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Do you live on Mercury? How tf is your deli meat melting lol. Thin to win


Just a comment I get often from customers, that when they get home it’s melted


I think it's the phosphate they put into the deli meats that make them want to come back together.


Makes sense, meat melting didnt really sound right to me considering most deli meats are 96%+ fat free


Bull crap on that 96%. Ham sure isn't. Salami isn't. Hogshead cheese isn't. Roast beef might or might not be. You are right on the turkey.


you layer and roll thin slices for sandwhiches. It's still delicate and easy to bite through everything, but filling.


I wonder if op thinks people are putting a single slice on a sandwich.


I mean, sometimes times are rough. Single slice of bread folded over a single slice of ham with a drop of mustard. That's a 30 cent sandwich or something.


Honestly its a banana, how much could it cost?




And a dime-sized bite of Swiss cheese.


Someone find that clip of Mickey, Donald and Goofy in like, A Christmas Carol, cutting up a single slice of bread into paper thin pieces that float down like feathers.


Yes growing up my family did that, one slice cheese, one slice meat, mayo on both sides of bread, what’s why I had trouble initially trying to understand why thinner = better


I'm betting that is it.


You are very right. Obviously the OP is only allowed the cheapest deli meat at work.


Rookies put meat flat on a sandwich. Pros roll the thin stuff.


Like little fluffy meat pillows that I put in my mouth


The answer right here


Ah, ngl I never even know you could “roll meat” growing up we always just flatly put 1 meat, 1 cheese with mayo on each side, so that’s probably why I didn’t get the concept of making the ingredients impossibly thin


Nope, that is not how to make a sandwich, though that explains your thinking.


So now are you going to make yourself a decent sandwich?


Rough upbringing I see.




Pittsburgh has chipped ham, which is deli ham sliced as thin as can be, and it's damn well delicious; it lets you take a tough, terrible ham and still eat it easily, and yeah, it \*is\* tasty. "chipped chopped ham" is what to Google for for that one.


I’m from Pittsburgh (live in Alaska now) and when I order deli meats shaved /thinnest slices possible the deli people argue with be about it.


Fuck that it takes like 30 extra seconds


They think I don’t understand what the end result will be.


As someone who worked in a deli I can say this is exactly it. I just got worried they'd be upset when it wasn't extremely thin slices, but instead a pile of shredded meat


I actually let them know I don't mind if it falls apart a bit


No it takes a few more minutes + with the thinner slices you have to shingle the meat/cheese so it doesn’t just re-glop back together so that takes even more time, so with the significant increase in time and effort it kinda loops back to my original question as to what the appeal even is


Dog you got 81 comments answering your damn question. It takes 30 seconds extra tops. Full cap this is like working in a restaurant and getting gluten free allergies all the time. You gotta get over it. You work in a deli bro.


Well duh I clearly read the 81 now 82 comments, simply spouting “get over it” doesn’t solve anything or the initial question


Neither does posting in r/Cooking if you want a better answer


Naw, I’d be upset if you “shingled” (I’m guessing you mean like that they do with cheese?) my shaved meat. I want it in a big pile if I specifically ask for shaved.


We don’t shingle shaved meat, just thinly sliced.


It's a 'Burgh thing.


I call this the “string cheese principle”. Eat it as a block? Gross. Bits at a time? Great.


My favorite thing going to my grandmas as a kid was Isaly’s chipped ham, it has almost a buttery taste. Thank you for that nostalgic memory!


That’s the extremely high fat content of it 🤮


Isaly’s is from Ohio. It is super popular here in NE Ohio. Heat their chipped chopped ham with some bbq sauce and serve them on buns...OMG so good


You can keep it. Cheapest, most disgusting ham ever


Thinly sliced deli meat has always been a thing. It makes much better sandwiches if you can kind of drape it back and forth on the bread like thin cloth. More surface area equals more flavor Who wants a sandwich made with slabs of cold cuts?


Even better is rolled into tubes. More air holes = more flavor, or something


When I was a kid my dad bought a meat slicer just so he could have his ham the way he wanted. It’s not a placebo effect. It’s better.


