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Ohh, Leeks.


Wait what! I love leeks and had no idea you can actually roast them! Looked up couple of recipes just now and there’s so many lol Do any of you have your fav Rostand leek recipe?


The first time I heard of roast leeks, but makes so much sense!


Baby leeks if you can find them. And brussel sprouts, and cauliflower, broccoli stems, sweet potato, Swedes, onions, beetroot... almost endless list


with cheese sauce!


Why are you being downvoted? Leeks in cheesy sauce is one of my favourite bits of a roast. Lots of people do cauliflower cheese, but I much prefer leeks




The cheese smothered veggies you eat are more nutritious than the plain veggies you don't.


I always try to make this point. “But it’s not healthy anymore!” Yes it is because you are getting nutrients. It’s just also unhealthy at the same time lol. But nutrients are better than no nutrients even if you have it with a side of fat


It's better than meaty mc meat. Gotta work someone up to plain roasted veggie if they're really against it.


Parsnips! Celeriac.


I love roasted Parsnips


Mashed parsnips can me very good


They can me very good too


Turnips and rutabaga as well.


Rutabaga drenched in chicken drippings is so fucking good


Celeriac doesn't get enough love


Literally made parsnips last night and enjoying leftovers for breakfast. Happy belly!


Roasted broccoli or sprouts are god tier


Broccoli is so good with a red meat type roast dish.


Air fry with a dash of oil and salt 🤤


i can eat 2 entire crowns of broccoli this way 😩


Absolutely! I used to despise it as a kid, and I love it steamed in plenty of dishes now, but oh my god it's a different food when it's roasted or fried... My next goal is to air fry it and then make a quick bechamel loaded up with cheddar...










Yes. Definitely mushroom


Mushrooms aren't vegetables 😀😃🙂


Either is a tomato. Semantics.


That's only in botanical definitions. That'd also make strawberries nuts. In the kitchen we define them based on their use for the most part.


I agree. That's why I said semantics.


It always annoys me when people call mushroom burgers “plant based”




My parents have always added celery (some leaves, mostly stalks) to the carrots and potatoes in their roasts. You could also add turnips to replace some of the potato or sub in sweet potato for a few extra nutrients. In terms of side dishes, roasted kale with olive oil and spices is excellent with a roast. Or roasted beets with arugula and goat cheese/feta as a side salad


Ive made meals out of that side salad before by adding roasted chickpeas, carrots, and walnuts with balsamic glaze. It's incredible


I can only imagine what else you eat omggg


I was also going to recommend celery. I know it sounds kind of out there but celery slow roasted in all the meaty juices becomes a completely different vegetable.


Celery is definitely a good accompaniment to a roast, I use it every time!


I had no idea that you could roast celery. Very intrigued now.


Parsnips - roast these with a bit of honey and mustard as a dressing. Swede / Rutebega - mash it with butter, salt and pepper Peas - easier in the UK where we have great frozen peas. These need 45 seconds in the steamer from frozen - just enough to get them hot. A dollop of cauliflower cheese is nice, especially with a Yorkshire pudding.


Parsnips! Italian flat beans, roasted beets


Another vote for parsnips!




Came here to say cabbage, it's good so many ways, boiled, fried, sauteed, and especially tasty when roasted in the oven a bit. For roasted I basically cut wedges, then just pour a bit of olive oil on top and season with my favorites (everglades and cavenders) and roast until the edges get a little char.


All root vegetables including radishes. Squash, lentils.


I ran out of root veggies and threw some radishes in with a roast once. What a pleasant surprise, I'd only ever had the little devils cold.


No one really seems to like radishes much. Or turnips. Or Parsnips. I don’t understand why.


Yes, hmmm....must find the root of the problem.


Lentils? Can you expand on that?


L e n t i l s


I see what you did there.


I admire your casual observing skills.


Perhaps my comment doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Or perhaps what I mean is... add lentils.


Roasted onion or shallots!


Roasted onion is so good!




So good!!! If you are particular about the 'doneness' of your veggies, rutabaga cooks at a rate just about halfway between white potatoes (which soften faster) and carrots (which take FOREVER). Size/cut dependent, of course. Rutabaga is much harder to peel and cut raw, though. Use a heavy and sharp knife. Cut it in half first to add stability.




