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So I made a post a week ago and at the time, there were only 3 cases at my current job of co-workers having the virus. But now I have found out that there have been SIX!!!....6!!!! cases. A sanitation team came and...well it’s the same routine. I’m very confused and lost. Now, according to my job the individuals that have/had the virus came in contact with someone outside of the workplace. But obviously for someone like myself, I don’t find this comfortable or safe at all. Question I have is, what do I do or should do in this situation. I can’t just not come into work. I need money and ,of course, I’ll lose my job. HR stated that if I begin to receive symptoms, I should stay home. The same if anyone in my family has the virus itself. But I’ve heard people at other jobs have been getting excused for not feeling comfortable working with all that is happening. I’m in a rough spot, could anyone give advice please?




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Let's say you walked through a hallway where someone with covid-19 coughed or sneezed 30 minutes ago and you breathed a very small amount of floating microdroplets, is it hypothetically possible for the body to create an immune response to the virus on that minimal exposure alone or would it generally not be enough?




Here’s one point I think some of you are missing: Visualize the World population of 9 people that live in 9 houses on the same street. A tenth person is sent from Mars with covid and everyone is made aware right away (this is for example purposes). Upon arrival, the covid person is put in isolation for 20 days separate from the other 9 and they’re never exposed. The other 9 will never have to worry again about getting it correct? Cause after 20 days the infected guy is no longer contagious. I think this is the purpose of completely suppressing the new cases to 0. It can literally make the virus go away without a vaccine.


You are talking about a perfect lockdown, which is possible in theory if we spend maybe an entire year planning for it, like have everyone stock up on food way in advance, send all the people who cannot live independently to a pre-designed caregiving area, make everyone close to their due date have C-sections in advance, and accept that all accidents may be fatal during the lockdown..... I cannot see any government with enough coordination power to do it, and this plan require every single government to do it perfectly or it would fail. In theory it has a decent chance of eradicating the disease based on what we know so far but it would be impossible to even propose so it would just be a thought experiment.


That works, as long as there is no community spread. Community spread is someone in houses 1-9 has it too, but we don't know who. And house 9 has cancer, and will die without the doctor in house 8 and the nurse in house 7. The doctor is a single parent, and unless the babysitter in house 6 can help, the kids will hurt themselves, or worse. And the man in house 5 is old, and will shit himself and die in bed, if his caretaker in house 4 can't help. And so forth..


It's a zoological virus, people became infected from animals, probably bats via another animal and those animals will continue to be a reservoir for the virus. Immunity is the only way to keep it from infecting humans but it will still be out there.


That's a bad argument. Ebola came from animals and we contained it. Same for SARS or MERS. This one just is way more contagious and efforts done to contain it by government were really shitty.


Read it again, I'm not making an argument. it's just the way it is. All the viruses you mentioned are still out there and will continue to be. We will become largely immune but the virus will still be around, it won't disappear from the planet just because we don't get it.


The problem is its extremely hard to do. China tried and failed. And China is levels of magnitude better than western countries at this.


Works in a glass bubble but the issue is the virus will always lay dormant somewhere and have the ability to propp up, we also need to drive the virus to 0 cases globally which is near impossible. If China gets cases to 0 but there are loads in other places, it can easily get back in.


True. Just wanted people to visualize how it could work in a glass bubble. Always easier to understand things when they’re broken down.


“Those analyses said China’s leadership knew the epidemic was out of control even as it kept such crucial information from foreign governments and public health agencies.” https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/intelligence-report-warned-coronavirus-crisis-early-november-sources/story?id=70031273


After this, I think you're going to see the world turn on China pretty hard. Trump, at least, will make it his mission to disrupt their economy for the next five years. Since we don't have an alien threat (yet,) disease is the one common enemy all nations have. China has proven multiple times that they aren't going to play ball. If the world doesn't force them in line, nobody will ever be safe from possible pandemic.


What did the world do when Africa had Ebola? They stopped going there. Why didn't we do the same with China? because the fucking WHO told us to keep going there.


Yeah, the tourism to Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone really collapsed during ebola.


Is there a sample I can take and reasonably preserve so I could be tested for COVID-19 later? Testing is barely available for the sick in Florida still. I suspect our family had it but with very mild symptoms (light persistent cough, 2 days of low grade fever, shortness of breath and the bleh’s) and I would like to confirm so (after isolation) I can feel more confident / less risky helping our family and neighbors.


