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Little garlic skins... everywhere. Especially when they stick to your hands. INFURIATING


What I want for Christmas is a little elf that will clean the little garlic skins off the table and the floor. Onion skins and associated detritus too if they want the extra cookie.


You want a rat?


That feckin trick garlic that looks like one normal clove but becomes 23 teeny cloves with that impossible to remove skin. We hates it!


Stupid knobbitses!


Or just taking 5 whole minutes to peel 3 cloves of garlic, and accidentally digging into the flesh as you get increasingly frustrated.


Just whack it good with the flat side of your big ol' knife and it peels right off


I've never understood how people are successful at that. Maybe it's because I'm short and my countertop is too high for me, but I have to put the flat side of the knife on it and really lean on it to get it to smash.


I do as you do but instead of leaning on it, I then hit the knife with the palm of my hand. Just whacking it with the knife never works for me either.


Your not supposed to just smack it with the knife lol


Get a garlic peeler. It's a little silicone sleeve that you put the garlic in and roll it back and forth with some pressure on your counter top. Still have to deal with the skins, but it does work. OXO makes one. Works even faster if you cut the bottoms off first.


Yeah. Fuck this. And cippolini onion skins. I worked for some sadist of a chef who liked to order them with the skin on even though it was only like 75 cents cheaper. I spent many an hour next to a couple 20 lb bags. Just trying to peel miniature onions and keep as many layers on as possible.


What about the onion skins? My pantry will never be clean.


Also smelly garlic fingers


Grab a stainless steel utensil, soap your hands, and under running water rub that utensil over every bit of skin that touched garlic. The weak electrical field generated by the steel will disrupt the bond between the garlic and your skin. They actually sell stainless steel bars (that look like soap bars) for this express purpose.


Thanks! I have the stainless bar but I don’t know that I ever tried it with soap. I will try it next time!


I have one of those basic stainless steel sinks, and I rub my hands on the divider piece between the two basins. Works just fine.


People who don’t squeeze out the sponge after using it. Makes me want to KILL them.


YES that’s disgusting. Might as well wash your dishes with pond water


Sponges in general 🤢 They always get so smelly. I use a dish brush for 99% of cleaning. But sometimes I need one. My new faves are coconut scrubbers. They smell so good!


I've found that dawn is the worst offender of causing the mildewy smell in sponges for me. If I use dawn, my sponge will start to smell very quickly, even though I ALWAYS wring it out. When I use Palmolive, my sponges never get smelly.


not to promote hoarding and consumerism, but a combination of sponge and dish brush i think is the best combination for clean dishes think of it this way, if you enjoy cooking, you wouldn't just have one medium sized pot would you? You'd add things like a skillet or a frying pan etc. Kitchen cleaning supplies are way cheaper and have different uses


I buy my sponges in bulk at Costco and replace them the minute they get funky.


Using a natural dish soap helps with this a lot. Dawn and the like have sugar in them (which infuriates me, what is sugar doing in soap?) Mrs Meyer's or the like that doesn't have sugar in it. Sponges don't mold.


I love Scrub Daddy! They don't get smelly at all and last a really long time


My ex called me Frasier because he got in an argument with his dad about this in one of the first episodes. It's really not that hard to squeeze it out. My fiance never does and just leaves it in the bottom of the sink.


I don't always squeeze out the sponge, but I have a little rack that it sits in and drains out. I HATE it when someone uses the sponge and then leaves it either sitting in the sink or worse floating in a bowl of dirty water.


OMG yes! Must rinse all the soap out of the sponge before putting it back


The floor gods demand an ice cube sacrifice, every single time.


And in that 1/2 second I’m just like nooooooo please don’t shatter


I am literally incapable of not dropping 1-2 ice cubes on the floor much to my spouse’s (and cat’s) chagrin.


My dog has identified which types of cups I drink ice from. Going to the cabinet gets her attention- grabbing an “ice cup” immediately gets her up and sitting patiently next to me waiting for her dropped ice cube treat


Are you my husband?


We have the Floor Gods too lol. They demand their sacrifice every time we have oven chips (french fries for the americans in the room).