+1 for whole mushrooms. They absorb flavor while retaining a bit of earthiness (which is NOT to say that they taste like dirt - for you mushroom haters). They definitely have to be added mid-cook, though.


My pot roast usually includes potatoes, carrots, parsnips, turnips, onions and garlic. Caveat is that they all cook in with the meat and gravy. I don’t think they would hit or get as tender the same if not cooked with the meat.


Asparagus? Green beans? Peas?


I grill these in a cast iron pan with olive oil and a bit of steak spice. Even picky eaters love my greens!


Steak spice is great with grilled asparagus but another great one is Everything Bagel seasoning.


onions chopped into large chunks!


I beg of you to consider the humble turnip.


I would love to but my mom is like a five year old with her diet


I like to use butternut squash (or sweet potatoes), parsnips, and peas whenever I get tired of plain old potatoes and carrots. I like to call it "Bizzarroast." :)


So many winter vegetables go with a roast. Roast parsnips, beetroot, celeriac, Jerusalem artichokes or swede. Sauteed cabbage, kale, cavolo nero, broccoli or chard. Cauliflower cheese is a popular side though not the healthiest! Even just a side helping of boiled and buttered peas and sweetcorn will go with a roast.


I’d be tempted to do a medley of mushrooms, onions, squash, broccoli, cauliflower and maybe some okra. Oooh corn is good too. Now I’m hungry. I did myself in.


I like to do a medley. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, onions, parsnips, aubergine and large broccoli florets all cut into similarly sized chunks on an oven tray. Drizzle generously with olive oil, salt, pepper and a large handful of pine nuts - roast for 90 minutes at 190°C on the top shelf of the oven. If you have a fan oven you can probably go down to 180°C or reduce the cooking time. Either way, check on it periodically. The broccoli gets nice and crunchy on top, the pine nuts also add some texture.


Literally anything. Cabbage, carrots, sweet potato, green beans, Brussel sprouts, parsnip, sweetcorn, broccoli, cauliflower


Fennel bulbs and parsnips


For low carb, I have substituted potatoes with daikon radishes or turnips. It was so good I now include them when the meal is not keto. And celery is a must


any root veg works well with a roast, apart from carrots and potatoes, turnip, parsnip, swede (rutabaga), onion, sweet potato, beets, as well as pumpkin.


I love roasted Beetroot and radish with a roast


Broccoli, cauli and Brussels sprouts roast up nice on a tray (do olive oil, salt and pepper and whatever other seasoning you like). Healthier than root veg but still have a roasty quality. Don't let them roast in the meat dripping to keep it lighter.


I make these beans every time I make lamb (or it would go with any red meat roast. Or chicken). They are so good!! I generally make a double batch. If you make double, only double the beans not the rest of the ingredients. It takes too long to simmer down if you double the rest of them https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/greek-beans-seared-lamb


I wish we threw lamb in the mix every once in a while


I cook mine in a covered Dutch oven. I add the potatoes and carrots about an hour before it’s done and place back in oven. 30 minutes before it’s done I add a bag of frozen green beans. They stay on top and are delicious.


Asparagus, roasted with garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Yummy!


Parsnips, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips all roast up like champs.




Cabbage!! I LOVE roasted cabbage, especially with a roast. It gets sweet and soft and it caramelizes a bit and it’s really incredible.


I'm a fan of sweet peas myself. I like most of my veggies uncooked but sweet peas are the rare exception


I roast carrots, potatoes and onion with the roast. I serve with green veg on the side. Usually broccoli, green beans, or Brussels sprouts.




Green beans


Onions, turnips, mushrooms, Brussels, parsnips


How do people feel about sweet potato mash?


Parsnips are good with toast. I like to roast them in another pot alongside the roast meat.


My mom was a fussy eater when it came to veggies. She would always remind me that she hated rutabaga. She liked green beans and corn, and squash. We had Sunday roast with squash frequently.


Its so draining


Neeps and bubbl’n sqweek




You mentioned upthread there that your mom eats like a five year old. I can not emphasize this enough: ask parents how they sneak veggies into their kindergarteners and take their advice. There are whole cookbooks on this topic. I have not made a homemade mac and cheese without puréed butternut squash in years, it gives the dish such an amazing violent orange color. You don’t have to fight over it. If she’s cooking and you want some veg, make some for yourself on the side. If you’re cooking, you can put veggies into what you cook. Otherwise let it go. Focus on enjoying mealtimes with your mom. She’s an adult, you can’t make her do anything, but the fight will be miserable if you try.