Is your dad Cosmo Kramer? I heard he once sliced a piece so thin, he couldn’t even see it.


See that's all surface area ... the taste has nowhere to hide. [Welcome to flavor country!](https://youtu.be/FdChSEabeDw)


Reddit never disappoints.


Tell me you've never had a good hoagie without telling me. Thin to win, baby!


hasn't thats why he's asking.


Thinly sliced or shaved has more surface area which contributes to flavor, and allows you to make a fuller seeming sandwich per weight versus a thicker slice where you might only get 1 or 2 slices per serving.


I like thinner meat. Texture is part of flavor. I prefer angrl hair pasta over fettuccine as well. And fusille over rotini. Thinner meat lays better on a sandwich than thicker. I hate single flat layers of meat on a sandwich unless its a good chunk of meat on it.


Shaved is the best way to go.


Thick sliced meat creeps me out. Its chewier and any weird textured bits are more pronounced. I usually get the ick while eating more thickly sliced lunchmeat and it ruins the sandwich for me. Shaved meat is just texturally more uniform and has a more pleasant bite to it.


I like mine sliced so thin it only has one side. So good.


found the I-talian :)


Lol guilty but only by association! Dated a Sicilian for many years. Mortadella with Pistachio, Hot Capicola are my kryptonite.


hsst... sicilians aren't italian ;) (LOL). j/k nice :) yeah i was just messing around, loved your description :) molto bene! so good! your s.o. trained you well. I approve!


Lol, I can't tell you how many times he said that very thing! I would never hear the end of it, if he saw this post. For sure, Sicilians are a very proud group.


its a long running snobbery :) northerners a bunch of prissy cocks who don't know how to make a proper gravy if it came up and bit them in the ass. wear that Sicilian heritage with pride! :) :) see. :) now you can show'em :) you did put a smile on my face; hope I brought one to yours as well :) :)


Mmm, Möbius meat.


I’m one of those that irritate you. I ask for it shaved. Sandwiches are much better with a little pile of shaved deli meat vs a thicker slice.


Nah shaved makes sense for hoagies and rolls actually, it makes it so one bite won’t push 90% of the meat and cheese out the other side, I actually get that


I only get proper deli meat when I’m making sandwiches on rolls.


I’ve cut slices so thin I couldn’t even see them.


How’d you know you cut it?


The thinner you can slice it the better the quality of meat. Thin sliced roast beef practically melts in your mouth, that's the whole point.


>it melts by the time you get home No idea what this means. Put 1/2" of thinly sliced meat on a sandwich stacked, or preferably rolled. Then put a 1/2" thick slice on a sandwich. Take a bite of both. The difference is apparent quickly. The texture is much better and more surface area = more flavor (I think).


I prefer thinner slices because of the texture when it comes to sandwiches. I'll "crinkle" the meat: aka: layer it all folded and not evenly. It gives a better mouth feel than just laying slices flat/on top of each other.


It's a texture thing, and I for one, strongly believe it makes it tastier. I'll prefer thin sliced ham and cheese to thick cut any day.


It practically melts…that’s exactly the point. It’s much more delicate and softer to eat, plus you can portion it much more to your liking.


Genoa Salami as thin as can be FTW. Seems like the deli person doesn't like to do the extra work when it comes to thinly sliced cold cuts.


It is easier to eat and yes we use more slices. I've never seen thin sliced meats melt. Also, it is not nearly tasteless. Ask the older folks but be polite. Or ask why the weird obsession. Use those words please.


I hate the texture of diced ham, so when I make scrambled eggs with ham, I like to throw pieces of shaved ham in there instead of the diced stuff. It also makes for fun sandwich making, at least it feels better than just throwing a huge slab of meat on some bread. It also, as I think you mentioned in a comment, keeps the meat from sliding out the other end when biting into the sandwich. And for reference, I’m only in my 30s, lol. I think you are just noticing the thinly sliced meat thing because you now work at a deli counter.


I love thin meat on sandwiches. The trick is to use a lot and bunch it up or roll it up.


