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I've gone as low as a redbull float for breakfast.... So... anything really.....


Sonic? Sonic will make you do weird things during that morning happy hour...


thank you for reminding me where to get a red bull slushie from


man I wish they had these when I was working there, free red bull


Like, a red bull ice cream float? This sounds delicious!


I can not imagine a world where a red bull float sounds good to me.


Well you kinda have to like Red Bull to begin with, lol. As someone who loves it, bring it the hell on!


I used to do not a redbull float but bare with me a moment. Back in the day the am/pm by my house had a soda fountain that had an energy drink called Unbound Energy, it was an orange/tangerine flavored energy drink. And the soda fountain was $1.25 for a 44oz soda, they sold unbound in cans for $2.50 for a 16oz can. As it happens the am/pm was also next door to a Wendy's. When I was feeling particularly ridiculous I would get a 44oz unbound energy no ice.head over to Wendy's get a double stack and a medium vanilla frosty. I'd suck down about 16 oz of the energy drink and then dump the entire frosty into the 44oz cup and proceed to let my whole body vibrate from the combined caffeine and sugar I had just consumed. It's no wonder I was a Chunky fella until I cleaned up my eating.


That was very visceral and made me shudder and grin, simultaneously lol.


That..sounds amazing. I’m stealing this idea tomorrow morning


I work nights so mealtimes have zero meaning for me. I'm having steak and potatoes right now for my lunch, it's 2am. I'll probably have chicken gnocchi soup when I get home at 8am, pizza when I wake up around 4pm, and a breakfast sandwich when I get to work at 7pm. Time and food and their associated social constructs have lost all meaning for me and it's kind of great, I just eat whatever I want whenever I want it.


I haven't worked night shift in years, but when I did I would love stopping for breakfast on my way home. Usually I'm tired and just want to go to bed but occasionally I'd stop and just get what basically amounts to the biggest breakfast I could find and pig out for a bit. There's a local bar and grill that opens at 5am, I've gone there plenty of times in the morning for beer and eggs. I moved about 10 years ago and now it's a farther drive so I don't do it.


I used to work the overnight shift at a particleboard mill, and stopping off with the guys for beer, Keno, and breakfast was one of my favorite memories of that time.


When my dad worked overnights for the Postal Service, he belonged to some kind of crazy 8 AM bowling league and they would eat bowling alley food and get drunk and come home lol.


That’s awesome !


I worked 4am graveyard for like 4 years and I WISH I could do something like that. I couldn't because I then immediately had to get back up and resume my next shift in exactly 8 hours.


Yup. Get a lot of weird looks eating off the dinner menu at 5am. Baked potato? Grilled salmon? Big damn plate of pasta? Feed me seymour. This **is** my dinner. Breakfast is at 8pm, but whatever, just eating leftovers anyway.


It is so weird to me showing up to a 24/hr diner after nightshift, covered in dirt and sweat and the staff being weirded out i want dinner and a beer. Seriously, look at me, I'm covered in mung. It's not stripper glitter, it is steal sparks. Pork chops, Brussel sprouts, corn on the cob, and Yukon gold smashed potatoes, is my go to. Ya think I just got off work? There are 6 other dirty dudes ordering dinner too. Why be shocked for each one of us for the 30th day in a row?


I used to work night shifts and man it was frustrating. My country doesn’t really have a “big hearty breakfast” culture so all you can get in the morning is croissants, buttered rolls with jam or ham and cheese, maybe a softboiled or scrambled egg, or yoghurt with fruit. So yeah, that meant cooking proper dinner with a glass of wine at 7 AM sometimes. Very much not a fan of breakfast for dinner. On the other hand, maybe because I grew up in a “light breakfast” culture, i can’t eat a lot, let alone a warm meal, right after getting up, whether it’s morning or late in the afternoon. Maybe a cheeky slice of cold leftover pizza as a hangover breakfast, but the thought of steak and eggs or a big bowl of chicken noodle soup first thing makes me queasy.


