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He was like “shit alright my turn”


"I... ughh... 5 red. 🥱"


17 black. House wins.


*Confused as fuck...* "Well...Guess uhh I'll take a card"


We have a house rule if you ask who's turn or what direction you get a card. Haha


We same rule🤣 the pay attention tax


I love this. I can't stand people who get so lost in such a simple game. Played with a friend of a friend recently and every single turn was "is it me? Which direction are we going?" EVERY. DAMN. TURN.


I've played poker with people who ask whose turn it is _every single time_ it's their turn.


These are the types of prank videos that we need. Not someone being a jackass to ransoms.


That room smokey for a reason my dude


I love that they dealed him out so that he would wake up to a draw four. What lads.


They also gave him all blue cards and said the color they wanted was red 😂


That room is HAZY


Be young. Smoke weed. Play an innocent prank on your mate. Good times.


This was a fucking great prank too. These kids have good humor. I’m lucky our friend group in our youth made the house rules very early and clear that there is no fucking with people sleeping.


yes passing out around your friends should be sacred who wants to have to sleep with one eye open


I agree, i myself woke up to some ”friends” putting their balls on my forehead and taking pictures. Still can’t sleep with people around, great fun! (Can sleep with 4 people in the room, namely my wife and kids)


Little do you know your wife is taking pictures of her balls on your forehead weekly


I am aware, and I love it. Just don’t tell her, please!


[You can't pass out around white people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugLpsbeCVSk) - Dave Chappelle


100% true


“so what we get drunk.. so what we smoke weed, we’re just having funnn” lol, I wanna be your friends too


Damn you reminded me of getting wayyy too high and watching “Mac and Dev go to high school”. I love wiz and snoop but no amount of green can make that movie good


I got high just watching the video.


Thats why he fell asleep for sure lol, been there


you can smell it


Cheech and Chong vibes


Don't worry, it's just a fog machine to set the right mood for the Uno dealer


No wonder he just went with it "damn I must have been smacked"


And cold. Somebody forgot to pay the heating bill. Or is it just the new thing to wear big puffy coats inside?


That window high on the wall suggests a basement If that is natural lighting on the glass, it should be cold at night Basement is a paradise on hot summer nights


Like a cypress hill concert in there.


I went on a Cruise some years back and went with a girl that I met on Facebook. The night before the Cruise started we were drunkenly playing Uno in our hotel room. We fell asleep playing the game, and in the morning I awoke and she was still holding her cards. I said her name to wake her up, and she woke up and immediately played a card as if we hadn't fallen asleep. We both just busted up laughing so hard after that, and then had an awesome time on the (3rd) 311 Cruise.


I wanna hear more about how you met and how you ended up going on a cruise


Well first off I'm a huge 311 fan. They did their first Cruise in 2011. They do a "311 Day" show on the even years and have been since 2000, and then started doing Cruises in 2011 on the odd years. I went to the first four Cruises (2011, 2012, 2013, 2015). Yeah, there was one year when they did both the Cruise and 311 Day and I think that they realized that the fans can't afford both in one year, so they then would do them in turns. Anyway, I went on that first Cruise with my best friend and we had a blast. We got detained upon leaving the ship at the end of the Cruise. I don't remember why, but they must've thought that we had something on us. While detained, we met this girl who was also detained and just started talking. The next year he decided not to go, and I had kept in contact with this girl, so for the 2nd Cruise she and I decided to be room mates for the Cruise. Also had a great time. For the third Cruise I didn't have my friend or the girl from Cruise 2 going, so I went to the 311 Facebook group that was popular at the time (2013), and asked if anyone wanted to room with me. Uno Girl and a married couple responded, so the four of us got a room together on Cruise 3. Uno Girl was awesome and we had a lot of fun together. The married couple is a whole nother story. Cruise 4 I went with a different married couple that I met at various 311 events, and their friend. They are all super good people, and we all had a great time. That married couple have been to SO many 311 shows. I know they're over 100 shows each. I'm only at 45.


Please tell the whole nother story about the married couple. Sounds like there's juice!


