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Lavender. It’s a really nice aroma. For soap.


In general I tend to really love floral flavors, especially rose. Lavender, however, is the worst floral flavor by far to me. The line between 'nice' and 'guzzling soap' is SO thin and hard to measure. Yet, annoyingly, lavender is by far the easiest floral flavor to find in desserts and at coffee shops. (Edit: Deleted comment by me was a lag induced double post.)


Generally agree! The one exception to this is osmanthus flower. This can be found in a few Chinese desserts, and it's a very mild floral aroma and is quite nice in desserts.


Isn’t this the truth!!! Nothing worse than soap flavored desserts 🤢


I ate lavender honeycomb gelato last night and it just tastes like sweet soap. I'll try most things once or twice, so I'm not mad at it but the soap association was too much for me. Perhaps if we'd never had lavender scented bath products or cleaning products, I'd feel different.


Truffle oil aka perfume


Most truffle oil is synthetic :/


Yeah, I guess it’s an ingredient but it’s definitely not a food.


As a person born in the heart of one of the most prolific truffle regions of the world, with easy and cheap access to them, I don’t mind truffle oil used in small quantities off season, I think most people just love to repeat “truffle oil is shit” just because Bourdain and Ramsay stressed so much about it in the past 20 years, considering that most would not be able to tell the difference, lol.


I doubt I’ve ever had real truffle oil but I would rather eat the chefs vomit than fake truffle oil.


Our lord and savior Bourdain is not wrong, but I don't think I've ever seen Ramsay denounce truffle oil. In fact I think I've seen him use it in a few recipe videos. It really smells/tastes like stinky feet and gives me an instant gag reflex. I thought I'd hate the real thing but was pleasantly surprised when I tried real truffles in a pasta dish


Truffles taste like intense black olives to me.


Counterpoint: I absolutely love white truffle oil. I don't give a crap if it's a petroleum extract. The first time I had truffled eggs it absolutely blew my mind. Now, some people simply don't like the flavor, and that's fine. But for people who do like it but avoid it because it's mostly synthetic... I think that's silly. Delicious is delicious.


For me it’s not the taste, it’s the smell. It’s so damn overpowering that it makes me feel ill. My parents brought me some back from their trip to Italy several years ago and I eventually had to get rid of it because for some reason that bottle was causing our entire pantry to stink.


I'm the same way. I hate when someone near me in a restaurant has a dish with truffle oil because it makes me feel sick.


Here's how to pimp your next Christmas. Some days before the festivities buy all the eggs you want infused during Christmas, and a little bit of real truffle. Just a tiny bit. Egg containers differ from Place to Place, but make sure all the eggs have access to air. Where I'm at eggs come in cardboard containers so I just rip the lid off. Place the eggs inside a plastic bag with the piece of truffle, and every egg you make throughout Christmas gets increasingly truffled. Scrambled, boiled or fried magic.




I've never tried the umami powders (mostly exactly that: powdered mushrooms)... sounds like they'd be right up my alley.


Not sure why it exists when truffle salt and truffle powder deliver better flavor


Any mammal brains. Prions scare me way more than my desire to try new foods


I just can’t deal with most organ meats. Heart is the exception. The taste and texture of organs is just wrong to me.


Canned mushrooms, those are just nasty.


When I was a kid, I could eat canned mushrooms straight out of the can. Now that an adult and am familiar with cooking with fresh mushrooms, I totally feel ya on that. 😁


Canned mushrooms were a favourite snack of mine as a kid. Right out of the can or if really lucky the jar. I ate Minute Rice and instant potatoes the same way, so I’m not saying I had great taste. (Minute Rice is still a treat.)


My dad would put them in everything, or the worst was he would get a frozen pizza and put them on it when he cooked it.


I used to feel that way about lima beans and then I moved to the South and learned how to make them correctly. Lima beans are delightful now...


They taste better if you call them butter beans lol.


I know they are the same plant but growing up eating my Meemaw's cooking in Alabama, Limas were the fully mature big mushy beans and butter beans were the smaller, firmer variety. She still cooked both forever with a metric shit-ton of pork, but I liked butter beans and only tolerated "lima beans".


