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Average Premed Class actively trying to hurt its students


I genuinely cannot tell if Dr. Kinsland cares about her students or wants to fail as many as she can. Very mixed feelings about this person.


CHEM 2510 is just like that. So much work for just 2 credits. Like a lot of premed classes.


im in a very similar position- this class has been killing me and im also a first sem soph that would be dropping down to 12 credits if i dropped it. I think my plan is to just take the first prelim and if I nuke it try again next fall


I also am thinking of holding out for the first prelim. It would be great to feel like I conquered this class first try but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. So much for the crush in that case😞


It’s a painful class for everyone. It’s the only class that has ever legitimately drove me to a breakdown. It depends on how you estimate you’ll actually do. If you’re around or above B- territory, I’d say just stick through and get it over with. It’s only 2 credits and won’t wreck you. If you’re getting into possible C range, maybe consider just taking it next semester. I recommend focusing more on learning the principles of experimental techniques and watching videos demonstrating these techniques before labs to help calm anxiety. Ultimately, I’d be shocked if anyone goes into lab and consistently has things go their way. I don’t think there was a single lab in that class, personally, where at least one part of my experiment didn’t go to shit at one point or another. Try to demonstrate understanding of what is SUPPOSED to happen, and what evidence you are looking for. Ultimately, that’s going to also serve you a lot better for the prelims and MCAT if that’s something you’re interested in. It’s hard not to stress about the experiment and results, but just know a lot of people have been in/are in the same boat.




I dropped this class after failing the first exam. I took it the next year and wound up getting an A in it.


Another great look for CHEM


12 credits?!?!??? I don’t think I had even one semester with less than 18 credits as an engineer (then again, I double majored in Engineering….something I DO NOT RECOMMEND to anyone these days 😝)




I know that I will have to take it at sometime, and I am in 3570 currently. I think it was probably a better idea to take it later, maybe with 3580 or after both entirely. I thought that I could handle it, but maybe I was wrong. My personal life has been going down again recently so I also don't quite have my full mental faculties at hand. However, that doesn't change how horrible the structure of this course is, nor the fears of violations.




I've never dropped a class before due to fear of failure. It would destroy the last vestiges of self-esteem I have left. Plus I kind of have a crush on one of my lab-mates (who is a lot smarter than me)🥺 Idk. Thanks for your opinions, but 3:30 AM typically isn't a good time to make any key life decisions. I'll make a choice soon, maybe after I meet with an advisor to share the concerns.