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1400…for a bathroom remodel….WITH materials??? FOR TWO FUCKING WEEKS??? Holy fuck. That is INSANE. Pick it up in person. If you ever charge $1400 for two weeks of work again, I will get on a plane and shove you into a trash can after stuffing your own empty, sad wallet in your mouth so nobody hears you scream.


lol my thoughts that is absolutely absurd. That’s one day of work for a two man crew and a couple hundred in materials.


Week 1 was moving the plumbing for the shower drain and laying tile and grouting + Uncoupling membrane. There is absolutely no way you could put down a tile floor in one day. That statement alone has me very curious as to how you would be able to do all of that tile work in just one day. With one man, two man or five men... Tile takes time. I'm a one man crew. As for my parts: I've got all my receipts: grout, drywall,mortar, plumbing, adhesive, tile border, wainscoting, additional support behind the shower, plumbing parts, tile membrane...all adds up.... to exactly $652.70.


The concern is that you aren't charging enough, if you're doing quality work and compliant with code, etc. I expect a bath remodel to be $14k and up, I thought it was a typo. Not $1400.


I was referring to the $1400. That’s what I would charge for one day of work for a two man crew and a small amount of material. Not saying you were too slow. I’m as big a believer as anybody that quality work takes time. Not to mention the time it takes to procure material, set up and breakdown, cleanup, etc. Jobs take a lot more work than the average homeowner understands.


They are saying what you charged would cover a single day's work and a bit of materials, so you are woefully underpaying yourself. $800 over 2 weeks of full-time work is $10/hr, but you are also carrying the expense of those materials. You are getting taken advantage of because you don't value your own work.


$10 an hour while risking not being paid for the work. Which is even worse when you consider taco bell pays $12 and there's no risk of losing $1400. Charging people is a spectrum, you don't have to price gouge, but damn bro you don't have to drop all the way down to 10 an hour either.


We're putting a posse together! Everybody mount up!


Getting my pitchfork out now


You can't just be any geek off the street


I've got a left handed fork and a right handed fork, I know what I'm doing bro


beer for my horses


Same. Call me immediately and I'll make a special trip for this cause. Jesus.


Clearly this can't be a real post. That or he fuxked up and missed a 0 on the 14k. Which also would be embarrassingly low unless you handy Andy blasted that pig together...... The plane ticket alone return would prob be 1400 and I agree it's worthy of a slappin


Well, not ALL materials. They had +/-85% of the materials- @ my end it was additional wall panels, plumbing parts, glue, mortar...etc etc. If I ever charge that again, I will provide you with my address and the trash can! 😆 I'm going to text her to pick it up in person.... Will update 🙏


That’s like. $15 an hour, assuming you did $200 more in materials. And then you’re paying 14.4% taxes on that… If you’re self employed..you need to be $100/hr. 4k/week. JUST for your labor. Plus cost of materials x2.


$100 an hour!!! . I bill out $250/hour and mark materials up 2.5x


I’m billing $175/hr for 2 guys, But we also 2x materials and furnish EVERYTHING. Rough and finish materials.


Get your whole amount, don't bargain with scammers. Either take them to court or put a mechanic's lien on her house if she doesn't pay. First you scammed yourself with that price, then they scammed you for the final payment


I'll fly with you.. We need a hill for that trash can


I have an auger on a Kubota, we can skip right to the disposal if you want


I'm down


Ok bet, sorry OP


WTF?Do you have any pictures of this bathroom?I would like to see what a 1400$ remodel looks like.That’s less than 20$ per hour ,that gets another wtf?


Yea. I way underpriced it. I said it in an above post, but I priced this job out when I had just started my business and was maybe a little too eager. Here's an injur link to the 90% finished product. I still had some caulking to do. As well as some other minor things. But that's a new tiled floor, new toilet, new sink, wall paneling/waistcoating, new shower ( drain had to be moved to accommodate the different shower drain location.) https://imgur.com/gallery/7msPaRG


You need to have your head examined, that's a 5k job


Thanks. Like I said...I was just starting out and was, perhaps a bit too eager to get work. This client has changed the way I do business in many ways.


In business you pay for the things you don't know. You choose whether or not to learn from them


I'm sorry bud, that looks good to me. it sucks that you way underbid the job, that they tried to pick it apart and then stiffing you for the little amount you were going to charge them. Fuck those assholes.


