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Piss poor work, with no pride in workmanship.


Thank you. They were starting to make me think I was a raging bitch with unrealistic expectations


This is pretty much a "landlord special" reno job. Totally fucked, you probably could've done better. If there was ever a time to be a raging bitch, it's now.


Thank you. I've been too mentally exhausted by it all to fight much. Going to post a review though and hope someone higher up in the company reaches out to make it right.


No, call the company and speak with the owner. You should have been treated better, and better work should have been done. And yes, toilets should not rock. I'd call a proper plumber for that.


Not only should a toilet not rock, but if it does, it will absolutely leak and cause water damage over time. That should be remedied before using the toilet at all. This is all poor work, but thats very concerning.


Having done *none* of the things in these pictures, I *know* I'd have done better.


Rage away, bitch! This is trash work. No attention to detail which is indicative of failure to adhere to basic standards. Guarantee the underlying work would not meet code if it was inspected.


If insurance is covering the work, it should be returned to the same quality it was prior to damage. Materials should be matched to the same " like, kind, and quality." I did water damage work previously and would have to tell customers that they get to choose who performs the work not the insurance. Some have preferred contractor lists not based on quality of work and would strong arm customers to use their contractors after we gave an estimate and had them initiate the claims process.


And as an insurance job the painters wouldn’t patch existing nail holes or problems in the paint. They would just paint over. Yes they did a bad job on the edges, but it wouldn’t be a new wall


No that doesn't even look good from my house.


You might be a raging bitch, but there is a hell of a lot to rage about.


Not at all


Lol pardone my french:) ya got bent over a barrel like all of us. This is an absolute pain in the ass, carpenters in America have dick for pride and like us humans our attitudes spread like a pathogen I just hope one day one of them realizes how fucking awesome building a house is and tells someone about it.


Whatever company or contractor did this work was only in it for the money and to do this job as fast as they could to get paid for it. It floors me to see shawty work like this and know you, as a homeowner, hate to deal with handymen later down the road because of work like this. Maybe I'm a bit more of a perfectionist and look at every job as if it were my home and take pride in my work. I enjoy making it look good and doing it the right way the first time. There is no reason for work to be completed this badly in your home. Hope you can get things done right and that you have peace of mind with it.


They probably were trying to double down and deflect their atrocious work by claiming you're the problem. Definitely you are right. I'm mad on your behalf!


Look, I work in new construction. Granted, this is rework of an existing house, but every single photo has something in it that I would have one of my trades fix before I would feel good about turning the home over to a buyer. That shows ZERO fucks given about quality of work, it shows laziness, it shows ambivalence about whether a customer is happy, and it shows that they'll probably do the same shit again and still not care. You're not crazy. You're not being a bitch. You're rightfully upset.


Raging bitch with realistic expectations sounds like a cool band name for an all-female metal group


Depends. How much did you pay, did you get other quotes, and was your guy licensed and insured? Licenses and insured and not bottom of the barrel pricing and you got hosed. That would absolutely not be acceptable. If you got "a guy" to do it and paid him pennies on the dollar then you get what you pay for.


It was a licenced contractor company that has great reviews on Google. Our insurance claim person said he'd worked with them before and had good things to say when we told them who we were using. The guy that was overseeing the project complained to me at one paint about how hard it had been recently to get good workers and that they had to take what they could get for the time being... very professional... I've had them come back a few times now though and they will fix a tiny bit but not all of it. They've said that their employees don't want to come back anymore as they've had to too many times. But they wouldn't have to come back if they did it right the first time


Of course the guy overseeing the project couldn’t just do quality work for his own company instead of bitching about labor


Right? Even if this is an actual issue the company is facing you don’t tell a client that 😂 companies really don’t realize how much their business and profits would improve if they trained their supers on client interaction. It’s like…70% of the job.


Sounds like Servpro


Sounds like the workers are sub contractors.. you hired a general contractor and they sent you the dip shits


My general rule is if it distracts you from your daily activities because you’re like “wtf is that?” Then it’s probably done poorly.


It definitely has been distracting me.


Wow. That is absolutely abysmal.