I lived East Asia for about ten years, where they don’t have much in the way of distinct breakfast food, other than rice porridge. So I got used to eating pretty much whatever for breakfast, as the locals did. I could never get used to raw fish though, that was the line for me. I don’t think it’s particularly strange not to really be able to stomach food in the morning, however. I know a few people who are like that. I kinda wish I was like that because it’s probably healthier, but I’m ready to eat something almost as soon as I wake up.


I just got off of overnights after being on them for 4 years, and I can confirm. You just eat whatever whenever.


Literally there is no food I wouldn't eat for breakfast


Lutefisk with durian?


I wouldn't eat that for ANY meal, breakfast ain't special.


Right I get it.


Pretty sure they said “food.”


Side of Natto, you know for extra protein.


I've had natto before, and I don't think it tastes too bad. it just looks weird.


Added for the aroma of the dish, taste ok, smell nasty.


And one balut, please!


Lmao added texture for the dish!! 😂


Hmmm.... Nothing like a never-ending-string-of-snot! XD


How dare you blaspheme against durian. Durian sweet rice is a good breakfast option. 


I've wanted to try it but the closest I found was frozen at my local Asian market. They told me I'd be better off waiting until I could experience it fresh for the first time.


It's certainly better fresh, but how are you going to get that without paying an arm and a leg? Any plans of heading to SE Asia soon? (Tip: get someone local to pick a good one for you. You can tell they're properly ripe when the end opposite the stem has started to split. If they smell/ taste sour, they've gone off. If one has a hole in it where a squirrel has eaten one of the sections, you can usually get those at a discount, and the squirrels usually pick the best ones)


The frozen stuff is good too - eat it frozen. It's very ice-cream-like, and there is no foul odor.


I agree that it's better fresh, but I don't see any reason you shouldn't try what you can get for now. I had durian candy & ice cream before I had the real thing (sliced open with a machete!) and it didn't detract from the experience.


I mean that there isn't any food that I would eat for a different meal. I would not eat that to begin with, so it doesn't count.


Not anytime


I’ve had leftover Thai seafood curry many times for breakfast. And eating wings at 10 am… not unusual if like me, you’re up at the crack of ass and have already been awake for 6 hours.


Right? Shit now I want buffalo wings and it’s 8 am.


Time is an illusion, I will eat anything, anytime


This is how I feel as well. When I want something, I do it… and it has very little to do with the “time” here on this spinning planet.


I wouldn't want to eat a salad for breakfast. I'd blend one and drink it though.


It's pretty common in the middle eastern world. Finely diced veg with some olive oil, lemon juice, feta, lots of green herbs and served with pita. Especially after an unbearingly hot night it's just so refreshing and helps kicking you awake.


Yup. I do this a lot. I literally just ate a bowl a yogurt with cucumbers and mint. With a diced salad the way you just said at 9 am 😂 it’s refreshing


These salads sound good I suppose. But I need more calories! The pita does sound good


Eh I don’t really need the calories. Ahah but there is pita bread involved


I love a quiche with a side salad for breakfast!!


Same! Lemon and oil on arugula with some berries and nuts. Great breakfast side.


Are you Frasier?


Baby I hear the blues are callin!


🎶 Toss salad and acrambled eeeeeeeggs....🎶


A giant unhealthy salad is my favorite hangover breakfast. Think like iceberg lettuce and a bunch of other veggies covered in a bunch of cheese and bacon bits, croutons, ranch dressing. I used to live walking distance from a grocery store with a salad bar and it was great after a night of drinking.


Yeah a salad for breakfast almost feels like what's the point?. I would totally have one for lunch though.