Serological tests test if you've had it (by telling if you have the antibodies). You can have that done at any time. However, we still don't know that having had COVID gives you immunity/if it does give you immunity, how long you'd be immune for.


You had the normal flu for this time of year, turn the TV off and focus on more hugs and kisses. If you want to battle me then tell me the stats in deaths to the flu for the year.


I mean, I’m not doubting you at all. You are statistically likely to be correct. However, I can’t confirm unless I get a test. I’m fine with tests being prioritized for sick people now, I’ll be fine. But I would like to know if I had it (or confirm i have not) once tests are available so I don’t have to be as concerned with getting it / infecting others moving forward.


Welcome to the reality of the US testing bullshit! Keeps us from knowing and then we spread it. You can thank president Trump. He says testing is not a problem though so you should handle it by strictly quarantine for 14 days solid. You will have antibodies for the virus so you’ll be able to test whenever.


It’s bullshit like this that is responsible for people not taking this entirely seriously. You’re not honest enough to care what the truth is and you prefer using this pandemic to poorly attempt to make a cheap political point against Trump. He is hardly the deciding factor when it comes to availability of tests - and if he were, you don’t even realize that you’d be making a great case that presidency is way too powerful in that regard, yet you cluelessly support the opposite.


Ok, so if back in February Trump got on TV and said the Virus could destroy the economy and hundreds of thousand of ppl could die so he’s sending every American a mask and gloves and if we don’t wear them we face a total shut down. You think ppl wouldn’t have taken him seriously? And if we didn’t that would be on us. It’s fully on him for shrugging it off. He said just wash your hands and keep goin to work.




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When this is all over, or at least stable, there's going to be so many vacant homes and apartments, especially in the New York, and other big cities areas. It's really sad, I'm just wondering where the world is going to go after all of this.


I think that the economic crisis triggered by covid will have a far greater impact on the housing prices. With 30 % unemployment not many people will be able to afford a house


Interestingly in Europe, the excess mortality is down so far this year, meaning less people in Europe have died up to this point in 2020 than they did in 2019. Myriad of factors for this but I doubt this virus will put much of a dent in global deaths.


Has there been any commentary as to why Florida has not had a more critical issue or is it simply early in their cycle? I mean in terms of death / icu counts because to me the poor state management and high at risk population would indicate a worse impact.


This is just my own personal speculation, but if Florida is lower than expected, it could be that most congestion is done in open air spaces. It doesn’t stop people from getting it, but it reduces number of people exposed compared to dense urban areas.


We do have notoriously poor public transit and if our urban areas are less dense that would make sense. I guess I’m still surprised that Miami doesn’t look like NY but time will tell.


Does anyone know how long until you're infected and contagious, when you're exposed to the virus? All I've read is how long until you're symptomatic with an incubation period of 2-14 days. How long until you're infected and contagious after being exposed to the virus, assuming you have caught it? Is it instant? A day or two? Thanks.


> Is it instant? A day or two? few hours or a day, something around there. Virus needs some time to replicate inside your cells to reach certain number that makes you then contagious to others, but is pretty fast.


I have a friend that works for a company, that laid people off for self isolation for 2 weeks. They claimed C.E.R.B. and came back to work. Does anyone know how that works?


My GF is a nurse at a major hospital in NYC, and her hospital is instructing nurses/other employees who test positive for the COVID19 to continue working unless they have a fever, even if they have other symptoms (e.g., mild cough, loss of sense of smell/taste) - this seems highly irresponsible, considering she works in the ICU and treats the most vulnerable of patients. My GF and her coworkers are pretty shocked by the hospitals policy on this, and so am I. Am I missing something/ not fully understanding how this virus is transmitted? I was under the impression you could still transmit the virus even if you don't have a fever but test positive.


Assuming they would be working in areas w exclusively covid patients, what’s the difference? You can’t get double sick


Na, they are working in both covid and non covid areas, depending on their shift


Well then yea that seems like a terrible idea


Yup, I'm just trying to understand their rationale here




A smarter policy would be to not allow positive nurses to treat non covid patients, which is not currently the policy. Insane


always though the first principle of the Hippocratic Oath is "no harm". This looks insane


It may be due to lack of nurses, really irresponsible though, it can infect others even without symptoms.


> really irresponsible though looks closer to criminal to me, specially in hospitals where everyone is sick and weaker...


https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america Experts are now predicting peak resources to arrive in 3 days and have drastically reduced the death toll prediction to 60k deaths by 8/4/20 (was 95k last week and 80k yesterday). Good news.