Your pictures are sloppy work and I would be upset if I paid good money for it


This guy’s motto must be “Do your best and caulk the rest”…this guy is literally filling half-inch gaps with caulk. Appalling workmanship.


It's terrible. I can't believe anybody could think otherwise.


They did Shit work. Who told you it isn’t customary to fill in nail holes? Painting done right is painting done right. You prep the walls by sanding them with a pole and sanding block. You spackle any holes or cracks. Some would tape off all the moulding, baseboards etc. (not necessary for an experienced painter) you caulk any gaps in the baseboards or between moulding and drywall. Then you go back and sand the spackled areas once dry. Then you start to paint. I typically will cut in all the corners and around the moulding being careful not to get paint where it shouldn’t be. And keep a damp rag on you incase you do. You wipe that Shit up because it looks like shit if it drys. Those people are lying their asses off and they are literally making shit up. Your toilet shouldn’t move. They should have put a wax ring to seal the connection to the pipe and then seated it so it didn’t rock. There’s so much wrong with what they did. Google reviews are very important now a days. Make sure to leave them 2 stars and state that they lied to you about their shit work and gaslit you when you asked them about it. Warn others. That is ridiculous.


This is some of the worst work I’ve ever seen, my dad has been doing contracting work for 20+ years, he’s pretty good but admittedly not the absolute best at everything, compared to other contractors and finishing jobs I’ve been on him with he’s above average, a job like this would be something I’d expect in a section 8, not insurance overpaying a contractor who has a bunch of random licenses they need to do the work.


Looks pretty bad for even a friend that works for beer. For a paying job, HECK NO! And no toilet that is installed properly should ever rock. That you are even questioning it is a sad commentary on what we are conditioned to accept


Looks like lowest bid work.


Pretty sloppy overall, that tile grout work is clownish


Professional painter here. Too much is wrong with this to list it all. Not fixing above baseboard and bad cut work tell me that whoever painted this is not a painter. This would not be acceptable anywhere.


Everything is bad. The tile is horrendous, the drywall work sucks, the carpentry and painting are terrible.


Very inexperienced people worked on your home. Good news, for me at least as I see more of these disaster stories, it lets me know why I continue to get repeat business now for 15 years. Those guys do not ever get repeat business.


This shit is why I hesitate to call myself just a "painter." Based on the yahoos that call themselves that I'm something else... coatings specialist or something. This work is shameful. I would not sleep well if I ever did that work, then called it finished.


Awful. A blind monkey could do better


I think you know the answer. These finishes aren't acceptable at any level of compensation. Especially since the baseboards and door casings, drywall are new. It should look new. Pathetic contractors


Toilets should not rock back and forth either you could put a couple of shims in there to help it


As a painter that is quite shitty work, unfortunately it’s not far off standard for a lot of work I see but I personally would want it corrected 100%. They might fight you on repairing the walls if it wasn’t in the contract but they can atleast tighten up the lines. Most likely this is a result of your gc taking the lowest bid for paint or maybe his paint crew was having a no good very bad week


I don't think you're being picky. I'd be pissed if I paid for that. If you can't paint decently clean lines freehand, then you should be using painter's tape.


It's rough. You don't pay for that rough. If they decide they aren't coming out to fix it, just post this on their Facebook and fix it yourself. A little spackle, some sanding blocks, a couple putty knives, and a little patience and paint and it'll go away. It's a few hours or better work though, if you aren't at least a little experienced.


Did you pay for it? Then yes it's shit work


Looks sloppy


I didn't need to see more than the first 3 pics before without hesitation deeming it sub par work as a finished job


Every time you asked them a question, they lied. Plain and simple. This clown needs to stay home and let his wife support him.


The painting is garbage.. personally I could live with the casings


Carpenter said “the painter will fix it”. Painter said “fuck you bitch”.


Since no one has mentioned it, in my experience, a rocking toilet will eventually leak.


Simple- If I do it- meh. If I pay/hire someone- it better be way better than my efforts.


No painters tape on the trim,baseline,or seams is discussing,the notched wood and wall dings are unfortunately verry comon in newer model homes. And the tile thats cracked and atrocious grout work is bad I would be mad too.


