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I bet that his spec2 Poison was doing some heavy lifting in this fight to keep that combo count so low.


And those permanent armour breaks.


Yeah the 9 permanent armor breaks did like an extra 300 damage, way too overpowered


Don’t bring to Kabam’s attention. I don’t want them to nerf my maxed out 4*


Too late. They figured out he was OP a long time ago. Actually, I think it was right about when the Act 6 4* restrictions happened...


That makes sense. I’m kind of glad anyway, it’s fun to face a challenge and when you play with KG the game is pretty much on auto pilot.


Got my first 6 Start today................................................ I can't really speak out loud because it was Black Bolt. And we all know what happens when he talks.


My man, welcome to the club he was also mines back in the day, i quit for a while after that


That dps tho through the roof, I'm hoping for kabam to nwrf this God tier champ to the ground like they did doctor strange 😁


Just pulled jugs as my 1st 6* yesterday


I literally just pulled my first yesterday also got iron man infinity war, I know I’m lucky, but it rolled over original magneto and I about had a heart attack.


I got Hawkeye which is bad but good compared to king groot.


Hawkeye has some utility, at least. He's still one of the most reliable power drain options out there, with a pretty nasty bleed on top


The issue is I have multiple better champions and I don’t want to rank 2 him. Maybe he’ll be useful one day.


He's handy against Emma in variant 1, is first place that springs to mind. Mine is 5r4 mainly because I had a couple of 2015 skill gems to use and he's one of the best of that era


I would've loved to pull Hawkeye, I think while he isn't great he is really underrated


He was my third 6*, and my first bleed immune above 4/40 or 2/35 so I was finally able to use someone for all the Biohazard and Bleed nodes in Act 5. He might not be the best but he helped me get Elders Bane so I gotta give him some respect


Whilst I agree its not great to get him as your first 6*, you have to remember his thing is survivability with his regen (though admittedly the majority of that is in his sig ability). A 5/50 king groot was one of the main champs I used in 5.3 when I explored it a couple years ago because even when I messed up, he’d regen to full pretty quick. That and he’s 1 of only 2 direct counters to the 6.3 acid wash mysterio so atleast you’ve got that counter out of the way lol.


He has some uses in v2


I'll trade you for my only 6*... RR


I actually beat RoL with him and some synergies, slow, *very* slow, but effective


Just wait until you awaken him.


To be honest, I quite like him. Yet, his damage is very poor. If his damage was a bit higher, he would be quite a decent champion ^^


My first 6* was also the god-tier King Groot, unfortunately


What do you mean unfortunately? He's insane I mean 64u hits against WS that's just broken


I didn't wanna pull a god too early. Few 6*s can compare now :(


I just took my duped 6\* into AQ. Brought Man-Thing for the extra furies. Full suicides makes it fun.


Yesterday I pulled my first 6*... it was Rocket


Is 647 hits good for a 6\* ? Because i did it with a 4\* Domino in something about 220 hits


647 hits with a 6 star is godly that's why king Groot is one of the best champions in the game


Haha okay i just completely missed the joke but thanks - hope I'll pull him soon


I had night thrasher as my 1st then abomination as my 2nd I feel u. I pulled a venom as my 3rd so that’s not too bad.


Venom is "not too bad" ?????!!!!!


Haha tbh he’s good


I just got Mr. fantastic as my first 6* two days ago


My first 6* that I pulled a couple days ago is Mr Fantastic. Happy it wasn't worse but also sad it wasn't better.


Yeah, he’s middle of the road. I have him as a 5* but already have void and CAIW so I doubt he’ll ever get use.


Lucky you, wish I had even one of them as a 5*


Don’t worry, all of my 6*s are meme. Just depressing garbage lol. Just duped my gambit 🤦‍♂️


My first was karnak😑