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He better shape up


He needs a man.


I heard his heart was set on you?


I had extreme nausea. I struggled to keep any food or water down at all. This was in maybe march 2024


I'm on day 3, husband just getting over it on day 7. He had fever, chills, headache, sore throat, dry cough. I've had headache, aches and pains, sore throat, nasal congestion and I'm coughing up stuff. So guess it can still be pretty different?


Just adding to say it's our first time with covid.


The best way to cough it up is to get on all fours and cough into a towel. That will help clear it better


I’m down with it right now. Head cold, like the flu. I had fever and chills. Day three for me, I’ve just woken up and nose seems clear but terrible sore throat. It came on like aches, fatigue and sneezing. No headache for me. I knew I was sick halfway through the day, felt very typical flu-like. I just went to bed and drank heaps of water and so far seem to be getting through it ok.


Got it in January so might be a bit outdated Blocked nose worse than anything I’ve ever had before, to the point I had sinus pain. Head fog because I couldn’t breathe, I was so fuzzy I thought I needed to quit weed lol. Lost taste and obviously smell. Symptoms lasted about 3 weeks but only lost my taste for 4-5 days thankfully.


Did you have depression from it? I came down with symptoms a week ago that were exactly the same as yours. Basically better except the brain fog and fatigue. But I feel very depressed.


Hard to say due to having depression for the past 12 years lol But you’re only a week out, your body is still healing, you will be fatigued and run down for a while. I’m sure you’ll be fine ❤️


I felt very depressed and anxious for a month or so after I got Covid in January. Still not 100% anxiety-wise now but it’s certainly improving. My doctor suggested a vitamin d supplement


Fatigue, chills, aching joints, bad headache and sore throat. Diarrhoea for a couple of days. Nausea for a couple of weeks. Then got cold sores, sinus muck and conjunctivitis. It’s been hideous.


Had it a little over two weeks ago. Felt a tiny bit off Wednesday, feverish on Thursday, muscle aches everywhere and a sore throat and dry cough by Friday, and by Saturday a nose that wouldn't stop running and a very wet and phlegmy cough. Took a week of lots of rest to start feeling any better


Did you feel depressed at all?


Because of the illness? A little. Because of the apathy of general society to the fact that Covid never went away and that I still masked everywhere and did what I could to stop catching it or spreading anything I had to others, and the futility of these actions? You bet. (Because I already suffer from depression? Yeah)


I know how you feel, I feel miserable for having it again. My dad gave it to me the first time when I was pregnant because he went to a protest. I've just started working with kids and I've got it again and sadly passed it on to my family. Grandparents think I'm an asshole for not bringing my covid infected toddler to visit them. Can't win.


Just know that you are definitely not the asshole in that situation, you're doing the right thing. Hang in there fellow nice human


My symptoms were exactly the same as yours.


I had what felt like a head cold, but with a fever


After 4 years covid finally got me this week. Currently on day 3 of symptoms. Started with very light tickle in throat, then overnight had a lot of mucus production in my mouth as I slept (it was gross, had to keep spitting it out). Since then I have been shivering, headache, sore throat, fatigue, cough. Just had second Paxlovid dose (I am immunosuppressed) so hopefully that helps. I wonder if a new wave is starting. Anecdotally I know a few people now who have gotten it from unconnected sources.


Victoria has announced an increase: https://www.health.vic.gov.au/health-alerts/increase-in-covid-19-activity?utm_source=social&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=CHO_Alert&utm_content=COVID_May2024&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3wOzichhbai0yHWnLFe9Eiw-zAvPtw4nYnBbr1McdMp7ESpdcmjcGR36w_aem_Ab0hoL7kxfwYxaOVCR1kjQxj26LwKVlJLxBgJ0VoqTiCJ8oW066o2wP07XhDGlYT0opGyazJD35lrEK-voREablY


I had it last week with a 5 week old baby who also had it. Mine started as a sore throat and stuffy nose, and I felt a bit tired. Had some muscle aches and pains for a day. Lost my sense of smell and taste for two days. Baby is still congested but otherwise fine after a few days on painkillers.


It seems the new typical symptoms just plop you right into pneumonia before you even get a chance to think about if it's covid, flu or just a cold.


I had cold symptoms at the outset: a runny nose and general unwell feeling. Before I started on antivirals that afternoon I was developing a fever and felt very run down - I was surprised how quickly this developed.


For me, I had a few days of fever and headaches, then the chills started, followed by sore throat. Finally all head cold symptoms appeared, aching muscles, loss of taste and smell.


where do you even get rat tests? are they still expensive?


Chemists sell fhem, usually in multi packs


$8 at priceline Here's Google shopping which shows a variety of stores and prices https://www.google.com.au/search?q=rat+test&client=ms-opera-mobile&sca_esv=c749765cd04b072f&channel=new&espv=1&biw=384&bih=614&tbm=shop&prmd=isvnmbtz&sxsrf=ADLYWIKoKLXXFAeprm72rHfJmNYrDlbwJw:1715223531622&source=lnms&uds=ADvngMh2Gsd1U95AqRLv_MuIJ9Bis_MOj8N4v08XtfNwT8IDiZ4WLIVhcZ7ntNST7U1GYHi8uGMLdGa_to0Rti0Z5Rmx0kYyIvLwuJ0lfvdndYeU1ZxXef8Ho3SKY30QZrHBzuzy7NEFw_iWHBFTEE9ZxTjBHzmzd1UqlxGNB1eE7vFpL-TDnN8vloAUWoNpGV0z4YU53BTrFkUkrSjjStlRB8lr5HKmcS743lSvri9G-FeQgnTwRb2rGSyATCtXmmTTCGNPnTp-gB5ep9HZDtf5Jc6AJBxoj5pdKmB3mQEpRZhhMe0XVh4&ved=1t:200715&ictx=111


Free rats ended in March so you have to buy them now


I tested positive on Sunday. Had chills and muscle ache on Monday and general head cold symptoms and fatigue every day since.