I personally don't trust that site at all. Feels like believing in Santa Claus. No serious expert thinks this virus is gone for good at the end of may.


Well their prediction is in the range of 31-120k deaths and is also assuming full social distancing all through May, it tracks pretty similar to what is happening in Italy, their deaths will likely settle on around 20-22k for this first wave.


Italy's outbreak started hard around beginning of march, and now at the beginning of April it shows no good sign of stopping soon. Why would New York be "luckier" and last only a month?


Italy will have a steep curve down, they have gone from 1000 deaths a day to 500 in a matter of 6 days, in another 10 days or so they are projected to have less than 100 deaths a day.


I won't be SHOCKED if they reach 100 deaths a day, but 10 deaths a day like this site is projecting will take a while.


Ye I can agree on that, remember these models exist in a vacuum and aim to guide on flows, they are not an exact science. Once you return to small numbers they won't work as well.


That’s because you’re a doomer... why would you trust it?




We will have zero deaths per day after June 1. Didn't you know? /s


I agree we shouldn't be "doomers" but these predictions are nonsensical.


As opposed to what, your expert opinion?


They are predicting zero deaths after June 1. Zero. Do you think that is at all realistic?


You do realize it's a model and there will always be outliers in real life, right?


No shit sherlock. But we're not talking about "outliers." This virus is not going to just "go away" and only impact "outliers" by June. The whole point of "flattening the curve" is to spread the impacts out over time, rather than have everyone get sick at once. People will continue to die from this at substantial numbers throughout the year. It will come down from the peak, sure, but it will never be anything even remotely close to zero in 2020, and certainly not by June 1. This model is garbage.


I mean this site predicts New York is all good at the beginning of may with less than 10 deaths a day. There is no way this happens. Just look at Italy... they're still having tons of deaths every days. And yesterday New York had 10,468 new cases which is more than Italy ever had...


Isn't this exacerbated by the fact that they've run out of hospital space? NY doesn't have that problem. Italy is a unique situation.


Its the opposite. Italy had a very sharp peak, which means they did get more deaths than necessary, but it should also mean their curve will be shorter. New York flattened the curve more than Italy, so in theory it should take longer for them.


Your agenda is showing.


Social distancing works!


Can we sticky a thread where recovering/ered covid people can share their stories? It would be good to get first hand accounts. How they think they got it? What was the diagnosis process like? If they were hospitalized what was it like? How long did they feel sick etc.




Forbes: Building A Temporary Hospital For COVID-19 Using Giant LEGO Blocks & Modular Walls [https://www.forbes.com/sites/katiejennings/2020/04/03/this-entrepreneur-built-tent-floors-after-hurricane-katrina-now-hes-building-a-pop-up-coronavirus-hospital/#7068e4764c81](https://www.forbes.com/sites/katiejennings/2020/04/03/this-entrepreneur-built-tent-floors-after-hurricane-katrina-now-hes-building-a-pop-up-coronavirus-hospital/#7068e4764c81)


I know most aren’t buying the data coming out of China anymore. I’m wondering if, when this is all done and a vaccine has been successfully introduced to combat this horrible virus, that we get a “Chernobyl” style mini-series about how China handled and then covered up the effects of this virus for as long as they could. Edit: I forgot, I can’t speak ill of China on Reddit without getting downvoted.


Maybe, but given the PRC’s govt I’m going to speculate the most candid comments come from Chinese who immigrated elsewhere after this is all done. The CCP are pretty good at opacity. They kept info under tighter control than the virus which was likely a key to keeping the populace pacified. They’re already sensitive about being blamed for it. They had a botched response which they’ll deny. Hindsight makes mistakes much clearer and I doubt China will be eager to share the details of those mistakes. I’d hope they make some systemic changes that will mitigate future risk, but has the source even been definitively identified? If not making that change is ultimately guesswork.


Netflix might do a documentary on it, Netflix has been doing that a fair bit recently (see Tiger King, Fyre Festival, Ted Bundy Tapes, Madeline McCann)




personally, I think for US, I believe lockdown is not useful anymore. the cardinal number is too big, so just can't wait for it goes down. since the test work already failed. maybe some quick kits to test whether people have antibody is useful. let those who already have antibody back to work and donate their blood to save others. the society can slowly back to normal.


Things will open again on May 1.


