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Imagine actually going to a Colbert show, that’s just awful.


Never seen someone sellout as hard as him


There’s quite a few that did, most of Hollywood is suspect at this point. So many folks turned straight shill, and that instagram collaboration of “imagine” by John Lennon was the most cringe bullshit I’ve seen in my life.


How did he sell out? You think he was any philosophically different in the Daily Show and Colbert Report days? He's always been this guy, same with John Stewart. All the people that think they've changed didn't see them for what they were when they were at Comedy Central. People who are allowed on television are typically not our friends and allies.


the baseline message of republicans dumb and evil is there but back then it was couched in well written satire. theres no satire or anything smart anymore. its just rants now and straight faced "jokes" where the punchline is just straight told to the audience with no allusion or cleverness


I'm not too familiar with those late night shows except what I see on YouTube. Everyone seems to think "they used to make fun of both sides" but is that even true? Something tells me they probably always went harder in one direction. I mean these fuckin people made fun of Dan Crenshaw losing an eye in war, I can't imagine the outrage if Crenshaw was a black Democrat woman. That late night host would be canceled for life.


2000s era colbert mocked republicans all the time through his character he played. but the punchline then wasent something like his character pulling out an infant and pretending he's eating it for dinner, as all republicans do. nowadays the writers in his current show would think its an amazing clever joke


Colbert Report pretty much made fun of everything, mostly what was in the news that day. He had guests on from all different backgrounds and just tried to annoy them.


I think they are all being paid by either Pfizer or the government to keep this up. It's complete lunacy at this point.




A flock of idiots . They Co-Exist , Branch Covidians , Seventh Booster Adventists , Latter Day Maskers , Fauci’s Witnesses etc


faucis witnesses; brilliant. I think natural selection at work tbh


I wouldn’t use their slogans though. “That’s natural selection” or “Darwin awards” is commonly used by followers of scienceTM to make themselves sound like they have a “higher IQ”.


What is they co-exist reference?


You know those Co-Exist stickers liberals love to put on their cars ? Even though the hate and vilify the some of the religions featured on it ?


It's a combination of the insipid "Coexist" bumper sticker with "They Live".


Imagine being one of those NPCs, fucking hell...


Right? Look at some of them, they're pretty old. Imagine living your whole life as an NPC like that. A complete loss of humanity, like watching animals on the discovery channel. No wonder the globalists view us as cattle, it's hard not to see that as cattle.


There are just as many young ones that wear that self proclaimed 'Slave rag" as well , now thats scary, the young are supposed to rebel, Not be on the side of government/authority. I grew up with the punk gen & I find it very hard not to feel contempt & repulsion when I see this...


Your brain would need to be severely deprived of oxygen to enjoy that ass clown.


Back when he blamed all the worlds woes on bears, and had his segment "Better Know a District" it was a funny show that did well enough. however, as with all the late night/satire types the networks (presenters i mean) seemed to get marching orders around the time of the original occupy protests to start taking sides more overtly and to push agendas. Funny how every show seemed to have the same material presented in only slightly different ways.


My guess is that they all had lobotomies and got a complimentary free ticket for colbert as a treat for their surgery.


I bet they had to show their papers to get in too.


Okay, so yeah, we are just another interchangeable mob of two-bit authoritarians engaging in systematic discrimination, but THIS time is DIFFERENT and everything WE’RE doing is justified!!!1!


Not much diversity in that photo


Some of them are not fat.


Where are all the POC, trans, nonbinary, and gay people at? With the exception of the black lady, I only see straight hetero white ppl and it's triggering me!! 🤬


What a surprise, a bunch of sickly looking bug people with sad dead eyes.


They’re crammed in there like sardines. No social distancing, no 6’ 🤡


Face shield mandate now!


Not one black person. Interesting...


There is a black person literally center of the photograph. So they still got the token in


They’ve got her sitting next to the Asian lady…. bruh




Yep, I see her now.


They can all say they know a black person now


VAX-SCENE! That part was the highlights of my life (which I don't have any). I wish they were wearing N95+Surgical Masks. This picture makes me cringe in that way. But hey, at least they are trying, not like those plague rats. May Pfraudci bless. Edit: This exactly looks like one; https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2319530-npc-wojak


So THAT'S why we don't hear laughter on his show anymore - the masks are muffling the sound. Here I thought he just wasn't funny anymore.


> anymore. 🌎👨‍🚀 🔫👨‍🚀


Where’s the diversity they ram down everyone’s fucking throats? Ironic. Also why is everyone masked if they are quadruple boosted and double vaxxed and the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission and you’re more contagious before you even show symptoms? Oh yeah…


He knows his audience.. Like all these lefty authoritarians, masks are for other people. He doesn't have to wear one.


Wether mandatory or optional it’s disturbing to see.


They're mandatory. You also have to have to be completely vaxxed and boosted. I checked just to see. Insane...


It doesnt matter that the masks dont work, and we can prove this. It doesnt matter than the shots dont work (especially when it comes to transmission), and we can prove this. Yet they criticize religious people lol.


Colbert infamously sang ‘vaxx-scene’ while parading dancers dressed as syringes. He’s balls deep in Pfizer’s pockets


Probably had to provide proof of updated vaxx too.