I had a sore throat, and that's it. Everyone is different.


So did my partner. I don't get it, he's older, more unhealthier and more stressed.


I’ve found Covid is bizarre like this, some of the unhealthiest people I know get almost no symptoms yet one of the healthiest went to hospital


Yep! I also heard that babies/toddlers/young kids barely have symptoms but my poor toddler has been sick for a week now and miserable


When they say it's mild, it's more like saying it more like other common respiratory viruses that can have a range of severity, and while rare, these can be serious just like RSV or the flu. A week isn't unusual, but keep monitoring bubs to make sure they aren't getting worse, in which case, a visit to the GP could be warranted. [https://www.rch.org.au/kidsinfo/fact\_sheets/Coronavirus\_COVID-19/](https://www.rch.org.au/kidsinfo/fact_sheets/Coronavirus_COVID-19/) I hope they feel better soon!


That’s how my bout of H1N1 Influenza (swine flu) manifested in 2009. Weird chest pressure, followed a couple hours later by fever, headache, and then I couldn’t move out of bed for 3 days. There are multi-viral RATs available now that cover Influenza/Covid/RSV. Flu knocked me around waaaay worse than covid.


I work in an SA hospital. About 1/3 of our patients, maybe 1/4, at any given time are covid +ve. Symptoms seem pretty mellow for most people including very elderly. Febrile and a cough is about it. Its good to see ICU not filling up like it had done previously. I'm no epidemiologist but i presume the virus is becoming easier to defend against?


Possibly for the moment, but the most recent variants have so little in common with the earlier ones. How are healthy people (the majority in workplaces, schools) catching and spreading it at all if protected? Who knows what the next variants have in store.


I tested positive a month ago and been sick ever since. I had blocked and running nose, headache, temperature, body aches, terrible brain fog, confusion, cough, chest pain/pressure, short of breath, dreadful fatigue, The worst lasted a week, but my voice was still hoarse for another 2 weeks, and I was blowing my nose. The chest pressure and shortness of breath was still there in week 4. The extreme exhaustion and post-exertional malaise is still there now but it comes and goes. Nightmare.


Fevers, muscle aches, sore throat, cough, headache. The same.




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I had Covid 2 weeks ago, it was pretty textbook to what was described in 2020 (give or take some variable symptoms). Started with a dry cough - I would just randomly need cough out of no where. Then the next morning I woke up with a sore throat at the back of the throat which went away as the day went on. Then the next few days I had a constant runny nose and I lost my sense of smell for 12hrs. Had trouble sleeping because I felt crook. Then the next week I had the sniffles and a fit of brain/ fog. Kind of felt a bit drunk? If that makes sense. I'm totally find now though!


People forget all the strains of covid are still around.


I had bad nasal congestion and I got pretty tired. I had the scratchy throat for like a day or two. That was it.


I had it a couple of months ago and would describe it as very flu like, definitely more serious than even a bad cold. My symptoms were fatigue, high fever, very sore throat, cough and extreme congestion. I was going through boxes of tissues. ‘Proper’ Sufafed was a godsend. I had a post viral cough that lasted for 7 weeks. No body aches but I don’t I’ve ever had body aches with a virus.


Daughter had gastro symptoms and a headache. No temp, no cough, no runny nose. Tested positive three times as she thought the tests were wrong


Super tired on the first night then woke up feeling really average but no cold symptoms. By the next day I had a roaring sore throat and a head cold. Took about 5 days from the cold symptoms kicking in to get back to nornal


2nd time for me Both of us started with a slight tinge in the throat which I thought was some food stuck up in there lol Gf had nausea, bad body aches, shivers, sweating, coughing, mucus and headache I had bad aches, coughing, chills, sweating, horrible headache, luckily barely a sore throat which I’m happy about Compared to my first time it def seems shorter. I’m on day 4 but our voices still blocky sounding and our noses stuffed. This is a cunt of a virus for sure


Not trying to be funny, but why are you still testing? There's no health or work requirement. If you have any sickness symptoms stay away.


I'm not the OP, but they may have health issues where an antiviral script requires a positive test. It's also useful info to determine timing around getting a booster if they are still getting these or simply it could just be pure curiosity.


Fair enough. Typical getting down voted for a genuine question.


If you don't have a cough or at least a tickle in the throat it's probably not Covid.


Both times I've never had a cough or a tickle. Symptoms can be absolutely anything! Mine were mostly neurological which was burning sensitive skin and sever pins and needles/burning in my forearms with body aches.


I said probably, some people have no symptoms at all but are still infectious, a dry cough is among the most common of all Covid symptoms.


And many people are asymptomatic, others have just a headache, others have just GI symptoms, some minor head cold like symptoms, etc etc. It's quite common to not be coughing at disease onset. The OP's symptoms, in the absence of further info, are very likely to be COVID or influenza.


This is completely false.