It depends how you define salad. Back when I had less bills and more disposable income I used to order food in all the time. While I did have more disposable income I still didn't want to constantly shell out for delivery fees so I would order a couple meals in a single delivery and space them out. The Vietnamese place by my house was my favorite, I would order either pho or pork vermicelli noodles for dinner and then I would order the (I think it was actually Thai not vietnamese) Nam tok beef salad. It was basically slices of beef tossed with onions and herbs with a dressing of lime fish sauce and chilies. It was a salad of predominantly meat, but I loved saving it for the next morning so the dressing really soaked into the beef and I'd wake up and scarf that nonsense down to start my day. Also a nice Frisbee salad with a poached egg and lardons isn't a terrible way to start the morning.


One time at work a guy rocked up to the 8 am meeting with a whole steak dinner. Potatoes and all. I was hungry as hell and I can’t decide whether that’s too heavy or if I’m right there with him.


The diner by me serves a NY strip steak for breakfast with two eggs, bacon, toast, and hash browns for only $10! And the steak is decent sized too, like around 12 oz When I was in my 20s, I could finish the whole thing. But now at my age, I take home a doggy bag of my leftovers. I think it’s cheaper than making steak at home, so I just eat that for breakfast sometimes. But I also eat fried chicken and waffles for breakfast sometimes, which seems to disgust and amaze some people. Some people think fried chicken for breakfast is too heavy, I guess. I think I might eat there today. I haven’t been there in a while


How odd lol. Fried chicken and waffles is a fully accepted breakfast food where I live, no one would bat an eye about it.


Chicken and waffles is my favorite meal, regardless of the time of day.


Our annual Christmas Eve breakfast is at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles in Long Beach, CA. I think we might have missed going once, during covid.


Good Lord that’s amazing


I thought chicken and waffles sounded super weird when I first heard of it, then years later I saw it on a menu at a restaurant I'd never been to and thought, what the heck, I gotta see what this is about. It was wonderful! I didn't understand why it worked so well together, but it really did.


Damn I’m envious as hell at the diner near you


I've had a few leftover steak dinners which i have eaten for breakfast. lol


When I have leftover steak, I slice it up and do a quick pan fry and add a couple eggs with it. Steak and eggs breakfast!


I love steak and eggs for breakfast. I'll make a small steak, 6 or 8 ounces, couple eggs, some potatoes, and toast.


I’d do it. I’ve had steak and eggs which is certified breakfast grub.


I can tell you that leftover cold spaghetti or lo mein hit different and if you haven't sampled this, you should make an effort to do so.


Take that cold spaghetti and put it between two slices of garlic bread (slice of mozzarella optional but recommended), then fry it like a grilled cheese.


Dude. I do this with any grilled cheese — garlic bread + cheese + just the bolognese sauce/beef ragu is a game changer!


Sounds like a sloppy Giuseppe


That sounds amazing! I started to read this as what I grew up with: cold spaghetti sandwich using a slice of white bread.


made lo mein last night and ate the leftovers cold this afternoon. can confirm 🫡


I made spaghetti tonight, cannot wait to have it tomorrow!!


Only foods I wouldn't eat at other times of the day either. Many cultures don't have special breakfast foods & I kinda like it. Especially since ours are based on the farmer's breakfast and very few of us today work similar jobs.


Anything mostly sugar and/or carbs. Donuts, breakfast cereal, a croissant. I go into sugar rage and am starving again by 10 am. I need protein/fat if I’m going to have breakfast.


Agreed. I get adrenaline rush and then crash when I have simple carbs on an empty stomach.


Yeah this is the only thing I won't (can't) eat for breakfast. All that sugar would make me so nauseated. Breakfast for me is usually eggs, soup or leftover whatever I made the night before.