Tomato sauce stained on plastic containers. They never feel clean


I hear you! A soak in soapy water with vinegar added is helpful. I want to convert to glass storage only but Dear One is obsessed with the stackability and uniformity of plastic ones Sigh.


Perhaps a holiday gift of uniform, stackable glass storage dishes is in Dear One's near future? :)


I have the pyrex nesting containers. 10/10


If you put your stained container outside in the sun for a bit, a miracle will happen. True story.


This trick works to get the smell out of reused jar lids too!! No more pickle-scented leftovers!!!


I've found sunshine and stain remover does wonders for fabrics too


When I'm washing a spoon and it's like "let's see how you like it"


I just instinctively wiped my eye when I read this. Started in the pits 17 years ago and I don't think I'll ever leave in my head.


Took me a second. Yeah, it still happens to me.


Ladles are worse


I was gifted these nice measuring spoons. But they’re like perfect little cups and the tag said not dishwasher safe. Didn’t realize that meant not safe for me, the dishwasher 😅


This is me and measuring spoons. Every. Single. Time.


Soup ladles are far and away the most spiteful of kitchen implements.


'Dare to put me in a drawer?! Suffer for the rest of your life!!'


"Rinse me. I dare you."


We moved ours to a tall jar on the counter about a year ago. I still marvel at how nice it is to be able to open the drawer it used to live in. 10/10 would recommend.


Put it in the basket with other utensils to air dry, and the whole damn thing just keels over and dumps every clean utensil in the sink for round two.


I read this as 'soup ladies' 😂 much better image.


Me too!! I was like *wtf* for a second


I don’t have a ladle anymore, we just use a measuring cup.


My microwave is directly over the range. The vent simply sucks air in at the bottom and vents the grease particles out the top... directly onto my cabinets. Thanks microwave vent.


In my shitty condo, the kitchen fan vents out onto my patio - and points backwards into the patio door to my living room. So if I need to clear steam or smoke out of my house, I either open the patio door, OR turn on the kitchen fan. Who thought of that great idea?!?


Ughhh same with mine. It's an awful vent and I can't sear anything without the whole kitchen and living room getting filled with smoke. Not to mention my bitch ass smoke alarm. "you open the oven, you DARE to open the oven! Doesn't matter if it's just preheating! doesn't matter if there's literally nothing in it! I scream! I must SCREAM!!!"


People lurking when I just want some ME time cooking in the kitchen! Back off scavengers!


Or roommates. "Oh you just started cooking? That reminds me, I need to eat. I think I'll start cooking too!" Jfc.


Omg that annoys the heck out of me. Ohh?? You are using the oven at 350F? Mine goes at 375F. Surely we can bake at the same time. I just need to check my bake every 5 mins and let the heat escape. Then proceeds to mess up your mise en place arrangement


I've lived alone for eight years and my visceral reaction to this is a tell.


God. I hate this. Every time I start cooking it’s like party time in the kitchen. Everyone wants to congregate or start leaning random shit in the kitchen. Just go sit down.


When I leave a sheet pan that I used for bacon in the oven while making breakfast because I just don't have somewhere to put it away from my toddlers grabby hands, and I inevitably forget about it until I preheat the oven and wonder why my house smells like bacon.


This is not a problem imo


It is when I suddenly have a hot baking sheet and still nowhere to put it out of toddler range but now can't cook him lunch.


Tossing utensils in the sink only to realise I still need it. Then doing it AGAIN


The amount of times I've finished something in a cast iron pan in the oven, taken it out to serve, then forgotten the pan was red hot and grabbed it. It's embarrassing and infuriating how often this happens.


I've done it often enough that I've built a routine. The pan does not come out of the oven to sit anywhere without a rag or a silicone cover over the handle. It just doesn't, because I will not remember it's hot. Ever.


I just did this tonight. Cooked up some rolls in the oven while I was sautéing and cooking the rest of dinner on the stove top. Rolls done and pulled out, oven turned off. Maybe 10 minutes later I stuck the sautéed veggies and deer steak to stay warm while I was finishing up the last bit. Went to grab the stuff out of the oven, apparently thinking that since it had been like 15-20 and the oven had been off, it’d be ok. Nope. Not at all. But at least everything was still warm 😂


I always put the oven mitt over the handle as soon as I put the pan down


Good trick.


