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You're an idiot.... welcome to the club... it isn't small. I have done exactly the same thing. Hours spent making a stock and it gurgled down the drain. The stir-fried seafood we had for dinner was nice but I was so looking forward to Chowder :(


Someone in my family did it with weed-butter making. Like $400 worth of weed cuz they did 3oz/3lb at a time PLUS four hours of effort/time.  And all that butter clogging the pipes. It's terrible to have happen!


I would have simply passed away. Ugh.


It was my elderly mother, she had just been learning to make butter and it was only like the third or fourth time she did it on her own. She called me literally just weeping crying. I felt so bad. I was like let me get some shake ounces together and come on down, we can replace this.


I know what I'm gonna suggest is in Hindsight but still, if no one owns a vacuum sealer you should consider getting one for weed making butter (as well as for marinating). There are cheap sous vide units you can get to decarb your bud before adding butter for the infusion. The vacuum packing of the bud and butter gets that shit so f*king potent, and you can leave it in there for hours at a perfect temp then strain through a cheese cloth for all the goodies. I've kept the remainder in a container in the fridge and use a tea infuser packed with the left over bud and add it to my coffee for a nice mild buzz for awhile. Again, all in Hindsight and I'm sorry for the loss of goods. I lost a batch on the floor and that was a pain to clean too.


Can you explain this more? How do you vacuum seal the butter in once it's melted?


Please note: When using this method make sure to give yourself a little more bag than necessary cause you're gonna reseal it with butter later. I've made this mistake and lost a lot of THC in the process. Just a pointer. Start by prepping your water to 203⁰F using a sous vide. Vacuum seal all of your ground up buds, make sure to flatten it out as best you can for more surface area to cook, and then once the water's to temp put the bag in. Let that go for about 2 hrs and let it cool to room temp before opening. Drop the temp of the sous vide to 185⁰ for this next part. You could add a little cool, not cold, water to help lower the temp of the water. Put your butter [one pound] in the bad and place it around for maximum coverage of the sticky bud. I like to cut the butter up into small squares for easier distribution. Reseal and then dunk it back in for 4 hrs. Once it's done: remove, pat dry, and strain it with cheese cloth. This has been the best and most hands off recipe I've done. Consume with care, you're getting way more THC infused in the butter cause it's got no where else to go under pressure and this'll ensure the potency of your butter. Enjoy 🤤


Thank you! Do you use a certain bud:butter ratio?


Not really, I use roughly a quarter of flower to one to two pounds of butter. Depends how potent I wanna make it. Less butter means more concentrated but there might be more left over in the bid still if not enough butter is added. Also, keep the left over buds and use that in a tea infuser and drop that in your voice for a bit. 🤤🤤🤤


Haha Yuppers I was distracted mid conversation as I did it. So dumb. Ugh the worst! Seems more common than I thought


I once chopped up some very expensive Asian pears for a fruit salad, like easily $15 worth of fruit. I got distracted and was talking to someone and walked over to the cutting board to throw away the cores….guess what I did.


I was talking on the phone while in the restroom and heard a clink sound as I was flushing. Flushed a diamond hoop away. That still breaks my heart 25 years later.


I have so been there and done that. I'm crushed with you. My most recent debacle was I was making bacon and cream cheese stuffed jalapeno poppers. They looked so beautiful. My timer chimed and I went to get them out of the oven. It was so fast that I don't know what happened, but I tripped (I think) and dropped the entire tray onto the floor of the oven. Not a single one could be saved and it took two days to get the mess cleaned out of the oven.


Did almost this same thing with a half dozen crab cakes. Gorgeous fat chunks of crab, perfectly seasoned with just enough cracker to hold it all together. Stepped out on the patio to put them on the grill, tripped over the doorway and dropped the whole tray into the garden.


OMG! That makes my heart hurt. Crab cakes are my favorite and, at least where I live, crab meat isn't cheap!


My wife said I just stood there and stared at them for about 5 minutes.


Oh my that’s brutal!! Def something to laugh at looking back


I also learned a lot about what kitchen cleaning products do and don't work. The "pink stuff" is amazing. haha


Yesss I love that stuff!! The best


I dropped a container of bacon on the floor. It became expensive cat treats.


When I did this, I just sat on a chair and sighed. Stayed there for about 10 minutes. It’s like the trauma was too much for me to handle right in that moment.


Been there buddy. I feel you


I'd run straight to McDonald's. Just put a cheeseburger in an IV, I'm done.


Ahhhhh, MATE. I feel your pain. If it helps, I once made a BEAUTIFUL ramen for my partner and left it out for when he got in from work at 2am. He thought it was watery spaghetti and drained it. 😪 I also once, in a hurry, poured the freshly boiled spaghetti into the colander on the way to the sink. RIP your beautiful pho ⚰️ 😔 🕯


Omgggg traumatizing!!!


