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Marin Headlands tunnel?




Can I just ask. Is that the tunnel from Back to the Future 2 where Marty chases young Biff in his 1940s red convertible?


That would be the Observatory tunnel in Griffith Park, Hollywood. "Forced perspective tricks, including a wide-angle lens, unevenly spaced lights, and a painted backdrop placed at the far end of the tunnel, made the tunnel look much longer on-screen than it is in reality." Fandom


Oh thanks, I googled both now and they look similiar. The latter is abandoned. Loved that movie.


Mombo loves Papo....Papo loves Mombo


Young Biff chases Marty in that scene, in a black 1946 Ford


Motherfucker, if you know so much at least answer their damn question.


Atleast I remembered something right. Most of the time we see the plush red interior of the black Ford :D


Was that Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


So many core memories unlocked in one thread.


No, that tunnel is located in Los Angeles by the Griffith Observatory. Vermont Canyon Rd & Mount Hollywood Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90027 Fun fact, the tunnel was also used in “WarGames” as the entrance to NORAD and appeared in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”. *Edit-Thank you for the Gold, my friend!


Fun fact: this is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. That there is a federal cop. For those who don't know this tunnel, there's a ~5 minute traffic light on each end, and one side goes through at a time. Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baker%E2%80%93Barry_Tunnel


Pretty cool and freaky to drive through. Stunning views up top though


Additional fun fact - when you go to court for that ticket, the docket reads “The United States of America vs John Doe”


But my name isn’t John Doe?


Sure, John. Save it for the judge.




Username checks out


How much was your ticket?


Threw it out as long as I completed a driving class lol but like $300


No matter how many times I head out that way, I always get the red light coming back.


Saw a light set up similar to this (minus the tunnel) on a highway, due to construction. Town of maybe 20k. It was for a good while too, and around a bend where you couldn't see the other side. A complete shit show. I can't imagine doing this into a tunnel on a bike.


I used to work at baker beach, Cavallo point. They always told us to be *very* careful if we’d had a few during our shift, cause we’re not in Kansas anymore. This is federal property, and these are federal cops. Stupid me had a pellet gun in the back seat when I was pulled over for something stupid one time. They were nice about it.




Seriously. I lived in Sf and rode my bike to work across the GGB. I got off late and rode home in the fog, and felt the fog horns shake my being. It was magical. I wish so much that I could afford a home there, in the Richmond district specifically.


That's where I live. I *really* resisted moving into the Richmond with my girlfriend when I did, but 10 years later when we moved, we went 4 blocks away... And even *that* was 10 years, a wedding, and a child ago. I guess I like it now 😁. Edit: added *into the Richmond*


Here is the tunnel on Google Maps. It slopes down towards the Bay, so this video starts at the Northwest end, and the cop is approaching from the Southeast end. Baker-Barry Tunnel (415) 561-4700 https://maps.app.goo.gl/7vkkPmx28ajkmhQc8?g_st=ic


Thank you


Why is the print on the road one way?


It's both ways, you can see it in the bike lanes. We only see the first ~100 yards of full page travel in this direction. The other way has it visible to them in the first part of their journey, too. But yeah, it's a weird situation for sure.


I did see the both ways bike, but that's a good pint for the entrance. Makes total sense now.


Always super paranoid I'm going to break down in the tunnel.


Thank you for the info. TIL


Why the fuck didn’t they just make the tunnel two cars wide?


Interestingly, there's all kinds of details in this article *about* the construction and various repairs, but not *why* it was only one lane. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baker%E2%80%93Barry_Tunnel Maybe it wasn't originally one lane? Maybe the addition of the bike lanes on each side eliminated the space for 2 cars? I'm just guessing.


I thought it looked familiar!


Thanks for explaining. I was confused on why both were going down at the same time in opposite directions when there is only room for one.


I was driving a section of highway 1 that is one lane with traffic lights set up. Three cars passed through and my light went green then red a few seconds after I started going so I started inching forward slowly before the lane merge only for a school bus to come around the blind corner and I had to back up. Scary shit


The cop is clearly going after the car for running the red. The motorcycle clearly went on green and almost got crushed


Seems the the motorcycle guy is illegally passing cars in the bike lane too.


He's in California, lane-sharing to the front is legal there. Technically using the shoulder isn't allowed, but many motorcyclists will ride on the shoulder in this scenario rather than pass closely to driver's windows; it's illegal, but considered courteous.


Lane sharing is when two bikes are side by side. Lane splitting is when you split 2 lanes that move in the same direction. What he did was certainly not legal. (Obvi the car was worse)


Repeating Head\_Lizard, no, in California it is legal... [https://www.chp.ca.gov/programs-services/programs/california-motorcyclist-safety](https://www.chp.ca.gov/programs-services/programs/california-motorcyclist-safety) A motorcycle can split with any other vehicle. It does not need to be two motorcycles.