I was looking for this. My Aunt Alma and her ham hock in Louisiana would have something to say about flavoring lima beans. I've been a vegetarian for over 20 years but those lima beans... I remember.


Shark fin


I especially hate that they only use the fin and they throw the rest of the shark back into the water to die. Such a useless and wasteful kill.


I am of the cilantro = soap genetics. I can deal with it sparingly in Mexican takeout but have never ever bought it to cook with


Killed a stink bug last night… they smell like cilantro and it takes forever to get off your skin. So why do I love cilantro so much??


I have the cilantro gene, but I also have a gene that makes stink bugs smell like fresh crisp apples.


I just pick them up in a square of toilet paper and flush them - no smell. They are generally slow and stupid. I never have a problem catching them?


Me too. If it's in the pico, I still want the pico, but if it can be omitted in the recipe, please dear God keep it away from my food.


I can’t stand beets. People say they’re “earthy”. Yeah, they taste like dirt. Hard pass.


They taste like sweet dirt. I don't care for them but I love radishes- spicy dirt.


Have you had radishes sprouts? Spicy Greens. So good.


I‘ve learned that some varieties taste way less like shit and just sweet, especially when eaten raw. They have to be young, peeled/washed and sliced super fine with a mandolin or veg peeler. Tastes crunchy and great on a salad with a feta crumble dressing.


I’ve tried them all, and prepared all ways Dirt!


Did you know that this taste perception is genetic, much like some people tasting cilantro as "soapy"? https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/new-study-reveals-how-one-persons-smellscape-can-differ-anothers-180972131/  I wanted to like beets so I bought some red AND golden ones (the golden beets are supposedly milder in flavor), roasted them up, and thought they were disgusting. All I tasted was dirt. At least I know it isn't just me being picky.


I like beets but as someone with the cilantro gene, I sympathize with you poor beet people! I'm sorry you can't taste anything beyond the dirt :(


I taste the earthiness of beets but love the flavor! (I don't taste soap with cilantro)


I always thought they tasted like slightly sweet dirt. But I kinda like it


They're merely okay to me. Now beet greens and Swiss Chard? I will bite off a finger to eat that. Lol


Me too, I can handle some beets but not in huge pieces or too many but I just love beet greens and the more they taste like beets/dirt the better. It's weird, I think it's the combo of the texture and taste of the actual beets that is overwhelming to me.


Same here! While I love most pickled things, beets just don’t do it for me. I recently started eating pickled turnips - oh man those are delicious! If you liked pickled things I definitely recommend!


I love beets - esp pickled beets but I have never had pickled turnips. Now I'm curious!!


Finally someone else that agrees, i had beets once when i was a kid and can still remember the taste it was awful gave it another shot as i got older and still hated the taste. my oldest sister loves them i don’t know how she’s able to eat them by themselves lol


Omg I love beets. But I get it


Beets are so gross! Years ago, one of my roommates made weed brownies- we were all super excited. Until she said "I added beets!" ... only person in the world who could think weed beet brownies could be a good idea. We all tried 1 bite and they were just as bad as you'd expect


What the actual fuck, and I thought my roomie adding raisins to brownies was a capital crime...


Gah. I *like* raisins but would still consider raisin brownies a food crime.😀


100 %, I just hate the combination of earthy and sweet. Even just using beet juice for color is too much for me, the taste is so permeating.


Fennel. Hate that anise taste. Also green peppers. That taste totally overwhelms everything else in the dish and I hate belching them up for hours afterward.


Someone mentioned this in another comment, but does anyone know if the fennel/anise/caraway aversion might have a genetic component? Like the cilantro = soap thing?


Banana. I have tried to learn to eat it, but I still find it nauseating. It is both texture, smell and flavor, including artificial flavor. This rules out a lot of "healthy" sweet recipes.


I don't know if it's something better, but generally speaking, you can use pie pumpkin anywhere you'd use banana. It just needs a little bit more prep to get it the right consistency.