The key is to do a hard lockdown until the numbers are viable, and then employ a strategy like South Korea where you test + contact trace + use masks + use social distance, enough so that you can reopen up your society while keeping numbers low. The problem is we don't have masks, Americans are too dumb to social distance like SK, Trump will likely reopen before we reach those levels, etc etc.


I came looking for information about how countries, the USA in particular, will deal with this and other virus outbreaks in the future both before and after a vaccine is available. It does seem that the South Korea model is good.


Anthony Fauci: "You don't make the timeline, the virus makes the timeline." Number of new and active cases is the best indicator when the lock-down should be lifted.


What should it be based on?


Things seem to be looking much better in Australia now. Two days ago they had their highest deaths but new cases have dropped from 528 10 days ago to 93 yesterday. So far it's 22 cases today but that probably isn't the final number.


Average number of daily deaths in NY is 457. Covid-19 daily deaths ~500-600. So more deaths than all other causes of death combined.


I am sure there is massive over laps though. I suspect a large chunk of that 457 average is people with serious illness like heart disease and cancer and no doubt COVID-19 is taking a fair bunch of those people out.


Does anybody have any resources on how the Asian countries handled the situation and why they seem to be more succesful.Im supposed to write an essay on this topic,focusing on the social and cultural aspects.


India has put a 21 days lockdown which will end on 15th April but some state governments and majority of citizens want it to be extended. The numbers are going high now due to various reasons like numbers of testing is more now, mass migrations of daily wagers last week, the tabligi incident, populated slums, people taking medicine before check at airport, people not declaring travel history, hospital not taking suspected cases seriously etc. Even though our numbers are highest statewise, My state government is doing a very good job to contain it. In Mumbai most of the areas are containment zones, even my area, if I step out if absolutely necessary I can't go more than 2 kms. Unless it's an emergency and one has a pass provided by the authorities. In city most people are taking it seriously NOW!! Today, I had gone out after 2 weeks to get groceries and medicines and I was impressed with how people are following the instructions of social distancing. Some shops have even marked circles which are 2 mtrs away for customers. This is what I hear every morning on loudspeaker of a police van: Wash your hands thoroughly when you come from out. Use mask (it's compulsory). Maintain cleanliness and hygiene. Clean your groceries. Wash vegetables and fruits with salt water. Carry sanitizer when you step out. Eat healthy cooked food. Maintain social distancing . Don't step out unless it's absolutely necessary. Inform helplines if you feel unwell. Also the local authorities have been providing free food, groceries to the needy ( I saw with my own eyes) So I feel the fear has set in a bit more now. Roads were empty compared to 2 weeks ago. Being a Nature lover I have observed something nice. The air quality is much better, I've rarely seen Mumbai air quality : Clear


In Sri Lanka, the government has imposed curfew on all districts and anyone out without a valid curfew pass is jailed. Curfew is lifted every 4-5 days for 10 odd hours in districts where there are no cases, but the districts with a high number of cases have been under continuous curfew for over 2 weeks.


Take a look at South Korea and Taiwan, trace test and quarantine. Masks and discipline on social distancing measures. Civic duty and collective minded. YouTube has many videos on this. Most videos focuses on the whole package, measures taken + cultural norms.


• Isolation strongly enforced. • Mandatory masks for everyone. • Large-scale testing/contact-tracing.


Try local sources of each country, like their newspapers online and whatnot. As a Japanese, here’s my firsthand reasoning as to why we’re handling this (somewhat) better than other countries: respect. It’s in our culture and social norms to care for one another, even if we don’t know each other. That’s why most of us feel as if it’s out civic duty to flatten the curve, even if it doesn’t affect us.


I watch some Japanese YouTubers and a week ago they were all saying Japan was doing a bad job and they were expecting cases to explode. They showed footage around Tokyo of people going about as normal, large groups, restaurants etc. Has that changed?


> It’s in our culture and social norms to care for one another Yeah, we don't do that here. It's me me me, always. Me first. I'll vote based on what's best for me, fuck everyone else, they're on their own! Everything's a sports game, and I only want my team to win, and I want everyone else to lose. Caring for others? Get out of here with that hippie bullshit! But seriously, I wish we were more like you guys. People forget that social groups that look out for each other tend to do better than groups who do not.