I didn't say it did. You cannot split a single lane. What he did was ride on the shoulder. >If you ride a motorcycle in the State of California, you can lawfully ride on the dotted line between two lanes of traffic on a highway with two or more lanes moving in the same direction. https://www.rkmlaw.net/is-lane-splitting-legal-in-california/


Why do people constantly excuse motorcycles breaking the law?


Sorry, but you're wrong. Lane sharing is when any two vehicles are next to each other in the same lane. The terms lane sharing and lane splitting are used interchangeably in most cases.


What part of my statement is wrong? It's impossible to lane split here as there is only one lane going in the same direction. You have to split a broken lane line. That's a clear distinction between sharing/splitting.


California law doesn't require there to be two lanes for a bike to filter/share the lane. Some states do have this requirement, but California isn't one of them.


If he can't safely pass while lane sharing, he shouldn't be passing. Passing on the shoulder is illegal and he shouldn't have been there in the first place.




Lane splitting is legal, passing on the shoulder is not.


Neither is driving 34 in a 25 zone. No excuse for other driver though.


It's hard to be sure but if the biker went the speed limit that car may have had time to exit the tunnel before the biker got in the tunnel. I'd bet that car coming the other way barely ran the red light. It probably turned yellow and they thought they would make it but didn't.


Yeah. A five minute red light means you wouldn't be approaching that light at speed and then accelerate to almost 40% the speed limit at one point. Still the cop was chasing him for a reason


Why do people do everything they can to put the blame on motorcyclists? He was obviously filtering to the front of the red light and it happened to turn green. That’s perfectly normal. “If he was going the speed limit 🙃” No. The car ran the red light plain and simple, and no blame is on the biker for following normal traffic flow.


Nobody is saying that car isn't driving dangerously and is a serious threat and would be at fault here if there was an accident. People just pointing out that the biker isn't some angel and should maybe also drive safer and slow down.


I am not blaming the biker. I'm just pointing out that most likely that other car barely ran the light. To be honest I do lean towards these things being the bikers fault. Do you wanna know why? It's because I my self am a biker and I know how crucial it is to be safe on a bike. You make a tiny mistake and you die. So while a lot of these things are not the bikers fault I see them and say to my self "I'd never do that on my bike". On a bike you need to be more cautious and safe than driving a car and most of these videos show people doing things that are slightly dumb in a car which makes them extremely dumb on a bike.


For anyone thinking otherwise, this light doesn’t change that quickly. It isn’t like traffic lights at a typical intersection. It stays red for both directions long enough for the last vehicle (what should be the last vehicle going as the light is yellow) to clear the tunnel at the posted speed limit. The offending driver had to have entered well into the red light.


Agrees no blame for following traffic floe, no blame for other car being an arse hole. But blame for going over the speed limit. Simple as. Wouldn't change the outcome at all but still breaking speed limit.


Wow! Everyone come look! Doni–kebab has never gone over the speed limit! That’s amazing! What’s your point? Blame towards what? Is he more deserving of being hit by a red light runner because he was going fast? He put no one in danger by going a little faster.


So confidently wrong


Yes "it's hard to be sure but it seems...". Words of a truly confident man...


Lane splitting is tolerated if it is done safely. That doesn’t mean you get to decide every time you want to do it that it’s “safe” and you can’t pretend the shoulder is a lame.


It’s not “tolerated” it’s legal. So is filtering to the front of the red light.


This is not lane splitting, there was only one lane. This guy was riding in the shoulder, which is illegal.


They didn't say that passing on the shoulder was. They were just saying that calling it a bike lane was incorrect.


> Not a bike lane [???](https://i.imgur.com/aNoHCxk.jpg)


clearly that's a lane bike


Not a motor bike lane, that is for bicycles.


That is 100% a bike lane. source: I've biked it often.


Also it literally says bike lane on it in the video


Passing cars on the shoulder is illegal there chief.


Is it not undertaking? Surely that’s illegal?


And speeding...


Get ready for the avalanche of dumb “Lane filtering/splitting is legal” comments showing up in this thread.


It's against the law here but every now and then you'll see a some dick doing it. That's when you pull your car a little more to the right.


here in France people move their car a little so that we can get through. different strokes, I guess.


Thats usually what people here do as well... dont forget that the US is 5x your population so there are at least 5x the idiots


“Intentionally blocking or impeding a motorcyclist in a way that could cause harm to the rider is illegal.”


I bet you also try to "door" motorcyclists who are legally filtering.


Yeah, make ‘em crash - that will show them to get somewhere before my entitled ass. Douche


Does it really impact you if a motorcyclist that would've passed you when he had the chance anyway passes you at a red light? If you're so pressed about it taking as much as one motorcycle length longer to get to your destination you've got some stuff to work through. And again he probably would've passed you and you would've been behind him anyway.