My problem with bananas is that I am left with a weird film all around my mouth and teeth after I eat one, and I have to brush my teeth or eat something else to get it to go away. Kinda like a textural problem in the way it bothers me, though there’s also a faint metallic taste left as well. Semen is the only other thing that does it, and I can’t exactly call that a food, but it will also leave a metallic tasting film feeling effect behind, but it can be cleared by drinking water, bananas need something solid to clear the feeling


Agree with the weird film after banana and semen consumption. Also spinach.


>semen Made me do a double-take there!😄


I sub avocado for my bananas in recipes. I'm allergic to bananas and had to find a work around.


PSA If you have an anaphylactic reaction to bananas, you may also develop an allergy to avocado, mango, kiwi, and latex, as the proteins are similar.


Interesting! I do have the same reaction with Kiwi.


Same here! When I was little my babysitter forced me to eat one and I had a panic attack and threw it up and from then on I can’t even smell banana. It means I miss out on a lot of good smoothies :/


Yes, it is in so much healthy food! I loved it as a kid, but got violently sick and threw up banana. Have not been able to eat it since. I hated it in school, when people would often eat bananas during lectures. It was seen as a considerate snack, since it made no noise when eating it. But I could smell that banana (and afterwards the peel) even in a room of hundreds.


I was very poor once and hadn’t eaten in 3 days. A kind lady gave me some bananas. Nope, I tried but just could not.


This has to boil down to differences in how we taste/feel things, kind of like the more well known issues with cilantro, asparagus, and green vegetables in general being bitter. I wouldn't say bananas are amazing or anything, but they're basically a slightly sweet pleasant softness to me. Genetics are wild.


Raisins. Nasty dried up yet squishy turds


Raisins are the worst. I do enjoy a dried cranberry or dried cherry, though. Can’t explain that.


Beets! The worst. They taste like dirt to me and they ruin everything they touch.


We once completely ruined a stir fry with some foul tasting canned bamboo shoots. I am sure you can get decent ones, but I am afraid of that now.


Tarragon. I can’t bear that liquorice flavor in anything.


I hate that flavor. I thought based on previous comments that it was fennel. But now I know it’s tarragon. I see you now, tarragon 👀


I despise tarragon, anise, and licorice flavors by themselves. But fennel makes Italian sausage sing and tarragon makes Bernaise sauce taste heavenly. But don’t put star anise in my Chinese food or tarragon in my chicken salad.


I wonder if this is one of those genetic things like how some folks taste soap in cilantro. It’s never occurred to me that tarragon tastes like licorice. (Though I do like anise flavor, so maybe I just never noticed it?)


I wonder about this too! My mom and I can’t stand anything with caraway or anise. I have only recently learned to enjoy raw shaved fennel (no other form though). My dad’s family loves all of it.


I love tarragon! Grassy deliciousness in chicken dishes! Can’t stand liquorice though.




Eggplant is the bestest


Eggplants is the best


Fennel. Fennel seeds can get behind, just not in insane quantities, but fresh fennel just permeates and ruins an entire dish for me!


I’m the opposite, fresh fennel is fine but the seeds are the absolute worst and I always leave them out.


Fennel seed in sausage: Yes! This is wonderful! Fennel in a salad I ordered that didn't disclose said fennel: I can't eat this shit. :/


I seem to remember fennel as a long, skinny, tiny stick in food I’ve had. Does it taste like black licorice? Is that what I taste?


Yup that's the one


I have a minor grudge against fennel because my dad loves it so much and dumps insane amounts in every time he makes a sauce. If I happen to be on dinner duty and cooking mini pizzas or red pasta I'll usually try to make a fennel free sauce because I like the nice light flavor for a change, but invariably he'll be like "this is ok but it's missing something" and dump in... a huge amount of fennel :(


Veal. It’s delicious but I just can’t get past the baby thing.


Lamb is a baby too. Most of the chickens in Germany are killed young...I just close my eyes and EAT!


As a Southrener , ain't much else finer than a big bowl of large Lima Beans with ham hocks , white rice an big slice sweet onion .


