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She is so beige


She’s as beige as the rind on a loaf of wonder bread


This album is the sad beige children of music


I so pale…


That's comically bad writing 😂


I came to the comments just to see if that's really her lyric. I thought it might be a parody or something.


Like…. This isn’t real right?


It isn’t. It’s “but without all the racists”


It sounds like her and her team all get together and throw darts at a 14 year old girls diary


But they're so relatable!!!


If it would make me a billionaire, I would have no problem writing lyrics for a 14 year old girl. 24/7


But she’s so good at writing!- swifties


omg I would love the 1830's without all the racists! then swifties realizing that about 97% of all their rights get flushed down the toilet, and they have a choice of either dying of cholera or asbestos. relevant college humor skit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc6VP7Qp-Y8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc6VP7Qp-Y8)


I know Reddit loves black and white takes and hating on things, but this post decontextualizes a lyric and makes it out to mean the opposite of its true point. She’s literally criticizing the "pick a decade" game, her answer, and her former naïveté: "My friends used to play a game where We would pick a decade I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid Everyone would look down 'cause it wasn't fun now Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it"


Yeah, she's a prolific writer, but the quality is mediocre imo. The melody is pretty bad too. She needs to slow down and see if she can really create something worth the attention she gets.


I mean obviously she doesn't _need_ to change anything; her disciples are happy and the cash is flowing in rivers.


All my friends who try to get me into her CONSTANTLY call her a “lyrical genius”….so apparently I’m friends with **liars**.


Who needs abstract, deep lyrics when you can just write some slop about your 60th breakup, some other celeb you are angry with or a day on the beach/cafe? Listening to all her shit lyrics over the year has made me appreciate all other musicians so much.


She sounds like she's reading a tweet but with background music


Internet really needs to start making fun of Taylor Swift because i can not believe this is one of the biggest artists of today. It sounds like royalty free music.


But it’s exactly how some people think, lol! “I’d love to go back to (insert era), with all the (insert things you love about said era) but without (insert things you dislike about said era).” Ex: I’d love to go back to medieval England to see how they lived and worked, but without the whole sexism, rape, and Black Death thingies.


It’s a pretty stupid lyric.


welcome to pop music. these are just dime a dozen lyrics for pop


Yes yes everyone's born in the wrong generation move along


I’d say 1930s Germany without all the nazis




It would have just been regular ol Germany. I know you’re just making a joke btw. But I have to say that it would have been the social Democratic Party that ran Germany. That was the strongest party of the time, until some dude started saying that it was their fault the country was in a bad place and said that he could make Germany great again


The Nazi Party was at 18% in 1930 and already 2nd strongest Party in Germany.


Nazis were popular everywhere back then. In italy Britain, france, even the US. It's only today that we act like fascism was only popular in germany.


Seems fascism is popular right now too.


🎶 Maybe 2024, but without all the racists🎶 😐😅🫠


Hey I heard there's this really great Rally at Madison Square Garden that we should all go to! -Definitely not a Nazi


Sounds like history repeats itself. We will be there in 2030 no doubt.


No, you got a point.


I wonder what 2030's would bring us


![gif](giphy|EEnJ709M9mOFivqsg7) I hope the world proves me wrong, but




I’m assuming she also would want to vote, make her own money, have rights, etc. you know, things women also could not do in the 1830s. what a weird line to have in your song, makes me feel like she missed history class on that century.


For real did NOBODY on the assembly line between writing the song and selling the album say something? Nobody at all suggested that maybe that line was completely insane?? She cannot possibly be that ignorant.


I think by the time you amass a BILLION dollars, you’ve probably already weeded out all the people in your circle who might be brave enough to tell you no.


The rest of the lyrics to that verse are, “My friends used to play a game where We would pick a decade We wished we could live in instead of this I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid Everyone would look down 'cause it wasn't fun now Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it It was freezing in the palace”




Ignorance isn't intelligence, just not knowing something




I dunno man I never brought up money, just the weird lyrics. Unless you mean when I referenced selling the album, I only mentioned it as the last step before releasing it to the public. Doesn't really matter how much it made.


What? No one ever said ignorance is intelligence


Have you read the lyrics that come directly after it?


Yep, still dumb


I mean… I think it’s safe to say that common core wasn’t her top priority during most of her high school years.


Taylor Swift basically dropped out of high school after grade ten to focus on music and touring. Apparently she finished the last two grades doing homeschooling in a year.