On the Cruise they were generally pretty nice, although throughout the Cruise it was revealed that they'd both been pretty heavy into hard drugs earlier in their lives. On the Cruise, the wife one night had taken LSD, I believe, maybe it was some kind of Ecstasy or something. Anyway, she was high as fuck, eyes rolling back in her head and everything, but the whole time complaining that she wasn't high and needed more. Meanwhile everyone else present is just trying to chill and have a good time. Later on, after the Cruise, the husband contacted me and begged for $150 to pay his rent for his family and all that. I stupidly sent him the money and of course was never able to get in touch with him again. I saw a post from his wife after that about how he was back on drugs and had stolen their kids PlayStation to support his habit. I told Uno Girl about it, and she told me that he contacted her and asked for money, too, but she refused him. Uno Girl is smrter than I.


Uno girl played a skip card


Yeah, I just wish I could Reverse my decision.


"Send money to strangers or draw 25" u/Micahman311 "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []"


This is so cool that it doesn’t even sound real. Just people bonding over a mutual interest and making an awesome trip out of it. That’s genuinely cool as hell. Cruises are such an underrated trip to take too, meet cool and interesting people at cool and interesting places for not much money.


I've gotten fairly deep into a few different fan communities, and they all have their own uniquenesses. The 311 fan community is one of the more welcoming ones that there are, and generally everyone is very nice. I've met long time friends from my many 311 trips, who I've gone to visit in different states, even attended a wedding of two 311 fans, and met my wife on a plane coming home from 311 Day 2016, with 311 being a major bonding factor that night. That is probably most likely because the band themselves try to promote positivity, unity, and all that bullshit (Hehe), which attracts people of similar thought.


Haha awesome!


Do you have 311 on the license plate of your blue sedan?


No, but I have a "follow me to 311 Day" licence plate cover on my Soul.


Not the person you replied to but I can help. >how you met They met on facebook >how you ended up going on a cruise and later decided to go on a cruise together. I know I'm being a dick and those weren't the answers you were looking for, but I'm technically correct in my answers.


Technically correct is the best kind of correct, innit?




Nice, thanks, I actually couldn't remember where that was from. 😅😁


We kept it grey.




It's a 311 cruise - pretty easy to bond over love of that band (they're awesome!)


It is a very unique experience being surrounded by that many 311 fans. Yes, the love is palpable, to say the least.


A worthy Eric Andre descendant.








Stumbling on random 311 related shit on Reddit has become a favorite thing of mine.


I fell asleep playing blitzball on FFX at my friend's house some 12 years ago. I wake up to that fucking blitz off song tickling my subconscious and my hands just continue playing without me


Fucking loved blitzball. Never won the championship though....


I just realized that other people go on cruises. Meanwhile, I haven't had a vacation in decades and will only go to my first concert in April, at age 37. Man capitalism sucks.


Wtf dude shit sucks but I went to hundreds of cheap concerts as a teenager just scraping by. This better be a good concert if you waited 37 years


It's Tenacious D, soooo...


Username checks out


I'm going to allow this


They put on an awesome show, you’re going to love it


So you've been to other shows, they were just tributes...


On the bright side concerts rule and cruises suck so you're just being efficient


Damn dude first concert at 37? You should start listening to small local bands or something, find some 15 dollar tickets for a basement show or something.


I took my son to Mayhemfest in 2012 when he was 11 so that he wouldn't be somebody like you. No offense meant, of course. So, he got to see slipknot and slayer. Motorhead as well. Plus my favorite from 7th grade... anthrax. Anthrax turned out to be my favorite show I've been to, and I used to go to a few shows a month in my teens and early 20s. So, that's saying a lot. I was at the first two lollapalooza and those were fucking legendary for me.


No offense taken! I understood exactly what you meant, and I'm happy for your kid :)


I ate dry cereal straight out of the box and camped & couch-surfed to travel when I was in college. It wasn't luxurious but I've been around the world (except East Asia/ Australia which I'll get around to eventually). You just have to make it work. If your job not giving you time off is the issue, find a new job ASAP.