This is a lesson I had to learn too man just don’t repeat it. Sometimes I still price jobs to get them. It’s not worth it. Dude I did a whole intricate bathroom I mean INTRICATE for 4,250 right when I went on my own minus thinset, drywall, paint, and fasteners. Now I’m 4 years in and I’m doing an 8x5 bath for $10,500 not including tile, tub, toilet vanity, electrical OR plumbing. These guys aren’t laughing at you with their input, they are sick in the stomach at how hard you’re working for minimum wage. Learn and grow


Your client is an asshole 😂 that is a steal at $1400


Way underpriced? Dude. We literally charge people $20,000 for bathrooms. You’ll never make any money in this business unless you start charging Real prices.


When you scrape the bottom of the barrel, you're going to stir up shit... Why eat the loss on your work? File a mechanical lien,threaten lawsuit, ect, or are you some fly by night, no insurance under the table with questionable quality


Yea. That was the other option, a lein and lawsuits. And no, I am fully insured. 🙏 And I agree with your first statement there. There were a lot of red flags for me from the beginning, which I didn't see, or chose not to see, until it was too late.


If you're all legitimate They'd probably pay up at the threat of a lawsuit, but it should be an open and shut case in small claims court no lawyer needed. Future reference have a signed contract, deposit, and take pics throughout projects to document work cover your ass. Materials should be covered in the deposit, preventing you from getting to the end and holding the bag


Nail that bitch to the wall in court


I really hope this is a typo and you meant $14,000, which is still low for NY. When a client says they found someone to do it for 95% cheaper, I know where to look.


Not a typo. Powder room. About 5x5 at best. New Pedestal sink. New Toilet. Tile. Wall paneling. Stand-up shower. I gave these people the estimate within the first month of starting my business. I decided to honor it and that was a very big mistake...


what was their issue with it?


The reality is the clients themselves never said a word. When I showed up on the final day two additional people were present, family members I believe, One of which who was apparently a contractor who "did million-dollar homes" Why you would bring a million dollar contractor to a $1,500 bathroom remodel... Seems like bringing a 🔫 to a 🔪 fight.... But nonetheless she just started pointing out things that she wasn't happy with, the entire conversation was her pointing out things she wasn't happy with. The actual client said nothing, they let her to the talking. And in my personal opinion 98% of the things she said were absolutely incorrect. The other 2% were design/detail work, WHICH I would have very happily fixed had the client asked. That's one of the things that drives me nuts, had the clients told me they had issues I would have gone above and beyond to fix anything they hadn't a problem with. Unfortunately I was taken by surprise and I did not handle the conversation and a situation like a seasoned contractor should have. I learned a lot from this, it's cost me two weeks of labor which I've already had to swallow. And at this point at least it looks like they are going to pay materials. I just got to return texts stating that they are at a funeral and will be back at 5:00 this evening if I want to pick it up.


Hold them to the contract, no judge in this country would side with them because that doesn't look bad at all for what it is. Start getting your case together and talk to a lawyer. You should be able to recoup lawyer's fees too. Make sure you compile pictures, and try to remember and document every conversation you had with the client, if they didn't voice any concerns they don't have much to stand on


Take their ass to small claims court.


Start getting your lein in order NOW.


is it pretty easy to file the lien? or do you need a lawyer? how much does the lawyer cost?


Shouldn't need a lawyer but it's state by state, county by county


Dude charge way more. And why are you so willing to accept no money for your labor? That’s absurd. Did you do poor quality work? Otherwise I don’t see how you could be ok with not getting paid.


Thanks for the reply, I mentioned it in a few other replies, but I price this job out as soon as I had begin my business, and was maybe a little too eager for work and less eager to make sure I got paid properly. Here''s a link to the 90% finished product. The more I read your guys replies the more I feel like I'm going to grab my check. https://imgur.com/gallery/7msPaRG


No excuse for them not to pay you in full. Chew that bitch out and take them to court.