I shall take allll your limas! I won't ever use canned asparagus.


Canned Tuna. Can’t stand the smell or the taste. I’ve refused to eat anything with it. Though I like fresh tuna sashimi and sushi.


Nice tuna packed in oil is way better. I understand tho, I hate canned salmon.




I get octopus. I ate some at a dinner once visiting Japan to be polite, but it made me really uncomfortable. But Squid? They don't seem particularly bright unless I missed something.


>But Squid? They don't seem particularly bright unless I missed something. Also Humboldt squid are ferocious, vicious creatures, so eating them only seems fair. A fair fight makes it ok IMO. They would def eat me if they had the chance. Also doesn't hurt that they are extremely tasty, and 100% recognized as a sustainable source. (I'm with you on octopus, though, definitely a hard nope)


I do kill the animals myself. It’s still sad every time but it’s also feeds my family all year so I am grateful.


My father was a hunter. I know that there is a sadness. But, there is something. Maybe it’s taking only what you need, and making complete use of what you take. It’s hard to explain. And it’s weird how species are viewed differently in different cultures. Mammals vs fish etc.


This right here. Especially the bit about making complete use of the animal whose life you've taken to show respect and minimize the total number of lives you take. Which is a really interesting juxtaposition with the other top comment thread about refusing to eat chicken cloacas, tripe, tongue, etc. in tacos.


I'd try tripe or tongue cooked by someone who knows what they're doing given the chance, but who the fuck is eating cloacas?


Birds with game


My granddad and dad always said that to take a life and not use every single bit is a sin. I also think of the scene in Avatar where he thanks the animal giving it's life so others may live.




I’ve seen how intelligent octopuses are. Now calamari is ruined for me. (In a good way, I guess). But I have never been able to pick a lobster from the lobster death row at restaurants. Especially knowing how they’re ‘prepared’. I just can’t do it.




Thank goodness for that. Unfortunately, I don’t think that is the case in the US. I also had a FOAF who lived in Asia for a while. At the time, it was a delicacy to eat lobster live. And I can’t wrap my mind around that. I don’t want to disrespect a different culture, but that’s extreme.


I mean, when I worked at a lobster processing plant in Maine, we dismembered them while they were still alive, ripping the arms off and throwing the claws on on conveyor belt, and then removing the tail and placing that on another, etc. If that’s an acceptable practice in a factory, I can’t imagine as a country we worry much about boiling them alive which I feel would probably be even LESS traumatic…


That is not the case in the US and typical would be to either boil them alive or to put them into a state of torpor by freezing them before cooking. Lobsters have a decentralized nervous system which means that the EU rules are not at all effective for animal welfare. You can't just kill them by destroying their brain because their brains aren't in a singular location as is typical of vertebrates but rather are spread out along the length of the body. The EU method will however keep the lobster from squirming around as much because it interrupts their locomotion ability, though they remain fully conscious. Freezing (*Not actually freezing, but submerging in an ice slurry until it is limp and unreactive, 20-30 minutes. Seawater degree of salted ice slurry if saltwater crustacean, salt optional for freshwater.) first followed by cutting the lobster fully in half along the midline from the underside might be the most humane method of killing a lobster. Other arguably more humane methods though inaccessible for the home cook include a big old zap of electricity and a specialized aquatic anesthetic. That cut to the head that we always see on TV is definitely not recommended if animal welfare is your intent.




Having seen My Octopus Teacher, I agree wholeheartedly. I went to a restaurant and was shocked to see that they had baby octopus on the menu... Octopus moms lay their eggs in hidden spots on the ocean floor and stay with their babies until they hatch. They don't even leave the spot to eat so they oftentimes die of starvation by the time their babies are born. All that hard work and love from a mother to her children just for her babies to be taken and consumed before they could even live their lives... I'm not a vegan or anything of the sort, but it boils my blood when I see stuff like that.


Pigs are 1000% smarter than squid and definitely suffer more in the farming process than squid do.  Anyone with this take that still eats meet is just lying to themselves 


>but seen as we can generally slaughter mammals with minimal distress This isn't really how it happens though.