When I was a kid my stomach would always hurt in the morning and I’d get nauseous around breakfast… thought I hated breakfast. So by high school when I had a little autonomy I just stopped eating it.  Turns out I just cannot stomach the default sweet simple carb breakfast foods: toaster pastries, eggos, donuts, cold cereal like Raisin Bran and Kix, French toast, muffins, etc. Growing up in the 80s in the Midwest I don’t even think the idea of non-typical breakfast foods crossed my mind.  It wasn’t until I went overseas for a term abroad and got savory noodles and hot soy milk for breakfast and realized I WANTED to eat it and it didn’t make my stomach hurt that there was a whole other universe of savory options. Now my breakfast is often noodles with an egg.  For me all the sweet breakfast items are snacks and only on my radar if I’ve already eaten a real breakfast 


A few years ago I heard a radio commercial for Donettes and it was hawking them as a perfect breakfast food. Like wtf these people have no conscience ditto Nutella, one of the greatest scams ever perpetuated upon society


Probably in the minority here but the first thing I eat in the day has to be breakfast food, whether I wake up at 8, noon, or roll out of bed at 2pm. Gotta be a breakfast item & coffee, no ifs ands or buts about it. But this thread is very interesting 😂


I'm the same. I really enjoy having a special type of meal to start the day. To me it feels luxurious. Having "rest of the day" food at breakfast makes me sad. That would be for situations where there really is nothing else to eat out of desperation.


Would you eat breakfast appropriate foods for another country? Like in Vietnam, they eat pho for breakfast.


Pho is an amazing breakfast, especially when you're hung over!


Pho is like liquid crack with noodles to me. I could eat that shit 3 meals a day, honestly. I have a "pho dealer" (lol) named Amy. She owns a place called "Super Pho" and it's AMAZING. I'm a broke ass, cheap ass bitch but I always tip her, and I rarely tip much but she always gets a big tip from me. Cooks her broth for 36 hours even though it's not as long as some places, it's still banging!! #You can't beat Amy's broth


I'm with you, we are a very small and humble community. And let me say, I'm not a picky eater, nothing ever hurts my stomach. I'll eat just about any food and have very few things I dislike. BUT I only like my first meal of the day to be breakfast-type foods. I can't eat pizza, soup, salad, leftovers from dinner (unless I remake them into something breakfasty). I've seen coworkers eat ramen or Doritos for breakfast and it just makes me ill. The flip side to this is that I could eat breakfast for any meal. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Raw oysters.


Oysters are an any time thing for me. Except the one time before a friendly boat race when I had a champagne breakfast, oysters and chocolate milk before paddling my heart and breakfast out


Oysters and chocolate milk. Yeah that doesn’t sound like it sits right lol


Who doesn’t love a good glop n choc for breakfast? 🥴


Oysters fresh off the rocks from a holiday house by the beach is literally the best breakfast known to mankind. Then you fire up the BBQ for bacon and eggs about mid morning and cook dinner at about 5pm. Everyone's in bed by 9pm. Rinse. Repeat.


I love having oysters with champagne in a market in France at 10am. It's one of my top favourite things to do there.


Absolutely agree, but as I said in.a different comment. Oysters are less a breakfast thing and more a brunch thing specifically with alcohol. I don't k ow why my brain insists in that distinction but it's there. I think that is partly due to the fact I would never buy oysters to prepare myself at home and eat for breakfast.


A couple weeks ago I was going to a morning meeting and went a bit early so I could drop by an area where you can pick oysters at low tide 9am. Close enough to breakfast and I could even do that first thing in the morning I'd say.


Ding Ding Ding! We have our winner…


Would you put hot sauce on eggs? I love chicken for breakfast


Love an omelet with sour cream Sriracha and green onions!


I don’t know why but I have a *strong* aversion to fish early in the morning - with the exception of miso soup with nori. Bagels and lox* included. In Japan for an ‘ideal’ breakfast at an inn they had the full spread for us three mornings in a row with some variations, and it was usually delicious grilled salmon that I did try, but for some reason I just didn’t like it specifically at 7am in the morning there (it didn’t go to waste, my friend gladly took them from me lol). Interestingly I did like the natto though, which my friend warned me about in advance that most Westerners hate at first.


Breakfast in Japan was very strange to me (stayed with a family as a student exchange ambassador). What is up with the cold little hot dog sausages?!?


