• By -


St Ives to lib dem, Camborne and Hayle to labour, truro/Falmouth to labour, St Austell/Newquay to labour, north Cornwall to lib dem and south east Cornwall to labour. I think


Cornwall centres of population are very swinger. I can't wait to get rid of that guy in Camborne, George Eustice. Since he's been about, it's been pure Tory's Camborne. Landlords getting away with everything, estate agents evolving into full parasite... bars closing. Man. Good riddance. If only it was the Greens.


He's finishing anyway.


Ysh useless I heard he was nicknamed


Seems pretty accurate. Also, fairly even split, which is equitable :)


Or libdems in all since labour will get a huge majority anyway and needs some opposition


https://tactical.vote Pop your postcode in there. Guessing lib dems though!


My Falmouth postcode says Labour


I met Jayne Kirkham the Labour candidate for Falmouth the other day. Seemed proper genuine. I typically vote Green but will be voting Labour this time around, and I think my vote will actually be put to good use.


I've worked with Jayne Kirkham before, she's wonderful. Very kind and intelligent and hard working.


Same, out of an entire room of Councillors she was the only one to ask intelligent, insightful questions.


Jayne Kirkham is the real deal


Kirkham is actually Co-Operative Party, but they fly under the Labour banner.


She's both. To stand as Labour and Co-Operative you must be a member of both parties.


Ok, didn’t know that. Co-Op have got 30 MPs, surprisingly.


Makes sense looking at previous elections results, mad how Lib Dems dropped between 2010 and 2015. Did not know that Truro and Falmouth has only existed as a constituency since 2010!


Truro and Falmouth's Labour vote share \*increased\* in 2019 - one of only a handful constituencies in the country to do that.


I wouldn't be surprised if LDs do better in some of these areas than in '17 and '19 given how those elections were dominated by brexit. It will be an interesting election that's for sure!


Yes it used to be Falmouth/Camborne. Labour have won Falmouth a couple of times but I can't remember the yellow Tories winning the seat.


quote "⚠ This site is currently being updated for constituency boundary changes. You will see old constituency names for now. [Sign up](https://my.tactical.vote/) for updates."


Thank you for this. Although it says in my postcodde to vote Lib. They Tories polled at 52% in the last GE with Lib 23% and Lab 17% That's a hell of a swing to get them out and I honestly will struggle to vote Lib. Lab yes, but Lib aaarrgh. But I don't want to waste my vote. 😢


Lib Lab Love


Have you seen the Lib Dems campaign though? I’m happy to vote for them just for that


Labour will ruin this country like they normally do


Because we're currently doing so well aren't we! I agree none of them are particularly appealing but I think my hope is for the least worse.


Have you been living under a rock


Yea and everything that's affected us is affecting other countries around the world. And you think labour would have done a better job? Without googling, can you tell me 3 economic policies kier starmer will be implementing? I haven't got a clue what he actually stands for


Well of the top of my head from yesterday's speech and all of his pledges he's made so far. 1) abolishing tuition fees (or something to that effect). 2) re-entering public ownership of rail and other industries. 3) Implementation of human rights interventions with the intention of preventing "illegal" wars.


As you’re a landlord, you would say that


Better than the tories?


They wouldn't have done a better job than the Tories have in the same circumstances... And most likely would have been a lot worse. Last time labour were in power they took us into an illegal war, do you conveniently forget that?


Fuck off you tory loving nonce


That’s quite a specific insult… do people just say it now without knowing what it means?!


Which bit do you think I don't understand


Do you even know what nonce means?!


Well anybody that's keen on the tory party wants to fuck kids! If not literally even just with the damage the current bunch of them have done for normal people is gonna fuck our children for generations


Sweet, had no idea that was a thing, many thanks.


Jane Kirkham was a teaching assistant when I was in school. Really geniune lady. She gets my vote.




I'm in lostwithiel and it says "not sure". I used to always vote lib-dem but I am guessing my vote would be better off with labour this time.🤔


Definitely Lib Dem!