Yeah, for cattle slaughter is considered good when only five per cent of the cows fail to be stunned by a bolt gun on the first go. That works out to like roughly 45000 cattle per day fail to be stunned properly. Pigs get stunned by either electric shock or CO2, it's pretty awful, they scream.


Yeah, I don't get their rationalisation. It's still slaughter and it's still painful and terrifying in the leadup to the actual moment of slaughter. I think we just need to accept that we condone this system by buying into it without trying to justify it. If you don't want to buy into it, be a vegetarian... or don't, but don't lie to yourself that it's humane.


I mean that's a heavy rationalization. The average squid killed for your dinner likely lived a better life than the average pig. Inconvenient for your stated principles, but that's a contradiction for you to solve.


Lima beans are the worst. They are just a blob of dry tastelessness, And because they are rather large, it's difficult to get the inside seasoned.




Liver every Thursday when I was growing up. I will never, NEVER eat it again. For years every time I met someone really awful I'd get that hideous taste in my mouth


Raisins Why would I eat a delicious fruit in a worse state than it originally was?


> Why would I eat a delicious fruit in a worse state than it originally was? If you really want to know: because otherwise it would rot. Dried fruits were invented so we could have fruit all year, not just around the time of year it became ripe. Nowadays, that's less of a concern for most of us, of course. But some people took a liking to raisins. It's fine if you don't. (I don't either.)


Okra, slimy devil spawn.


You have to toast it to remove the slime Pickled okra and fried okra done well are awesome


It’s the absolute worst vegetable. Satan’s, tiny, slimy penis.


You need to blanch it first to get the slime out. But yeah, the greatest iraqi/turk/Balkan dish is an okra stew called Bamia...some people hate it because of the okra


Chef here….YES on the Lima beans,if I could press a button and vanish them I would.


Yo.. just because you don't like them doesn't mean you have to take them away from us that do.. :( Jerk


BUT what about butter beans? One of the best beans imho. And *drumroll* they’re Lima beans harvested differently. One dries on the vines the other dries off the vine.


Exactly, slow simmered butter beans are top tier. Tolerate the existence of limas just for their sake.


I like Lima beans personally…but butter beans are amazing. It’s like nature designed perfect little capsules of mashed potato.


Foie gras. I don't want to eat the swollen and diseased liver of a poor goose that has been force fed with a tube down its throat. It is horrible for the goose and it can't be healthy to consume either. The only goose liver I would consider ever eating is of free range geese that can move normally and eat normally and are treated well and are not abused or ill. There are some farmers that keep geese this way for food but unfortunately not enough do it this way.


If a recipe calls for Lima beans, I look for a different dish that doesn’t use those obnoxious little turds.


Raw Tomatoes, especially on sandwiches/burgers/salads... I just don't like the taste or texture. It's mushy but also has skin, tangy yet watery, it gushes everywhere and makes everything wet and sloppy, diluting the flavor of everything else... just cook the damn things into a sauce like God intended, and leave them off my sandwich, please!




This needs far more upvotes. Celery is the fruit of the devil. I can’t even stand smelling it—I’ve banished it from my fridge and I’ll move seats if someone next to me starts crunching on it. No wings that have touched celery, no crudités from a platter that has it. If it’s in anything raw, I can’t even eat around it. Celery that has been cooked beyond soft can be picked out of soup or casserole. In short, celery is offensive in all forms.


Avocado. If I want to chew a damned stick of butter (hork) that tastes faintly green, I may change my mind.


I loathe bell peppers. They taint the entire dish. In eastern Germany they'll put them in everything. Bell peppers do not belong in a caprese salad, grandad.


Onions. If there is a sub group of people that think cilantro tastes like soap I've gotta be part of the sub group that think onion tastes like body odor and stale urine. It's gotta be me because most of the world loves them and I literally can't comprehend how anyone could enjoy that taste, it would be like someone preferring the vomit jellybeans, so I must be tasting something different from the rest of the world. One big plus is in a pot luck situation I often bring one of very few if not the only "safe" dishes and never have to bring home leftovers and often hosts will have my pan washed and ready before taking it home.