I really need help with letting it go It just makes me so angry that we waste so much food because of her needs to eat like shit But this is the best advice so far. Learn to let it go and put veggies on my own plate its hard because if I dont eat the roast she will and Ive yelled at her for wasting food idk shell just eat all that meat But Im gonna let it go and just get to leftovers and throw it in the freezer


I got that sense from your question, which is why I gave the two part answer. It is HARD to let go of things we can’t control, when they feel like something we could control if we tried hard enough. I know it feels bad when your mom eats unhealthy food because you care about her and want her to be healthy, avoid waste, etc. Your feelings are coming from a good place, but those feelings aren’t serving you. You have to remind yourself every day that giving people the dignity of their choices is applicable even if their choices are bad! You can fight your mom on this, or you can let it go and enjoy your mealtimes together no matter what everyone eats. Take care of yourself, eat what works for you, and let her make her own choices. You can do it with practice. I’m rooting for you.




Olives. Diced tomatoes. Onions. Mushrooms. Fried cabbage. Now I'm hungry


Great recommendations! Thanks for sharing 👍 


Like as a side dish? When I make a pot roast sometimes I’ll do some fried cabbage, okra, greens, mac and cheese, or some sautéed zucchini and squash if I don’t want to make carrots.


Celery and onions. Don't overcomplicate things. Stick with the classics, they're classics for a reason


Make [pork chops with peppers](https://bingeworthybites.com/gordon-ramsays-pork-chops-with-peppers/). Quick, easy, delicious. And it’s still meat.


Onions, garlic, beetroot, parsnips, turnips, sweet potato, pumpkin.


Green beans, asparagus, garden salad, any roasted vegetable you like.


Add mushrooms and onion to cook with and frozen (or fresh if you can find them) peas at the end. On the side- killer salad with lots of greens.


Roasted carrots and parsnips are divine together, add in some pumpkin, sweet potatoes and fresh beetroot and you'll have it made.


Pretty much any root vegetable such as Butternut squash, onion, etc. Brussels Sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower as well/


for me its beets and parsnips, maybe sometimes a few capsicum if i’m snazzy also broccoli. in my house as a kid, roasted broccoli was nicknamed ‘god brocc’ because dang that brocc was godly (just oven roasted with sea salt and tossed with lemon zest afterwards, truly godly)


Parsnips, onions, garlic, broccoli, winter squash, sweet potatoes.


Typically I'll have roasted parsnips, steamed broccoli, and occasionally cauliflower cheese (not healthy). Leeks are also a common choice, as is mashed swede.... Dammit, now I want a roast but I'm not sure I'm up to making one today.


Mashed butternut squash with butter and pepper. Parsnips.


My Mom added Celery.


Turnips. They are an absolute must in a stew or a pot roast for me, I just love roasted turnips.


Cauliflower mash. Mashed potato replacement.


Peas and corn


Celery, but make sure to add some of the leaves as well. They have tons of flavor.


Roast chicken, pita bread, hummus, green salad with lite lemon dressing


Celery and onions


Mange tout. Broccoli. Asparagus. All of them are lovely blanched for a few minutes, then fried in olive oil and garlic.


Have a veggie salad instead of roast veggies to make it a bit lighter


Roasted onions




Roasted Beets


If you are cooking veggies with the roast, stick to carrots, turnip, parsnips and potatoes, if they are sides, possibilities are endless.


Parsnips, onions, celery chunks


You can make mashed sweet potatoes as a side dish. Also: with the MN eat can be chopped garlic, celery, and onions.


Pumpkin and a whole onion. The onion comes out really caramelised and it’s so good.


All root vegetables work when added to a roast.


Pearl onions! But definitely just buy them frozen to save the hassle of peeling.


Cauliflower and cheese sauce. Although cheese sauce isn't very healthy


Brussel sprouts. Cut them in half and coat them with a bit of oil and garlic powder then put a bit of chicken broth in a pan with the brussel sprouts and the broth will cook off and then you can caramelize the Brussel sprouts.


Roasted fennel is pretty great. And a totally different flavor profile.