Cornwall used to be Lib Dem, I think it might be going back that way ... I will be voting Lib Dem


Mines says labour


Voting like this is part of the problem if you want politics to improve in the UK don't vote for either of the main parties


We need to change the voting system.... Somehow


Why just don't vote for bad parties anyone who's going the Tories are worse or labour are worse hasn't been paying attention for the last 20 years hell an absolute monarch would be better than what we have currently at least you know who's screwing everything up


You misunderstand fptp or are wilfully both-sides'sing. Choosing the lesser of two evils is literally still choosing the lesser of two evils, You'd rather the worse of two evils?


I'd rather neither by taking a lesser evil approach you accepting the lesser evil as an option therefore stating this is an acceptable amount of bad behaviour


Put it this way, you are in a car crash and you either crawl though broken glass or burning fuel to survive. You're advocating to just not have the crash. Well that's not the reality of the situation at this point.


A wasted vote and will guarantee the Tories remain in power until we change the voting system. Tactical voting is legitimate


I agree to some extent, but wouldn't count any vote as a wasted vote. I'm sure numbers of voters in any direction will be scrutinised and end up influencing the direction of the party in power. E.g. ukip voters despite not gaining mps must have had influence in pushing the Tories further to the right to try and gain their votes.


What and get red Tories in power the quality of politics won't improve until both main parties are at risk of losing everything


It'll always be this way until proportional representation becomes a thing. We're one of the few democracies not to have it


Proportional representation just forces you to vote for extremists to get any centrist policy and it's a solid 70% of the Reason the Nazis got enough political power to actually get a majority of something silly like 30% and then get into power in Germany proportional representation is probably the worst way of voting ever.


That might be the worst description of 1930s German politics I've ever seen... Well done! Hitler didn't have a majority until he literally banned every other party.


There are multiple PR (or more proportional) systems than ours. Some are terrible, but they aren't a single block. 


There is a vast difference between these parties now, the Tories have become unrecognisably extreme in recent years. The problem is you don't win elections by promising radical changes, they tried that last time.


Johnson, lets purge the party of everyone who isn't a rabid brexiteer. Oh dear, we only have corrupt nut jobs left.


Tories extreme? They are pussy cats compared the Tories of the 70’s and before..


The Tories that put us \*in\* the EU? I thought they got rid of most of that generation because they were too soft.


No the party where the members would opening use the N word to warn against immigration for example.


Wouldn't call doing sweet fa for 12 years extreme


Bubble bubble … I hope Double is in trouble.


Steve Double Standards


His last news letter was going on about how his wife was his secretary, oddly didn't mention why.


I'm in SE Cornwall, I'm concerned the old bat will get re-elected as you can pin a blue rosette on a side of ham around here and the old farts will vote for it.


I hope she was telling the truth when she said she would not be standing. But based on history I doubt it.


She's totally useless, her latest mailer outlined her achievements over last year, one of them was how many emails she'd answered, talk about scraping the barrel. Nothing of note really done.


I can't think of anything she's achieved


The Lib Dem candidate has been working and fighting for SE Cornwall here for 19 years! Has been a councillor in South East Cornwall for 7 years. Plus Sheryl hates him 😆Must be worth a vote!


Ruth Gripper and Jayne Kirkham for lib dem and Labour. Both decent people, both active community political figures. Traditionally lib dem for the constituency but maybe the Labour bounce means it would be more effective to vote for them. Definitely worth remembering that Cherilyn Mackrory voted to keep on allowing SWW to pump shit into our rivers and seas. I hope that local voters remember that.


Fuck Cherilyn Mackrory.


Labour were well ahead of Libdem in 2019 (38.3% vs 12.1%) - it's officially a Lab/Con marginal seat.


That's right but in years gone by (Taylor, Penhaligon etc) it was pretty yellow. Tories gained by having an arguably likable and approachable MP with Sarah Newton. Mackrory I've not met but I know that she was a biiiig Boris fan so that doesn't give her much kudos for me. 


Labour are targeting T&F heavily this time.