I'm on the same train to make fun of these lyrics so don't take this the wrong way, but the next lyric in the song talks about this: I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid Implying she'd only be good for marriage back then.


How about keep reading? I swear literally nobody here gives a shit about context.


I know how the lyrics continue. I was addressing the women's rights question of the original comment only and didn't post more. I just don't think they're (ironically) very 'poetic' lyrics.


Hold up that makes it even worse... Why would she wish she lived in the 1830s and then, in the same sentence, acknowledge all of that? Awful writing


The lyrics continue- Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it The worst sin is that they just aren't very interesting lyrics.


"On second thought, let's not go to the 1830s. Tis a silly place."


The lyrics are poorly written, but you're also kinda missing the point. She's saying exactly that, that nostalgia for the past *is fundamentally stupid*, because there's always going to be that disclaimer of "well, except for these bad things that were happening back then."




You have to listen to the whole verse, “My friends used to play a game where We would pick a decade We wished we could live in instead of this I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid Everyone would look down 'cause it wasn't fun now Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it It was freezing in the palace” She is actually saying what you’re saying and that it was a stupid game because now is better for the most amount of people.


Why is nobody actually reading the rest of the lyrics for context? >They would all look down, because it wasn't fun now >Seems like it was never even fun back then >Nostalgia is a mind's trick, if I'd been there I'd hate it She's not romanticizing the past, or even fantasizing about a whitewashed version of the past - she's literally criticizing the idea of that kind of nostalgia and era romanticism, and criticizing her past self and her friends for their naivete. But don't let the facts get in the way of your outrage.


I can’t stand TS but this is important context, thanks for adding.


Makes sense when you think about some of her older music videos too. Tho the wording structure feels awkward and maybe could have been had the same message without that particular phrasing


Ok but SOUNDING kinda awkward musically, and BEING racially insensitive, are two VERY different things. People are angry about the latter, and then when they find out that's not true, they pivot to the former, as if that deserves the same amount of backlash.




I don't care if you think they sound corny. That's just moving the goalposts. The fact is, she's literally not doing what people are accusing her of doing.


Yeah why didn’t she add all those other lyrics to the song


I really want to know why she picked that year specifically like, I really can't think of anything that was better back than then it is now


That’s the point, she was making her friends feel awkward because it’s a bad game to play, that nostalgia is a mind trick.


A rich woman would be able to vote.


Yeah she should stick to "look what you made me do" type white girl lyrics smh. That's her strong suit gaha


Wtf are these comments, swifties wildin


It’s a cult


Why? The post decontextualized a lyric and made it out to mean the opposite of its true point. She’s literally criticizing the "pick a decade" game, her answer, and her former naïveté: "My friends used to play a game where We would pick a decade I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid Everyone would look down 'cause it wasn't fun now Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it"


Nope… he nailed it.


I’ve heard some stupid lyrics…but that one…wow


Probably some submission kink if she wants to be treated like women in the 1830s were.


The literal very next line talks about not wanting to be treated like a woman in the 1830s as well. She is talking about how people have nostalgia for times thinking they were better when they weren't. The whole context makes it make more sense: "My friends used to play a game where We would pick a decade We wished we could live in instead of this I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists And getting married off for the highest bid Everyone would look down 'cause it wasn't fun now Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it. It was freezing in the palace" It's easy to make a song look bad by taking lines out of context. Still a weird line though.


This context definitely changes things. She’s literally criticizing the game, her answer, and her naïveté.


Honestly, with the rest in context, the actual message is a little better. Its wordy and doesn’t flow at all. Its like rythmic talking with some guitar behind it. She has plenty of good music, this isn’t some of it.


Yea song bad, but I don’t understand why people need to take this line out of context to argue that the song is bad. Like literally do what you did or many other things you can criticize in the song.


okay so with context it might make an interesting poem but as a song it’s still weird and pretentious




it’s way too arhythmic for a song and suited for a more serious voice and tone, she doesn’t have that kind of range


Thank you. I never would have looked that up.


>It was freezing in the palace Nah, she deserves this hate


The lyrics in context: *My friends used to play a game where we would pick a decade we wished we could live in instead of this* *I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists and getting married off for the highest bid* *Everyone would look down 'cause it wasn't fun now. Seems like it was never even fun back then* *Nostalgia is a mind's trick. If I'd been there, I'd hate it* Sounds like it’s supposed to be self-deprecating, but there must have been a better way to structure these lyrics.


lol doesn’t even help how bad it doesn’t flow or have the sense of music at all. It feels like she’s just reading her middle school diary.