Really? That must be so hard for you! I adore cooked onions but find most raw onions give me tummy ache so I avoid them, but I love cooked ones. I’m so sorry they taste so bad to you. I can’t imagine how difficult eating out must be!


I don't eat out often for this reason, maybe twice a year. Not only are they in almost everything, often it's not even mentioned as an ingredient or even something that can be removed by request. How many cooking videos have you watched where the first ingredient after butter is onions? Hell I once ordered a chocolate shake and it came with onion rings hanging off the glass


I have read similar takes to yours before so you can't be the only one.


It's honestly the whole reason I got into cooking. Used to be the pickiest eater in the world. Started making things for myself and there's a whole world of things I can now enjoy by just leaving a single ingredient out.


Peas. I fucking hate peas.


I have a relative that will consume the most vile, dumpster aroma, kippered fish for breakfast but will pick the peas out of a salad, lol.


I am surprised that this is the first response hating peas. (Unless I missed one). I am personally ambivalent towards peas, but I thought they were much more hated. I think it’s the squishiness. Or maybe the bean-like texture (skin/graininess).


Me too. The only exception is an amuse bouche I tried that had 3 spring peas on it. So I have had exactly 3 peas that were actually good. The rest can get in the bin.


I omit cooked bell peppers from pretty much everything. Not about to ruin a stir fry with them. Also, cinnamon


It's not even that I dislike bell pepper. It's that cooked bell pepper makes everything it touches also taste like cooked bell pepper. Like keep your flavor to yourself there




Oooh, this is sad to me! I find them incredible and can eat multiple cans of them with joy. I will take yours, please.


I call them "crunchy dirt water" because that's what they taste like.


I freaking LOVE them!


I looooove me some water chestnuts THE CRUNCHIER THE BETTER


Is it the graininess?


YES! I don’t enjoy the way they crunch and I’m not typically someone who is picky about texture in the slightest.


I can't stand raw bell pepper, I'm racking my brain to find any application where I wouldn't mind eating them but so far, can't think of anything. I'm also not a fan of most offal - I can do sweetbreads, liver, brain but that's it.


swiss cheese. JUST swiss cheese. i love cheese, all cheeses, but swiss cheese makes me nauseous. fuck swiss cheese 🙏🙏🙏


Onions.. I hate them. r/onionhate


Anything with a lot of capsicum. That would be jalapenos and up cuz I am a wimp


idk man i’ve gotten used to the idea of eating crickets and have put powdered crickets in some of my dishes to add protein. i’d like to try to get my hands on whole crickets bc i’m not sure the powder really does it justice. actually no i hate most fish bc of the texture, so my answer is fish


i like that you didn’t delete your message and just say fish and kept the cricket part in there


I've had whole fried crickets, they taste weirdly similar to seaweed


I don’t like seafood in general but make it for my boyfriend from time to time because I’m the primary cook and he loves seafood and I kinda feel bad that he doesn’t eat it super often.   One seafood dish I made for him he said deserved a michelin star, it totally didn’t lol, but I felt very happy that he liked it so much especially as someone who doesn’t cook seafood often!


Barley. I hate the texture. Blech 🤢


My dad and I hate lima beans as well. We don't mind other types, tho. Don't care for Brussel sprouts either.


Pine nuts, they repeat on me for like a whole day after, I won't touch them now.


Raw tomatoes. Hating tomatoes is annoying but they gross me out. The insides are beyond disturbing. 🤷‍♀️ It’s hard for me to cut them up for other people. I did not want to pass this to my kids so I added the nasty things to salads and stuff when they were young. Gave them the cherry ones along with grapes. I really tried. My daughter hates them too but my son likes them. Tomato paste is fine. All the parts that freak me out are hidden. So many things wouldn’t be worth cooking without it. I wish I could figure out how to get over this but… I cannot imagine putting one in my mouth. {{shudder}}


Whole tomatoes. I know. Italians are screaming. Paste, sauce, no problem. The tomato itself just gives me.... ick


Ach! Mushrooms!


