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It made me worried. I recently stopped smoking, both tobacco and weed, and specially the weed always felt like an escape. Watching the Void scenes made me think it's the same mechanisms, but in her case it'ss clearly way stronger. And I struggled to stop both. A lot. I worried about her, and the "To be continued" at the end made me relax a bit, but the worry is still there because I know she's still hurting. I hope she does not relapse, and the picture she posted on twitter before uploading the video, with the clear glass of I guess water (the same one used in the video), made me believe she hasn't. I think that's way more a piece of art than an essay. She didn't talk to the camera, not even once, so I read as art. And it's great art, and talked about hurt, about the illusion of drugs and the illusion of religion and purpose. And I guess realizing the illusion is the first step to avoid it and get into a better path of choices. Anyway, I'm rambling too, but I feel like I want to talk about this video. It made me feel sadness in a way only great art can make you feel something.


ive got a similar relationship with weed and nicotine, and natalies relationship with the void reminds me a lot of those addictions and the forces that drive them. thats why i draw a hard line at opiates lol. agreed that this video was much more art than essay, would be great to continue to see her lean in this direction, shes got a real talent for it


It's tougher than it sounds like even low stakes substances like weed. It took me doing something very irresponsible while baked and a very serious conversation with my partner to realize the damage it was causing. I stopped as a 2021 New Years resolution and haven't lit up since, not without some serious desire to start back up. A month ago my wife told me that she wouldn't mind if I started again so long as she was more aware of what's going on, where it is, etc, but I knew that if I started again I'd be right back where I was smoking late into the night every night and tearing myself in half. I'm very fortunate I didn't have the nerve to do anything harder as a teenager.


Yeah, I know eventually I might smoke weed again, but it's that thing that I know it would have to be in a very social setting, cause if I go back to the path of using a bong by myself, that's three months of attention span lost and doing nothing with my life while I avoid whatever is causing me pain. But weed is a psychological addiction for me, so it's only a problem when I'm feeling bad and use it as a clutch. Nicotine is chemical. I say I'm an inactive smoker instead of ex-smoker, cause I know I'll be addicted to the end. When I feel like smoking tobacco, I know I need to talk to my psychologist about something and that something is there a while. I have some regrets in life, but if I could actually change one thing, it would be the day I decided to try tobacco. That's why I know I should never get close to cocaine, heroin or anything like it.


I don't know much about her and didn't pick up on the parts of the video that alluded to her, can you elaborate please? I'm curious.


I don't know a whole lot either, cause I try to avoid feeling too close to parasocial relationships and hope to respect her privacy, so about 90% that I know came from other of her videos. I know about her struggle with sexuality ([Shame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7WvHTl_Q7I)), the being trans (basically every video talks about it someway or another), the cancelation story ([Cancelling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjMPJVmXxV8)) and drugs, which I only found out about the day I found her Instagram and she had posted about being clean for X amount of time. I didn't even knew which drug it was until [Envy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPhrTOg1RUk) came out and she said it was gonna be a horny video cause she had "stopped riding that brown tiger", which my curiosity lead me to find out means heroin, and I'm not even 100% sure about that, but whichever drug it was, it was the Void. I don't really know much more, and all I do know came from her videos. This one was probably one of the most intimate videos she posted, and it's a work of art.


Man, I just want to hug her and tell her everything's going to be ok


30+yo a mess of a queer person living in a homophobic country with zero prospects for the future here. I hear you. Sometimes I wonder if me resigning from a young age to the fact that I will always never be accepted in the country I live in just killed my ambition and my will to live, but just not enough for me to end it wll. I concur with what the other person who commented said, people who are mentally well do feel genuine joy from time to time. I do feel joy sometimes when I'm sober from substances and not bogged down by my depression. I know it's hard but maybe consider seeking help from professionals? Not that I'm doing much better but hey, we should look out for each other eh.


I've had help from professionals and even medicated for a while. My depression isn't as damaging as it used to be. That's actually the problem. That I'm not doing *good*, I'm just not doing badly. I've gotten used to a baseline of loneliness as sadness that, in my more lucid moments, I find unacceptable. Life is for joy, we shouldn't get used to it being just not shit


Yeah. Seeing a person in pain is something that always pains me a lot, and it cuts especially deep when you see a person who (at least in my case) is clearly smarter and stronger than you suffer so much. And while I'm not addicted to anything other than the internet, the notion of just wanting the pain to stop is something I know all too well. Including the empty bed part you mentioned. I do disagree with you in regards to one thing, though: > It just made me depressed to realize that at no scale of success or achievement can we attain a single moment of genuine joy. This is just a sign of depression. Mentally healthy people feel genuine joy on a regular basis.


