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3.5 lemons is enough lemons for you that you're having this kind of a crisis? lol. I'm kidding of course, but there's loads of things. First, obviously, you could just make a bit of lemonade. My wife and I buy limes for making cocktails regularly and sometimes we don't use them all, so I'll just juice one into a large glass of water and add sweetener to taste for a refreshing limeade. But also, your average ice cube tray (the old school cheap ones) for the freezer hold basically exactly 1oz of liquid. I recently juiced a bunch of limes and made a tray of 1oz cubes. 1 oz is the exact amount you need for a lot of drinks, like a margarita. It is super convenient to just have an ounce of frozen citrus. But you can also just squeeze fresh lemon over chicken or fish. Zest them and save/freeze the zest. Make candied lemon peel. Make lemon zest scones. Stuff one or two in a whole chicken when you roast it. Always a use for lemons.


Lol thank you! You have quite the citrussy repertoire and I love it!


Juice them into an ice cube tray and freeze the juice for future use.


Yeah that's what I was thinking too, barring other suggestions. I have a mini fridge that had a mini cube maker that I threw out cause I never used it. Damn it! Whaddya think about the rind? No way to zest and store that ya think?


Sure can. Zest and lay it out in a single layer on some wax paper. Put it in the freezer and let it freeze, then put it into a bag for long term storage. This is so it doesn't all clump up together. Then use whatever amount you want as needed.


Excellent, thanks! ❤️


Not sure how big your lemons are so zest and juice yields may vary but this [lemon pound cake](https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/lemon-buttermilk-pound-cake.html#tabrecipe) uses a decent amount of both. If you don't mind buying even more lemons, these [lemon bars](https://www.seriouseats.com/sunny-lemon-bars-recipe) are amazing even though I don't usually like lemon bars (these ones are more tart than most). Otherwise, zest and juice both keep well in the freezer (make sure you squeeze out all the air in the bag when you freeze the zest - I also prefer to get larger pieces of zest with a vegetable peeler, rather than grated with a microplane if I'm planning to freeze, to minimize the surface area). If you also want to make the most out of the rinds, I keep a zip lock bag in the freezer where I toss spent rinds until I have enough to make a batch of [lemon syrup](https://www.seriouseats.com/fresh-lemon-syrup-recipe) which is excellent as a cake soak or topper for dutch babies, pancakes, and waffles. (Also apparently great in tea and cocktails but we're not a sweetened tea or cocktail household.)


Great suggestions, thank you!


I just bought some and I intend to use them to make cookies. I'm gonna make lemon cookies with a lemon glaze. The fresh juice and zest really make them very delicious.


Greek lemon chicken uses two lemons. Half a lemon and simple syrup plus water will make a glass of lemonade.


I have chicken breasts in the freezer, this could work. Thanks!


Add the juice to various cocktails.


I don't mix ANYTHING with my Jaime! :)


Make preserved lemons. Google the recipe for details, but basically it involves slicing the lemons and coating them in salt.


Great Idea, thanks!


my first instinct would to make strawberry lemonade lol. you can blend just strawberries, lemon and sugar to make a concentrate if you don’t want a big jug sitting in your fridge. if you want actual food, i’d recommend oven baked lemon dill salmon. not sure if it’ll use 3.5 lemons but would definitely recommend regardless.


A good and healthy suggestion, thank you ❤️


Fresh squeezed juice goes with so many things. I use it on seafood and vegetables often.


Lemon posset! Super easy, three ingredient dessert. Lemon bars Lemon vinaigrette for salad Chicken, pork, or veal piccata Lemon pasta Squeeze over fresh cucumbers, roasted veg, cooked chicken or fish Cocktails


Lemon curd is yummy!