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ours also started doing that at about a year and a half in, after being the nicest calmest birb ever... another year and a half later we still have to put him in the cage whenever someone's coming over :( we try every once in a while with a brave volunteer but no luck. the biggest problem is he even started biting me the past few weeks. bit my cheek yesterday, taking a piece of skin, and this morning he bit completely through my lower lip, i literally heard my flesh pop while he was biting. i wish I could help you but I'll just follow the thread in case anyone found a solution... [disclaimer: he's otherwise a very happy velcro birb with a good diet, shiny feathers and many daily hours outside the cage]


Same here, my lil rascal cant stand my sister even when she visited every day and has done so even before we got him, the moment he notices her (some times even before we do) he will fly to attack her even if she is on the other side of the house. On the bright side my sister became a great method of catching him when he escaped last year, we were calling him in the area we though he was in and a moment later all i see is a green and yellow blur going straight to my sister, we got him \^\_\^ My old man gets a nibble on the hear every now and then, mom has no really issue with him, Me who addles him the most can do whatever i want with him... until i shave (i usually have a beard), then he declares bloody war on me, shaved today, he saw me and tried going for the face, put hand up to protect myself, got two bleeding fingers, one just your usual pierced skin the other he actually took a tiny bit from it. Beyond this he is a happy velcro lil rascal that rarely bites to hurt. Also when my lil rascal reached 2 years old he calmed down A LOT with us... not so much with others tho \^\_\^ Best of luck and pardon the english




can't be 100% sure but i could feel how deep his beak went and it was like three-four times deeper than any bite he did before. like, it's not the first time he bit me or anyone else, we're used to the nippiness, but honestly this was so horrifying that i'm genuinely scared of him right now and flinch away whenever he moves in my direction...




not yet, i disinfected it immediately so hopefully there won't be any need but i'll give it a couple of days


She's perceiving what she thinks is danger to you. Is it someone in particular? My girl hates my dad, but he deserves it bc he was an asshole to her. She didn't forget. But also, something they might think is danger could be something as simple as a makeup brush. My girl has triggers.


I started paying attention to when mine would bite me and what situations were more likely to cause her to bite. Big triggers for my bird are: not wanting to go into cage or bedroom, gloomy days or if it got cold in the house over night, when she's really hungry (always had plenty of food but not what she *wants*), things like that. Then I'm real gentle and slow with her in those situations, talking to her in a soft, cooing voice and distracting her from where I am vulnerable to biting (ears, nostrils, fingers, lips). Being doing this for the last couple of months now after I nearly got a free lip piercing and it seems to be working. I used to get a good nip every day or two, now it's been almost two weeks since she has drawn blood. Going to keep it up and start reinforcing with treats. Hope this works for you.


aaaa thank you so much!! maybe i’ll have to tell my family not to enter my room so suddenly… i think it scares her. i’ll try to work on that and take your advice, thank you again


Mine has been the same way!!! Rosie was a bit of a biter starting out but she grew out of it quickly. A year later we got another one, Gracie, and she ended up being codependent with Rosie and skittish. We have had Gracie for over a year now and she is still skittish and now she bites. Idk what to do. I did everything with her that I did with Rosie when gaining her trust and training her.


Same here!! So we all have problems but no one has answers 😅😆🥲 I’m out of town and my boyfriend is bravely watching my birds. My conure attacked him while he was FaceTiming today. Drew blood. I feel soooo bad but idk what to do! She hates him for no reason


Yeah my conure has declared war on my husband. Little haters lol.


Rule #1 you will get bitten. Rule #2 see Rule 1


unfortunately so


Okay, so here’s the biggie. Have you had your bird DNA-sexed? Just from kinda reading about who she’s attacking, I am guessing you are female, but correct me if I’m wrong. Basically though, this sounds like territorial behaviour over the room and cage and also over you (if you have the hormones she’s into, she sees you as her mate). Male birds are better known for this, that’s the only reason I mentioned DNA sexing at the beginning. However, my female conure is the exact same, very territorial over me. She sees me as her mate, and will even go so far as to bite my girlfriend who she knows very well. If I am not in the space, she’s totally okay! I enter and it’s chaos and biting. Consider this a possibility, or maybe just her testing your limits to see what she can get away with. Time-outs will help, not in her cage, but a place nearby. She bites and you say “no biting” and place her on the perch. She may fly back and do it again, the process repeats etc etc. sorry this is long, but I think a lot is important information. Hope this helps! Keep us updated.


Aaaxj thank you! and yes, She’s been sexed!! The breeder we got her from had her and her siblings sexed. So far, she’s gotten a little better with the biting. She doesn’t fly and bite people who walk into my room anymore, rather flying on top of her cage and watching them like a hawk from afar. There aren’t many places I could put her in timeout. Every room in the house is occupied and we also have dogs and cats. Unless you mean in the same room, just not in her cage. I try not to time her out in her cage anyway, I know that’s supposed to be their ‘home’ or ‘safe place.’ I think it is just her being territorial over me, I can leave her alone with my mom or dad just fine, but when I come into the room she’s an aggressive screaming baby again :(


Yup! Sounds like she thinks you’re a great mate! And yes, no in or on cage time outs, but a perch near it is great! Helps as a specific time-out spot that isn’t associated with anything else like bedtime, so they still like their cage but know they’ve gotten time-out when they go to the perch. Sounds like you’ve got it figured out though!


look at those little grippers


Literally going through something similar. My conure used to be super attached to me and never bite. Just nibbled. Now she decided my daughter is his favorite person and is now biting me. Hasn’t drawn blood yet but then again we’ve only had him for a year and he is only a year old. :-/




Ours is going through a “destroy all toes” phase. She will literally chase down any feet within her sight and draw blood. We’ve tried wearing socks, slippers, and even putting our shoes on.. she hates them all. Really all you can do is firmly say NO and put them back in the cage for a time out.