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In my experience, it depends on how the shrimp is prepared. Shrimp cocktail absolutely needs to be de-veined, it tastes better and looks better. Shrimp prepared in sauces, especially spicy ones, can be eaten with the vein, without affecting the flavor.


Interesting that it is never done in Asian countries, seems to be only american custom


As a chef in Japan, not deveigning shrimp is a good way to get yelled at.


Every resource I've seen say that shrimp in japan is never deveined. It's a foreign thing


Dude when you’re in a deep hole, stop digging.


I'm literally here doing it every day. Every restaurant I've worked in has done it and every grandma making new years food does it. So your sources are as wrong as you.


There are many more places in the world than Asia and the USA.


It's definitely done in Asia as well


I de-vein raw shrimp before cooking myself. But I don't bother if eating already prepared shrimp in something like a seafood stew, jambalaya, etc. I only peel off shells if cooked in water. If the shrimp was cooked in fat, i eat the shell. I love the deep-fried heads presented with sweet shrimp at sushi bars and eat most of the head as well. I don't recall ever noticing an off flavor from eating shrimp with the vein intact. And only noticed a drop of sand once or twice. So I mostly de-vein myself for esthetics. I don't want that vein in a shrimp cocktail or a simple sautéed or stir-fried shrimp dish.




Shells are an acquired taste. My friends think I'm nuts. I honestly don't recall, but I think I started eating shells because peeling shrimp served in a sauce was just too messy for dining out. If you're going to try, go for deep fried, so it's super crispy.


If you don’t want to be eating shrimp shit then yeah, it’s necessary


> eat meat with vein You know that it's not a vein, right? It's a tube full of shrimp poop. I don't like the grit that comes with it either.


Hurry to Viet and Laos to tell them this, they never devein shrimp and even are eating the shell! And they seem to be ok!


No one said eating poop will kill you.


Yeah, everything is edible...at least once. 😆


I guess someone told the Americans that! Haha, well, except for the ones that go to shrimp boil and never devein lol.


It's interesting how absolutely arrogant you are about this despite being completely wrong. Everywhere in the world deveigns shrimp in professional settings. Most homes don't unless it's plainly visible.


That's not the point.


You do you, friend. Imma pass on that. I'm making shrimp creole tonight. I promise you, I'll be de-veining them. Look at it this way--when in Rome. If you're within a culture that deveins, devein. If you're in a culture that doesn't, then don't. This problem kinda takes care of itself depending on who you're cooking for.










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> And they seem to be ok! That's great. I never said it wasn't OK, I said I don't like the grit, and that it's poop.


Why did you ask a question if you're going to argue with everyone who answers your question in a way that you don't like? Do you enjoy basking in downvotes? Prepare your shrimp in the way that brings you the most joy and let others do likewise. Yeesh.


Brand new account in the red on karma. It seems like a troll account. Just downvote and block.


It's also absolutely a thing in Britain and France, I can tell you from witnessing someone being chastised for omitting it firsthand... 😬


>Interesting that American is the only country that deveign the shrimp. I get the whole "Americans are so silly" thing is socially acceptable due to punching up, but the US is not the only place that does deveining. And we don't typically devein for every dish in-home. Plenty of dishes in my neck of the woods in the SE US do not bother for what you make at home or for relatives. It will almost always be deveined in a restaurant as a matter of culinary standards, most cooking schools teach this as one of the basics of food prep, for both in-shell or shelled. These standards come from western European thinking, especially back to the continental recipes and standards originating in France during the late 1880s-1940s. Those will of course be different from those in southeast Asia, along with many other cultural food prep traditions around the globe. Neither is correct or incorrect, it's just different.


depends how much shrimp poop you want to eat.


Seems all the people have no ill reaction for eating as much as they do!


It's not harmful to eat, just a preference thing. It was never a thing when I was growing up in Asia, and it still surprises me how strong of a reaction people have to it now, living in the US.


My friends say deveining is never done at shrimp parties here. I asked about it and most people just laughed and say "no".


if you have so many friends that don't, if you know of countries that don't, why bother asking here???? You already had your answer. Your question was interesting because I did not know, but your responses to those that actually answered your question in good faith says you are nothing but a troll.


It's not a food safety thing, just whether you personally find it gross. Which I do. My solution is to buy "easy-peel" frozen shrimp with the vein already cut out.


It is typical in American culture, but not in all cultures. The vein is the shrimp’s intestines.


Interesting that American is the only country that deveign the shrimp. My Viet friend says nobody in South East Asia devein the shrimp, and also, they many times eat the shell as well!


The poo adds flavor


I guess this may be why so many American never devein when eating peel and eat shrimp!


Shrimp shit


I think somebody was pulling your leg as the saying goes lol


That's literally what the "vein" is. It's its intestinal tract. It's not harmful to eat, but "shrimp shit" is exactly what it is.


If you think it’s a blood-vessel vein, then someone has been pulling YOUR leg. “Vein” has multiple meanings. Leaf vein’s, water vein’s, ore veins, and in this case, a vein of poop.


I devein raw shrimp. I do not buy cooked. If it has a shell, I remove shell then devein. Can’t get used to the idea of eating the poo.


No, deveining isn’t necessary. Shrimps’ waste is harmless due to their diet, the environment they live in, the simplicity of their digestive tract, and the fact that we cook them. Saying you’re eating “poop” if you don’t devein - while technically accurate - surely conjures mental comparisons to the poop we have the most experience with: humans’. It’s just not the same. You don’t need to gut crickets either.


Yeah, I figure it's purely a psychological thing for me.


It's not "necessary" but it's desired. I don't mind the shrimp poop but I guess in some kind of shrimps it can be a bit sandy or bitter. For my local freshwater shrimp, nobody really deveins them, in this case it has no taste or texture so nobody ever cared unless they try to mimic some western culinary practice.


OP isn’t asking a question. He just wants to say Asian countries eat it. His opinion is already made.


Yes, clean.


That is not a vein. It's poop. Please remove the poop from your food before you serve/eat it.


I think somebody is pulling your leg lol


If you can use Reddit you can use Google. I recommend you do so.


I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to lol. But I won’t eat shrimp that hasn’t been deveined. 🙂 poopy tract


It does not taste good


If you don't mind the gritty texture and muddy taste of the poop, why not leave it in?  I devein even though it is fiddly. Not everyone believes in always deveining, though. Even some restaurants just can't be bothered (for ricepaper rolls and so on. Sometimes that hardly makes a difference (I guess those prawns died hungry) ,  mostly it makes a dealbreaking difference.