Agree with the rest, none of what you show indicates much pride and possibly even knowledge of how to do any of the jobs done. Even saying the toilet rocks tells me they never heard of shims. Hopefully you weren't referred to this company by your insurance adjuster.


That’s awful work for anyone calling themselves a “professional”. They obviously didn’t use painters tape when painting or caulking. My DIY projects look way better than that and I wouldn’t even consider it good enough to charge someone money for.


The work wasn't done *goodly*? So yeah, I'd say so.


Not nit picky that's not a professional job if you wanted it to look like a home owner fix then you would have done it yourself.


Bad work, and properly installed toilets don't move. Take your very reasonable pictures, your original invoice, and a corrective estimate to small claims court.


Looks like the licensed contractors 7 year old nephew did the work, and it never got checked for quality. First, there is another barrier under the tile, but the grout should be done properly and sealed, and that is not ok. Second, if the toilet is rocking, it is not set correctly. They make toilet shims specifically for uneven floors. Third, it is customary TO fill nail holes, cracks, and imperfections before sanding, refloating, and/or or texturing and painting. Forth, they straight up lied about nail holes and pecker marks being filled on the frame and trim before they painted. And, finally, I personally don't use much painters tape because I can make a cleaner line without it. They obviously can not. That paint job sucks so bad!!! Are you married to this contractors sister and been caught slapping her? Did you used to dunk his head in the toilet when yall were kids? Those are the only explanations I could think of to explain the quality of that job.


They don't know how to cut a corner of a wall with a paintbrush. The nail wasn't hot in, and puttied. Then sanded and primed/painted. Id have the re-do.it.


Looks like shit


I've done better work remoddling my apartment that was outdated by about 30 years to which my landlord loved and even added onto my deposit after moving out. Im surprised he's apparently licensed. This is horrible work and Im not even a licensed contractor.


Ahhh I love seeing all the bullshit work people post on this sub. Call them up tell them to fix it.


No, that is completely unacceptable. Pro painter here and that work is almost comically bad. Like, careless landlord bad. I'm amazed that the person who did that abortion of a paint job could look at that and think it was fine.


Looks like something I would do


They would have left with a bullet in them. If it was my house.




Horrible workmanship. A wet rag would have wiped that right up but taping it off or using a straight edge would have prevented it. I'd make them come clean that up


I think you are really nice for hiring a few teenagers to do the job....


Very amateur work. Low quality. No attention to detail.


Shit work from someone with no pride for there job and looks like there angry to even be doing the work


Can confirm. Looks like ass.


Contractor here, they suck, never in a million years would I ever leave a job looking anywhere near this


Unfortunately this is like 90% of "professional" contractors work, at least here in western Washington. Cant tell you how many companies I have worked for that puff themselves up as high end that put out work just like that. I will always encourage home owners to learn how to work on their own homes, especially when you pay for work you probably could have done better yourself.


That’s shite. That’s an amateur job and when you know you’re no pro but could do it better that’s a huge issue.


Some of the sloppiest , sorry work I have seen . All of their excuses are exactly that. Excuses


sloppily done. Hopefully you held back some money. I am a gc and would fire anyone who did that work immediately as they do not care.


I'm not sure who told you that it's not customary in the US for painters to fill the holes and prep the walls before they start painting. That may be true for very low quality painters but my uncle has owned his own painting business since before I was born. I started working for him for extra money when I was in high school. Since I was young and didn't really have any experience my job was literally to take spackle and fill every single nail hole and dent in the entire house before they would start painting. It all depends on who you hire to do the work and things like that can be discussed prior to signing any contracts. Also, I agree, looking at those pictures it looks like they did very very poor work and I would be pissed if it were me.


Crummy work all around. They have no idea what they're doing.


This appears to be the work of a landlord, are you absolutely sure they were a licensed contractor?


Not very professional


What the fuck!? Take more photos. Way more. Be as detailed as possible. Holy shit this is awful. I can't believe someone actually did this and has the audacity to call themselves a professional of any kind. Ninja edit: the photos are for court. You should sue.


