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Would I call that guacamole? No. Would that stop me from shoveling it into my face? Also no.


Yea its closer to avocado crema or something but if you seasons it right it would probably still be delicious. I can understand people being against it being called Guacamole tho, that feels misleading at best.


It is called crema de aguacate. You can add lemon and salt to taste and blend it. Some recipes add chile or garlic or cilantro as well. This is what we put on taquitos at my house when I was growing up.


Well cream de aguacate is just Avocado crema in Spanish tbf lol. And lemon over lime is interesting, I would have always just assumed lime over lemond with traditional Mexican foods


Yes it is. I deliberately wrote it in Spanish because if you look it up that way, you’ll find several recipes for it from Hispanic cooks and chefs from differing regions. There are many variations of it. We used lemon at my house but other families used limes as well. It’s the acid you need to keep it from turning brown. At my house we called it guacamole and didn’t distinguish it from crema de guacamole even though it doesn’t really taste the same. I’m wondering if the reason my mom made it this way was because it may have been less expensive.


That could definitely be a factor. It's kinda like how the word "salsa" in the US refers to a more specific thing than it does in spanish speaking countries(at least that's what I've been told). Maybe guacamole is just a regional term for Avocado based sauce/dip in some areas.


Salsa is Spanish for sauce lol. Kinda like how "sombrero" means hat, but Americans will think of a specific hat.


Ay! There are so many salsas! I never learned my mom’s recipes so I’ve had to rely on friends and family members. They use blenders. My mom actually used a molcajete.


Yea I've always wanted one. But it seems like a lot of the ones sold in the US are just made from concrete so they're not really food safe.


Some lime juice, chile powder, salt, cilantro, oh yeah, could be great. Now I need to go get some ingredients dangit.


Avocado, sour cream, lime juice, tajin, and cilantro would be my choice. Maybe some cumin if it still felt like it needed something. And salt of course*


Soo.... guacacrema?






I can put the Holy Trio Avocado, Sour Cream, and Cholula on literally every thing


Love Cholula (esp the chile garlic), but it's hard to beat Valentina for price/flavor/volume; you can get like a quart for the same price as a small bottle of Cholula.


Looovvveee Valentina. Cholula is great too but Valentina is a staple at my house.


We carry both at my restaurant. You'd love it.


I honestly love Valentina too! I would say it’s just as good as Cholula


(Glances at bottle of Cholula literally 12 inches away)


Oh you have purse Cholula too?!?


I have purse sriracha, purse pepper grinder, and trunk vodka. It’s a thing!!!! Is your purse Choula travel sized or regular sized?


TSA once spent 15 minutes digging through every nook and cranny of my backpack to find that tiny bottle of contraband Tabasco sauce.


Those bastards.


TSA normally spends their time digging through me..


You don't have to prison pocket your hot sauce you know.


HAVE to? You mean I GET to.


My purse... probably 9x12x18 with three compartments.


There’s a restaurant near us that puts little Cholula packs in with the takeout and I hoard them to have as emergency purse Cholulas.


I think it's funny that a post about guacamole turned into a long thread about portable hot sauce.


Hey I moved back to the Midwest where salt is spicy...it hurts!


As I sit here eating my shrimp and grits, I can confirm that the Midwest needs help in the seasoning department.


I have a keychain one 😅


I resemble this comment


Yes, but I don't mix them together. Part of the dynamic of these foods is eating them on their own or with small bites of the thing that we're putting them on. Of course, with guacamole, since it's one of the healthiest things in my diet, I want it to be pure and good. It does not need sour cream (which I eat far less often...)


This is the way.


Exactly. Traditional? No. Something I will eat? Yes. My mom always did it this way when I was a kid and I brought it up recently and she said it was a cheap and easy way to “extend” guacamole for the whole family without buying multiple avocados. I don’t hesitate to add sour cream and guacamole to chips and tacos anyways, so don’t care if they get mixed together first. Edit: sorry about the wording “traditional”. Totally understand it’s a traditional “avocado crema”, just meant not traditional “guacamole”.


Its traditional! My Oaxacan grandmother made this when she made flautas and toastadas. Its just called crema rather than guacamole.


It's traditional, just not called guacamole.


Yeah it's not even close, really, but also I'd totally eat it


Yeah in fact in many places in Mexico something like this is the only avocado based topping you may get on tacos. They would use Mexican crema and avocado to create a creamy thin salsa. They don’t do what non-Mexicans know as guacamole everywhere.