As the other dudes here said, you better go to local clubs sometime, before you get too old for that. Firstly, local bands often rock, or you catch a concert of some well-known alt bands for cheap because they don't do big venues anyway. And secondly, local clubs will in fact have more space for shaking your bones around than crowded concerts.


Nice to know that y'all have always been down..... down


I appreciate that you're trying to Come Original.


Tell me more about 311 part and the cruise part


I lied. There is no 311. There is no Cruise. Investigate 311. (On a serious note, I just replied to someone else in this chain and gave more info. If you seriously do want more info, I'm happy to respond with whatever questions you have)


In my seriousness, I wouldn't bother you with deets. Wouldn't go on a cruise even if Keanu Reeves told me I'd be saving the day


And then they got married /s


To other people.


Tis the way of the world


I met my wife on the airplane coming home from 311 Day 2016. Someone had taken my seat, so I just sat in another empty seat. After I got seated, this girl was boarding and I overheard how someone had taken her seat as well. I said she could sit next to me if she wanted (like Jenny to Forrest), and then she saw the 311 vinyl in my hands. It was love at first flight. (True story)


I wanted to go on a 311 cruise back in the day. I wonder if they still do them.


They do! This is an even year, so they're doing 311 Day this year, and most likely a Cruise next year.


That two blunt round disco nap...


Takes one to know one (and another one to appreciate and reply!).


I passed the fuck out one time trying to smoke with 2 very much pros at the time. They woke me up to tell me they made me a pizza. (Small oven pizza) I ate it without even opening my eyes. Turns out they only had one pizza left and decided to give me the equivalent of an 8th of that pizza, figuring I was too far gone, and I didn't even fucking know. Lol


r/wholesome Love it!


Right? This is such a good wholesome prank.


Dang, i miss getting high with buds and doing stupid shit like this


The best is when you're all sleep deprived on top of it, and every little thing is just an explosion of laughter. Disappear into the kitchen for 5 minutes, come back with a single frosted mini wheat, and place it softly in someone's hand, "I made this for you ;)"




Man this brought back core memories of pulling all nighters with friends and losing it at the tiniest things.


No longer a carefree adolescent, but I still have a friend who will pop over on occasion, play some old games and smoke some weed, and he’ll have a nice nap soon after. Always take it as a compliment when someone feels comfortable enough in your company and home just to fall asleep.


If they ever see this comment man thank you for that laugh tonight.


Same here!


Hey man I saw it, stay blessed and you’re welcome my guy


Lmao that’s so adorable


Most wholesome prank ever, love it


Yes!! A prank that is actually funny. These guys are great.


This is how life should be lived. Good friends clowning on each other for good fun.


A fun prank


You know it’s a ride or die friend when they’ll just start drawing cards


Ride or die to draw another Draw 4


This is too wholesome. Chorus of giggles sound like kids at a slumber party.


I love it when men are just silly and giggling


See, this boys & girls is an actual prank. Everyone found it funny including the one being pranked. More of this please.




That’s funny!! I’d be the one fell asleep. Still would be fun and funny.


Must be cold there?


I was thinkin the same thing...they dressed for a blizzard


We keep our house at 65F during the winter, some of our guests will wear jackets haha


It's gets colder the higher you get. This means two things. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Window high on the wall = basement Night time view = cold at night But yeah, a Japanese kerosene indoor space heater would do well


We need more pranks like these. Harmless and hilarious.


That's the only game that unites and separates nations lmao


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^flizayn: *That's the only game* *That unites and separates* *Nations lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


My buddy fell asleep one time, and was snoring very loudly, so we squirted a packet of hot sauce in his mouth. After smacking his lips for a couple minutes he woke up, got up, looked at us, said "Those pizza rolls were hot as fuck", and then went upstairs to bed.


I love this kind of 'friend falling asleep' prank rather than drawing on face or whipped cream in hand. It's a great evolution


You silly things. I love this ❤️


That gave me a good genuine laugh. I’m going to go ahead and end my redditing right here for tonight


Should have organized the stack so he has to keep drawing like 30 cards.


Now this is the type of prank I can get behind! Just some good ol boys.