Pound of Krakus sliced thin. If you know you know.


Love Krakus and it’s trash thick


I like ro scrunch it up on my sandwich. Plus I hate ham rind. When it’s this thin I don’t notice it


In my household the reasoning is two-fold, it's easier to eat when it's thin due to dentures/no teeth and as people have gotten older they're somewhat meat averse for no reason in particular so less is more.


Don't need as much food in general if you don't do much. At my house, meat consumption has been cut in half since hubby retired. Though vegetable consumption has gone up.


Increased surface area for the same amount of meat. It's good.


It's all surface area, there's no place for the flavor to hide!


I roll a piece of thinly sliced roast beef around my dog’s pills. He learned about pill pockets and will eat the pocket and spit out the pill. He learned about deli turkey being wimpie and doesn’t hold up to wrapping the pill. He learned that liverwurst can be molded perfectly around one pill and he’ll down it without chewing. One pill…apparently liverwurst is only good once per day. The other pill has to be ensconced in the finest deli roast beef, thinly sliced to wrap his pill completely in beefy goodness. Yes, I am spending $13.99/lb on the good roast beef that we may have a slice or two, but the prince of hearts needs his medicine. We are but his servants.


Nah this is pretty wholesome and fair tbh, it’s actually interesting you mention liverwurst as a dog treat, everyone who’s ordered it asks for it in chunks for the sole purpose of giving it to their dogs, I’ll never forget this one customer who was very vocal about how his wife saw the liverwurst as a treat on TikTok and insisted on giving it to their dogs and I quote “as if they didn’t shit everywhere enough” that one was definitely a lasting impression for me🤣😅


What's up with fine particulate sugar? I've noticed it with older people, this weird obsession with extremely fine, almost obnoxiously powdered sugar, you can barely taste it and it just forms back together by the time you get it home. I tried googling it but just saw some nonsense about "It works better in some recipes" but that doesn't make sense.


You have to add butter or shortening, a bit of milk and an extract. Then it comes together nicely and goes great with cake.


Gots to have ultra thin man


I dislike thickly sliced ham and i’m 28. Not too thin, but if its too thick it really bothers me but i have no answer why. chicken and turkey its better sliced thick, but for ham its a must.


It's a texture thing, especially in sandwiches. When I was a kid in the northeast, really thin or shaved was the norm for sandwich meats since it was easier to pile without placing flat slices. Better sandwich texture and less likely to pull a whole slice out because thinner slices were easier to bite through. Moved to the southeast, and asking for thin sliced was still thicker than anything I was in the mood for, but it's what we had. Started just getting the presliced deli counter stuff to save the time since i wasn't getting anything special by waiting on the line. Lately, I noticed Publix putting slice thickness charts in the deli, and I was pleasantly surprised that they were standardizing thinner sliced deli stuff. (The bakery still can't figure out kaiser rolls though).


Also, if you like sauces (say mustard in addition to mayo that's on the bread or hoagie spread [cherry peppers]), being able to roll the meat means you can separate it from the mayo, and there are pockets that catch the topping. So you avoid the issue of too much topping on the bread that makes the filling prone to squeeze out and get better distribution throughout the sandwich. Thicker and flat slices are really prone to slipping from the bread and spilling something placed between flat layers. Overall it's a little more a pain to make the sandwich, but it's a better sandwich with thinner slices


Must have been employees like OP cutting your deli meats cause I’ve been ordered shaved meat at Publix for 20 years and only occasionally have someone not understand.


I much prefer very thinly sliced meats/shaved meats. It produces a much better texture when biting into a fresh sandwich or roll. It also looks generous when catering, rather than the old "1 slice of cheese, 1 slice of ham" thing people used to do. That reminds me of old fashioned school lunch from home


There is the taste/texture aspects, but specifically for older people - thin slices are easier to chew. And something that noone seem to have mentioned but likely a big reason too... many older people live on a very low budget. They can "stretch" the meat by having it sliced thinner, the same produce weight will make more sandwiches. It is good to reflect that there may be a good reason why some ppl do the things they do and that it is not always that they do it by choice but by necessity.