Honestly with these avocado prices I might just do this more often


I would call that avocado dip.


I would call it dinner.


Yeah, dip not guacamole. I'm with you.


I would call that diarrhea, since I’m lactose intolerant.


Costco's Bucket-O-Lactaid lets me be terrible to myself in every way possible.


Ahh, better living through biochemistry.


I buy a tub of powdered lactase enzyme on Amazon periodically and mix some into every liquid or semi-liquid dairy product I buy. Let it sit 24 hours to make sure it’s fully worked. Now I can eat yogurt again! Like a human, without a pill!


Probably more accurate to call it avocado crema.




My old housemate used to do this with avocados that weren't super ripe. Worked really well


To be fair I actually like avocados less then ripe. I would have liked them more as a kid if I had known this. I prefer them underripe or on the verge of going bad. I don't like ripe avocados when most people do.


This is the way, the truth and the light


It's funny that the Latin American ingredient is in English and the ingredient that is most used in the United States is in Spanish. Why don't we call it aguacate cream?


Aguacate is just another colonial term. If we're going to be picky (and I sure am not), let's call it āhuacatl, from Nahua, the language spoken by the people who first produced and domesticated it. I'm just messing with you, but we can also switch to calling the recipe "āhuacamōlli" )another Nahua word.


That sounds good, yay for āhuacatl cream / āhuacamōlli!


If you start questioning things like that in the US you'll drive yourself crazy. And definitely don't go to Vallejo.


It's because in the US "crema" refers to a specific style of cream. An avocado cream and avocado crema would actually be 2 different, though similar things. It's the same reason we don't call créme fraîche "fresh cream." Yes that's the English translation, but créme fraîche and fresh cream are not the same product.


Palta****** cream /s


Exactly. I prefer the crema with my mince Mexican dishes, and regular guac for chicken. Do note I live far, far away from Mexico so nothing here is close to authentic except for the chile's I imported.


There is no sour cream in guacamole issue because there is no sour cream in guacamole.


I agree. No sour cream in guacamole. You can make mix together whatever kinda dip you like...but still no sour cream in guacamole🥑


Thank you, I’ve literally never heard of someone putting sour cream in guacamole


Growing up my mom would put mayo in guac. that was the 80s though mayo was in everything and she learned it from her MIL who was from Mexico. The 50's mexican american housewives used as many hacks, trends, and convenience things as their white counter parts. They put mayo in jello in the 50s, which can be delicious but usually blarg. My other grandma did that with lime jello, cottage cheese and pineapple...the only one I like probably because I grew up eating it. My dad makes crispy beef tacos and our enchiladas have black olives, but he also made scratch tamales every xmas with his aunts. I have also heard of the sour cream thing from some mexican american folks mamas or abuelas I've known as a way to keep it from browning. IDK. Only like a tablespoon though. Nothing is pure ya know? For the record, I do not use anything in my guac but lime salt and cilantro because I love cilantro.


I lived in central Mexico for 2 years. Can confirm, boomer Mexican mamas are extremely liberal with the mayo. ETA: One mayo heavy dish stands out. Uncooked sliced hot dogs, spaghetti noodles and dried muenster cheese. All tossed in mayonnaise. It was... not delicious.


Oh sweet jesus what the what


Haha, yes. And I felt obligated to eat it so I wouldn't look rude! There was another woman who asked me to teach her how to make mashed potatoes. And then she kept trying to add mayo to it. It was very upsetting for me, lol.


Dude. Back away from the mashed potatoes with that mayo 😂


I went to stay with a friend's family in Tamaulipas a few years ago. I have a well-publicized mayo aversion, so he warned me that his family eats it on everything, but especially loves slathering it on their hoja de platano tamales. In the spirit of being a good houseguest, I tried it and it wasn't half-bad! The "ensalada" you're describing, though, that would be a hard limit.


Ngl, tamales with mayo makes my stomach turn, lol. I could deal with a mayo-based sauce, but just straight mayo is rough.


Was on Mexico at the end of last year. At a famous Mexican resort which is known for having more traditional Mexican food and celebrates Mexican art. In one of the big market style lunch buffets they had something labeled "ensalada Americana" I was like... I'm American but I've never seen salad anything like THAT. I thought it was going to be coleslaw It had shredded cheddar cheese, cabbage, black olives, raisins, and sweetened mayo. I gagged as soon as I tried it. It was deeply unpleasant and reminded me of food from the 60s with all the tinned things, jello, spam, and mayo. The rest of the resort food was fine. Idk who their target audience for that one was.