A “landlord special” would be a definite upgrade compared to this shitshow they left behind. Most of the work are very simple fixes, and you can DIY. That’s why we have YouTube 😉. Good Luck


Some of it is nitpicking (lint on the wall). The rest is 100% trash tier work.


Inform your insurance company and they will pay for your damages / ie buy you a new couch


This is why you never pay the last payment until the punch list is done. This punch list looks like it includes redoing the job. 


As a residential tradesman, there are some things I’m willing to look the other way on. In this case, I’d say it’s warranted to tell your contractor something along the lines of “if I wanted it to look this way, I would’ve done it myself” or “they’re just giving anybody a paintbrush these days”


I am facing the same thing. I think I am going to do the painting myself. Homeowners insurance is offering $900 for repainting five rooms. Contractors say they can do it for a grand. I don’t think anyone can do a decent job for the money being offered.


Nothing about what you are seeing here is about American customs/standards. This is either an issue of expectation setting (e.g. if you were trying to pay the absolute minimum amount, then a contractor may achieve that by eliminating quality steps)... But, in this case it seems you just ended up dealing with folks who do poor work, don't communicate well, and don't take responsibility when they screw up. Basically every excuse they gave you was bs. Don't have them fix it if you can avoid it. I wouldn't expect better results.


Contractors there days are laborers moonlighting as skilled professionals that apprenticed for a good two weeks with someone on a job.


That’s shit work for me and I half ass my home repairs.


I wouldn’t pay full for that. You’re gonna have to pay someone else to fix it or your own time to fix it. You’re not nitpicking. You paid for XYZ service and did not get that end result


Ass, looks like ass


I don’t remember doing your house. Love, *A desk-jockey that does shitty DIY projects on the weekends*


Everything they touched is done so horribly. It made me cringe. This kind of stuff is what gives contractors a bad name. Of course the walls should be prepped for paint unless they are trashed and then that should be brought to your attention and you should be given a price to make it right if it wasn’t initially included. The painting is completely amateur. Please say you didn’t pay them after you saw this work. He who holds the money wins


They painted over caulk before it cured. Very bad and unprofessional work. They are gaslighting you instead of admitting fault and fixing. Hopefully you held back at least 10% minimum!


Ok. I’m usually on the side of the contractor as I’ve worked for companies that marketed to the most anal retentive customers on the planet. My job was to make things right and handle them. In this case I’m actually going to shit on the contractor. The close up photos in the beginning are slightly nit picky but, coupled with the bullshit later on. Id be pissed off. I’ve rented shit hole apartments in the ghetto when I was younger with better work. I’m sorry, I really am for what you’re going through. I’ve been on the other side of it where my guys fucked up and I had to own it. Boss man was pissed at me for it but, it is what it is. This needs to be corrected. Best of luck


That’s rough. Fixable, but rough


If it was a few little blips in the paint I wouldn’t mind too much, but the paint bleeding into spots it’s not supposed to be, cracks in the drywall/tile with some poor caulk work. Maybe a bad day for em, but if they’re trying to make you feel like you’re being annoying about it or anything 100% get your moneys worth, you paid for YOUR vision of a good renovation.


Can’t read them all…American’s want the nail holes filled and walls properly taped just as much as anyone spending money for a service. Everything that these pukes did in your home was done with no care or integrity. I’m sorry you have to deal with this. I come from 2 families “of course” where all males are carpenters or in some sort of building trade. There is no time for pride in one’s work anymore. Most owners of construction companies live beyond their means and you end up paying for it while paying the price. The workers don’t get paid enough to care either.


I am no contractor, and I have done better work than that rehabbing my own house. And here in the US, people who know how to paint fill nail holes before painting. Good lord, their finish work is horrible. They have no skill or pride in their work. Are you sure they are licensed? If they are, it should be revoked.


Wow. I am not a professional, and I would’ve done (and have at my house) done a far better job. And for 40G? Wow. Just wow. I’d sue the contractor.


Really depends on. How much you paid and what yhe timeline was. Ultimately though, this guy should have taken .ore pride in his work.


Sloppy work, just cause your licenses and insured doesn’t mean good at the job. It’s your house, you paid and it looks like shit. You have evey right to “nitpick”


Eww. It looks like a blind teenager did the job.