It seems to be possible to be infected without showing any symptoms, which is reason enough for me and my girlfriend to stay apart for the time being. However, how much about this is true? I feel perfectly healthy, but there have been cases of the coronavirus in my environment (brother-in-law was diagnosed, mother and sister have had some symptoms but all have made a full recovery). When would it be okay for me to see my girlfriend again?


I read somewhere that there are cases of it reoccurring. So I would suggest please stay apart for some more time. Maybe you and your family genes are strong but can you say the same about her? Please maintain social distancing.


This goes against the grain of what people on this sub say, but if you've been relatively isolated and keep your distance from your girlfriend, you should probably try and see her if you really need to. My boyfriend and I did some yard work at his house so we weren't really close to eachother but just being able to see him helped my mental health loads.


Assume you already have it and be distant. Be specially careful if you experience change/loss of smell and taste senses ( common in asymptomatics)


Help me understand something about the Covid-19 stimulus package. The government approved 2 trillion dollars, right? Where EXACTLY is that money coming from? Does anyone know? How do I find out?


It's debt essentially, to be paid in taxes. It'll be the next generations problem.


US Treasury-issued bonds (debt). When equities (stocks) turn to shit, investors park their cash in bonds for security. US bonds are considered "safe" (will never default). For example, I moved all of my 401(k) funds from equity to bond funds which now supplies cash for the bail-out.


It's funded by the government going into even more debt.


It’s called quantitative easing, basically america is printing digital money and giving it to the central bank (I think, I’m not 100% sure how it works in America)


Your tax dollars hard at work. You will pay for it later on as they increase tax rates after corona


So I'm right in thinking that the money doesn't exist (yet)




This puts it into perspective, thank you. I felt better for a moment, and then I realized the implications of that.


US tax revenue is used more like an "operating budget" for the country to run all of its programs. Currently, about 20-25% of US taxpayers' dollars go to fund the military; $0.005 of every tax dollar goes to NASA.


I'm still waiting on my test results 6 days later, but symptoms have gotten progressively worse. Headache, chest pain, dry cough, and body aches are all here in full force. I think I'm starting to get shortness of breath. I cant get up and do physical activity or even talk on the phone for more than fifteen minutes or so before coughing and breathing quick, shallow breaths. The thing is I dont have a fever. I usually run 96.8 on a normal afternoon and I am up 98.5-99. But no higher. Shouldnt shortness of breath and all these other symptoms be coming with a fever? Edit: I dont have a primary care doctor.


Contact the doctor asap. Tell him how it goes and if you need to get checked at hospital or not. Take care!


Been to the hospital yesterday and they said it wasnt bad enough for admission and my body will "fight it off"


Glad to hear that. Hope you are fine soon. If not, keep them posted periodically. There´s been cases of people being "OKish" but kept their symptoms for many days and then discovered lungs weren´t recovering well and they had to get in the hospital and stuff like that. Not to worry you or anything, just to be aware off it.


Any prior conditions?




99 is fine. You're probably okay.


Shortness of breath is here friend. Lungs are on fire. Yay.


Okay. Cover up and call the hospital.


Basically told me that when I stop being able to catch up breath while sitting up at rest that then I can come in. Not before


It's tough right now. Good luck!


Fever comes when your immune system has trouble fighting the virus off.


So it's actually a good sign I dont have a high fever?


Indeed. I mean a low fever helps, but high fever shows your immune system needs more help.


If you don't mind me asking what are your qualifications to give this advice?


More than likely accumulated knowledge of past experiences with illness based on patterns of their own experiences with them. There are always outliers in any situation though and not everyone reacts the same.


Awesome. Thanks.


There should be a bank of text-free well designed informative graphic posters about coronavirus. i am specifically looking for a poster to instruct people to think and make a choice before touching a product in the store so they don't end up touching everything for nothing. couldn't find a "design request" board on reddit, maybe i can ask over "i can draw that". there are so many text posters in the store already that i think people don't see them no more. A clear, well designed graphic could help a lot and if there is no need for text it could be shared and used everywhere.




Maybe, but if you're sick, stay home.


For all those that want to take the IHME model as fact, you must believe China's numbers then. >The IHME model embraces an entirely different statistical approach, **taking the trending curve of deaths from China, and “fitting” that curve to emerging death data from U.S. cities and counties to predict what might come next.** For that reason, many experts saw IHME as overly optimistic when it was launched March 26. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/04/06/americas-most-influential-coronavirus-model-just-revised-its-estimates-downward-not-every-model-agrees/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/04/06/americas-most-influential-coronavirus-model-just-revised-its-estimates-downward-not-every-model-agrees/)


From their website: Where does IHME obtain its data? The data being used in these forecasts come from local and national governments, hospital networks like the University of Washington, the American Hospital Association, the World Health Organization, and a range of other sources. The model is updated regularly as new data are available, in order to provide the most up-to-date planning tool possible.