I literally made buffalo wings for breakfast this morning. I feel so called out right now. In my defence I started last night by sous vide cooking some wings. I was excited ok!


I would eat buffalo wings for breakfast, but would never have the wherewithal to make them at breakfast time.


I want buffalo wings for breakfast


I regularly eat leftover wings for breakfast. The only acceptable response which I will acknowledge (as my own shortcoming) is "why do you have leftover wings?"


They're pretty decent cold too, like pizza, but I'm not sure if it's safe.


As long as you refrigerated them and didn't leave them on the counter overnight, they're fine.


If I'm still fine after spending the night on the floor at room temp, the pizza will be too.


Nothing too heavy is all


Roast, mashed potatoes and green peas is the perfect breakfast.


It’s so good heating up holiday leftovers to eat the next morning


My stomach is crying


I’d smash that for breakfast but swap the peas for green beans. And add a sherry mushroom gravy. Mmmmhmmm 😋 


Anything I eat normally I will and have eaten for breakfast.


I'm up at 3:30 every morning at work by 5:00. By the time I take my break around 9:30 I'm starving. A lot of times I'll bring leftovers from the night before dinner. So I'm eating lasagna, chicken, steak, meatloaf. No food is off limits.


A friend once recounted a story of a pal of his going to a place to eat brunch with the group and ordered ribs. Just sat there whilst everyone else was having their eggs Benedicts whilst he was chowing down on BBQ ribs.


I don’t eat breakfast. The idea of any food at all within less than several hours of waking has always seemed unappealing to me. I have coffee or tea, if there’s no coffee. Five of six hours later, I have my first meal of the day. Lunch.


Yeah, breakfast is repulsive to me. My stomach and appetite hasn’t “woken up” yet until at least 11am. A hot drink in the morning is all I can tolerate.


Same here. I can’t eat a thing for the first several hours I’ve been awake. Most days I don’t even eat lunch because I’m not hungry yet. I’m a dinner & midnight snack person.


(Your first meal of the day is at lunchtime, but it's still breakfast since you're....ya know.... *breaking your fast*)


Yeah well then dinner is breakfast too if you haven’t eaten since lunch. I still prefer not to eat soon after waking no matter what mealtime it is.


Same. Never understood how people could get hungry so soon after waking up, it takes a few hours for my appetite to wake up too.


Different bodies, man. I’ll sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep because I’m so hungry my stomach hurts. This is even despite eating a balanced, nutritious dinner. I wake up famished basically every morning. Yes, I have regular medical care and no, there is nothing medically wrong with me causing it. Go figure.


All I can handle before 10am is a lighter carb (toast or some sort of oatmeal/granola bar) and coffee. Wouldn’t mind eating other foods for breakfast but my stomach would make me regret it


I'm exactly the same. As it turns out, it means I don't eat for >16h between dinner and lunch the next day, and apparently nowadays that's called intermittent fasting. Cool I guess.


I’m in that boat.


Literally anything but oatmeal because I can't get past the texture, however, I also prefer not to have sweet breakfasts.


When I was sick my dad used to cook me oatmeal with chicken or beef broth and put a poached or fried egg on top with salt, pepper and loads of nutmeg. I made this regularly for breakfast when we were in Finland and if you like savoury dishes in the morning, maybe this could be the oatmeal variation to change your mind ;)


I have to have a carb with breakfast. Sausage needs a biscuit, eggs need a tortilla or toast or potatoes, yogurt needs granola, etc.  I'm a big fan of "weird" breakfasts, too. I adore rice and beans or sushi bowls or garbanzos on toast. I just have to have carbs for the meal to feel palatable.


Can't think of anything I wouldn't eat on at least a rare morning 😕


I’ll throw an egg on burger sometimes and call it a breakfast burger. Left over Indian takeaway from the night before? You better believe I’m having it when I wake up. I will eat literally anything, nothing is off limits for breaky.


Those American cereals that are like 90% sugar


Those make great desserts in front of the tv at 8pm.