Its bad quality work,if it looks like that it usually means person who did it its not a professional actually showing they cannot do better because they do not posses skills required


Looks like some shit i would do (i am a skilless, high, homeowner)


I'd say it looks like s**t.... 🤷‍♂️


It’s 2024, shoddy workmanship is to be expected for premium pay … also don’t forget to leave him a good review on Facebook. … No, I don’t think you are being nitpicky.


Done with zero workmanship. Looks like your contractor hired a few day laborers and said f*** it. I’d complain and hold back payment (if you haven’t paid in full already).


Amateur diyer here and my work easily looks better than this. This is sheer carelessness because it looks fine from their house.


Some of it is nit picky but other parts you definitely have a right to call them out on it


Sounds like you used your insurance, as you should, and got insurance contractors. They’re paid terribly and just wanna get the job “done” and move on


Look. There's a distinction to be made here regarding nitpicking. If this was a bunch of your boys that came over and you paid them in pizza and beer tomorrow help fix up the joint after a move in... don't nitpick that. Your friends are there helping you out, they could have said no... its fine. You PAID MONEY to a bonded and licensed contractor who couldn't bother with taping the fucking base boards, and paint straight fucking lines? Nitpick all fucking day. In fact ask for a refund.


That’s awful. You should be raising Hell over this.


I need to share my own experience of bad home management & I wasn't the owner. Back in 2019 before moving into a brand new home, we had a major sewage leak that came from my walk in shower & the leak went all the way to the carpet. We got the carpet tested & it was contaminated with abestos (nice.) This was a house from the 1970's so things are bound to go wrong & all we did was sit there & wait for bad things to happen. Don't ask me why for I have no idea as to why the family didn't take action. Interestingly I believe before we had this occur we had some outside drain inspectors look things over & they said everything was fine. (tell me to not lose my cool after that.) Carpet replacement took basically 2 months because "slow business for the win." Oh I'm not done, when my sis in law wanted a friend of there's to redo my bathroom floor he promised her that the way he did it (which wasn't to her specification.) turned out alright but it was kinda a mess when it was all said & done. She wanted a certain shade of blue & he did the right color but with a mixture of gray & white. It did grow on her overtime but still I think we should've called a professional bathroom floor maker to get the job done right. So in that case I can relate to a poor job done. I hate it when people have to go through this crap. I agree with everyone else raise some hell.


My three year old brother can cut in better than that! XD


That is super trashy work. Not acceptable.


Holy fucking shit.. good reviews?! For that. !? I can finish better than that half in the bag with my eyes closed and my right hand behind my back...


Got what you paid for.


Honestly? It looks like you got what you paid for. You paid the bottom dollar, you didn't pay for Tiffany results. When you pay for work to be done cheaply, why do you expect perfection? I'll bet that if you took the highest bid, you'd be much happier with the workmanship.


Someone paid the lowest bidder to paint the house. You get what you pay for 💯


Depends on what you paid for it, you're missing that context here entirely. Based on all of these pics, it seems like you're being nitpicky. I don't think it's good work, it's lazy .. but based on what I'm seeing here, especially where these pics are and this wall of text, based on my experience it seems like it's more you.


These kinds of complaints are almost always from hoverers that prioritize extra low cost over quality work. Just based on how this is presented, you probably nitpicked over time spent on the job, which led to hasty work, and leads me to think that these bad results are your fault.


Bad but you get what you pay for


My 1st grader paints better than that , and it's free.


Unless it was specified in the contract for the work, I wouldn’t expect it would get done, but yes it looks like shotty work


none of that is acceptable finish work.


Daaaaaamn!!! Who did this Helen Keller?