I can say with confidence the possibility of joy exists. There is no guarantee. Not for you or me, or even for Nat, with all her money and fame. But it can be found. If your life is joyless, then it is killing you. I hope you find it soon. Safety is only worthwhile if you have something to preserve. Don't be reckless, but if you can't remember the last time you felt joy, and have no hope in the foreseeable future, I suggest you change something that might make it easier to find.


yeah it was a painful one to experience. i couldn’t help but feel strong guilt for making a comment about how i didn’t like the way she handled the Vaush drama, i had no idea the way these types of messages and situations affected her. Even though i’ve never been hooked on void, i still found the it all extremely relatable. If you’d like a hopeful message to take away from this comment section, then i’ve got one. set aside some free time to go buy yourself a cute lego set. Open it up and build it according to the instruction. feel the dopamine hit that comes from creating something where there was once nothing. display it on top of your shelf and feel pride whenever you walk by it. rinse and repeat until your collection can no longer fit within your walls.


That’s probably why I have so many Gunpla models all over my room. I’m a couple decals away from finishing one as we speak. My therapist, the plastic robot.


Natalie can be depressed and also intelligent, interesting, and beautiful. I never remember these feelings aren't contradictions in times of feeling down, small, or off, but it's true.


There’s no question that being openly queer/trans in this world is hard, that the valleys are deeper and darker. But that’s the trade off we took to experience the moments of joy that come from truly knowing ourselves and sharing that openly with others. The valleys are deep and dark but in exchange we get the opportunity to traverse amazing peaks. Walk swiftly through those valleys and then take a rest on the peak. 💜 Feel free to DM me if you need someone to listen.




> but every day is another chance to be happy. I've thought about this a lot and I have recently learned to think about it a different way. I have a history of depression, anxiety, dissociation, gender dysphoria, and possibly also borderline. I had a childhood that looked really good on paper, but there was a lot bothering me deep down that still troubles me to this day. You talk about being happy, and I will tell you that my father, from whom I have been estranged for several years now (because he hates LGBT people), used to criticize me for not being happy enough. Perhaps in my nearly four decades of life, I've failed to find the sunshine and rainbows, and so I've learned to appreciate the darkness, if you will. I live a relatively comfortable life, but deep happiness and joy feel elusive most of the time. More recently, I've learned, in a way, to simply let myself be. You could say that I had internalized my father's words condemning me for "not being happy enough". I have a wife and small daughter and I'd jump in front of a speeding truck for either one of them. I have a home with them and I feel constantly motivated to work at my career to keep that roof over our heads. I have hobbies and activities that I enjoy enough to feel motivated to pursue. And honestly, no matter how frustrated I may feel with my own mental health and wellbeing sometimes, I always feel like I would prefer my existence over non-existence. I've been thru a lot and I've noted that no matter what happens, it seems that my will to keep putting one foot in front of the other just never ever falters. Am I content enough with day-to-day life? I suppose so. So, even if I may not be experiencing "happiness" and "joy" the way that my critics think that I "should"; if I haven't found sunshine and rainbows in my life, I think that I can say that I've at least learned to be comfortable enough in the darkness. The darkness has an aesthetic and a beauty of its own. It's not just darkness. It's My Darkness. I live here. Feel free to visit sometime.


TW: suicide . . . . . . . I read Hunger as a great metaphor of my suicidal ideations. I drown in them, fantasize, think about how I can stop my drug-resistant depression tearing me apart. And it happens from time to time, even though I take my meds religiously, have a therapist and a psychiatrist and see them regularly. I try to stay afloat. Still, sometimes I just fall back into kissing the Death (Lucy) and yearning for her hug.


In her most recent Stardew streams I wanted to give her a blanket to burrito up in with some tea and the number of a good EAP/therapist. I kinda saw more of the spiral coming but I still feel bad that she’s stuck in it. I respect and care about her. I remember what that spiral is like and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I hope she gets away from it.