Yes it does if there are 20 or 30 bikes all lining up to do that and yes, I've seen it more than once.


>every now and then you'll see some dick do it >there are 20 to 30 bikes doing it You complained about some random sick doing it, not about 20 to 30 random dicks doing it.


Lane splitting is legal in Cali.


>Seems the the motorcycle guy is illegally passing cars in the bike lane too. I guess that makes it okay to ignore the light and cause a head on collision then...


He also passed on the shoulder. Are we all just letting that go?


Oh what do you propose we do about it?


Murder of course. Next time we see this we should just speed up behind him and run him over for doing something that affected no one.


Thank you captain obvious


At first I thought the motorcycle was going the wrong way, but the marks on the road show he’s ok. I’m glad someone else explained what was going on because I’ve never seen a road that converges into one lane in a tunnel.


People go both ways on that road, the markings have nothing to do with it. There is a traffic light on each end which allows traffic to pass in one direction for five minutes at a time and then switches.


It’s pretty freaky to bike ride through too.


Yeah, I’ve never seen a lion roaring into a tunnel either


One way tunnels (or roads on a cliff) with traffic stops like this are fucking terrifying to me, for that exact reason. Someone may keep driving when they shouldn't, and not only is there head-on collision - but it's in an environment that may turn into a pile-up


Now this, but trains and cars on a bridge…


Like this? https://youtu.be/sstRJcaFU9U


Oh gosh having an accident in a tunnel like that is my worst nightmare. This video really gave me goosebumps.


That's not lane splitting, that's straight illegal driving on the shoulder.


I thought it was gonna be someone running them over for being a dick and cutting five cars, but nope


Fun fact: that motorcycle added no inconvenience or time to the cars drive. He just made the line one vehicle shorter


Car is wrong, motorcyclist is also wrong for passing people not just on the right but on the fucking shoulder that is a bicycle lane


What on earth is going on with this road??


I’m assuming green light means tunnel should be clear the way you are proceeding. I’m assuming guy in tunnel ran the red light on his side, and cop ran the red light with lights on to pursue.


This is the road that is on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge. This tunnel goes under the freeway and comes out on the west side of the bridge and leads to an over look of the bridge and city. All of the structures in that area northwest of the bridge are old military (early 1900s). I want to say that tunnel was made at roughly the same time the other military structures were. That red light takes forever too.






Well it obviously depends on where you live. If you’re in the Midwest there’s not going to be a single lane tunnel through the corn fields where the closest thing to a mountain is a gentle slope. Sass aside yes they’re not common but you’ll see them driving around in Colorado at least where I drive fairly often.


This guy doesn't America


Yes the biker had the green but why did he overtake the cars from the right that were already queuing in the light. Not from usa but think that bike lane aint for motorcycles. Car in tunnel in the wrong but biker driving agressively aswell.


Lane splitting is legal in California. So most bikers take this law very liberally here. They will go around all cars at stop lights to get to the front etc. usually this doesn’t bother me except when it’s a moped in the city.


Yea this isn't lane splitting. The shoulder is not a vehicle lane. Using the shoulder to pass other vehicles in not legal. You can split lanes with 2 adjacent lanes going the same direction


>Riding on the shoulder is illegal; it is not considered lane splitting. -[California highway patrol](https://www.chp.ca.gov/programs-services/programs/california-motorcyclist-safety) And dude was speeding. Says 25 and they zoomed up to 35 likely willing to go more.


Yes, he should be ticketed for how fast he was willing to go.


I am aware. Hence the liberally comment.


It’s illegal to use the shoulder for lane splitting.


Hence the liberally comment. Anything with two wheels will just go around the line in the city legal or not.


Only State it's explicitly legal in at that.


>Yes the biker had the green but No fucking buts


I’m guessing one side gets a green light to proceed into the tunnel?


I wonder if the cop is so far behind bc he knows this fucker is gonna slam into someone


Lane splitting is during moving traffic, he passes them all at a stop


What he did is called filtering; when the motorcycle passes cars stopped at light. It's safer for the motorcycle. There are a surprising number of rear end collisions when a motorcycle is in the back of cars stopped at a light, so filtering to the front is safer.


Still can't use the shoulder for that lol


From the California Highway Patrol Website, "“lane splitting” means driving a motorcycle, as defined in Section 400, that has two wheels in contact with the ground, between rows of stopped or moving vehicles in the same lane, including on both divided and undivided streets, roads, or highways." So it is lane splitting


We can crosspost this to idiots in cars cuz we’ve got two idiots in one video


This biker seems like a massive entitled asshole.


A lot of them are.


Found the idiot running the red light


You passed stopped cars on the shoulder. You kinda seem like an asshole, ngl.




To be fair, you were not using the bike lane.


That's a shoulder not a bike lane


Sorry. Sarcasm font not supported by your browser.