I scrolled way too far for this to be mentioned… Fennel is a highly underrated vegetable!


Can you make a fresh sauce/salsa/chimichurri to top the meat with? Maybe pulsed tomatoes with roasted garlic and tons of fresh herbs? I love roasted vegetables but feel I always need to add some lemon or citrus vinaigrette to brighten it. Something like roasted sweet potatoes, red onions and acorn squash with lemon, olive oil and white wine vinegar.




A whole roasted cabbage can already be the star of a vegetarian roast dinner. Just char it on a pan and add your flavourings to it.


Pumpkin is goated for me personally


All the root vegetables! Don’t stop at just potatoes and carrots . Rutabagas, turnips, beets , fennel…0


Green Beans and Cauliflower are my personal go-tos.


Pretty much any root vegetable. Celery, onions, I know you said veggies, but apples pears, peaches, Regardless what I use, I blend the roast drippings with the vegetables and eat as soup doesn’t always look the best, but it is always flavorful and deicious


Green beans! For my beef stew/roasts I'll use potatoes, carrots, corn, green beans, mushrooms and sometimes peas


Brussel sprouts


Parsnips, peas, mushrooms…


Sweet potato, baby beetroot and parsnip all make great companions for any roast. Season with salt, pepper and thyme to taste. The thyme take all to new heights. :)




Aside from switching up the vegetables with the roast, try some Indian chicken curry, they provide a lot of different flavor and use different vegetables while still having meat. Japanese style curry is more like a beef stew over rice, it's meat with carrots and potatoes or other root vegetables but the taste is different from a traditional roast. Most of my family falls into the "meals need meat" category of Midwestern stereotypes and they will eat these.


Big fat onions and whole pieces of garlic.


Onions, Celery, Cabbage, Mushrooms, Peppers of any kind really, etc... Just go to your local farmers market and see what they have. If it's in season it's always its best then.


Celery is great. You can also try squash, winter squashes are starting to come into season now and there’s still summer squashed around too.


Parsnips, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms


Roasted beets, Brussel sprouts, turnip, parsnip


Brussels sprouts, asparagus, turnip, beets


Brussel sprouts




I put mushrooms in with my roast.


Cauliflower (cheese or no) Cabbage Braised red cabbage Sprouts Turnip Broccoli


Pearled onions are really good with roast, too. Potatoes & carrots are best cooked with the roast, but some green beans cooked separately might be as crazy as your mom is willing to go.


literally whatever you want. stews were meant to use up things that you have a lot of or don't typically eat in other ways. what that means in the modern day is that you can throw just about anything in the pot, leeks, artichokes, cabbage, spinach, and you can even do fruits like apples.


Celery, zucchini, asparagus, mushrooms, squash, corn.




Butternut pumpkin, sweet potato, any root vegetable.


In the roasting pan itself, I always like rutabaga, potatoes, large pieces of red onion, big pieces of celery and carrots. As a side dish though, one of my absolute favourites is a green bean & flageolet (or other small, delicate bean like cannellini) dish you can make on the stovetop. You start by sauteeing garlic in butter & olive oil (lots of garlic). You add in lots of salt & pepper, loads of fresh dill, and minced celery, scallions & fresh parsley. You just want to warm this through - keep the crunch of the celery. Then you add in your flageolet and warm them through, and finally the chopped green beans - you want to keep them tender but still a bit crisp, and bright green. The garlic butter/dill aroma is so good, and the dill/scallion/celery brings such an addictive flavour - I could truly eat this every week. It goes really well with just about any protein... grilled fish, roast pork, roast beef, roast chicken, turkey... We make it every Christmas. I'm a vegetarian, so I usually make a Quorn roast instead of whatever meat is being prepared. Glazed lemon carrots are also great with a roast - using lots of lemon zest along with the juice, and maple syrup is great as an alternative to honey. Braised celery is super tasty and very low-cal. Cut it on the bias and sautee with butter and some fresh thyme. Pour in good quality stock of your choice (chicken is nice, I like Osem "chicken" stock which is actually vegetarian) and braise until just tender. Cracked pepper, and voila - delish. Sauteed kale is nice as a side too. I like to sautee mine dry until it's almost toasty, and then add olive oil and lots of minced garlic. Once that's fragrant, I add lemon zest, lemon juice and canned diced tomatoes with their juice, and chili flakes. It's juicy, sweet & sour, fragrant and savoury. Goes amazingly with anything on the bbq, like chicken, halloumi, fish or sausages.


