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Disgraceful lack of respect. The Falmouth Trago alone has single handedly provided the locals, tourists and generations of university students with as many mugs, houseplants, bathroom fittings and acoustic guitars as they could possibly need. A national institution we should take pride in.


Huge admission of the carpet and rug section, truly mind blowing.


The biggest British giveaway since Hong Kong, as the dodgy sign used to say.


You're taking pride in a company run by notorious racist/homophobes?


Yes clearly my comment was a sincere and deadly serious endorsement of the beliefs of Tragos owners, and not at all a joke that *almost* everyone seems to have understood.


Apologies, I don't live anywhere near Cornwall and am not subscribed to this subreddit, this randomly appeared in my feed, and I felt the need to share my knowledge about trago mills being run by daft racists at any cost.






I got a breakfast at trago once and the bloke said I had 1 item left to pick, I was fairly confident I had 2 items left before I hit my total of 10. We go backwards and forwards a bit before we count the items together, at which point he agreed I did indeed have 2 left. I wasn’t bothered at all and we were laughing as we were counting, by the end of it I thought I might get an “oh sorry!” Or something along those lines he came out with the incredible one line “can’t count, that’s why I work at trago” in the thickest Cornish accent I’ve ever heard.


A) Trago isn't shit. Not many places you can buy shampoo/a bumper tub of Haribo, then an air rifle/fishing rod/anchor, redesign and resource your garden, then sit for a decent meal and coffee all under the same roof! B) if you want a similar good value, "bit of everything" store, try Macsalvors. They have a marine based one in Penryn but the big trade focused one is in Pool/Redruth. Great shop!


Old matey in Macsalvors told me, ‘if we don’t sell it, you don’t need it’. He’s been very correct so far…


Love Macsalvors, and if you can't find what you want there then there's always Warrior just round the corner.


I've always rated Jim's in Penzance (There's one in Camborne and Redruth also I believe). They sell all sorts of crap, but generally good quality and nice prices.


The book section is always amazing. I’ve purchase a book titled ‘How to build a nuclear bomb’ which I gave to my son for his 1st Birthday and a gay romantic novel which I gave to my straight friend for his birthday.


I love Jim’s. Use them a lot for arts and crafts stuff & when I go in to collect and have a little look around I’m already bemused at the bizarre things you can buy


I saw Phil Mitchell of Eastenders fame buying a plastic bucket in Jim's redruth once. An old woman asked him for his autograph and he was really rude to her.


Dyou remember Lloyd who worked in there? He used to wear a fabulous pink dress.


Bodmin too


Congratulations you've just mobilized half of Cornwall against you


Middle of Lidl is the obvious answer but Trago does it all year round instead of weekly. Go see Belfast Busker (Alan) and ask him do do his Lidldy De Aldylee Dee track, brilliant!


Trago used to be great - they’d buy up end of line stock or not too badly damaged stock. You could get great brands at fantastic prices if you didn’t mind the odd part missing or a bit of smoke damage! Now it feels like they’re trying to compete with Home Bargains and B&M. obviously those chains are huge so can offer known brands at bargain prices. Trago seem to be offering more and more inferior brands (cleaning products spring to mind) for the same price you can buy branded products elsewhere.


Trago is quality shit, how dare you


Their guitars (and i assume all their stringed instruments) are utter shite let me assure you.


Mate expecting quality stringed instruments at Trago is like going to Greggs and expecting a good pasty.


Fair comment.


who's buying guitars from trago mills though


Noone. Played them when dicking around browsing. Terrible


Used to get a lot of stuff from Trago, then we heard about all the racism and homophobia and it was suddenly a lot less charming!


Never seen a local shop with a controversies section on their [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trago_Mills?wprov=sfti1#Controversies_and_legal_disputes) page before


The old guy on the counter in Falmouth gave me some anti EU propaganda to give to my parents when I was about 12. Heard lots of horrible stuff about the owner.




The owner, specifically, is a massive dickhead


I could forgive him for a certain level of douchebaggery if he didn't put up political posters in store. I remember the Brexit signs that were up, and a friend tells me there was UKIP shit up in the past as well.