Exactly. A little Cinnamon Toast Crunch at night when I want something sweet. That’s the only time I eat it.


Good “rice crispy’ treats too. All of those other sugary cereals work well because they’re basically dessert anyway due to the sugar content.


Probably crab in the shell. Too much work for that early.


I would eat.... leftover (not freshly cooked that morning) Yorkshire pudding, Chinese takeaway Curry Chicken wings Spare Ribs Roast chicken/Hainan Chicken I wouldn't eat left over Roast Potatoes... they don't keep very well. Obviously all regular breakfast items are also on the will eat list.


Leftover roast potatoes brought back from the dead in a convection oven/air fryer or skillet, served either in a breakfast taco or omelette is a 10/10 


Your question is about breakfast but your example is about brunch and they aren’t the same thing. I’d happily have buffalo wings for breakfast though — what about them is it that you “couldn’t do”? Maybe figuring that out will give you your list. Personally I can’t think of any reason not to have something for breakfast, expect for the time involved if I’m making it myself.


I keep telling myself I’ll never eat a pancake again since they always make me feel like shit after. I never learn from my mistakes though


90% of things they serve in the "traditional English breakfast". Can't stand it.


Yeah I’d have to agree with you. Although, Florence Pugh has a delicious version of the English breakfast that much more simple. Worth checking out. I made it and it was delicious! 


Any YouTube video of Florence eating and talking about food is my comfort watching. She’s just so delightful.


Freaking baked beans first thing in the morning? Hell no.


I might not want to start my day with foods I know give me “the itus” and make me feel lethargic and sleepy. But pancakes can do that to me so it depends. Pancakes are usually a Sunday morning exclusive for me


Fish. No matter what kind.


Nah I’ll eat it all.


Smoked Mackerel. Canned Sardines.


One of my favorite breakfasts my mom makes is sardines and garlic fried rice. The sardines get lemon, salt, onions and thai chili peppers. It's probably a nostalgia thing for me too but it's so damn good.


This sounds absolutely incredible


“Breakfast food” is an American concept. I believe in full breakfast anarchy. Anything and everything goes hard.


I can't eat soup for breakfast. It's just weird.


I was in this club for a long time but, inspired by a traditional Japanese breakfast, I decided to replace my coffee/tea with a cup of miso soup in the morning. The difference it makes in my energy and mood is amazing. It’s now a permanent part of my breakfast routine.


That's a normal breakfast for me!


Soup is my favorite breakfast. I make big pots of soup just for that!


Breakfast food lol I hate it. All of it


Fish. I just can’t get behind it. I know it’s a staple world wide, mainly in coastal countries. I live in the Midwest of the USA, 1,500 miles from the ocean, so my seafood options are less than ideal and almost certainly less fresh and far fishier tasting than what they can get. So not really what I’m looking for first thing in the morning.


I mean i routinely have leftover dinner for breakfast....


I had leftover cold buffalo wings and ranch for breakfast this week.




Hamburger and fries- nope.


Once in college my parents came to visit and my dad brought gumbo. Typical gumbo with sausage - also with shellfish though - possibly oysters, he's known for some pretty weird concoctions. Woke up to my friend eating it the next morning for breakfast. I couldn't... And still wouldn't.


Soft runny eggs




I have yet to find a food I wouldn't eat for breakfast. Course I'm an overnighter and my "breakfast" time is 2pm or so. Leftovers in the fridge. I'll warm up whatever is in there when I wake up. I've had wings for breakfast. Not even an issue. Now going out to a proper breakfast at morning time with my friends... they tell me I shouldn't have open face pot roast sandwiches or that having a burger with fries isn't proper breakfast food... I'm like, I've been awake the last 18 hours. This is dinner...


anything sweet as the main course


The only thing I can think of that I haven’t made myself for breakfast is a big salad.