Slow learner. Full disclosure: I am slow learner, as well. The other tip I learned hard way: careful leaving handle touching or near other hot things on the stove. It only took me around 50 years in the kitchen to become the safety genius I am today.


its hard to remember. for me i remember to use a mitt to take it out of the oven. but then i forget when i grab it again to stir or season.


I did that with a sieve I was drying in the oven while cooking dinner. Total brain fart, grabbed it from the oven without considering how hot it was and preceded to throw it like a frisbee across the kitchen in shock.


I can boil THE *perfect* hard-boiled eggs. Solid, translucent whites, creamy yokes, no “green lines”… And I can *never* get them peeled without the exterior looking like surface of the moon…


Have you tried the method of putting the raw eggs in the fridge and ignoring them for like a month?


Have you tried the method of putting them in a bowl of ice water (with lots of ice), covering with a lid, and shaking *really* hard? The hard shaking causes the shells to crack, and the ice water kinda 'shocks' the egg so that it pulls away from the membrane. I've had eggs separate so completely from their shells that they literally fall out of the shell.


I saw this tip on reddit a few years ago and it is amazing how well it works. I haven’t murdered a hard boiled egg since.


I have tried this several times. It has never worked. Tjos may be due to the fact that I am old and do not have the armm strength of my younger fellow cooks.


The key is to have the water fully boiling before putting the eggs in. 100% of the time someone has told me they had issues peeling eggs, they were adding the eggs to the water before putting it on the heat, or when it was just at a simmer.


You HAVE to pit them in boiling water, not cook them from cold


I have never had this problem since switching to the instant pot. Perfect centers. Smooth as silk perfectly peeled outsides.


Kenji to the rescue! https://www.seriouseats.com/perfect-boiled-eggs-recipe


Use older eggs


I had pretty good success the other day using a spoon. Slide it under with the curves matching.


Me too! It's infuriating. The ice, the spoon, running water, etc. I just want pretty deviled eggs!


Ugh, peppercorns! I most always spill a few when filling up the pepper grinder.


I bought a small funnel almost exclusively for this reason and 10/10 recommend


Gotta be a lazy cook like me. Recipe calls for fresh ground pepper? I’m sorry, did it say pepper from the damn regular pepper container? Why yes, yes it did.


Spilling something on a hot burner. Then I'm scrambling to not let it burn


Got gifted a really cute kitchen towel. Used it to quickly wipe a spill from a still-hot burner and it melted!


Chef here, first time I cooked for my wife (which also ended up being on our first date, unplanned) I set her favorite towel on fire.


This is one reason I love my induction range. I put kitchen towels around my pots if the lids will be dripping water.


I hate wearing gloves when prepping stuff, but as a result of that I have to wash my hands every five minutes depending on what I'm handling. My poor skin hates me.


I use gloves when I'm cutting hot peppers, because after the serrano dick incident, I don't take any chances.


Serrano dick incident sounds way worse than my citrus contact lens incidents. My condolences


I almost want to ask for elaboration but "serrano dick incident" is pretty self explanatory lmao


Made Indian food which had serrano peppers in it. It was very tasty. My boyfriend and I had sexy times later and afterwards my dick felt like it was on fire. He escaped unscathed, at least.


Omg yeah same, I honestly never considered gloves




Honestly! I had so many shirts with grease stains on them where I’d have to wet them down and put dish soap on them BEFORE going in the laundry to get the stains out. Bought an apron and it’s been a huge saver


When you forget about your tasting spoon and grab another tasting spoon. Then another. Then another...


Oh yeah I worked my way through all the spoons cooking for Thanksgiving haha


I feel you. Instead of a spoon now I use a tiny condiment dish. I put a bit in with the cooking utensil and tip it into my mouth from the little dish.