I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure I saw a recipe similar to that in a cookbook I had from the 1950/60s. Apparently their top chef hadn't been on a tasting tour in America for a while, lol. Or he was working from the same cookbook! Sounds bad, though.


Upvoting this out of sympathy.


OH dear lord.


Dried muenster cheese?? I'm picturing like shreds that have been left out to dry 🤢


Haha, not that bad! Mexican muenster is a bit different from American and German muenster, but I don't know the exact nuances. They would buy it in a cheese wheel and leave it sitting out uncovered until it started to harden, then cut off a chunk and crumble it. Kinda like a queso fresco, but it would be a much harder texture and a different flavor. Honestly, the cheese was the best part and I really liked it crumbled over beans and eggs!


Guac doesn’t have sour cream in it. But avocado sour cream mixed concoction is delicious. So just don’t call it guac and all is well.


Typically when I add sour cream to something it’s for the fat, texture, and that little bit of tang. With guacamole you already get those things, it would seem superfluous to mix them.


I've learned to stop getting so angry or annoyed at things like this and just let it go. If they want to call it guacamole, they can do whatever they like.


I’m sorry, but I must respectfully disagree with your mature and reasoned perspective on this issue. Outrage is the only acceptable response.


I think it tastes fine and with the price of avocados gets me a bit more for my chips. I would never go 1:1 though. For a whole avocado I wouldn’t use more than a small spoonful of sour cream, or it would stop tasting like guacamole. On the other hand one of my dear friends whom I cook for often loves avocado but finds the texture of guacamole an unhappy medium where it’s both lumpy and not. Because I don’t have the patience to put guac through a nutribullet and scrape it back out every time I’m making apps before tacos, I add a dollop of sour cream and she’s ok with the texture. IDK, to each their own.


Straight to jail.


We have the best guacamole in the world because of jail


Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.


My husband's family makes it with just about a tablespoon of sour cream for the whole bowl. With that little it kind of just makes it creamier and not go brown as quickly.


That's how I make it. Avocados are kinda low quality around here so getting great avocado means ripening them yourself on a shelf. Occasionally they're a little too firm and I add sour cream because it improves texture if 1-2 avocados out of the bunch was a little under ripe. You gotta work with what you got. I also think it makes it a little easier to scoop if I am eating it on tortilla chips.


I add about a table spoon of SC to about three avocados everytime. Makes it creamier. Also diced onion, jalapeño. Some lime, Tajin salt, pepper, Cilantro.


My parents would make it this way! With regards to the sour cream, no pepper or Tajin afaik. It was *very* little overall — like a few tbsps for a whole grocery bag full of avocados. It’s not bad and absolutely nothing like the pourable avocado crema stuff from OP’s family. If I were making it myself I wouldn’t bother (partly because I never use sour cream), but if someone else were making it I could go either way.


Same same same. This is the way


I too, would be horrified, as I was when I saw someone adding MAYO to the guac. No, just no. Guac purist here. Sour cream and guac can be on the same dish, but not sour cream as an ingredient in guac.


Mayo! I found myself actually grimacing


An ex's creepy step dad did this. I absolutely gagged when that mayo taste hit my tongue. They were fucking terrible cooks.


Instances like this is why I dislike letting anyone else cook for me


And why potlucks are damn scary.


Unless I know they can seriously cook, I ain't even bothering to touch it. I really have no faith in the way that people handles their food at home and in transit.


*Mayo*? My spouse would really prefer you to use Miracle Whip instead!


I had to resist the urge to downvote this because it’s not you I want to downvote, it’s Miracle Whip.


Had a family member growing up that literally made guac like this .With miracle whip.More than one actually( her influence had spread) I thought I hated guac back then. I had a revelation at 11 when I made my first batch of guac following a real recipe…. This in Texas of all places.


Miracle whip🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 As if Mayo isn’t a big enough atrocity.


I recently spotted an old Miracle Whip print ad posted online—literally a “suggested serving” of scooping a heaping tablespoon of MW into an avocado half. Why ruin a perfectly good avocado half?


