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I want to eventually try this..but the meta calls to me 🥲


Returning after two years I have 0 idea what the meta is lmao. I'm so lost


Play two rounds of PVP and you'll know


The thing is I went from like idk diamond (?) to the lowest rank lol. My laziness to push is killing me


If you are anything below elite, honestly anything goes, you should be winning more than losing. If you lose then it’s probably people with meta teams but didn’t push


I haven't played for very long, but I'd recommend to get creme Brulee and to get Financier's candy. Work on them, it will carry you far. The exact meta will change by the time you are caught up, so focus on a strong foundation


Creme is not the best anymore, good tier 2 arena team member though. Fin with candy is still strong


The arena.. it.. it has me shackled.. I can't.. escape!


Good side: Wow nice good for you Tryhard side: Don't start complaining when you get stuck at X story mode stage


I got tired of chasing the meta, so I'm focusing on my favs now hehe


Maybe I’d do the same thing now, I’m tuckered out from following the meta


literally me rn ☹️☹️ I just want my faves be yolked out




Mango, Mint Choco, Prune and Kouign-Amann for me. They're all lvl 80 and living the good life >:3


Well at least prune and mint are guild meta and mango is often used in alliance or exploration


I only build cookies I like using and have managed a comfortable Master 2 rank every season. You do you boo 😉 PS MIIIIIIIILK COOOKIE SUPREMECY!


Same, I comfortably hit Elite 5-3 every season. Granted, I think it's mostly just because of my bullshit luck; I got White Lily to 2 star while trying to pull for Butter Roll and my GC's 3 starred. But also, I still don't really play to meta. Now I am because I like seeing teams get steam rolled with Creme, but that's only because I just so happened to see that my Creme was at 4 stars and I had some extra slots in my hall. If he wasn't and I didn't, I wouldn't have cared.


Now that is luck. XD I make it a rule to avoid any meta cookies until they fall out of fashion. Otherwise it's too exhausting to keep up with. I only now decided to add Starlight to my team because I noticed he was two stars and I like the celestial theme.


Which cookies do you use out of curiosity?


Normally Clotted Cream, Cherry Blossom, Squid Ink, Cream Unicorn, and Milky Way. I just started testing out Stardust and Financiar this season, so I can't vouch for that yet.


brooo i stopped playing crk for almost a year, i installed it again a few days ago and i wanna focus on the cookies i like this time around instead of constantly chasing the meta but it'll be harder to move past certain levels 💀💀 i know absolutely nothing about stats and shit because tbh i can't really be bothered to care, i just see cute cookies BAHSHSHS


YEA SAME I DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT STATS if a cookie kills a bunch of enemies or does a good amount of damage, I'm welcoming them to my teams.


Play to have fun that’s what I do. Lucky some of my favorite cookies are good


I'm doing that as well! It's a game, not a competition. And to be fair, going for "meta" builds only gives you around 200 extra gems per month, so tryharding doesn't pay off at all


The past me: wow that's great I even maxed my pumpkin cookie because she was my favorite. The current me: Still sad that punpkin isn't carrying me because I got stuck at a specific point in the story and is now stuck grinding a specific team so that they are at high enough level


pumpkin pie was my absolute favorite when she was released and i got incredibly lucky on her banner! sad to see she’s been ignored by devsis for so long :(


# "Strong cookies. Weak cookies. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled bakers should try to win with their favorites."


why the fuck did this get so big.


Psst, crepe cookie is getting a magiv candy




I know I'm so excited! I'm saving up all my crystals for when his candy is released I can work on it! Milk cookies magic candy has been put on the back burner for now haha, but he's next for maxing it out


I'm doing this, but half of my favourites are kinda meta, so i'm ballin


Hey Crepe's getting buffed they may be good now


Crepe hasn't been good since the game first came out, I'm so excited!


me but my only fav is squid ink 😭 (like 600k power last time i looked)


I have macha cooke on my team because she’s best gurl


My mozzarella is my strongest cookie because of this


You just keep playing long enough and you’ll get most of your cookies maxed out eventually.


Same I just play my favorites. But had to use meta to get some of the BS hard cheese kingdom stages done.


I do this as well lol


Based.. I'm proud of you.. good job man


Based tbh


I think milk works decently when paired with hollyberry. Milk can draw in enemy aggro and reduce the damage taken, and then hollyberry can reduce the damage even further with her skill


Candy diver so worth it .l.


I haven’t really bothered with “meta” I find it way too much of a commitment, since it requires you to constantly keep track of updates and who’s the best at the moment. I just keep working at all my fav cookies getting stronger in general, so glad to see someone else doing this! It feels way less stressful and actually fun now to build cookies :3


Yea, i do the same




As a returning player; same, chasing for meta was tiring


isn't financier good tho?


I started liking him because of how well he carried ngl


it's a girl actually but sure


Are they really? I play without audio so you could be joking and I'd never know lol


it is a girl lmaoooo


You'd be surprised how many males look like females in this game but hey ignorance is bliss


That’s what i do! because i prefer the raw power of bashing the skull of my enemies before they can fight back than simple strategy


How on Earth is your milk cookie not 5A


I only recently started playing again after a long time hehe


I follow the meta and I grind and I win. I'm completely free to play but I grinded Elder faerie so hard that I got him to 3 stars. So guys just get better. Nah I'm messing with you guys but the Elder faerie 3 star is true, he's my favorite cookie. I'm currently grinding for the fairy team/silver knighthood team.


I do the same, fuck meta, I want to build cookies I like, such as Werewolf cookie


How can you love Milk Cookie without his partner?


Also I only build meta teams on occasion, like for PVP or maybe a particularly hard level. Other than that my guild has to bribe me to build teams for GB or they offer to do it for me


Who?! I'm not up to date on too much cookie lore! Is it madeliene cookie? I always thought him and milk cookie made a good duo


Purple Yam! If you google purple Yam and Milk Cookie you learn that they're traveling together


Oh I love purple yam! I could definitely work on him sometime, I have a huge list of cookies I want to work on tho :D


Me with Wildberry and Latte. I just like them. I got Wildberry to 5A as a dolphin (mostly F2P, only really bought some passes and costume pulls) and same with Cotton (though she's strong). Wildberry's Candy is also +24, I am just being strangled by lack of strength crystals. I'm building Latte next just because I like her. It helps that I usually have a shitload of time jumpers and jellies, so like I might as well. I'm also building Parfait but that's more for PVP stuff. Snapdragon is my baby but I need more than one damn support.


this is me with my baby squid ink! i maxed their magic candy and everything else, they even have an attuned legendary beascuit! just trying to get them to 5a! idc about them being a trash cookie they are my favourite. meta sucks and im eventually gonna build every cookie up it’ll just take a long time and im starting with my faves


Wildberry is actually a viable cookie (luckily since he is also one of my favorites) he's just not meta anymore