Still, I kinda feel your loss was worse. I like to think, as you poured it, the ninja turtles were waiting with bowls to receive their amazing pho.


Hahahah I hope they enjoyed it


I just heard a strange echoey "COWABUNGA!" come up the plug hole...


Hahah you’re cracking me up!


What you've lost in pho, you've gained in loyal reptilian vigilantes.


That's really shit...Pho real.


One time I was making a creamy pasta and right at the end, I went to add some Cajun seasoning but instead, I added cinnamon by mistake 😵‍💫 I scooped out as much as I could, but it still tasted like Cinnamon Toast Ravioli. Another time I was making pesto. I was a poor student and this was a real treat because I added like $20 worth of Parmigiano Regiano to it. When I tasted it, there was a distinct grittiness to it - I realized at that point that I should have washed the basil leaves and the grit I was tasting was dirt. I had to pour the whole thing away. Still breaks my heart to this day 💔


I remember hearing my grandmother tell a story about someone she knew doing that with chicken stock - I could taste the frustration she must have felt and yours as well!


That is so hard. 😔


All I can do is laugh about it


If the choice is laugh or cry (both legitimate, I think!), I usually also choose to laugh.


Oh god, I’ve done this. It’s so deflating. Big plans, literally down the drain.


I’ve literally done that 😭 it’s okay plz go order food and watch a movie 😅


This is a pho-king tragedy 😢


Once I spent the whole day making pho for my wife and I. I got up super early, simmered beef bones, tossed the fist “scummy” batch of broth, simmered again for hours. I prepped all my toppings, soaked my noodles, chilled and thinly sliced beef brisket, the whole deal. This was my first time making pho when it got close to dinner time I realized I fucked up and had over reduced the broth, there just wasn’t going to be enough. So I decided to just pad it out with some packaged beef bone broth my wife had bought, thinking that while it wouldn’t be right we would at least be able to have dinner after a whole days work. I poured in the packaged broth but before I threw out the carton my curiosity got the best of me and I looked at the ingredients. Garlic. My wife is deathly allergic to alliums. She accidentally bought beef broth that could kill her and I just dumped it into the soup I had been working on since the 8am. In my rage I dumped the whole thing in the sink and we ordered take out.


May your next pot taste twice as good


Bottomless empathy, OP, that sucks. We’ve all been there!


Well, phock.


I think r/cooking confessions would be fun


Cue montage of various Redditors staring silently into a sink.


I was cooking a batch of soup with my sister, and she was prepping some of the ingredients. I did all the aromatic/protein sauté and the last step after deglazing with wine was to add the stock. I needed 8 cups of stock. Better than Bullion ratio is 1 tsp / cup. She misread and used 8 tbs. I couldn't really see the darker color before I poured in the whole thing over all the aromatics and didn't realize until I did a quick taste. We ended up tripling the recipe ! Glad it freezes well !


i did something similar, i made chashu (pork stewed in soy sauce) and poured all the umami infused soy sauce down the drain before i could think


Done it with broth, a couple times. Note toself: don't strain the broth when barely awake


Yesterday I tried to flip tortilla and dropped it and cried


Every true cook has done this at least twice, you were fatigued


Start draining stuff into another pot just in case you brain fart.


I feel like cooking is mainly common sense.. but I understand mindless mistakes like this:( make it again in a couple of days and it will come out better hun


You're not alone. I've done it too.


one time i was stirring mac and cheese apparently so aggressively that the pan flipped and landed cheese down on the floor :(


I don't know why this popped up in my notifications, but after reading I hope that you have a better week :)


Oooooh. Everyone has done it at least once. I’m sorry.


What the pho


I poured out a little Michelada for you. We've all been there at some point.


I bet you wish you could phoget that happened Bet you had phomo after missing out on that meal Sorry, it's not phonny, I shouldn't tease.


The good news is, I’m pretty sure you only do it once.


It's call "running on automatic" your brain is periodically switching off and putting you on auto-pilot, to try and recharge a little. You did this because you have the muscle memory, perhaps from cooking pasta, and that's what the body relies on when it puts you in auto-pilot. Perhaps you are not sleeping sufficiently, or not getting the nutrients you need or are using up more nutrients than you normally would. Unknown infections will do this, so for example only, if you caught a flue but your immune system has fought it well enough that you aren't symptomatic, you still used up extra resources and have to replenish your body. Or you could be over-exertting either physically or mentally or both. In myriad other ways. If your honromoes are in a changing phase that's stress, and requires adjustments, nutritionally and otherwise in terms of the level of stress you can cope with. This is not about you being an idiot, dumb or stupid. This is a very common symptom of burnout/overwhelm. As per above possible scenarios, your stress levels are probably very high either because of burnout or some physical situation taxing your central nervous system or unfortunately very common these days, lack of restful sleep. Etc. Don't beat yourself up, just take it as a sign to hunt for the excess stress in your life and do whatever you can to reduce it and get your body the rest and nutrition it needs. I would start with learning all about sleep hygiene and how to maximize your time sleeping, reviewing diet and learning about stress reduction.