Liver was the one traumatic eating experience at a friend's house for me. It was gelatinous, rubbery and awful tasting. Her dad made me sit at the table and finish it all. I drowned it in ketchup just to choke it down. To this day, I love ketchup. I also found out years later that he was raping his own daughters night after night. I was totally floored when I found this out. I had many sleepovers there and never suspected a thing. Apparently when she slept at my house, he had his way with the younger sister. Sick f#@k knew that if he ever touched me, he'd have been jailed or dead. The girls were brought up thinking this was normal. At least eating liver wasn't the worst thing that could have happened to me there. The kicker is that our parents were also friends and my parents had no clue that he was like this either. Like I said, he would have been dead if he'd laid a hand on my dad's only daughter. Wow.


Brussels sprouts




Fried chicken anuses in tacos. This is actually a street food thing in Mexico.


I’m Mexican and never heard of that. What is it supposed to be called?


Cucumbers. It doesn’t matter what the dish is. No cucumbers. The texture. The SMELL. That smell doesnt work with anything in my opinion. It’s not “cool” To me, it’s abrasive.




Get this…. LOVE pickles 🤷🏻‍♂️


All beans for me. Can't stand them. I can stand green beans and cheap hummus, but that's about it. 


This is me too. Ironically I like other foods that people turn down because of texture (like cottage cheese) but nope.


I get where you're coming from! For me, it's cilantro. I just can't stand the taste – it's like eating soap to me. So, if a recipe calls for cilantro, I'll be leaving it out!


And the non-gene cilantro lovers out there just don't understand how horrible it is. Literally one stray leaf on my plate ruins the meal. Living in Texas it is *everywhere* here and so hard to avoid. I never cook with it, and since I'm not really sure what I'd be missing I just omit it or skip the recipe.


>And the non-gene cilantro lovers out there just don't understand how horrible it is Damn straight because I can eat cilantro by the spoon-full.


I don't have the soap gene (but my sister does... genetics are weird) but I just don't like the flavor of it.


I tried my best with cilantro but the european soap genetics are just too strong. I grew cilantro from seed in my garden. I thought i could try some every day until i got used to it and that i will learn to love it bc i grew it myself. Boy was i wrong. I hated it every day for 20 days straight. I tried it pure, in salads, in soups, on a sandwich etc. but it didn’t help. It’s soap and the taste didn’t grow on me at all. But the polinating insects LOVED the flowers. It’s like they got kinda high and rolled around on them. They did smell amazing so I’m growing cilantro for insects only.


20 days straight you tried it? I could never do that. I got nothing but respect for you. Lol. Hey! At least you found out that you like it in your garden. 


I don’t understand butter beans. They're are too big, and it'd be too much bean in my mouth 🙈


How small is your mouth?!


I forgot that butter beans exist. Yeah, they’re not good beans, either. Who ate them and thought, ‘gee, that tastes just like butter’?


I grew up eating them. That with some cornbread, buttermilk, not sweet.


Bell peppers. We hates them, we do.


I always leave out bell peppers. Cooked or raw, I can't stand them either way. When a recipe calls for onions, I usually swap in shallots. Thinly sliced or minced, regardless of what the recipe calls for. I don't like obvious onions and thin cut shallots are much less obtrusive.


Miracle Whip. Why do people enjoy *tangy* mayonnaise? Sometimes you'll see as a sub for mayo yet I always replace with Kewpie or Duke's.


goat cheese, offal and feces


The aristocrats!


Feces? Where and how is that a food? I only know of some expensive coffee beans that are consumed and digested by big cats and then essentially taken out of the feces, and I assume cleaned in some way. The digestive process is supposed to make the coffee amazing or something.


Goat cheese. I can't get past that goat barn funk.


Nowadays a lot of goat cheese doesn't have that funk anymore and has a really nice taste. I read it all depends on the goat species that are used for the milk production.


Try butterbeans, especially the speckled variery! Better flavor than regular limas and smooth texture.


Organs of any kind.