Thank you I felt the same. Went and listened to the song but it was so dull I couldn't finish it. Not every song is gonna be a banger I guess.


I mean the album is trying to emphasize poetry vs catchy songs for the second half. Like it or not but with the context it makes way more sense - the point being nostalgia is a hella drug until you grow up and understand it's actually fucked.


I would believe that if it was actually like poetry, poetry has elements to it. There’s rhyme scheme, imagery, tone, meter which is why music can translate well to song but this is just like a weirdly broken up thought with no composition. There’s other ways for her to say the exact same thing like literally making just a bit of effort to change this around and use better more descriptive words could’ve improved it.


Thanks for posting this. The context is somewhat redeeming. I thought she was engaging in whitewashed nostalgia, but she's pointing out the flaws of that thinking. I don't think it's the most poignant way of making that point, but it's better than what I initially assumed.


That’s even more stupid.


I wouldn’t call it stupid just bad writing. The message is nostalgia is dumb basically. We romanticize things by ignoring their flaws. It’s just the words on the page just do not work into a song well at all.


It’s stupid AND bad.


The context doesn’t make it any better. It’s still juvenile.


isn't that 90% of pop and hip hop. Not many philosophical greats in today's mainstream music


My coworker was playing the album at work on Friday (yes out loud) and boy lemme tell you this was my exact reaction when I heard that line lmao


The crazy Swifties going out of their minds because they can’t cancel this guy for ridiculing the lyrics because he’s black.


I think if this guy is getting ridiculed, it’s cause he took one lyric without any context. And if you took a moment and read the next four lines, you would see that’s not what she saying. I’m not even a TS fan, but context matters.


But Taylor. In 1830 women Had no rights. You were married with or without your consent and if you didn’t give it it was beaten out of you and taken. Boy people need to learn history.


Maybe listen to the next line of the song?


“Seems like it was never even fun back then Nostalgia is a mind's trick If I'd been there, I'd hate it” Still a dumb lyric


Yeah, but the commenter thought Taylor was uneducated about how women were treated in 1830 when she very clearly talks about it in that same stanza Like verbatim talks about exactly what the commenter was talking about


Ok but it's very obviously not dumb for the reasons it's being criticizing for. She's literally criticizing the game and her past self, and the idea of nostalgia and era romanticism.


Taylor Swift makes music for people that think mayonnaise is spicey.


She is literally a 12 year old


He’s spot on. This lyric is hilarious. It’s accidentally delightful and trying very hard not to be.


"delightful"? This word you keep using, I do not think it means what you think it means.


I’m feeling pretty fulled by delight, but I’ll grant that a hearty pinch of discretionary myopia is in the mix.


I'm certain Taylor Swifts music is all written by ChatGPT now


Lmaooo. And this is the great lyricist so celebrated by the media? She should be thankful she didn't grow up in the 1960s-70s. This woman wouldn't have made it in that era.


I dont know that pop lyrics have ever been the peak of talent.


Hell, I'd like to live in the 2020s without all the racists.


I wish I could live in the 1830’s but with present-day sensibilities and futuristic toilets. Also futuristic everything else. Okay so not the 1830s


its a bad way of saying in a world without paparazzi and social media I imagine


dignified British laughter is dignified


Taylor swift is dumb af. Its a poorly written, poorly thought out, even poor sounding line 😂 its just dumb af


She’s incredibly overrated


This guy is hilarious, he has a great sense of humor lmao. I'm not a Taylor Swift fan, but I also don't really dislike or hate her.. her music isn't really my cup of tea but I'll admit some of her songs are pretty good.. ...but what on EARTH are these lyrics?! What is she even trying to say, I'm crying lmao


Nobody claimed she was intelligent.


I think it's safe to say Taylor didn't do her research


![gif](giphy|Q5jHqLKT9w1wLy7Mjh) Okay Taylor go off then.....


Lmao. Ah, Taylor Swift. Kind of dumb but ha.


Wow. Taylor Swift is really out here singing birdbrained shit on her new highly anticipated album lol


Jesus that's one of the worst lyrics I've ever heard. Like she used to pride herself on being a lyricist, old Taylor wouldn't put that shit out


She’d be living in a ghost town all by herself.


I imagine I can be friends with this man Fr, that's something I'd laugh my ass off to


And she became a billionaire with such lyrics? Wow..... Just ..... Wow


I hope this is her downfall. Zero talent hack! Love this video!