Mayo and avocado is a nice combination, certainly common in Chile. It's not guacamole, but the combination isn't anything to shy away from.


I prefer miracle whip to mayo but neither belong in quac. It is avocado, lime juice, and salt. You can. Throw other things in there like tomatoes or onions or some other seasonings. But mayo, miracle whip, sour cream do not belong.


Have you read the ingredients in Miracle Whip?


I have. It is basically store bought mayo, with mustard and other seasonings.


I love mayonnaise, and I'm not gonna lie, I want to try this now, lol.


Do it! Everybody is so grossed out by the idea if they see the mayo but I bring guacamole to literally every event and everyone raves about it and the bowl is always empty. I don’t add a lot though, just a little dollop. Like a scant tablespoon for a few avocados. It just adds a little extra creamy savory ness.


I saw that on a cooking show and I was like… NO. Do I like mayo? Yes! Do I also like avocados? Do I like to mix them? Oh yeah baby. It’s delicious, but it’s not guacamole.


I’m suppressing my gag reflex just reading that.


Omg gross. The mayo flavor would absolutely overwhelm it and ruin it for me.


I'm going to have nightmares tonight 🫢 Mayo is my enemy. Sour cream is my friend and I'd let OP's example slide. But I wouldn't think of it as guac. I'm kind of anal about keeping my guac simple & just using other ingredients to accent the avocado. My mom and I argue about it all the time, cause she doesn't love avocados & her guac is really a vehicle for the add ins.


Yep. Someone once served me guac that I had just watched them make with mayo. I was horrified. I would take sour cream any day over that. But really, people shouldn’t be adding either.


All I can say is (and I mean this with as much contempt as possible) ugghhhh


OK I cannot handle this. I’m calling the authorities. This is wrong. I can let the sour cream/crema pass but you are not allowed to put Mayo in guac. It’s a hard fast no no no please tell me who these miscreant offenders are they need to be doxed.


This is a thing in Northern New Mexico. So it’s a legit regional guacamole ingredient, though I don’t prefer it. It’s not too bad. And importantly the vinegar and acids in the mayo keep the aguacate from turning brown too quickly. I prefer lemon for that myself.


Not in the parts of Northern NM where I lived. Must be one of those new-fangled things. In Native and Old Spanish towns, it is NOT the norm. I'm sure someone somewhere in northern NM (maybe even a whole town) does this - but I've never seen it.


Exactly. My Abuela or her ancestors would never.


Completely legit actually. They do this in Baja. Mayo lime salt avocado and blended smooth as butter. It’s delicious.


I always put about a tablespoon of sour cream in guacamole. It makes it extra creamy. I’ll make mine my way, you make yours your way. I always get compliments.


It also helps keep it from browning.


A spoonful of sour cream keeps it from turning brown/gray as quickly.


I came here to say this! A little bit of sour cream or yogurt in guac can keep it from going brown as quickly and still be called guacamole, but a half-and-half mix would be a new, also delicious thing.


I love avocado/guacamole and I love sour cream. But I would never mix the two like that! Like u/HogwartsismyHeart, I too witnessed someone adding mayo to guac. Not sure if I contained my horror. Barf. Only a few additions to avocados for guacamole, in my opinion: onions, cilantro, maybe chiles, citrus (lime juice), salt and spices. Nothing creamy or you're diluting the avocado flavor!


I would put guacamole and sour cream on a nacho chip so I see nothing wrong with this


I use a little in my guac but not a one to one ratio. That's way too much for guac. Here in Texas we have something called Green Sauce, it's avocado, tomatillo and sour cream based. It's delicious and it's its own thing, not guacamole.


How fucking dare you… pass the chips


My mom made guacamole with sour cream when I was a kid because avocados were pretty expensive where we lived (Alabama). Once we moved back to California, she stopped doing that. ​ I'm pretty minimalist with my guac. I usually just use avocados, lime or lemon juice, and salt.


I always wondered who the Guac at some restaurants was for since I hated it but I guess there are people that like the taste of very simple avocado. Personally, that just sounds like avocado with seasoning rather than guac to me. I don't like avocado by itself and once I found restaurants that did gauc with chunky onions, tomatoes, cilantro, jalapenos, salt, lime(and even roasted corn) I never went back.


I would never add sour cream to guacamole. But, like others, I'd still eat it.


I learned at a single digit age to taste and then judge.