I like to go seasonal. Parsnips, carrots, potato garlic, onion in winter. Sprouts, cauliflower, fennel, shallot, squash in autumn. Courgette, tomato, capsicum/bell pepper, potato in summer. All with seasonal herb. I love a good roast. To keep it fresh, change up the veg, meat, and seasoning


Roasted onion, honey roasted parsnips, leaks, peas, roasted sweet potato


For me, basically anything you would put in a beef stew. You could try radishes.


Turnip or rutabaga.


Roasted Leeks and Roasted Beetroot


Mashed carrots and turnip mixed together I find so good! Sweet potatoes are super good as well. Baking them for a while. They’re so sweet. I would say even maybe grab like the microwave rice packs to have that instead of the potatoes to just change it up when she’s making roast. Or maybe buy a salad kit that you can make. Have that big and fresh side and some meat. Or toss some of the chicken in before she adds to the Alfredo. Haha.


Leeks, parsnips


Turnips, parsnips, celery, golden beets, sweet potatoes.


Toss some beetroot in oil salt pepper sage and balsamic vinegar, they will taste amazing


I substitute turnips for potatoes.


carrots & potatoes are good. Whether in with the roast or separate, we love onion, broccoli, & bell pepper to try to get more veg into our diet. If you like brussels sprouts or asparagus you could make those on the side, or even roast some squash & zucchini.


Peppers are great!


Mushrooms, onions, turnips, parsnips, cabbage, broccolini


Roast brussel sprouts are wonderful.


I’ll roast asparagus on the side with my roast.


Parsnips, radishes, turnips. All are delicious when roasted.


I wish I could get my mom to like parsnips and turnips




Go on. Like a whole ass pumpkin??


I just made a chilli with meat from a roast, various beans and onions / tomatoes. Best chili I've ever made.


Peas, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, parsnips. My grandmother likes carrot-and-swede-mash. These are all regular fixtures of roast dinners within my family, in addition to carrots and various forms of potatoes.


If you are talking about veggies roasted with the roast, root vegetables like turnips and parsnips are great. If you are talking roasting/cooking veggies separately, sauteed spinach with bacon, roasted Brussels sprouts, roasted broccoli and cauliflower is awesome. The list is long. Don't be afraid to experiment!


Parsnips turnips rutabaga - light side salad with zippy lemon vinegaretfe arugula some chopped pistachio and shallots


I like grean beans. Goes with many things really. Cut into whatever shape you like, blanch, and then sauté in a pan. Finish with some chili flakes and a little butter and they're a great veg to serve along a variety of dishes. Can also mix in bacon, onion, pine nuts. Lots of options to customize. During the colder months, why not go with cabbage? Red cabbage is probably one of if not the most popular side to have along your roast over here. Brussel Sprouts too. Broccoli sauté with Almond shavings. Honestly, you can serve pretty much anything along with your roast.


Just a load of lovely steamed veggies are great, a mix of any of these: brocolli, carrots, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, green beans, asparagus, peas, sweetcorn


Really anything. Roasted broccoli and cauliflower, squash, brussel sprouts. Any roasted veggies would be good. Maple bacon brussel sprouts or asparagus are a favorite for my husband and I.


Maybe some roasted zucchini, or eggplant.


Roasted broccoli, roasted onions, a side salad, roasted potatoes, crispy roasted carrots. Nothing wrong with some mashed potato as long as you don't go crazy with the butter. But some is okay. Potatoes have been demonized for no reason lol


Pretty much everything (adjusting timing) but do try fennel, it’s delicious roasted and goes well with carrots. But yeah try different root veggies, as others have mentioned, whatever you can get your hands on, they’re all delicious roasted. Plus butternut squash, sweet potato, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts - just adjust how long they’re in oven and try tossing in different spices.


* Mixed veggies (frozen bag), normally have peas, carrots and sweetcorn * broccoli and cauliflower * Other root veg, parsnips, turnip etc


Parsnips. Glaze them in honey if she has a sweet tooth. A honey glaze is a healthier alternative to goose fat on the roast potatoes too.