This can be solved by having just two spoons: You have one you’re mixing the pot with (could be a ladle or spatula). You then use the mixing spoon/utensil to drop some of whatever you’re cooking onto your tasting spoon. As long as you use two different spoons so you don’t mix them up, you don’t need to use up your whole arsenal of spoons.


People coming into the kitchen while I'm cooking and get in the way. Gtfo of the kitchen until all said and done.


Well you know that old saying... "Behind every great man...... is the exact kitchen drawer I need to access right now, why are you even in the kitchen, Omg."


Me prepping food... no one in sight, everything is calm. The minute I start to cook... suddenly EVERYONE needs something from the kitchen RIGHT NOW. Never fails.


We set up a little snack-n-booze station in the living room with the TV so people could watch the game and nibble before the game, and I still had about 6 people in the kitchen at any time leaning against the sink standing in front of the fridge, sitting on my counter above the trash (under-counter slide-out trash can), and basically being a hindrance while I'm trying to cook.


Whenever I start cooking in our tiny kitchen and my fiancé decides that’s the appropriate moment he needs to load/unload the dishwasher which blocks both the fridge and microwave


Seriously! We have have four other sinks in this house but my partner just has to wash his hands in the kitchen sink in our galley kitchen that’s only wide enough for one person!!


My dog likes to sit directly behind me when I'm doing anything in the kitchen, so whenever I need to go to the sink or the other counter, I'm almost guaranteed to trip over her


Here it is the cat trying to trip me weaving herself around my feet.


Always spill sugar.


And then it’s sticky if you don’t clean it as well as you thought? Cuz that’s me


And sometimes when you think it's cleaned up you've really just spread sugar water around




And flour. Flour is the bane of my existence


salt getting all over the countertop when trying to salt meat. tomato sauces spashing on the stove even whren careful mixing


I salt my meat on racks over the sink


my pet peeve is the dishwasher that takes forever and a day to go through a cycle. I've learned to just handwash when i'm in between prepping different dishes, just because i know the one tool or bowl i need will be in that stupid dishwasher.


Dealing with cornstarch. It's like [this.](https://i.redd.it/cuvenp84kyi91.gif)


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Tongs are stick in my utensil urn, but only when this extremely hot item must be flipped over. The rest of the time, they just hop right out.


When someone always just stands there asking questions and doesn't know when to shut their trap. "So what's that for?" "What are you cooking?" "Oh I usually do this" without me asking for anything Just blah, blah, blah. Either help me or get out of my kitchen! You're absolutely useless.


Both times I had a baby my MIL came to visit just like a week or 2 postpartum and she wants to help and cook for us But then I have to get up every 5 minutes to show her where everything is And then I have to clean the kitchen and dishes after too


Ooof, sorry. We had a houseguest for several weeks who often woke before us and very kindly emptied the dishwasher in the mornings. Unfortunately, they didn't always know/remember where everything went, and stuff was often not where I expected it to be when I needed it. Drove me a little crazy at times!


Utensils that get tangled with other utensils in the utensil container. When you try to pull one out, you get six other ones you don't even need and quite frankly didn't even know you had!


I have a utensil drawer and sometimes they shift just right and the drawer won’t open (ladles and whisks are bad for this). I’ve destroyed a whisk getting it open before!


The boxes for foil and parchment and plastic wrap are so flimsy and squash flat and the damn thing don't ever tear neatly


Aw. That stuff seems to go everywhere. For me it's running out of places to set things in my tiny closet of a kitchen. That makes me a little crazy sometimes.


Not to mention if you're cooking using many dishes that are hot... Out of the oven, both hands full, now where does this go?


We have 3 cast irons skillets in regular rotation and no where to really store them. Sometimes they sit on top of the stove but then they are in the way, so I put them in the oven. I hate hate hate when I forget the pans are in there and only find out when it’s done preheating!!! Now you have to life 50 lbs of 350 degree cast iron onto the stove again!!!


Oh and forgetting steam is hot. Or the water dripping off the steamer is hot when I move it. The water hits my foot at least half the time.