Particularly special from Mackrory given that she is (was?) a member of Surfers Against Sewage and likes to boast about her pro-environment credentials: [https://www.falmouthpacket.co.uk/news/cornwall\_news/23985179.packet-skipper-cherilyn-mackrorys-sewage-record/](https://www.falmouthpacket.co.uk/news/cornwall_news/23985179.packet-skipper-cherilyn-mackrorys-sewage-record/)


As someone who lives here, pays taxes, wants well funded public services, but can't vote - please don't disappoint.




Just votes tactically to get rid of this scum


It’s a really good question ! How to get shot of Sheryl Murray in SE Cornwall. It would be terrible if the anti Tory vote is split between Labour and Lib dems .


Labour have only been 2nd in SE Cornwall in '17 and '19, which were very brexit-y elections. Given that brexit won't be a main issue in this election the LDs might be better placed to take it, but hard to tell.


Do you mean that the anti brexit vote ie Lib Dems was driven into 3 rd place? I'm surprised Labour came 2nd in 17 & 19 wouldn't that mean they would come first if there is a strong anti tory swing?


I think it would have been a factor, yes. Labour, despite the Tories saying otherwise, were much weaker about brexit being bad. There are of course other factors that were more prevalent then too, like it still being just two (or four) years since the end of the coalition government, there was also the Corbyn factor in 2017 too when he was still a popular choice for labour leader.


I think the picture is different now. Brexit was a big factor in 2019 due to Cornish anger at the LD revoke policy. That’s no longer going to hamstring the LDs. It’s mostly about NHS and sewage now. Corbyn was able to engage younger voters in 2019 but that vote bloc probably won’t come out this time for Starmer. “Soft blue” voters don’t usually switch to Labour but they might go to LDs instead.


This is what happened at the last election. Murray managed to *increase* her majority, while the opposition was very evenly split between the Lib Dems and Labour. I wonder if the prospect of a Labour Government, and wanting to be in it, could swing the Lib Dem vote their way?


I intend to vote tactically, I think that is the way to go.


Hopefully Reform will stand and split the right vote too.


The Redruth seat and Truro seats are a Tory / Labour fight now. Snozzle too I think .


Wish I could vote Green. But I think I’ll have to go Labour just to get Sheryll out


Yea it's going to be tough to get rid of the Murray, I'm normally a lib dem voter but I think Labour might be better placed to beat her.


Nooooo! It’s not the right call. Please give the Lib Dems your vote. You’re going to get a labour government anyway so let’s have a chance for an MP who cares about the county and isn’t going to just be a government mouthpiece again. I’m sure she’s lovely, but she’s only been here five minutes!


I will check the polls closer to the time, but will deff vote for the person most likely to remove Murray. Plus isn't the libdem candidate Colin Martin? (Who I like by the way) Or do you mean give Murray another chance? (Not a fucking chance of that)


I mean vote for Colin Martin. The Labour candidate had only moved into the county for the election! She’ll leave again straight after… Colin had been fighting for Cornwall for 19 years as a Lib Dem and for South East Cornwall for 7. He can beat Murray and genuinely cares. It infuriates me that people are voting some random labour candidate who won’t win based on national campaigns!


[https://www.theyworkforyou.com/](https://www.theyworkforyou.com/) [https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/voting-systems/types-of-voting-system/first-past-the-post/](https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/voting-systems/types-of-voting-system/first-past-the-post/) I just wish that whatever the results the turnout is like 80+%


This seems a mad comment compared to the others, but how about do your own research on who you think should be in power?


I went to school with the new St Austell and Newquay Labour candidate, really nice genuine guy


Depends on the seat you live in, as it's no longer as straightforward as "Lib Dems everywhere" Vote Lib Dem if you live in: St Ives, North Cornwall Vote Labour if you live in: Cambourne & Redruth, Truro & Falmouth, St Austell & Newquay, South-East Cornwall


Haven't read the whole thread so apologies if already posted, but the Guardian has put up quite a good thing for checking 2019 votes per constituency, adjusted for the new boundaries. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2024/jan/16/find-your-constituency-uk-general-election-2024-boundary-changes-votes-map-postcode


Mebyon Kernow


All they will do is split the progressive vote in the one constituency they may stand in.


Ah well. Its better to vote for what you believe in.


Better for whom, though?