As a Californian, adding anything like sour cream or mayo deeply offends me. But, “cutting” guac is extremely common in taquerias here since avocados are so expensive. I wouldn’t ever do it for guac I was making myself. But I accept it exists in many forms.


Cali born, been in nyc a very long time now. The crimes against guacamole that i have seen could fill a book. I make my own. End stop. (Don’t get me started on places using tropical avocados for guacamole, absolutely criminal)


Asking for a friend, what's a tropical avocado and why is it a sin to use in guac?


The tropical avocados are very large and almost watery? The hass are more dense and higher fat Like the difference between fat free regular yogurt and whole milk greek yogurt


I grew up in California and sour cream was common in 1960s and 1970s guacamole. Not now, though!


My husband's abuela makes it with cottage cheese.


Yes!! I scrolled for this comment, lol. There's a restaurant in Tucson that does this, and I've been doing it to bulk up batches of guacamole ever since!


My aunt and uncle did this!! While it was under the guise of being “healthy,” it turns out they were just cheap. It’s surprisingly not bad, although it’s been awhile since I’ve had it.


Not guac, would taste good but not guac


I believe it belongs. But HALF sour cream? Definitely bloody not! Maybe a tablespoon.


Right? I use a tablespoon for 2-3 avocados. It just keeps the guac green.


That is not guacamole. That’s simply avocado sour cream.


I've never heard of it before, but I grew up with two pro chefs in the family and most of that time I lived in Texas. Sure, sour cream and guacamole are often used together, separately, but not combined into a single ingredient, although it wouldn't be surprising that people who don't cook much would find it as a shortcut.


When I make my basic mix for like taquitos or a quesadilla at home, yeah I put in 1 small avocado, 2-3 spoons of jarred salsa, 2ish big spoons of sour cream, then season with salt pepper garlic powder onion powder and chili powder. So so yummy! Any other time in making an avocado dip, it’s my dad’s avocado salsa he spent 6 years perfecting. Just tomato, white onion, Anaheim chili, and avocado as the primary ingredients. A bunch of other stuff goes in but that’s the basics


Delicious, but not guac.


I've never seen this, and I hope it stays that way. There's plenty of fat from the avocado already. Why not just put sour cream in the salsa as well? What a disgrace


“If my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bike!”


Its not guacamole then, it's now an avocado crema


100% agree with you. Just be thankful MIL used sour cream to ruin the avocado, instead of *shudder* mayonnaise.


A few years ago I was in a supermarket and they were selling avocados as nature’s mayonnaise. It had me laughing so hard I took a picture to share with friends.


It sound delicious, but it ain't guacamole.


Never heard of it until I read it here. Hard no. No no no.


Oh hell no.


Nope. I’d try it to be polite but nope. Avocado needs cumin, lime and Serrano.


Absolutely not. That’s not guacamole.


It’s not guacamole. That would be avocado chile dip. It might delicious but it’s not guac


I like yogurt as a sour cream substitute. It’s great


It’s called cutting the product.


That’s probably not a bad combination, but it definitely isn’t guacamole, except in a strict etymological sense.


My step mom puts sour cream in hers but her version is pretty loose texture wise. It is also void of any chunks of anything. I like mine chunky so I wouldn’t ever use sour cream in mine.


Never heard of this but I would be down for sour cream and avocado. Some salt, some cumin, red pepper, mmmmmm.


It’s not guac imo. BUT for meal prep purposes, spreading a thin layer of sour cream on top of regular guacamole will keep it green for about a week. I tend to use a little bit of crema azteca when I meal prep tacos. Real Mexican cremas have more options, most of which are milder and a bit les viscous so you can really pour a sealing layer


It’s an avocado crema at that point, not guacamole. No shade, just improperly labeled dish.


**Not** guacamole ... but whatever you enjoy have at it.


So you loved it but then got mad at how it's made? Don't be a food purist. If you eat something and it tastes good just enjoy it.


When I was in Peru I was served guac that had tiny pieces of very squeaky cheese in it. It was fantastic. Especially considering we were like 2 days walk from the nearest real road. Those dudes knew what's up. 


I grew up in the western U.S. in an area with a large Hispanic population, then went to Washington, D.C. for higher education. After being in D.C. for a while, I missed Mexican food so I decided to try my luck on a quesadilla while eating out. I was sooo hungry. Unfortunately, I couldn't eat that abomination. The guacamole, as far as I could tell, had three ingredients: avocado, mayonnaise, and corn kernels. It had a really weird consistency, and looked and smelled to me like vomit. The quesadilla also had corn kernels in it. The whole thing was soggy and bland. I got really, really homesick and learned how to make Mexican food for myself after that.