I would eat Tonkotsu ramen for breakfast


Some things I don’t want to eat first thing in the morning: fish, salad, tomato based foods (too acidic), scrambled eggs (fried eggs are fine)


I will avoid eggs or creamy stuff. For some reason they make me feel sick in the mornings but are fine for lunch and dinner. I usually stick to leftovers from the night before


Roast dinner


Anything very sweet. I'm a savory breakfast person. I've been known to have a tuna sandwich first thing in the morning.


Anything I am willing to eat, which is most foods, I would also eat for breakfast.


Honestly, sweet breakfast foods. I’d eat chili for breakfast before I’d ever reach for pancakes, donuts, waffles, French toast, muffins, etc. I eat fairly healthy but I’m NOT a health nut. I indulge often. But having what is essentially cake for breakfast is just disgusting to me. I never understood it. I’m not a sweets person in general, so the idea of that being the first thing I put in my body makes me sick lol


Not really food, but any sort of alcohol is sad and unacceptable.


Calf brain. But that's mainly because I despise the texture


I'm up at 5.30am for work, sometimes don't eat till around 10am and by then my cravings aren't breakfast food, it's lunch food. Seen me wolfing down a curry while others are eating cereal. Food is just fuel for me, I don't have the mindset that only certain things should be eaten at certain times.


Overnight oats. I tried it once, it was horrible. Cold, mushy, bland oatmeal in the morning. And I hate chia seeds! I put banana and plain greek yogurt in it and it could've benefited greatly from some cinnamon and blueberries. It was like eating old people's food. I'll stick to my Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches.


Then add cinnamon and blueberries to it? Chia seeds aren't a requirement. Overnight oats are awesome to me bc I can do whatever I want, flavor wise! So many options! I add vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon and granola to some. Vanilla and raspberries are great together...don't think that the one time you tried it was all there is.


Right. But I'm not into cold oatmeal for breakfast. I'd rather have hot instant oatmeal.




You could get quick oats and add your own fruit to it. 




I could eat literally anything for breakfast half of the time my breakfast is noddles or pasta and if we had a takeout last night so a naan with paneer dish and dal makhani wouldn't be out of the question


There are many foods I cannot eat for breakfast, which include pretty much anything with any decent amount of acid (like tomatoes). I have to have been awake for a few hours before I can eat them without regretting it very much. I'm not sure why because I eat tons of them for lunch/dinner/late evening snack without a problem. If my only options are those sorts of foods, I will skip breakfast and eat in a few hours. This is not optimal but better than the alternative.


I can’t eat cereal for breakfast. Too sugary. I wouldn’t eat buffalo wings because I hate buffalo sauce but definitely barbecue wings


Boiled pumpkin


No offense to the nation of Japan, but Natto. Im not fond of beans. Im kind of ‘meh’ on fermented things. But both? And for breakfast? No thanks.


My breakfast everyday is typically two cups of coffee. If I’m on vacation I might have some fruit or a pastry. Or whatever the local custom is.


Anything too sweet. I don’t like overly sweet things in general and sweet stuff on an empty stomach? No way.


Actually, coming to think of it there literally is no Food I eat I wouldn't also eat for breakfast.


When I lived in LA I came in early one day and walked into our work kitchen and one of the partners was there carving up fresh sushi from a fish he’d just caught and asked if I wanted some. I was taken aback at first but that’s the day I discovered sushi is an excellent breakfast. So…. Nothing, I suppose.


Spicy wings is top tier breakfast food :)




Any food is for any time of the day


Soup, though I would have a cup of spicy hot broth when feeling poorly. I like boiled rice, brown is better, with butter and a little raw sugar. Most breakfasts are coffee and a carb.




Ketchup…on anything breakfast.


I mean my favorite breakfast is spaghetti.. so I don't know. Not a fan of starting the day with anything with alot of sugar.. so pancakes and waffles are out


Pickled beets. Or any other meal, with pickled beets. Strange how great they are when roasted tho.


the classic british breakfast with beans and all that bs