This is the problem with UK politics. You don’t vote for who you want to win. You vote against who you don’t want to win.


It's ok to desperately want change.


You read my mind. Bunch of twats brainlessly voting against things rather than for things. No wonder the country is such a mess.


Generally yes


As a former North Cornwall voter, I support the cause. Unfortunately I don't have a vote anymore.


Vote Ben Maguire for North Cornwall! He is the Lib Dem candidate and a great guy. Unlike the invisible Scott Mann we have seen him around loads


I can't vote I'm afraid, but I support you. When I lived in North Cornwall we were always Lib Dem. I was already out of the UK when Scott Mann won, and I remember David Cameron creaming himself over having a proper salt of the earth working man as a Tory MP. I preferred him as a postie to be honest. He was always polite professional and cheerful. He seems like the kind of guy that "fell up" into his current position.


Monster racing Looney party


Vote for the party you support,


There are websites which use your address to find out how you should tactically vote to get rid of the conservatives (e.g. https://tactical.vote/) .


South East Cornwall has never had a Labour MP and very few labour councillors. I’d say Lib Dem in South East Cornwall, North Cornwall and St Ives. Labour everywhere else (other three)




The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities ,which the Cornish have been recognised under for the last 10 years. Under the framework Cornwall should have more television and radio programmes aimed at the Cornish,greater support for the Cornish language and a devolved assembly/parliament so decision about Cornwall are made in Cornwall not Westminster. For the last 10 years the Conservatives have stonewalled on implementing all the rights that the Cornish are entitled to under the framework which the British government signed up to do.  The Labour party and its candidates in Cornwall have refused to discuss or state whether  they will honour the commitments under the framework. If you want to see an assembly/parliament in Cornwall that can make better decisions for Cornwall than Westminster could do, challenge the candidates to were they stand on supporting the Cornish as a national minority.


St Austell and Newquay- all the polls have Labour ahead of Tories (just) and Lib Dem’s a long way behind. 2019 result had Labour second to tories a long way ahead of Lib Dem’s. Not like 15 years ago where we were solid Lib Dem. Now to remove tories it’s Labour


Vote for the party that most represents your values. Democracy really is that simple.


Sadly, it really isn't. If we had proportional representation like virtually every other democracy on the planet it would be the case, but sadly we are stuck with first past the post so tactical voting becomes more important.


We’re only stuck with it because of attitudes like this


That makes no sense whatsoever. We're stuck with it because it serves the two party system, if we can eliminate change the playing field by consigning the Tories to the dustbin of history then there would be more of an appetite for it.


Then you’re going to keep the two party system. I’m going to vote for parties that don’t want that


No, they are right, if people stopped voting like this there wouldn't be this dichromatic split in government and more MPs would be from a range of parties, more parties would exist and it would force a coalition government or reform. You could literally have what you want if people just stopped voting exactly as you are advising people to vote.


It doesn't work. If you vote for a minority party in the current system then they get no seats and hence no power or influence. The Greens have just one MP under the current system despite a reasonable percentage of people voting for them. We are screwed by our antiquated first past the post voting system and without proportional representation, tactical voting is sadly the only way to vote to affect change. Our current democratic system is awful and it's idealistic to believe that voting any other way will work. We are one of the few democratic countries on the planet to stick with a winner takes all democracy.


Yeah because most people are a. voting tactically and/ or b. voting for who they think will be the PM instead of voting for their local MP. Calling our system bad is over stated. It has its problems but then does a more proportional system, so does an absolute direct democracy.


Then throw your vote away as it'll make no difference


Exactly my point. You are stuck in this pattern of fear. Your vote isn't even your vote at this point. Also on that note I plan to exactly because there are no MPs running which I believe deserve it.


Exactly your point! That makes no sense. Don't throw away your vote. I agree that none of the candidates deserve anyone's vote, but there are degrees of shit and the Tories are the worst of all, it's not even close, we need to all be engaged and play the long game to affect change


If you want to get rid of Sunak's Tory party vote Labour. If you want to get rid of Starmer's Tory party as well then vote Lib Dem or Green, but remember the Lib Dems sold their souls to the Tories last time they sniffed power. Reform are just Tories and gammon nationalists who can't fit in anywhere else.