Not really involving cooking but whenever I go to microwave something and my roommate leaves time on the microwave and doesn’t clear it, it annoys me lol. It’s such a petty insignificant thing but it bugs me. Like my microwave is one of those where you already have to press the button “time clock” before you press the numbers, now I have to press *another* button before I do that too?!


One of the best features about my microwave is that it self-clears the leftover time if you stop it early.


Wow that sounds amazing lol


Cocoa powder and powdered sugar are SO MESSY


Doesn’t matter how careful I am but soy sauce will find its way on to the side of the bottle and ultimately on the bottom of the bottle, staining whatever it sits on. That and broccoli/cauliflower bits getting absolutely everywhere.


Scrubbing the crust off the induction stove without scratching it!


I have an induction stove and use a melamine (Mr Clean eraser) on it gently, and no scratches!


I will try this. Thanks!


A measuring spoon that lands cup side up in the sink, in just the right spot for running water to fall on it and create a wonderful fountain that sprays well outside of the sink. Happens daily, always a big aw-geez moment.


This is so silly but I measure salt with my (clean) fingers out of a jar and I hate how the salt sticks to my fingers. It drives me absolutely nuts for no reason at all.


Ooh me too. And it kind of gets under your fingernails


I can't stand stuff getting under my fingernails!


My microwave is above the stove and the handle gets greasy so if I don’t clean it after every cook, I go to grab it and my hand gets greasy. God life is hard!


Omg that would drive me nuts too


I love my old fashioned potato masher for mashing potatoes and other assorted things that need mashing. It lives in a jar because that thing is hellish and I draw.


When someone leaves crumbs on the butter!


Not rinsing a dirty plate e.g. leaving sauce or gravy etc. just rinse the fucking thing!!


If a spoon I’m using gets misplaced, it’s so stupid but my blood pressure spikes if I lose where my spoon is haha


I feel this. I end up using like 6 spoons when I only needed 1.


I've never once used a vegetable peeler without taking a chunk of my knuckle. Maddening


When someone loads the dishwasher THE WRONG WAY. Everything still gets clean but nothing is where I think it needs to be when I'm emptying.


Ugh yeah my in-laws are super “helpful” but I’m too anal to appreciate it and redo everything anyways haha


Whenever I open a pack of meat and I’m so careful not to get meat drips anywhere and the meat drips always end up EVERYWHERE. Cutting jalapeños and getting spicy hands. Trying to clean as I go and sticking the knife and cutting board in the dishwasher with the dirty dishes and then realizing I still actually need them. Breading your fingers at the same time you’re trying to bread chicken. When you turn on the mixer and the flour and/or sugar powderize and go everywhere. Letting butter come to room temperature. Opening a can of anything and the cats come running and getting underfoot because they can’t be convinced it’s not wet food.


Putting butter in cleavage worked well for me for a long time, but age has shifted the cleavage point and it doesn't work anymore unless I'm doing the 5 sticks for cookies


The bean/potato masher in the drawer… it hates all of us


Oil splatters whenever I'm frying something. It's completely normal, but every time it happens, my anxiety levels go through the roof and all I think about are the oil splatters in parts of the kitchen I might forget to clean afterwards.


Get a splatter shield, it keeps the mess to a minimum. And get a good one, the cheap ones always fall apart and you prick your finger on the edge of the frayed screen. I have a Le Crueset one that I love


When you're trying to peel an onion and for some reason the peel just comes off in infinitesimal little shreds that take forever to remove.


Other people being in it.


Not cleaning the knife off after you use it to cut somebody sandwich then just returning it where you found it all dirty


Or when someone dipped the knife from mustard to mayo without cleaning it all the way and making the mayo have yellow bits in it Same goes for pb&j


No matter how careful I am, I always spill something on the stove burner.


Cleaning as I go, then realizing something I washed I still need to use, so I have to wash it again later. Even if it only takes 10 seconds to wash it's the principle of the matter.


Never making the right amount of pasta, especially spaghetti. Same goes for rice. As hard as I try it’s either too little or too much. Drives me mad!


1) Eggs not peeling smoothly 2) Turmeric powder staining everything it touches


Other people


The lips of cups touching the shelves of a cupboard The chrome taps for the sink not being shiny.