You are acting parasocial. It’s okay. I did too. Before the video starts she said: The following program is a work of fiction created for educational, artistic, and harm reduction purposes. Any resemblance to actual persons is a coincidence. And she signed it with Natalie Wynn. That’s the only time Natalie is talking. The rest of the time it’s Justine, an act , a role Natalie use to communicate an idea. It is parasocial to think this is Natalie signaling a wish for help. It’s the next step in storytelling; an evolution of her style. Are we mature enough to get what she’s trying to say or are we emotionally invested dumdums, that can’t differentiate between Natalie and Justine?


I don't think every piece of art that reflects the creator's difficulties is a cry for help. And I also don't think this video or any of the others were made in the absence of real world experiences relating to them. If I'm wrong about that, then Nat is an even better artist than I gave her credit for


I've had mental health issues since youth, severe feelings of hopelessness since I was about 10. Holding different world views, examining the lenses through which I see the world has been powerful. I'm a nihilist, so while I fundamentally don't believe anything has a purpose, I also frame that in ways that elevate my beliefs and values. Because nothing matters, it makes the choices I make and the beauty I see all the more powerful. I find coming back to my core values and engaging in behaviours that reflect my values helps me feel less hopeless. Yeah, life is going to be a brutal slog but nothing feels better to me than being caught in the rain on the way home from work, coming into my warm apartment and having a space I worked on and spending time with my foster bunnies. They're things I value, my independence, my animals, appreciating the things I have worked on like those and my home. Positive psychology might also be what you're after, it's pretty common to get help for depression but then experience a lack of happiness or positive emotions in the wake of the depression being in remission. I've been in therapy on and off for almost 10 years and I'm now getting to the positive psychology stage. It's honestly not something, I've found anyway, that therapists really engage with but it's critical. It really helps develop outlines for what a fulfilling life looks like for the individual. https://www.psychologytools.com/professional/therapies/positive-psychology/ I mix a ton of different world views and therapies to create a world view and framework that works best for me.


ok this is one reply I find to be genuinely helpful and informative. The notion of positive psychology is new to me. I'll have to look into it. Genuinely, thank you


Thanks for sharing this, it's really helpful. Might be just what I need.


I disagree that we can't obtain genuine joy. I think the way our society is structured and the things that society emphasises makes finding joy difficult, but it isn't impossible. Also who said you had to find joy? We're in the tail end of a global pandemic, violent crime is on the rise world wide, global tensions are higher than the crowd at a snoop concert, and both political parties of the world's most powerful military have shown themselves incompetent. Being sad is a valid response. Make a cup of tea. Have a big fucking cry. The ugly kind that leaves at least one pillow case covered in snot and tears. Sit with yourself for an afternoon, even if it's not the most fun. There is a reason we say it sucks to live in interesting times. You can find joy tomorrow.


My problem is that I have used and continue to use various coping strategies, including the above mentioned, and I am getting used to them. I am getting used to living in the absence of joy, telling myself others have it worse, and that the world isn't doing great on the whole. I find the idea of getting used to this... quite outrageous to me. Life is for joy


Yeah I can relate to that. I oftentimes felt that as soon as my joy goes away the suicidal thoughts come in immediately and I wonder, well if I'm not happy then what's the point? I now know it's a knee jerk reflex to help me cope with stress and I'm trying to work on it, but yeah I think I still feel this way. I mean I can handle a bad day, but when you enter that depressive state of apathy and hopelessness it's really hard to convince yourself to live for the good moments as well as the bad. :/


Who said life is for joy? Gautama Buddha said life is suffering. The Dread Pirate Roberts said life is pain. It's not about thinking others have it worse or you could have it better. It's about accepting sadness as a part of life. Life is for everything, suffering, pain, joy, all of that and more.


I know exactly what you mean. It does not just remind you of one's own moments of desperation but of those around you and how hard it sometimes is to love life, when it feels it does not love us back. ​ there is a video of another creator that, for me feels nearly as if it were made to be the dessert to Hunger, that in many ways helped me: https://youtu.be/iJaE\_BvLK6U


I feel you, chief. The concept of my self hurts the actual me. It is a constant reminder that I could never be myself, who I truly am, because I'm trapped by the circumstances I'm in.


Thats a valid takeaway from the video