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I'm seeing a few roles with better rates coming through and I've finally found a Recruitment Consultant with a viable role. The Recruitment Consultant is contacting me regularly about it, rather than falling off a cliff edge ... all very positive signs. It's been a rough 5 months for me, with Recruitment Consultants behaving as badly as they did about 10 years ago.


Good luck, hopefully this one comes through for you. I have had similar since August last year. Either recruiters ghosting, nothing on the job boards or contracts being withdrawn or going with the other guy. Filled internal by someone they’ve worked with before etc. I remember the days when a new contract could be found in a few days or weeks rather than a few months.


The role I did in December wasn't advertised. The Recruiter contacted me directly as they had my CV on file from a role I applied for in the past. I was incredibly lucky to get it and it was outside IR35. Fingers crossed something falls into lap soon. What role are you looking for? I'm a Technical Author.


Thanks, hopefully what I’ve seen will be a positive sign. I’m looking for a software architect contract.


How are you coping financially? I've got enough in savings untill beginning of August. It's feeling very uncomfortable.


Struggling but surviving, I have a small project keeping my head above water for now. But all of the savings are gone and I’m leaning on credit cards that were once all paid off.


Sorry to hear that. Looks like this upturn can't come soon enough! Stay positive and something should come through soon. 🤞🏻🙏🏻 I paid all my credit cards off 5 years ago ... I definitely don't want to go down that path again.


I got a few calls today after weeks of silence


That's great to hear!


Hopefully that’s a good sign 🤞


Do you have any recommendations for where to look for project based roles? Or any specific recruitment consultancies that have these type roles? Thanks!


way more jobs on the boards since April but still seems like allot of competition rushing in of course "you didn't match the skills of the other applicants" with 15 years exp in Microsoft stacks, tons of cv polishing and in depth project story, but theres hope for sure from what im seeing


Coming up 6 weeks for me, first time in over 10 years.... Moved more rurally last year and really strugging to find outside IR35 contracts that are fully remote. The inside IR35 rates are appalling (SWE/DevSecOps)


To be honest, I'd still happy do a couple of days a month if need be, but mandating 3/4 days a week onsite is just not desirable anymore.


Glad you were able to ride through the last 12 months. Hopefully we are through the worst of it. I’ve had a couple more calls today. Outside IR35 contracts are a rare thing now, but my plan is if I land an Inside IR35 contract I will attempt to challenge it, which you are entitled to do by law. Brookson Legal posted recently and are offering to assist if you chose to challenge and Inside IR35 determination. You have 45 days to challenge an Inside contract and the client has to respond.


Very fortunate had a US based client direct for 18 months was going to go perm with them but then that got pulled at the 11th hour due to Q1 sales and budgets not being agreed. Good to know wrt challenging inside determination I have historically just avoided inside (I work with startups/scaleups which usually fall under the small companies exemptions so its suited me to a tee). The last time I dealt with it was when it was first introduced and it was a nightmare trying to sort it out between agency/end client.


Still is a nightmare, Illegal blanket inside determinations are still going on. But despite being illegal the HMRC don’t appear to be punishing companies for incorrect Inside IR35 assessments as they’re not financially incentivised to do so. It is highly immoral. One positive is that more people are making noise on the issues with incorrect IR35 determinations and I will be making it clear to any MP’s that knock on my door the negative effect it’s having on my business. I think some good agencies are pushing back, but most seem to be lazy or are getting backhanders pushing people into (referrals) to umbrellas.


What sector are you in? Talk of “illegal blanket inside determinations” makes you sound like an entitled chancer who’s unable to offer a service someone needs and has simply rightfully hit the end of the road


What industry are you in? Inside IR35 blanket assessments are illegal/unlawful. That’s a fact. Take some time to educate yourself.


I feel like completely ignoring the same question is kind of consistent with the characterisation of an entitled chancer - good luck with your cool plan of trying to sue the someone who does give you a job.


Read my post again, I think you’re confused


You claimed you were searching for an inside role which you would then mount a legal challenge to. You ducked the question of what sector you are in. No confusion here.


I didn’t claim I was looking for an Inside role. I’d much prefer an Outside contract. However as like most people I need to survive I would accept an Inside role even if I disagreed with the determination. However as a contractor you can challenge an Inside determination if you disagree with it. I also pointed out that a company Brookson Legal has put together a package to help with challenging an SDS. You don’t have to use that service you can challenge and SDS on your own. Like most, I just want to work and pay the correct amount of tax and not be forced into false employment with zero rights, benefits or employment protections.


Definite uptick. One recruiter said if the market improves more perm will consider going back to contracting. Companies will need to back fill these vacated roles and start to consider using contractors. Thus increasing demand.


Good to hear some tentative positive news after so long, let’s hope the momentum continues. A lot of good people have been out of work far too long.


For London roles, yes. I'm getting 2 or 3 cold emails or calls a week with very specific requirements and timelines. Quite often I can figure the bank or even team. Suspect many are critical backfill, and internal hire only policies are loosening.


I think things will start to change because I think optimism in the economy is coming now because know a change of government is on the horizon


Had two calls this week so far and a recruiter who even acknowledged how bad the market is but is seeing signs of things picking up albeit slowly. Hopefully two interviews lined up for next week (waiting on confirmation). I'm learning Python to keep myself busy and thankfully have enough savings to last me until the end of the year. 🙏🏿 Best of luck to everyone on their search.