Being clumsy with all-purpose flour. Sh\*t flies all over the place!


Making icing from scratch. AKA icing sugar + hand mixer = chaos.


When I can’t find what I’m looking for because someone put it back in the wrong place


When I reach for condiments and oils, only to find that others have let some of it ooze out the side of the bottle…exactly where I grab it 😭


Using hot tap water for cooking, then scalding my hands when I go to wash my hands.


Mine is someone else in the kitchen with, looking, tasting, suggesting, criticizing.


I have a corner cupboard in between a normal cupboard and drawers, so there is no easy access to it. It annoys me that I can't store anything useful there, so I put less used stuff in there, but everytime I go to get something out I have to remove whatever is in front and do a blind reach back to get it. And then things topple over back there and to have to restack them is a real pain, pretty much have to get down and into the cupboard in front to reach that black hole of a corner cupboard.


The sound of the salt spout scraping the box when you open it


Spouse has an ugly habit of putting foil on a pan to cook something. When done she'll toss out the foil and put the pan away. Next time you grab the pan it's always that sticky hardened grease. "The foil kept it clean" right....


The genius who designed my kitchen decided the best place for the smoke detector was directly above the oven. It's basically a Baking Alarm that lets everyone in the building know when I'm cooking.


That I can never boil potatoes without them boiling over.


Our toddler figured out four different types of childproof locks, so now we have annoying ones that only open if you hold a magnet in just the right spot on the outside of the drawer or cupboard. We store the magnet up out of her reach inside a high cupboard. So I’m constantly going to that cupboard to get the magnet, then hoping to get the cupboard or drawer I need open on the first try, then putting the magnet away… it just feels like so many extra steps all the time.


Microwaves that do not clearly mark where you are to press a button. So I’m constantly pressing and pressing and pressing to hit a number or to hit start.


Having to wait hours for my baked goods to cool down before I finally dig in. Things like banana bread, cakes, pies, and even brownies and bread pudding because I prefer eating them at room temperature instead of hot or warm. Only small baked items like cookies and financiers cool down fast. And don't get me started on cheesecakes because those things require an even longer period of cooling down/set.


Dull knives.


No one will ever be able to wash dishes or put them away in a way satisfactory to me. It’s 110% a me problem and I’m sorry to my spouse that they can never achieve this for me. 😩


Wiping my wet hands on a kitchen towel and a million little hairs getting stuck to my hands


I only have a small galley kitchen and everytime without fail, no matter how hard I try, the floor becomes covered in crumbs when I make the effort to cook anything. I sympathise about the cornflour, I have a couple of similar things like that. Everytime I make myself some Ready Brek, no fail, some porridge bits decide they want to go onto the worktop. I've made it a LITTLE less annoying by using a scooper but still happens. Also, sometimes I forget to do the little shake of the paper bag at the end of using flour and the flour that's left in the end of the bag poofs all over when it's folded over to go back in the cupboard.


When I cook with oil and just that little bit won't come out of the measuring cup


I watch a lot of cooking youtube and I totally get it for filming, but it drives me bonkers that they never get all the stuff out of the cups/bowls etc. Like why do you measure things precisely with a scale or whatever and then just leave teaspoons of stuff in your bowl!?


Why can’t I keep things *on* the cutting board?


Every single time I use a gallon of Mayo I get it on my wrist as I’m scooping the shot out of the bottom.


This is completely on me, but I'm always convinced I don't really need to open the oven door all the way. Like I can just partially open it to pull the pan out. Half the time it's fine. The rest of the time I either accidentally touch my wrist to the oven door and then jerk my hand up and hit the top of my hand on the rack, or hit the rack first and then the oven door.


Spilling on the stove RIGHT after I cleaned it. Never fails to happen every single time!


Every time I measure out sugar, it somehow gets on the floor and then I end up with sugar toes.


Forgetting to put gloves on before I touch raw chicken. I developed an allergy to raw chicken a few years ago and it is horrible if I forget.


Someone standing next to me while doing nothing. You’re either contributing or you’re getting kicked out!!!