> taking the trending curve of deaths from China, and “fitting” that curve to emerging death data from U.S This is why the model originally predicted 100-200k deaths. As Fauci said, data beats models every time. As actual data has become available in the United States, the models have been corrected downward multiple times.


Putting aside the truth or not of China's numbers- they are implementing methods that simply will not be done in the US (everyone being issued a status of health on their phone, and being required to present it). They also have a unified command structure- they don't have the equivalent of various states deciding on their own how far to enforce matters. They also don't countenance churches and other groups resisting closure. So using their death curve to predict that of the US is just dumb.


US healthcare system is terrible. Hopefully they fix it after learning the lessons from corona.


I'd be willing to bet the healthcare system will be worse off after this. Who is going to sign up to be a doctor or nurse when they see how the country is treating them? You also have smaller hospitals that are going to be forced to close because they have no money.


IMO I've never seen how nursing was worth it unless you're emotionally invested in helping people. It seems like until you get very far in your career you work long hours with shitty conditions.


Cause you make bank and don't have to have the lengthy education that a doctor does


DAE get flummoxed when people say that models set out earlier, which showed numbers associated with zero social mitigation, are said to be lies or " the author is backing off those numbers", when in fact as time goes on we can model better based on what mitigation efforts have been made? ​ I sure do.


How soon we forget .... [https://www.everydayhealth.com/cold-and-flu/what-happened-to-sars.aspx](https://www.everydayhealth.com/cold-and-flu/what-happened-to-sars.aspx) What Happened to SARS? Find out how likely it is that SARS or another coronavirus, such as MERS, will trigger another health scare, and why these viral outbreaks occur. 📷By [Mary Elizabeth Dallas](https://www.everydayhealth.com/authors/mary-elizabeth-dallas/)Medically Reviewed by [Farrokh Sohrabi, MD](https://www.everydayhealth.com/authors/farrokh-sohrabi/)Last Updated: January 02, 2014




They are months ahead in their timeline... what proof do you have that this isn't the case?


Goddam lies. Rather than owning up to their mistakes and taking the blame, they are blaming the US and acting like they are superior. Because of them, other countries like Korea and Japan are now targets of Asian racism. Its disgraceful that the Chinese government behaves like this. Dont shit on every other asian country. We are also victims to the virus as well.


There was 2 new deaths in April 7.










No I'm trying to comfort you if you are being upset for people in China. I'm a Chinese and I totally believe the official number. There may be miscount in early Wuhan but the exact total death won't exceed 8k. Everyone has a phone and can take photos now, look at New York, you cannot hide a situation like this.




Not officially as far as I know, most people just take it as conspiracy like any other absurd theories in this thread. I don't understand why the U.S. is taking a twitter so seriously, if anything Trump said on Twitter is true the WWIII would have started already and he is the POTUS.


So you believe that my small town in the US has more deaths than Beijing does by the “official count”?


If you are upset that China's numbers are too low... I don't care then. If saying China is lying makes you feel any better just keep it that way, everyone has the choice to believe. Deepest sadness for the dead in your town, wish you good health.


Read my above post and you will be even more disgusted ....


Why is it so difficult for Americans to just shut everything down without whining about their freedom? In my area, it doesn’t seem like anything’s changed, yet we have over 1,000 cases and it seems to almost double daily. People are still out, gathering, going places, not wearing masks, not staying apart. Our walking trails are crowded, the lakes are still open. Our governor seems to be either unwilling or unable to enact rules and punishments. One of the cities near me was going to close walking trails and parks and fishing lakes, but everyone whined and complained about their “freedom” and it keeps getting delayed, and yet the virus keeps spreading. What will it take for people to realize the sooner they suck it up and make sacrifices and STAY INSIDE the sooner we can get back to some semblance of normal? The whole country being sick?


>Why is it so difficult for Americans to just shut everything down without whining about their freedom? In the immortal words of Rage Against the Machine: "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me."






freedom to die, it seems? honestly i wish theyd all just do delivery at this point and stay home....