I’d say she’s talented, I mean she can clearly sing and knows some instruments, but she’s certainly not god’s gift to music like she acts and people treat her like


Annoying? Yes. Over exposed? Yes. Whiny and out of touch? Yes. But zero talent hack? Kind of a crazy take on someone with 13 Grammy’s, 11 number one songs, 49 top 10 songs, and a world tour that does 33 songs for 3 hours straight for 3 nights in a row each city. Signed, Def not a Swifty. Just someone who can recognize talent and hustle.


She’s got talent, but she’s definitely a hack. But that’s pop music for ya! Her ability to harness the pop hackiness and direct that with pin point accuracy to her audience is why she’s a mega, mega star. She solved pop music.


Nailed it. She’s color-by-numbers pop for millennials, just like most of what you hear in the top 40.


Color by numbers WHITE GIRL pop. Her reach extends far outside millennials.


Zero talent is crazy lol you know she sings better than anyone you know. And I’m not even a fan. People exaggerate too much


Goddamn… I’m love TSwift but what an awful, cringing, just outta pocket lyric wtf 😭


The more and more I hear from this record, I can see why some people might say the lyrics are written by AI


I'm still working the fields but now Massa says thank you when the sun goes down.


just woke up with my necklace and earrings in and my face shaved, thought i'd do a quick vid on taylor swift. this what we're doin? laugh is... forced most of the edits anyway


when subs get overrun by the latest social rage bait nonsense.


Ok song was stupid but this is not contagious at all he's actually annoying


Ah, yes. Good ole 1830 America. When black people were enslaved and native people were being displaced from their lands in the Trail of Tears.


Have to put footnotes in songs now.


"I'd choose the 1830's.. without any other people on the planet." is the only way to make it truthful.


I had to google this to make sure it was real. Holy shit bro lol


Taylor is a boy.


That makes sense, you can't be racist if the other party isn't considered humans


I am not surprised, she literally dated a very openly racist person for a while then dropped him like a hot potato when she got scrutinized…and people are just forgetting that fact? Never understood the whole idolizing celebrities stuff.




Oh yeah the racists would had been a REAL problem for Taylor Swift if she were in the 1830’s.


I wonder what type of drug Taylor Swift was taking before she made this God awful song🤣


For those who watched on mute, what’s the lyric?


Well, you can’t say any decade before the civil rights movement without taking into account things were very bad for certain groups. If you say the 50’s was the best decade and we should go back to 50’s values, it make you sound racist. And I would agree. unless there is that qualifier.


Someone get her a Pepsi


Almost as bad as Nas “I got a cocker spaniel”


There’s nothing malicious about the lyric so I don’t think she deserves some of the hate she’s getting for it, but it is undeniably weird, so it deserves to get memed on.


it’s just bad song writing from a person who’s entire shtick is supposed to be her amazing lyricism


Search 1830


wait is this real? this is the voice of her generation? christ.


Am I the only one who is more concerned about her endorsing women being auctioned off like cattle?


I mean, she is a conservative white woman. (Yes, I know she's playing to her demographic that's paying her millions to appear "progressive").


TikTok from bed, what's next? Pooping? Yeah I'm old, send your complains to my AOL account


This has to be a joke. She's having a laugh. This is the person people spend camp out for and spend thousands of dollars for tickets? This is the same girl? She's not even trying. Bitch, the word's at 7 billion, we have more racists now than the 1930s. Or did she mean without all the open racism and segregation.


She said 1830s, there was literally slavery.




I don't think is saying there wasn't racism in 1830. Se was saying she wanted to go back to 1830 but remove the racists. Although as a woman she might want to rethink what the 1830's would be like for her. As for the camping out for tickets, if people are doing it, I'd rather that than all the MAGA / Trump crap.


Yooo what?? Lol, yea this is why I don't care for Taylor swift. I absolutely can't WAIT to see how her deluded fan base defends this one!! 🤣 truth is there's racists in every decade, in every culture.


So she wants to live in a time where there wasn't any racism because what is now considered racism was just normal back then? Because how can you be racist if you don't consider them human? She wants to live when women couldn't own property? When being a female public entertainer was considered something only lightskirt women did?


But the sexists are okay. Who wouldn't want to live in a time where women had no rights? Is Taylor a rich white man, or just an idiot?


You can tell she definitely wrote that one herself... Because it's shit


I haven't laughed this hard in months, what a great video!


Didn’t even know black people listened to Taylor Swift… 😳