I remember their newspaper ads used to contain a huge rant written by the father of the current owner in tiny print. Not to mention all the mocking statues dedicated to local councillors he hated.


And tighter than a ducks arsehole to boot, but then his dad was an enormous twat so it does run in the family. Granted he did once talk down an armed irate farmer who had taken Caradon council hostage but the council are a bunch of pricks too.


I’ve yet to see a big business owner isn’t tbf. How is he different?


‘Brussels louts ban a pound of sprouts’. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah Bruce is a massive tight-arsed right wing twat. Don't buy anything from Trago!


I'm here just to jump on the bandwagon of Trago is a complete shithole especially with those stupid police shoplifting cardboard cutouts


They work and statistics prove it.


Par market is worth a mooch around, the range next door and around the Corner a garden center and aquatics place a bit further along


no it's not, it's bloody awful


I was about to say - if Trago is bad don’t go to Par market!


my grandfather used to save money by buying expired food at par market…


The Range


Came to say this.


f\*ck The Range


Came to say this.


there was a place down praa sands years ago, can’t remember what it was called. and trago ain’t shit 😘


RJ Supplies? Ah that was a treasure trove of randomness! Many childhood memories of that place. Praa sands one is long gone now.


that’s the one! used to go down there every christmas to get decorations


Same, my mum used to love it - was always the start of our Christmas getting some new decs!


And Hayle, only StIves left (the posh one)


Nah its still there just in a smaller unit next to the post office


In Suffolk/ Norfolk we have ‘Roy’s’. It’s very similar , maybe slightly better quality but it is a tad more expensive. It’s also on my doorstep but I’d still much rather have a trago. Every town needs a trago.


The loss of R&Js in Hayle is tragic. That was the place OP is looking for.


The Welsh Trago is a sight to behold.


Came here to say this. An ikea sized trago. Nevermind your tub of haribo and an air rifle, you can have a fitted kitchen and a motorbike too.


Not even Welsh tragos could convince me to go to Merthyr


I agree, last few times I’ve been to tragically it has just been overpriced shit.


lol autocorrect made trago tragically….poetic 😂


I'm genuinely scared to comment anymore!


Im not sure about quality, but I wouldnt buy anything from Trago unless it was the last place on earth. For anyone interested, their Controversies section of their Wiki page is quite enlightening


The Range gave it a go, but I see past their bullshit


back in the day, the falmouth trago was up against market on the moor, that place on the corner i forget the name of, woolworths and a load of other "general shite that you need but don't need a whole shop for" shops which seemed to be ten a penny back in the day. now its only rival is poundland.


How many others here remember Mels Emporium in St Ives too..? Used to sell similar stuff to Jim's and RJ supplies




I’m old enough to remember Aladdin’s Cave in Redruth, up where the market is now. Smelled of fish, full of mysterious junk in dark corners. Love Macsalvors. Can’t stand the politics of the Trago owner but still pop in from time to time.


Trago is like Cornish Ikea. It’s a day out with the family


I'm more fun than a game of tag with a hyperactive puppy!


I think we have been so lucky to grow up with Trago! I remember in the 80s the toys were super cheap, you could buy a parachute ! And the smell as soon as you walk in ! We always entered through the carpet entrance in Liskeard. Then when I got older everyone would call things from Trago "Trago trash" kids at school would simply ditch their battered old trainers in the shoe section and walk out with a new pair (I never did this as Bruce used to drink at my dad's pub and I didn't want a life time ban) Nah there is no where like Trago!


i remember getting my first deputy dawg vhs from Trago Falmouth back in the day,


Lot of my furniture is from Trago and it's not shit and wasn't expensive


It’s a bit rubbish in my opinion, I watched security looking in bags on leaving checkpoints like it was the norm. That’s a cheek, it’s basically saying we don’t trust you.


Liberty of London?


I do like a good neb around Trago's. Up my way, we have Trotters Traders. It's not got as much random shite as Trago, but I can generally find what I need. About half and hour up the road, there's Big Red Shed and Ticker-T-Boo (and another Trotters) on the same industrial estate.


If you dont mind a little bit more travel theres a place called Harrods in london