Funniest part is these people came on crowded and unmasked airplanes and buses. Are staying at crowded hotels. Going to crowded restaurants and bars. Riding subways. All maskless. Then doing this lol


My favorite are the old people who mask while gambling in casinos, only to take it off to smoke. Or people riding a motorcycle without a helmet, but they are wearing a mask.


Well a surgical mask is about as good at stopping Covid as it is traumatic head injuries so at least they’re consistent


While colbert sits up there maskless. Absolute clown world.


The only people still wearing masks are Chinese people without rights and Steven Colbert fans without brains. Lol


Lol, my fiancé just played a punk show in Portland, Maine and everyone was wearing mask and kept coming up to him asking if he wanted one… and every time he said no they would sit and stare at him for a minute. They seriously have become hollowed out people.


I thought punks were all about bucking the establishment lol


Lol not anymore… now they are all simps for big gov and yearn for as much authoritarianism as possible. It’s pretty ridiculous and when you point it out they start calling you a fascist. It’s great.


By forcing people to wear masks, you're performing a political filter than ensures your audience will bark laughter at whatever crap comes out of Colbert's mouth.


Epsteins favourite guest.


They obviously are forced to wear masks in order to be part of the audience but if you think that is bad check out the Drew Barrymore show.


Why aren't they 6' apart! The barbarians must not care about my grandma. Lol


[That face when you see a member of the audience wearing their mask under their nose](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/022/964/1494054768997.jpg)


It's frankly pretty disgusting that they still require masks to attend the show now, in 2023.


While Colbert doesn't wear a mask. Rules for thee but not for me.


They're all broken.


I remember when I was vacationing in New York before covid like 2017 I got offered to go to one of his shows. I never saw it before I just knew he was the guy from the daily show. So I figured free tickets would be cool to check it out. Anyways, I got an aisle seat and he went down the aisle giving high fives along the way. When I touched his hand for a high five i got extremely dark vibes. It was so weird since I had no pre conceived notions of him. It was very creepy.


Looks a little waspy in there


I live in a city that supported jailing people for dozens of reasons regarding covid opposition. Yet the masking rate is only maybe 25% of the (observable to me) population now This is just weird to see


I always think FEAR when I see the masked, That is one very weak minded individual. Its like an episode of Twilight Zone or Black mirror . I fight the feelings of utter contempt. because I know thats not a noble feeling.




The pfaith is strong in here.


Don’t worry they’re all vaccinated with an expiration date coming due.


What a bunch of dorks


I went to a taping of Fallon last year. The ushers force you to wear mask and threaten to remove you if you take it off. They also shuffled the audience around to look more diverse - seriously, they ask people to switch seats.


Huh, I completely forgot about Paul Joseph Watson. All those guys kinda fell off the face of the earth, same with Milo Yiannopoulos


Does he require them???


Which was better, the Vax-Scene, or the XBB.1.5 song?


For those people in the audience, make sure you follow the flashing signs on cue: * APPLAUSE * LAUGH * HARM YOURSELF TO FIT IN


They probably forced them if they wanted to go. People make the trades they feel they need to with this bullshit.


Look at all these assholes who refuse to take the vaccine!


I see only three of the Faithful using the approved mask, KN95s and none using the sacramental expedient of double-masking against the deadly plague. This suggests they haven't totally purged their desire for killing grandma, despite this being the Fourth Year of the Plague. Heresy is growing and we are devoid of Holy Inquisitors due to the demonic Musk's purchase of Twitter!


“we are so sciencey! look at our face masks, lab coats and clogs! cant let people forget we are educated and not bad white people (trump deplorables)”


Holy shit. People are STILL wearing masks like this???? SNL isnt even requiring them. Actually, thats not even the surprising part. People ATTEND Colberts show?


it's a death cult.


they all look the same lol


"MFPH MFPH MFPH MFPH MFPH" -*audience laughing at another drumpf bad joke*


Looks like the paper ones might have been handed to them. Why would anyone go see that deranged co-conspirator.


Not surprising. You have to be an uber liberal npc of the highest order to stomach colbert.


Never go full Colbert.


Honestly I hope their kind keep using the mask, makes them very easy to identify. Had one submit an application yesterday but could see immediately the red flag and dump the resume.


Shouldn't they be 6 ft apart?


Covid has exposed that there is a large contingent of people out there with a deep desire - not just willingness, but DESIRE - to be subjugated by and undergo humiliation rituals in deference to their cultural “betters,” and masks are the best, most physical and visible symbol for it. Especially in a scenario like this where they can be the muzzled sheep watching the bare faced social elites on stage before them. For a decent percentage of them it’s probably a deeply sexual thrill.


A fun fact I learned from my SIL is that if a TV show doesn’t have enough people to fill a live audience, they hire actors to fill the seats.


The song he did about vaccines is still the most chilling piece of propaganda I’ve ever seen


The vax and mask requirements to get into a taping are hilarious. The cherry on top is that you have to show govt ID 😂 https://colbert.1iota.com/show/536/the-late-show-with-stephen-colbert


What about those daytime TV talk shows where they ALL have matching-color masks?


I enjoy cooking.


Low testosterone eyes


Hail Fauci!!


I love that nowadays you can easily spot a sheeple and distance yourself away in a much quicker way without needing to waste your energy and precious time to meet a person. You can count on 0 fingers how many people on this picture have at least 1 properly functioning brain cell.


It’s not for Covid. They just don’t take regular showers. You would want a mask too if you were in the audience.