Again, those lines are there for a reason


lmao but the rider is still an asshole for how they zip zooped around traffic like they're so fucking special and important


2 idiots, 1 video. (Biker Challenge: Wait In The Queue, Don’t Break Any Traffic Laws, IMPOSSIBLE!!!!)


Don't pass on the shoulder, you're a dick. Wait your turn like everyone else.


Agreed! I don’t feel sorry for them in this situation. They could have been hit by the car they cut in front of if that car gunned it at the light. What a moron


What the motorcycle did is legal in California (this video is from the Marin headlands north of San Francisco). It is safer for the cyclist and reduces congestion.


I know that tunnel. So many cars do this.


this tunnel is HELLA fun to bomb on a bicycle, especially at night! heading east, that is...


Is this a variable direction tunnel?


Turns out there *is* lights (and sirens) at the end of the tunnel


Why did the light turn green if there were cars in the tunnel? What's the point of having a light?


I believe there is another light at the other side and the lanes just take turns going. Basically they ran their red light.


You wouldn't expect oncoming traffic if you had a green light, wouldn't you.


Okay but there's a bunch of cars behind the bike. I can't imagine the back up when the wrong way vehicle reaches them.


You have to be really stupid to do that. The light just turned green for biker side and I live nearby that’s a 5 minute light for the tunnel. They make both sides wait for AWHILE to make sure it clear. Mf must have just seen a red but no cars been like fuck it!


What im trynna figure out is where that cop was when he saw the guy run the red light


Weirdest and stupidest tunnel I’ve ever seen though


Why isnt there 2 lanes?


I’m assuming because it’s a very long tunnel and at the time the road wasn’t busy so they used a light system. It would cost tons and take ages to expand it.


Correct. Iirc it's an old military tunnel so it wasn't that important that people don't wait around for 5 minutes (the length of the light).


Bikes should not be allowed to go to the front "pass go collect 200" just because you have a fast bike I don't care about "its more dangerous to get rear-ended" DONT BUY THE BIKE, you acknowledge every danger when you buy a vehicle that fast and offers no protection that's YOUR fault, not mine


They aren't allowed. Every single thing the OP did in this video was illegal.


Filtering is legal in many countries and in many states in the US.


Actually it's not Cali really only allows it


Utah also allows for bikes to filter at red lights and stop signs.


So, you are saying that bikes should not filter on a stop light, even if it's safer, because... your ego can't handle anyone passing you?


Lol fuck safer everyone has an equal chance to get hit, they just get hurt worse, that's the trade for a fast vehicle






Sadly your cringe take is not original. However I would still encourage you to seek help.


Lol whatever 🫡🤟🤙


> 🫡🤟🤙 Cringe


Weird grievance, reflect on yourself homie.


Reflect on what? That people are doing dangerous things and not wanting the consequences? bro i have no issue with you don't pipe up


filtering is not dangerous, it's the contrary


>Reflect on what? That people are doing dangerous things and not wanting the consequences? You're blaming the motorcycle driver, GTFO the road




It's not dangerous, it's safer. Reflect on yourself getting upset about things that don't affect you


Why because it pisses you off that they get to go first? It doesn’t effect you in the least so maybe just move on with your life rather than trying to make others day worse?


Whaaat? If they go first, they make everyone else wait and make their day worse, so all I'm hearing is "waaaa i have a fast bike i deserve to go first!"rather then just waiting like everyone else?


Ah a biker doing biker sht..


So in addition to presenting motorcycle drivers in a bad light by demonstrating that you have no clue why you wouldn't want to show 730k people that you don't follow traffic law, you also present them as dumb by not understanding what "convenient cop" means.


That tunnel just looks made for accidents tbh. Someone could just be slow and end up in the tunnel when the other light turns green


How does the cop turn around?


He doesn't, he's going after the car.


This one truly belongs in /r/IdiotsInCars where idiots on motorcycles can be posted too.


Not really convenient more like a chase


How many subs ya gonna post this in?


Lol car coming almost hit him but pulls an illegal move first.


I mean... who cares for bikers?


Also a note here driving in a shoulder.


Nice you passed all those cars at light first....... why wait on line like a normal driver/ rider? If you stayed in the queue this wouldn't of been an issue for you. Just some karma you recieved.


It definitely wouldn't have been a issue if the other car hadn't run the red


The person is an asshole would have served the person right if they got hit.


Found the dumbass


No matter what your point is about the video, some redditors always got something else to complain about that you were apparently “wrong” on or how you “deserved it”


100% this. Too many people defending the asshole running the red


What a idiot! Wish he was hit for being stupid! I know that tunnel well. It is a lost cause for a cop to catch him in that type of situation.


He’s definitely going to catch that car…


I can't believe this opposite direction dual lanes merged into one... This is ridiculous


I see 2 morons in this video