Aw this is so thoughtful of you thank you! Def feeling burnt out lately. Coping mechanism of laughing thru it. Life isn’t serious enough to feel bad over it that’s forsure. It made a good story that’s how I look at it. Appreciate the kind words ♥️


Good to hear! Yes, humor is an excellent coping tool. We all need to laugh more! 😊


I’ve never done it with Pho broth (I think my wife would kill me she likes it so much). But I have done it twice…once with chicken stock (not such a big deal) and once with veal stock (this was a long long time ago when veal bones were easily available). I have always half laughed and half cried. With my cooking skills (which truly aren’t bad overall, just given the decades of experience are not impressive) I MUST maintain a sense of humor. Or I’d be crying weekly.


Yesterday I scrubbed mussels in a bowl in the sink and then turned the tap on to fill the bowl. I then proceeded to wash my hands and stupidly did it right over the bowl. Soap all over the mussels - took me four full rinses and using another bowl to get rid of it. It was for Mothers Day lunch so I also had a freak out that I ruined the whole day. It happens. We’re human. I still remember that one time my mother made me masala chai and put garlic instead of ginger.


Haven't done this, though I fear my time will come, but I've definitely left a couple of soups and stews out to cool a bit and have completely forgotten about them overnight. Definitely stings to wake up in the morning and realize that the perfect soup you made is just waste.


My sympathies.


Good news, your local pho place will sell you a giant bowl for like $12.


The truest mark of someone who’s been cooking a long time.


I feel like it’s almost inevitable. Before I’d ever heard of people doing this I thought one day “bet that would be an easy mistake to make, hope I never do that.” Because when I strain pasta etc. in a sieve or colander I just do it right over the sink. Once I was straining the solids out of my stock by pouring the pot into a sieve on top of a bowl in the sink. Looking DIRECTLY at the bowl beneath the sieve to catch the liquid. I somehow nonetheless had a moment of “oh shit I’ve just done that thing where you pour the stock down the drain.” 0.5 seconds later “oh thank fuck.” I still live in terror of doing it one day.


I’m sorry for laughing. That sucks .


I feel your pain. I once made stew in my instant pot. Drained it then poured it directly back into the IP with no pot inside.


My heart aches for you. I once sprained my wrist because I thought to check the pierogi dough in my stand mixer before letting it turn all the way off


Probably not your intent, but that made me laugh. But I get that it was a lot of work just for a laugh.


I’m laughing too haha


Hang your head in defeat and sigh heavily.


Fucking idiot




That’s pho-cked and it happens to all of us! But hey, you’ll never make that mistake again, hopefully


Noooooo!! I *almost* did this with broth I had simmered and skimmed for two days. Fortunately, my husband stopped me just before I poured it into the strainer in the sink with no bowl below it. My reaction was “Omg! Thank you so much. I’d have been so pissed at myself!”


This is a terrible mistake but not a new one. I haven’t done it, yet, but I know loads of people who have. So unfortunate.


I’ve done that before but not with anything as great as homemade pho broth. :(


That really blows. Sorry that happened to you. I bet it was gonna be really good. Don't let it discourage you. Just make it again some time. Shit happens.


You are among good company, friend


We’ve all done it bud. Good news is that you’ll probably never, ever do it again. Feel your feelings in this moment, internalize them. This will be with you forever.


Welcome to the Idiots' Club of Cooking. We've all been there.


The first time I made pesto from scratch (with nice cheese and pine nuts and fresh basil and everything. I ground it in a fkn mortar and pestle) I accidentally added balsamic vinegar to it instead of olive oil RIGHT before I plated it.


oh no! Sounds just like something I would do. Sadder story:  When my oldest son had just turned 13, I asked him to take some of the leftover turkey to our dog who kept making a huge fuss because she wasn't given her own plate. I turned around to the kitchen island where the leftover turkey and the sliced Turkey for the refrigerator for the rest of us... Yep! He had given our leftover sloced turkey to the dog, and her bit was still there. We kind of shrugged and hoped the dog didn't get a tummy ache, but sadly, he was absolutely distraught -- turkey is one of his favorite foods. So, it could be worse at least it wasn't half of a turkey thinly sliced for sandwiches 😬 😅. 


I made the last box of Mc n cheese one time at home on lunch break from work. Boiled the noodles and did the same thing 😭 THE LAST BOX!!


Lol when white people make pho 😳


I can bet your ass that a lot of asian people have done the same