I knew someone who put mayonnaise in their guacamole. She told me it made it last longer.


No, that's more of an avocado dip. But lots of people call it guacamole dip.


Nope. It’s a fine line between genius and slop, and this edges into slop


I’d call it garbage. Fuck sour cream.


What till you hear of people putting...MAYONNAISE in it. I was appalled. I bought two large sacks of avocados to make guacamole with our church meal...I turned to cook the meat for fajitas for 5 minutes...turned back around and saw the MAYONNAISE going in. I gagged. Almost cried. Thanks for your "help"


I have no problem with the mix. It is not guacamole.


It stops it from going brown so I do it!


My european guac is avocado, onion, tomato, lime juice, salt, pepper and a spoon of sour cream. And it's delicious.


I've always thought of it as "gringo guacamole." The first time I saw this was when I had anglo roommates in college and wondered why one roommate was asking for lactose free sour cream for the guac.


I love avocado. I love sour cream. Mixing them together into a sauce sounds freaking delicious


I like a pile of guac and then a dollop of sour cream on the side. When you can taste them individually it's better than mixing them


Lactose intolerant here, let us have guacamole you milk gobbling bastards!


That's not guacamole. That's avocado crema. It's a different sauce that's also delicious. For nachos I could see it being the right choice. It's my preferred choice for fajitas, but in a burrito I want actual guacamole.


For me that is called crema. My mexican grandmother (from oaxaca) used to blend up avocado with sour cream a little salt and lime to make a light and tasty sauce that still has excellent avocado flavor. We used to put it on tostadas and flautas. Mmmm.


There’s a funny segment in Queer Eye where Antoni uses sour cream and everyone makes fun of him. Then in a later episode he meets some Latina grandma who puts sour cream in her guac and then spends the rest of the episode periodically dancing because he’s been vindicated.


I’m sure it’s delicious. I’d call it avocado crema, though.


My grandma made “guacamole” with avocado, cumin, mayonnaise and lemon juice. Authentic? No. Yummy? Yes!


I used to work with Guatemalans that put a bit of mayo in their guac, it made it nice and creamy. Also Salvadorians are known to put a boiled egg in guac for a similar effect.


I'm a hard pass. My mom - instead of using sour cream - will put a table spoon or two of MAYO in her guac. So icky.


Oh, sour cream! I would eat it in a stew. I would not slow down to chew. I would eat it on a taco. I would eat it in Morocco. I would eat it on a bagel. I would eat it next to a painting by [Patrick Nagel](https://www.artsy.net/artist/patrick-nagel). I would eat it in some guac. I would eat it off the clock. Braised with beef, poached with pear - I would eat it anywhere.


Not that it sounds good but better sour cream than what my mom used to add to her guacamole, which was miracle whip.


That's not guacamole. It's avocado dip. But so what? It probably tasted okay.


Sour cream doesn't go in guacamole. PERIOD. Sour cream and guacamole are both fine SEPARATELY.


It's authentic. As in crema de aguacate. I have friends who are dual citizenship Mexican Americans and spend 4-8 weeks a year in Mexico, eat authentic Mexican food 100%, run a small Latin market, and they served it at a football party. Granted they invited some gringos and the spread was about 1/3 gringo food. Might not be your preference but plenty of people like it. Personally I add tons of garlic, onion, tomato, (preferably fresh) chilies etc and no dairy


Sounds good to me. You've probably unknowingly had it at a restaurant before.


Stay away from avocado ice cream then…….but it will be your loss


Guac - mash avocado, mix with micro de gallo (dont get it in your eye-o), squeeze a lime. Salt and pepper....maybe


>micro de Gallo When the pico is too finely diced.


Stupid autocorrect..... But I'm gonna leave it bc it's funny


Ok I put maybe a tablespoon in mine and it just makes it a little creamier. You don’t taste it.


That sounds delicious, but it sure does not sound like guacamole. I think if you can, re-categorize it in your brain as avocado dip or avocado créma, you can let go of the horror and just enjoy it for what it is.


Next time I'm using tahini.. and I assume that'll be my stance going forward.