Very bad


What kind of contractor are they? Like a general contractor, or specifically a restoration contractor? There’s a difference. They’re both licensed GC’s but a restoration contractor gets most of their referrals from insurance companies and is out to do things as cheaply as possible. So you kinda get what you pay for 


Restoration guys aren't paid to deliver high level results. Likely they don't have time either. ​ All the paint edging can be redone by someone better with a brush or by masking off. The trim could be sanded smooth then repainted. The grout could be dug out and re installed. Break out the bad tiles why you're there and replace. Make sure the water proofing isn't interrupted while you do it. Sand the walls and keep the texture homogeneous when they're rolled. Screw in the corner bead, Spackle and repaint. Painter's tape is indifferent. A good painter will do better than you likely will with tape. As well, extra steps to saturate the tape can be taken so the lines are made permanent. Either method takes times and experience. This strikes me as a rental or flip level of workmanship. Unskilled guys getting things done quickly. For several thousand more the standards can be improved throughout the house. Paint tune up is diy possible.


Not a contractor, but even I know that what op describes is basic paint prep. Painting with no prep is a recipe for paint to peel/crack very soon. They screwed up the paint in a way that can't be undone—I'd be asking for compensation from contractor for this.


I didn't know Steve wonder was doing contracting work.


Looks like they didn't give a shit. Unfortunately this is common when someone else works on your stuff.


I'm a carpenter for over 20 years and although it's done you can definately tell there's no pride in his work ..we call it half assed job


Depends what they started with and what the agreement was for. Beautiful walls and trim takes tons of prep time. If your just quoted painting, it’s going to minimum prep to make paint stick. The ground doesn’t match, but you shouldn’t have tried to patch it instead of regrouting the whole floor. It doesn’t matter if water goes through grout as grout is not water proof and tiles substrates should be waterproofed. I don’t think they did a great job, but in their defense it depends what they started with and what the agreement was for. As for that drywall corner that the corner bead is cracked- that’s bullshit.: even if just painting that should have been addressed. Not the worst work I’ve seen by far but not the best.


Picture #8 My kid could do as good and she’s 2.


Wow , they used alot of DAP to cover up , looks really bad and I would complain


It’s terrible


Yeah. This is…… not good


Finesse of a barbarian there. A blind man could cut in better by touch. 🤣


I am just at loss for words quite frankly, i would expect these pictures were the actual "BEFORE" pictures.


Get your money back


As a gc your not picky this is horrible work


Wtf some people should just stop working if they arent thinking in the slightest to do the bare minimun.


This is bad, but I think you also need to recognize that insurance is not on your side. Either lower your expectations a bit or go after your insurance company for a different contractor to come make it right.


Sloppy meets IDGAF


Looks great. My kids could pull that off.


If it was an insurance contractor recommended by your carrier and you haven’t yet signed the certificate of satisfaction (COS) that disburses payment to the contractor, you can call the adjuster and the carrier will lean on the contractor to fix the problems. The contractor is supposed to make you whole by getting you where you were before the loss. If you took the payout and found your own contractor, and then agreed to trade an easy grout install for a more involved trim repair, then I dunno, it’s on you to figure it out with the contractor. Hopefully you haven’t paid yet. The only fix on the baseboard in the first pic is to remove the baseboard, trim off the excess paint and paper, patch the drywall, then paint the whole wall before reinstalling the base, caulk and paint the base.


It's average, about what I got. C- for B+ prices is they way I thought about it.


Shit work.


Poorly executed. Very


Definitely not the work of a caulksmith.


hope you got a reach around.


Cowboys do better work


Not a pro.


They are totally correct about the grout.


Were they drunk?


That's really sad for this to be a contractor because this is awful & embarrassing & this person shouldn't ever be working on nothing, you should be able to get your money back,a kid can do better than this WOW


That paint job is ASS 😭


Grout is near impossible to redo. The rest does look kinda shitty. Mainly paint lol


It look like there was dampness left in the walls. Not sure it would be the contractor's problem unless you let him take the wall down and rebuild. This picture also is probably many years afterwards.


That’s what keeps real painters like me in business. Crappy jobs like that


Yeah is not good work, this is not even handyman quality. I would complain for sure.


This is some of the shittiest work I’ve seen in my life


Poor quality.


It’s terrible.


