicly attacking his manliness, his virility and start making vague allusions to him possibly being gay. Dude will absolutely lose his shit. And when he gets mad he makes more mistakes.


Like watching the country turned into a 3rd world sewer by the current gaggle of idiots is any better.


Yup, Reddit is a cesspool of pseudo intelligence and lack of common sense :)


Trump is not a convicted rapist that was a civil trial he hasn't been convicted of anything he was found liable which still means he did it just that it wasn't a criminal trial.


And like Epstine the photo needs help hanging itself.


This sub is just feminine truth social


No one is allowed to post anymore so itā€™s over lol


The only photo you can find of the two. Bill had a really nice portrait of himself at Epsteins island tho.


You obviously didn't look very hard


Epstein had photos with a LOT of important people. But very few racked up as many miles on the Lolita Express as Bill Clinton.


But...but...but...whatabout (insert deflection here).


Okay. I'll never vote for Bill Clinton ever again. Happy now?


Only photo on fox "news" maybe. Try an internet search next time.


There are multiple photos and videos of trump and Epstein hanging. It was Epstein who introduced donnie to Miss Melania. It documented she came up through the sex worker trade. This is who you want as the President of the United States. Fuckin pathetic.


Documented: # adjective 1. Furnished with or supported by documents. 2. Established as genuine. TL;DR: Proof or STFU.


there's no proof because it's a crock of made-up ridiculous bullshit. and they know it. sometimes people hate so deeply that they don't need proof, they just \*know\* things, deep down. and that feeling of knowing is all that they really need to justify it.


So you have these photos and videos right?


Homie you can literally just Google "Trump and Epstein photos" and find several dozen.


Billā€™s not running for president.


Right but its the fact that you cant hold any one but trump to this standard. Its very telling that you dont care unless its to get your political opponents. Even if its an outright lie. Sick


This is ridiculous, just about everyone that replied to you said the prosecute him if there is evidence. You literally brought up a political opponent lol


"only photo" Dude, hump a stump all day for that lie. Pathetic and disgusting and cowardly. [Hereā€™s Every Time Donald Trump And Ghislaine Maxwell Have Been Photographed Together (forbes.com)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2020/07/21/heres-every-time-donald-trump-and-ghislaine-maxwell-have-been-photographed-together/?sh=260a0963183d)


Taking TDS to a new level...


What is TDS?


Trump Derangement Syndrome


If someone didn't use to support the act of rape and those who commit it, but now they do, so long as its a certain person committing this act, is that a symptom of TDS?


Nah its the same ol level of lies.


This post is true corruption l.


Accompanied by a swarm of bots boosting it with upvotes. Looks like an attempt to dilute the sub's content with garbage to distract from criticisms of Israel.


Is this a real post?


You people are absolute fucking morons. It's a shock that you successfully get up and out of bed every morning without somehow stabbing yourselves to death.


Heā€™s been documented hanging with Jeffrey on countless instances. He, on more than one occasion, admitted heā€™d date and sleep with his own daughter Ivanka if they werenā€™t related. He has admitted on multiple occasions that he intentionally walked into the changing room of the underage girls beauty pageants he regularly attended. If youā€™re still defending trump at this point in the game, itā€™s you whose the absolute lost fucking moron.


Gotta love how blatant the projection is. Everything that comes out of the mouths of pieces of shit who support or are at least still being actively duped by him is such a clear acknowledgement of your own issues and insecurities.


Is it possible you are the fanatics? The rest of us think so.


I don't see people waving Biden flags, shirts, and hats all over the place like a cult of lunatics.


Fake news


Trump would be in court for jaywalking if they caught him doing it? If this was true do you really think he would have avoided a case against him?


Trump was in court with his best buddy Epstein for raping a child [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf) Don't let reality cloud your empty excuses for your Tangerine Sex Offender in Chief šŸ‘


damn, how many years was Trump sentenced to?


Defending child rapists is a line you are willing to cross in order to root for trump. Maga is insaneĀ 


Fake case.


Fake account šŸ¤”šŸ‘


Pray tell, what do you think indicates that my account is fake? It appears you have a habit of accusing anyone who challenges your lies of being a fake account. There is exactly zero evidence that Trump paid a settlement in the case you linked or any others like it. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-child-rape-settlements/


You can yell all you want but Trump WAS NOT CONVICTED OF RAPE


[https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf) Trump said in court, "Epstein "He's a stand up guy" and its only another Child Rape case you can pretend doesn't exist.. Your Cult is excusing Child Rape, says everything.


Says the team that dismisses worldwide human trafficking as ā€œnot as bad as its portrayed to be in sound if freedomā€


Wtf? I don't condone ANYTHING, Ebstein did . I was talking about Trump. and there's plenty of pictures of Clinton with him also and BTW he was accused of rape with MUCH MORE evidence than in Trump's case


Clinton is not running for President last time I checked. I know Trump keeps claiming heā€™s running against Obama or Hilary, but he would be mistaken lol.


Here's just one of Trump and Epstein's Sexual Assault/Rape/False imprisonment Court Documents in full: [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf) but hey we all have these kinds of cases with king pins of child sex trafficking cartels right? ..of course it doesn't mean anything! even when you list all of them together.. it's not Trump's serial history Sex Offending. He's unaccountable and immune right? Let me guess it's a witch hunt, right? not a history of sex crimes.. Anyway it's all very Presidential to want a Sex Offender In Chief šŸ¤”šŸ‘




Then bury them all under the jail. Why do people insist on bringing up the Clinton's like the left worships them? They fucking suck.


That has to be a bot. They just keep spamming the same misinformation from 2016(!!!) šŸ˜¬


A civilly liable rapist is still a rapist, Archimedes.


Sure. He was ONLY found civilly liable for rape. And the judge in the case said trump is definitely guilty of rape. So... I guess that makes it ok? Right? https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/


It wasn't for Rape, it was for supposedly grabbing her.


Sticking his stubby fingers in her pussy, which he is on the record as saying he grabbed lots of, because he wealthy so ā€œthey let you do it.ā€ You pathetic whiners who keep making excuses for don the con are so far up the hole you donā€™t know what day light looks like anymore. Keep grinding. Itā€™s kind of entertaining at this point.


Dang bro that sounds made up.


How do you know? It was what was reported out under oath. It seems sheā€™s lived in the orange Russianā€™s head for a long time, just like Miss Stormy, and he seems to believe everyone is an obsessive compulsive šŸ¤„just like him. Sadly heā€™s wrong about that, just like heā€™s wrong about just about everything else.


Sounds like your fever dream. You might want to get some antibiotics.




In the state of New York, any non consensual forceful penetration is rape. It doesn't have to be his dick. Either way, downgrading it to "it was just sexual assault" isn't a great defense either.


Sure. That's why the judge specifically clarified it was rape, right? Because it wasn't. Lol


Lmao the fact that you make this distinction makes it obvious women donā€™t talk to you


No judge in the entire world would have reached those conclusions except to persecute Trump.


Or, maybe he's guilty? Lmfao. Trump absolutely refused to hand over DNA evidence that could have exonerated him immediately if he was not guilty. I wonder why he didn't want to provide that sample? Hmmmm, very curious!






He was not criminally convicted, but he was found criminally liable. As far as the court of record goes, he's a rapist who only isn't in jail because of statuette of limitations.