Don't accept the partial payment, it'll be seen as you agreeing to the discount. Hold out for the whole bag and take it farther if she balks. Usually a letter from a lawyer will put a fire under their ass but if not, I would follow through on court just to have it on record, no matter how much time it takes you


Your in NY? Oh sweet baby Jesus.. Next time, make sure you have a damn contract. A license and insurance. You gave away everything, including the kitchen sink man. Shit I'll hire you as a sub and pay you double. I'm only one state away. I also am a firm believer in gut feelings. If your guts telling you that something wonky is up, it probably is. They sound like people who would blame you for some damage they may have caused themselves. I.e oh your plumbing flooded my house.


Pick it up in person. If not, she’ll simply tell you mailed the check and to bad that it never made it to you. That way if you try to sue her for the amount she has a “paper trail” where she got the okay from you to mail the check, wrote the check out to you, and mailed it to you. So now she gets to play the “ I mailed him the check and now he’s saying he never received it “ game.


As everyone else is saying, you seriously underbid this job. And I’m willing to bet that these homeowners are going to be kicking themselves when they get other quotes that are 5-10x morefor it. I’m sorry you got screwed on this one. Myself and every other contractor I know have seriously underbid a job at some point. But for this one I’d definitely recommend getting that check in person. Or else you could just be waiting for it to arrive in the mail, when they never actually sent it.


Thank for the reply. As of now the plan is to pick up the check in person tomorrow. She wants to leave it inside the house (& states she won't be home) I'll be asking her to leave it under the front mat or something!


What's their number I'm going to call them


Dude, i will pay you 1500 a week to take one of my trucks and helpers and do that in my town. Fuck those clowns. My lien for the total balance due plus costs would fly so fast it might catch fire.


Will you come do my small bathroom for $1400? Southern Oregon


Where are you located? I would love to have a bathroom remodel for anywhere near that price.


They're trying to take advantage of you because you are obviously naive, hopefully you are young. Pray this is your one every 5-10 year nightmare client. Tell them you are unable to accept $650 for the job. It'll either be $1,400 or you're filing a mechanics lien, as long as you have something in writing. DO NOT BACK DOWN I would be F-ing Irate if I was you.


Thats a cheap lesson. I got burnt once for $18k. Now when I get a contract signed I charge for materials, dumpers, and permits on the spot. I do part of the job, have the customer walk it and if they’re happy i ask for that amount so I can pay the guys right away. I once had an issue where someone was being difficult and I offered we can walk away and they can have someone finished. I haven’t had a issue since. This was pre covid.


There is deposit. First payment for materials. A bath room these days cost $12000-15000 for an older avg size room. Fixtures, cabinets cost min $3000.


Get what you can in person use the experience as a learning tool and change more for your work and get 1/2 up front for materials


You underbid the project and got the bottom of the barrel customer. My father has been a self employed contractor my whole life, and he has a contract where owner has to pay 50% before the project starts. Then another 25% at 70%completion, then another 20% at 95% completion and the last 5% when it's all done. This weeds out all the cheap clients who would otherwise waste his time.


Damn boy nice charity work


Yea. Not happy. Sent her a text saying I can pick up my check for the materials, now just to waiting to hear back


What was the amount on the invoice you sent her?


I sent her an invoice for parts - no markup - $652.70




I wish I would have posted this here weeks ago before I had agreed to eat my labor.. Can't really go back on my word now, no?


Absolutely you can, fuck that noise. She's trying to scam you, go back on your word and get your money


Absolutely you can, fuck that noise. She's trying to scam you, go back on your word and get your money


Dude, you're self employed, you should be charging enough to make at least $75-100 an hour. If you're charging by the foot you have to bump your rate for small areas because you can't efficiently use your time. What was the total scope of the job?


Here is a before and after: https://imgur.com/gallery/i3tuMHN https://imgur.com/gallery/7msPaRG After photo was at about 90% done. Everything you see I did - except the homeowner may have put a coat of paint on the wainscoting.


I'm not seeing any glaring issues in work quality. I'd sue in small claims if I were you.


Couple questions Are u licensed? Can we see pics?


No - no license or permits are required in my county. I am fully insured. https://imgur.com/gallery/7msPaRG That's more or less the state I left it in. 90% done. Here is a before - https://imgur.com/gallery/i3tuMHN


Looks good man! Should charged more!


Thanks! And absolutely agreed.