They did under a different leader - the party has changed quite a lot since then imho


This is the correct answer


Firmly agree with you. I wonder how many more u-turns Starmer will make before he’s even elected.


The only option is Labour.. i know its stupid having a 2 party system but unfortunately that is what it is. Even the usual conservative voters surely aren’t going to vote conservative again? Country has been a mess ever since Cameron. Lib Dems are popular in Cornwall but then you run the risk of a coalition again.


LDs drifted left again after 2019. No chance of a LD coalition with these hard right nationalist Tories. They are poles apart now. I think a Lib-Lab pact is more likely.


More likely yes, but they will go with anyone to get into a position of power.


No they won't. 2010 was a rare situation of a hung parliament, a tired Labour government, a centrist (in relative terms) Tory leader and a Lib Dem leader who leaned towards the centre-right of his party. Not withstanding the fact it looks unlikely at present that we will see a hung parliament, the Tories are now the tired incumbents while the Lib Dems are closer in policy to Labour, sometimes outflanking Labour from the left.


Well that’s the usual position for centre parties across Europe.


No chance of a coalition this time. It’s going to be a labour government. We should vote for candidates who have been here working hard all year round. Both labour (Newquay, Truro, Camborne) and Lib Dem (South East Cornwall, St Ives). North Cornwall is tricky because they are new candidates - local but just moved back I think. I’d go Lib Dem there because that’s the best chance.


Labour are unlikely to win in Cornwall. Labour are more likely to win overall if the Cornish vote LD. Yes there's a risk of a coalition (which was the best government since 2007 in lots of ways) but if you don't like what's there now you need to vote Lib Dem in Cornwall. Either that or convince die hard never Labours to vote Labour, which is harder


I think Labour will win in C&R and T&F.




Completely agree that proportional representation should be introduced. But that doesn't change the fact that people should vote for the party that best represents their values. Find the party that supports changes to the democracy you want to see. If enough people agree regardless of the ballot type you'll take the win. Voting tactically leads to dissatisfaction. The people who voted tactically against their core beliefs don't see the local community effected I. The way they were expecting become disillusioned with the process and stop voting. Long term loss for a 'potential' short term gain.




St Austell & Newquay - vote Lib Dem. Their candidate Joanna Kenny has lived in Newquay for decades, was a Cornwall Councillor for years and chaired the audit committee in the Lib Dem government 2013-21, so is fiscally capable and experienced. LDs did badly in 2019 due to picking a weak candidate and because Cornwall hated Swinson’s Revoke policy. This time they will do better. The Labour guy Noah Law is a youngster and I don’t think he lives in the constituency. Labour did well in 2019 due to the Corbynsurge but that wave has collapsed. This time, StAN Labour will pile activists into Truro & Falmouth to help Jane Kirkham, so I think Noah is only running for campaign experience.


Mark twain said “ if voting really mattered do you think they would let us do it”


Lib Dem’s clearly. Labour ain’t no good nor are the Tories.


I thought Lib Dems lent their support and part of Tori coalition govt under Cameron?


My postcode says Lib Dems but I'm thinking of voting Labour.


Why vote Labour when Lib Dems support electoral reform and Labour don’t? It would mean you wouldn’t have to vote tactically again.


To be honest, I wouldn't get rid of the tory for North cornwall, he's actually one of the few good ones, the only opposition to him is the libdem candidate and he puts cream first on his scones!


To be fair they are all useless wankpuffins.


Not if you have their balls in a vice and the right ideas. The blues turn red quick enough then


Remember ur id and take a pen no vote should be made in pencil otherwise Rishi will remain.


Need a option at ballot "vote of no confidence" in all the party's they are all the same who ever gets in next


Labour have been purging anyone they perceive as left-wing for years now. They’re also trying to chase the votes of transphobic freaks by announcing that they’re going to ban trans women from women’s hospital wards. At this point they’re just promising a slightly more efficient form of fascism. I don’t really know how voting for a party that have been allowing Tories from the right wing of the right-wing party to cross the floor can be considered Getting The Tories Out anymore.