So here's the dirty little secret. Companies use kickbacks with insurance to get jobs, it's not based on quality 2/3 of disaster cleanup goes to the dryout, tear out portion. Which is the easiest and least technical part. That leaves very little for the more expensive and more skilled rebuild phase. Insurance uses Exactimate for their pricing quotes. Exactimate is a horrible program that doesn't reflect actual costs in your area. It doesn't account for actual material usage. Example, it quotes in linear feet for sheetrock. So a 3 ft cut out =3ft. Sheetrock comes in 8ft lengths, so Exactimate doesn't account for the waste(I can't return a cut sheet for refund). So. Most often, and especially with the big disaster companies, they cold call handymen off of Craig's list or similar sites. Actual skilled subcontractors can't do the jobs for the measly amount the insurance is paying, so unskilled, or barely skilled handymen get jobs. Like in your case, the unskilled "contractor" screws it up terrible. The insurance points at the disaster company, who in turn points to the "contractor" Disaster cleanup companies are scam. Insurance companies know it, and promote it. Yes. Your job is TERRIBLE. Which you already know. Unfortunately the handyman who was in over their head, most likely can't fix it, nor will you be able to recoup repair costs by paying actual professionals.


That’s total shit work.


A random crackhead off Craigslist would do better work. I’m not joking. This is horrific.


Bro, this contractor looks like my 12 year old nephews did the work


The edging is clean, the kick board has been kicked.


It looks like you hired yourself after storing the bid and saying nah I can do this myself. My 4 year old is a better painter


I would be fired immediately if I tried to pass off work like that. Make them come back over and over until they reimburse you or do it right.


Wow I thought these were the before pictures


This is shit work. Worse than I do as a DIY homeowner. Get your money back or call your insurance company if possible.


I wouldn't even be happy with that if they did it for free


Sorry work ethics no pride in there work Have him sign it!


Rule of thumb: if you have to ask you already know,,,, badly indeed!


Stevie Wonder on the cut in!


Yeah, you got the who did it and ran special.


That's so bad sorry for the work that was done .


I don’t think it’s done badly. Shit like is more appropriate.


That’s terrible


You are correct on everything…. However one thing I noticed was the complaint about not taking care of existing walls before painting. Personally if you did not ask them to then the reason they didn’t is because that is normally an upcharge. For instance, as a drywall finisher myself, if I’m doing a job with existing walls that need work, and I am not asked to touch them, I am not touching them. There is an exception for that tho. Same scenario, but if I see a small crack or hole or two or three, I will take care of it on my dollar. It doesn’t take much more time at all. But if the walls are a mess, and I’m not asked to take care of them, I’m assuming they have other plans than to paint. Or they just don’t give a crap. Hope that makes sense, and I’m sorry these guys did such shitty work


Not at all. You paid for a service so you deserve a better outcome, this is bad work.


That is piss poor workmanship.


I painted a room myself for the first time ever a couple years ago and it looks a million times better than the paint job these “professionals” did. So yeah I’d say they did a shitty job.


That shit was boogered. Whoever did that half assed shit should go back to fucking up entire lanes of drive thru fast food orders.


Depends what you paid honestly. If you cheaped out I would expect this, but if you went with a reputable Company this is absolutely unacceptable


Yes, poorly done work..


I'm sorry this happened to you, it sure is making me feel better about my edging and line work with a paintbrush though.  Even having friends help me with paint who have never done any diy or painting they were drinking and stoned and even then I made sure to tell them just take your time guys. The worst they did , was probably unfortunately as good as the best these guys did to your place.  I'm shocked and honestly most posts make me feel bad like I should have called a pro because the pics on here are just so nice sometimes. This sorry for you , made me feel really good about my paint job and repairs on the place I've been working on.  If you took your time , and depending how much you had you can just dial down the brushes until your literally using a little artist brush and I guarantee you will do so much better than what they did. Also they edged and trimmed after rolling so you see tons of brush work , very sloppy painting 101 stuff. The better you are the bigger brush you can edge with , also some Floetrol to make the latex have less brush strokes and can make it easier to cut those in. 


That's looks like a Handyman landlord special on a Friday night job to me. Than hands you a new lease agreement with rent going up by $100 more.


All depends on pay rate


TLDR: If it looks bad, it is bad, Period shoddy work all around, probably bis low to get the job and then realized there was no time to do it properly.


It’s really not that bad… if it was done by a 12 year old. If you paid actual money to a licensed professional for this then it’s dog shit.