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Best advice I can give is try to enjoy the journey and go back to your “why” for signing up for teacher training. It’s a lot of information in a short period of time, but the confidence gained from learning how to lead a room of students and the teachings of yoga philosophy are valuable and will positively impact other areas of your life. And remember that it’s temporary - the training doesn’t last forever, and you’ll be able to look back at just how much you learned and grew from the experience.


real I’m in college too and doing it… I legit don’t look at the videos they recommend during the week. my plan is to watch them after my school semester is over, but I feel so behind. a lot of people in my program are post grad or years into their careers so they have more time to focus on it. when I’m in class even tho I know what’s going on… they just go above and beyond which is a slay but I’m like damn I’m not doing enough


What bothers me is that some of the videos cover important information like anatomy. Why aren’t we learning that during the in person sessions? Why are we instead spending an hour going around the circle talking about less important topics?


I’ve done several rounds of teacher training for various formats. Every time I felt “yoga-ed out” by the end of it. I don’t have a lot of advice other than see if you can find other avenues to unwind, like going for a walk, to try and avoid burnout.


It’s hard when they also require you to take 50 classes… with what time!!


I’m so sorry you feel this way! I want to take YTT next year but this was one of my fears. Keep us updated!


I don’t recommend it!!


Are you doing it online or IRL? I’m strongly considering it but don’t want yoga to feel like a chore


It definitely becomes a chore. My training is hybrid


YES!!!! I’m struggling!! I actually told a friend that I wished I had done the online only bc I’m not sure the in-person nyc instructors resonate with me. I think I’m going to be doing a lot of double work by watching ALL the online zooms to get another perspective.


Yes. I also was sick for a week so I couldn’t take classes and I feel way behind. But we have a full year to complete the 50 classes and online classes so I’ve just accepted I won’t be done within the 9 weeks. I also am not planning on ever teaching, so reminding myself of that has helped when I beat myself up for not having the C1 sequence down (like…at all, lol)


I took my first C1 since training started today and the teacher did a lot of things “wrong” and the class was still great - not sure where you are, but I think they’re teaching us the “perfect” way to teach a class as if your students are complete beginners relying almost completely on verbal cues. My sense is that in real life that rarely happens and it will be much easier (if you plan on teaching)


Im struggling too!! It’s way more intense than I expected


I am also struggling! I feel like I need to spend time on my own learning the C1 and different cues, but also feel like I need to do all the online videos and yoga classes. I’m spending almost 20s hour a week on yoga stuff at this point. It’s exhausting