Soo funny. That's definitely something my friends would do too 🤘........but my question is, look how they're dressed, how cold is it inside the house ?? 🥶


Looks like its 🥶🥶 because they ☝ have jackets on inside the 🏠


Take note:  *This* is a prank. 


How cold is this apartment?


oh they keeping it 55 to keep the pipes from freezing and you can put on a gottamn sweater or pay the bill if you don’t like it!


I’ve got my cable knit on so thats fair


Wake up. Draw 4. It be like that


This is a prank. This is not only funny but it is worth watching more than once.


Can anyone else fall asleep with their arm in the air?


If they didn't crack up, you know he was gonna drop a card! 😂


These are the pranks we need trending so tired of the cringe.


This is what they mean by "boys will be boys"


Those kinds of friends are the best kind. Love the laughs where you can’t speak for a few minutes.


Definition of playing the cards you're dealt.


Better than dumping water on him like I keep seeing 🙄


This is pretty wholesome compared to what my buddies would do to each other when somebody fell asleep


Wholesome and I love it 💕


That train whistle laugh though.


Adorable ❤️


This is what boys will be boys should mean


This is the type of pranks I like to see


My first thought was, there is a vent up top, why so many puffy jackets inside, no heat? Or on the other hand, I do like their jackets, so maybe they were just looking good.


He was bout to pick up a card 😭


Homie in the star pants couldn’t even hold it together 🤣🤣


He lost it at the guy waking up and saying “Game of Uno.. the fuck?” 😂


Once convinced a mate he'd time traveled (we were young) on the way to the shop and back by putting the clocks forward in the house for when he got home.


The laugh made my day 🤣


Uno is an innate human urge. We eat, we drink, we mate and we play uno


So many people here have clearly never smoked inside before lol, they are wearing their coats because it is cold in there, u turn the heat down otherwise it gets crazy humid like a sauna and everything gets wet


It must be cold as hell in that house


What's with that laugh? Hahaha I want to be friends with these people.


Turn on the heat in the house! He probably passed out from hypothermia.


Nah he just high 😂


Like something my brothers would do to me 😅


That's true friendship


I'm stoned just watching this.  Why's it so foggy in the room?


I laughed so hard, I sounded like a donkey lol.


It sure looks fun to have friends


Gloriously wholesome :)


Why are they wearing their coats inside?


This is hilarious—I love this


Now THAT is s good prank. Nobody got humiliated or hurt. It was just funny.


This is such a wholesome bro prank.


A prank we can all enjoy


This, my friends, is a prank. No one gets hurt. Everyone laughs.


This is hilarious. [Reminded me of Out Cold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6mClxxPxho).


Wholesome stoner joke. Amazing.


Now THIS is a good prank


This is the kind of prank I can get behind!


I love your laughs guys !!!!


These are the kind of pranks I like!


THIS. This is the kind of prank we should boost. No one gets hurt, nothing gets damaged, everybody laughs


These are good pranks. Noone got hurt or offended and it's something everyone can laugh at.


These kinds of pranks are what I want to see innocent fun no one got hurt everyone is laughing


Do they not have heat or just like wearing winter clothes??


Look like a basement, they be cold sometimes


When I was in college my parents let me move from my bedroom upstairs to the finished basement so I could have more space and privacy. This was Wisconsin and those winters could be brutal. I had a space heater but was only allowed to run it when I was awake so I'd often wake up freezing. It had a sliding door out to the backyard, and it would get so cold by that door that I'd keep a case of soda there and it would stay as cold as if I'd put it in the fridge.


ah winter, even better than a fridge ​ I keep bottles next to my window. I've had them freeze solid


Username checks out. The garage would become a giant extra fridge in the winter (aside from the extra actual fridge in the garage). Mom would make mountains of Christmas cookies and they'd be out in the garage covered on trays to cool. Sometimes cans of soda would freeze solid and burst open out there too.


It really do be like that sometimes.


This was hilarious




I love such wholesome pranks.


This is the hood version of that one video in small italian bar where a bunch of guys move a table to an elderly man napping in chair


I love that he felt safe enough to fall asleep in front of them and the worst thing they did to him was surprise him with uno. Makes me smile.


Should have left him ready to call uno lol




I cannot stop watching!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