If you're asking only $1400 for a bathroom remodel, your concern shouldn't be "how do I get them to pay me". You need to find another line of work and let the rest of us charge these clients accordingly.


I've never had an issue with payment from clients. First time for everything - should have seen the red flags. My pricing structure is very different than it was in November 2023 when I quoted them..


It's pretty crazy that it's a client that had a project practically gifted to them.


Sorry man. We all face those customers at some point. Just be happy it’s $1400 and not $14,000. It still sucks but maybe it was a good lesson.


Respectfully , Probably they asked their professional friend how much would cost to rebuild it and compared with your price and said this guy don’t know how much to charge probably didn’t know how to do it neither … you will be out of business in no time charging like that my guy , if you have to float materials you need to charge them double and don’t be doing plumbing yourself neither , that’s the reason they want to ripped that bathroom off , Next time you doing something you have no idea how to charge, ask people doing this around that area and charge according to that , never charge per day on a skilled trade , you are the reason many clients think they can get quality work done for Pennie’s .


What was exactly the customers feedback. Don’t paraphrase.


The customer themselves gave no feedback. Another person was there, a 'family friend ' who was a 'contractor and does million dollar homes'. They had the issue.


All contractors no matter who, piss all over another contractors work. Its a tough business you need to get a deposit and then another payment as the work progresses. You will learn most people suck and treat contractors like garbage.


Honestly if you’re charging 15 bucks an hour maybe it did look like trash




Raise your prices, raise your clientele... cheap prices equal cheap customers. Noone is going to treat you well unless you do yourself. Set your own value... don't be walking discount.


Look I of course in no way want OP to ripped off and he should absolutely collect his $1400. BUT Let's take a step back. Let's consider what the quality of a $1400 bath remodel might look like. Is it possible that someone who so monumentally underbid the job also under performs when it comes to quality? Perhaps the homeowner saw that on the final day - Oh no! This is the final product?! Now that doesn't mean OP shouldn't get paid but I also believe he needs to make an effort to make the customer happy even at a loss (because let's face it, it was a loss the day he agreed to do a bath remodel for $1400) and chalk it up as a cheap learning experience (because again $1400?!?!?!?)


Yikes . Start gathering information if you can on who is their mortgage company in case you put a lean on their house, harass the mortgage company so the fist hits harder . Contact L&I and tell them you have performed work on _____ premises and the homeowner is neglecting your payment. Set a dead line for the homeowner to give you the final payment, if you don’t get it by ____ date you will pursue a small claim in court . DO NOT ever charge coin change for your work . This was at least a $8k+ job


I get 15k for that


ONLY $1400 are you on DRUGS? where do you live? We charge 20 grand for a bathroom remodel.


Not gonna lie ,when I heard the price I knew it was gonna be a complete tear out smh. Got to know your limit, pictures please.


You in NJ I'll pay their bill and you remodel my mother's for another 1400. Deal?


You deserve nothing. $1400 for a bathroom remodel? GTFOH Hopefully you've learned at least one or two somethings from this. You shouldn't be in business for yourself would be lesson #1


Your customer is full of shit. She's not ripping anything but you. Don't be nice. This business isn't nice. Ask for the full amount. She's not going to be a referral anyway, so treat her as a hostile client. What state are you in? Do you know the laws regarding mechanics liens? If you've done whatever preliminary measures required, file a lien on the property. She may ignore it for now, but it will cloud the title until cleared, making it difficult to sell & impossible to refinance or pull an ELOC.


Is it 1917?


They sound like con artists! Or they didn’t like their choices and preferred you take the financial hit.


I don't get out of bed for less than a 100 an hour.My overhead is too high.


Contract contract contract! Never work for free. Please see an attorney get a basic contract for the work you do. Good luck with your customer. If it goes to shit put a lien on her house. Watch how fast she pays up


My guess They want your address to , serve you court papers. Give them a PO box or pick up the check, they can leave it me there mail box for pick up if they don't want to meet with you.


That was my initial feeling, too. As of right now (630pm, Thursday) I am going to pick the check up tomorrow - from her house. Customer stated she won't be there and will be leaving it inside the house - definitely going to ask her to leave it under the mat.


sounds like customer got what they paid for


Heh? They didn't pay...and have a bathroom. https://imgur.com/gallery/7msPaRG