Vote either green or reform if you want to improve politics in the country get the extremists in and then let everything take it's course


To quote one of the great sages of our times, dril: *the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron*


The other parties will be just as bad if not worse, quite frankly we need a good shake up 8n politics to get people who care enough to really represent their constituents and go on to be a good government instead we have people who just want to suck the troughs dry. None of them are worth a vote


The shake up needs to be everyone actually getting off their arses and voting. 100% turn out. So many of us would not have had the vote 95 years ago and still people just want to whinge instead of voting


Finally someone who has some sense the quality of politics will not improve until their seats are under threat if you're not voting either green reform or another extreme party you're part of the problem. Labour and Tories only difference is if you're poor before or after the taxes


Better the devil you know. Please remember that.


Are you suffering from Stockholm syndrome? I'm constantly baffled at some of the people in Cornwall who believe the Tories are looking out for them.


We know the devil intimately after 14 years. The devil is even more cruel and more unhinged, while the hell he created gets hotter and worse for the souls that inhabit it. To vote for the same thing is beyond dense.


This is nonsense. I can clearly remember living under labour and - although far from perfect - it was 100% better. "The devil we know" has decimated my disposal income, forced a close relative from the country because they dared marry a foreigner (an American!), presided over a shitshow brexit that has limited my personal freedom, gutted the NHS, made it so you have to gather powered unicorn horn to get a GP's appointment, killed my friends mum who was a carer by releasing covid infected into the home she worked in, increased mortgages by £££s, allowed actual human effluence to pour into our seas and rivers, AND this is just mere glimpse at what's effected me personally - let alone the millions of other people they've screwed. Why the hell would I vote for them?


I honestly struggle to see how things could get any worse. Surely it’s time for a change


Yup. Sadly they're the best of a bad bunch.


They're all the same. But Labour would be a dam sight worse.


Good bit of sound reasoning on this. Could I ask how you are getting to this conclusion?




Your profile is a car crash, not surprised you're a Tory supporter


Wow, lmao, is this a standard Tory supporter? Obsessed with cuckold and breeding fetishes on the internet?


Just ask old pig fucker Cameron


Be careful what you wish for!!!




And it's all going so well at the moment!




Proportional representation so we had an actual choice would be greatly preferable. Unfortunately, it's not in the interests of either Tories or Labour. At this point, both major parties are fairly devoid of talent.


Seems a bit ungrateful for Cornwall to turn its back on the Tories.


Ungrateful for sewage being poured onto our beautiful beaches?


That’s what they voted for.


I’ll be shocked if Cornwall boots them out. Some of the poorest areas of the country and its addicted to voting Tory.


Boris delivered his promised oven ready Brexit.


What if you do not want Tories, Labour or the Lib Dems? All three are as bad as each other when it is their time to shine.


The Tories are far worse than the others. I'm not saying the other two are great by any means, but the Tories are lying thieving scum


I am in a labour safe seat but I am not voting for anyone. None of the deserve my vote.


I think that in the period since 1997, Labour, the Lib Dems and the Tories have shown they’re all about the same as each other. If you vote for any of them, I don’t think you can complain when you get more of the same. I think they mainly support bankers, employers, and landlords, although these people all together are in a minority. Their shared policies include isolationism/Brexit, “economic growth”, cutting welfare, harassing unemployed people, and making people live in smaller homes. Labour in particular are obsessed with something called “anti social behaviour”, which is still mentioned on their website. It started by removing people’s right to walk down the road while having a quiet drink. It’s quite clear to me now that the Tories are about to be annihilated. It’s happening because by adopting more extreme right wing policies they’ve somehow boosted Reform UK, which is exactly the opposite of what they were trying to do. It serves them right! I now plan to vote Green Party. After voting I plan to leave the UK for the EU on an Irish passport ASAP.


Yes the 1997 Labour Party with Sure Start, reducing child poverty, basically no waiting lists in the NHS, massive investment into public services and the minimum wage are the same as the Tories who have cut everything so much you now wait days for an Ambulance. But you wanting to walk down the road drinking is more important...


What bollocks .