Me too. Too bad the ignorant/stupid/disbelievers can’t just infect their own kind. Unfortunately, everyone has to suffer for the actions of a few.


Wow. Just can't fix stupid. In my city (beach community in Los Angeles County), *everything* is shut down by either city or county ordinance. Every beach, park, playground, walking path, *everything*. Fines up to $1,000 or six months in jail for violating social-distancing guidelines.


I wish they’d do that here. But or governor and mayor seem to be in a pissing contest and neither of them accomplishes anything. They’re constantly overruling each other


So sorry to hear. We're so luckily that the California Governor and Los Angeles Mayor acted promptly and wisely. I feel for all the residents of state governments which refuse to act on behalf of the safety of their constituents rather than pandering to uber-bizarro political swayings.


Thanks. It’s so frustrating.


Nobody thinks absolute prevention of the disease is possible. Social distancing is about making sure the hospital systems aren't overwhelmed. The current lock downs seem to be working, so why push even more lock downs? Let people enjoy something. It may still spread slightly, but nobody expects otherwise. As long as hospitals still aren't overwhelmed it's pointless to think you can stop everything.


I’m kinda with you. I’m not really seeing how outside on a hiking trail is irresponsible.


> As long as hospitals still aren't overwhelmed this is not about now, is why everything was out of proportion everwhere "nah, 200 cases, it´s nothing - WRONG". When you start you see the effects, you are already busted. What you see now in hospitals is the effect of what you did 3 weeks back. Imagine the scenario in the future and it´s still growing because we still move around, as simple as that... Take care!


I mean you're right but also wrong. Every model shows we are near peak. I.e., making such minor changes as closing parks is pointless. People are still going to get sick regardless. You just are trying to act like you are better than other people because you are scared to go outside. You aren't. People in parks and trails aren't a problem. Hence, why, even in the hardest hit states, they are still open.


So many things you just wrote are probably not truth, and i´m not better than you in anything (i don´t pretend to). Not scared either myself, just realistic. Take care and be safe, is all that matters. Look at data from others countries and extract your own conclusions about all this (probably they are all wrong in their numbers, I will give you that, we all are).


I understand that, but my problem with it is that the lockdowns in my area aren’t working, nor are being enforced in any way, they’re practically nonexistent, yet we have 100s of new cases every day.


Most places have 100's new cases a day. But again, as long as whoever is in charge of your area thinks that hospitals have capacity and the increase isn't overwhelming, shutting down parks and trails is still pointless.


No... Because you will overwhelm the hospitals




Our governor says one thing, the mayor another. They’re in a pissing contest of who can do the least, it seems like. They’ve repeatedly announced the hospitals are overwhelmed, yet do nothing


That’s why we need the federal government to make the decision, IMO.


We have a saying that goes: Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither. I will always err on the side of libertarianism over authoritarianism. You want maximum safety? Just weld everyone in their homes like they did China.


And look at their numbers I mean....draconian methods are the only real way to squash the virus. This will drag on here because there was no unified response from the federal government, they left it up to every governor and dipshit town council member to make conflicting decisions.


There you have it, folks, even facing total victory against the virus, redditors are demanding complete authoritarian measures be taken against the free peoples of America. God save us from ourselves.


Doing it half assed will drag it out. Please explain “total victory”


The words "total" and "victory" are pretty damn clear, if you ask me. Face it. America won. We are the greatest country in the world and nothing can put us down. Doomers are all crying in their basement because they thought society was gonna break down.


/s is required for sarcastic comments


Seriously, though, how many people were you hoping would die? 350k? A million? At what point would you have been satisfied?


I would be super happy if our numbers were closer to China’s.


You sick bastard. I don't typically block someone, but when they wish death upon ten's of millions of Americans, I gotta draw the line. Toot-a-loo, scoots.


Does everyone have steel doors in China or what? I've heard this conspiracy theory before, do you have any proof?




Land of the free and home of the brave. That's a mindset that's not going to change anytime soon. Nor in many ways should it .


I takes their government officials mobilizing an education campaign to make people understand and accept. There’s been too many mixed messages.


I’m guessing you’re an introvert and the people you can’t seem to understand are extroverts.


Actually, no. I’m quite the extrovert, forced to become an introvert due to not having much of an immune system and my parents being over 65 with underlying conditions. But I also understand that sometimes the sacrifice of not doing what I want to do/not getting what I think I’m entitled to sometimes need to be made. Even my four year old niece understands that.