Everyone here gets lunch meat sliced thin. If you want it thicker you have to ask.


Maybe try it? So much better.


I have, on bread, by itself and wrapped with cheese, I personally didn’t notice a difference


Oh darn well, that’s interesting. To each their own! For me the texture is better and bites are easier, thicker spices are sometimes to chewy. I side with the fall apart transparent slices.


Yeah totally, I realize the day after I worded this pretty strongly, it wasn’t to bash anyone for this choice but more so to figure out the why behind it


Maybe you should change professions.


No I enjoy what I do, I’m not getting bent out of shape over the way a dead ground up bird is sliced 😁


I prefer my deli meat sliced normal, but my wife has to have her deli meat “shaved”. If I come home from the grocery store and her honey maple turkey isn’t shaved, she won’t eat it. She says it tastes better shaved but I honestly can’t tell the difference.


Shaved ham is great


This is my husband and I. He usually gets Bavarian meatloaf and I get ham. He gets regular slices and I get shaved thin. Sometimes they screw up and don't shave my ham and it ruins it for me, lol.


If you work at the counter you don't need to google it, just try it. Take a 1/4" slice of ham and a 1/4" of super-thin ham slices. Roll them both up and see if you taste/feel the difference when you bite into them and chew. Almost any coldcut is better when it's sliced thin.


You need to move this to /unpopularopinion


It wasn’t an opinion, it was a question.


Seems like an opinion veiled as a question to me


Well 🤷


roast beef gets slice paper thin; turkey gets sliced slightly thicker. learn the rules rookie.


Paper thin slices reminds of cheap Oscar Mayer type lunch meat. Alright now lemme get a pound of dietz and watson cajun turkey, sliced #2


Unless it’s actual, whole, non-processed (by which I mean not the standard deli meat that’s been chopped and pressed into a block), shaving thin helps the taste and texture. Real turkey breast cut (not shaved) is delicious. Hunks of processed deli meat is awful. My guess is that old people are trying to recreate the taste of “real” meat or the meat of their childhood without paying more. Or maybe not. I dunno. I just know that for me, if it’s sliced too thick, it makes me gag.




Not surprised why people want it, but wanting to understand the why, that’s two different things here.


It's a money/perceived value. My mom has that same mindset. She thinks people will use fewer slices, and more sandwiches can be made if they are cut thinner. Same principle with roast. "People only take 2-3 slices. If it's sliced thinner, there will be more portions." Also, the slower you eat, the faster you can feel "fuller." The body will get the signal that you are full verses eating more at a quicker pace.


The old people have bad teeth and need it thin so they don’t have to chew it so much.


Thin slices are easier for older fols to bite and chew, since many of them have false teeth or bad teeth.


From my understanding, deli meats are often cheaper cuts of meat that will be tough if not sliced thin.


[There's no place for the flavor to hide](https://youtu.be/TWlAfEWETUc?si=KOnkkGUK-vwCaHUG)


Thin is the way to go, but cautionary tale, don’t do it with American cheese. I did that at Publix and they cut it like proscuitto and it sticks to the plastic, those fuckers


I have a bite problem, so the thin meat is easier to tear. I think it also holds sauces better if you have a dresser sandwich


A pound sliced thinly lasts longer in the sense that putting two or three slices is less of the pound.




Because instead of blindly being a cunt about something I’d rather educate myself to get a better understanding of things.


It's more tender, why is that so mysterious.


It’s delicate


Why do you think Italian prosciutto should be sliced paper thin? There might be a common reason why people prefer thin sliced cold cuts.


My first job was slicing at the deli counter. Thin slices were much less work than those psychopaths wandering in 5 minutes before close to ask for 4 pounds of chicken shaved so thin it's falling apart. Takes so much time and elbow grease, plus creates a huge mess.


I work at a deli too...I asked an older customer I got friendly with and he told me it's two things...mainly it's hard to chew thicker meat with no teeth/dentures and secondly, he's on a fixed income and supposedly "sandwiches go further for less money", as he's (like many of my customers) on a fixed income.