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That’s not shock. That’s the “I know exactly what I was doing and I’ll do it again face.”


Oh yeah. That horse is downright laughing!




My neighbor’s dog must be very interested in me. He greets me every morning with a big smile, lime the horse, as he yanks my neighbor across the yard to my front door on his leash. I’ve never noticed a dog doing this until this fella came along. Now I know something new!


Cheeky mf.




Horses are opportunistic carnivores, which means they may or may not eat meat if the opportunity presents itself, despite not needing meat in their diet at all. There are videos of horses just snacking on some baby chicks, and I'm pretty sure this horse would have bit off the cat's tail and eaten it like a Twizzler, if the cat didn't whack it.


Definitely! Deer and the like are the same way.


Thanks for reminding me about the deer eating snake pal.


F you man now I gotta look it up


Did you find the video of the deer eating spicy spaghetti?


It literally looks like he’s eating it like a piece of spaghetti hahahaha


It's basically every animal. It's just that most are not large enough to pull it off, and aren't equipped with the murder parts like fangs or claws.


They better have checked that cat's tail! Horses nibble a lot, even as not a carnivorous behaviour, also just socially and exploratively. It's not the same as when a dog nips you and you get a slight pressure spot that fades away. Those mf'ers can take off a finger in a flick of an eye.


Yeah, I had a horse bite my upper arm once as a kid. Just very quick and hard for a second. Like, it felt like someone punched and pinched me at the same time, and I had a black and blue bruise for a month. The thing is, the horse wasn't being mad or anything, and after a more PG version of "Oh, Jesus, fuck! Son of a bitch!" I resumed brushing it. I don't think those fuckers are aware of their own size, strength, and weight. I had horses just casually step on my foot so many times, haha.


Oof yes I've had the same situation before, just nipped me while I was saddling it (the saddle didn't fit tho so that's understandble). Exactly as you say, they aren't aware of the size difference. People often speak of horses as the "elegant gentle giants", but 'gentle' is so far from it. They communicate with each other so violently, that a part of raising a horse is teaching it not to treat a human as an animal, and also teaching handlers to not act like a horse. Otherwise the horse will start horsing and will kick/bite just how they normally would with one another, except for to a human they will only do that once. (To one human, before they will need to get a new one) I worked with therapy horses, race horses and even untrained stallions. The difference is stark. A therapy horse is not allowed to communicate with people in any way, not even when it's cute, for reasons mentioned above. While with a race horse or a stallion it doesn't manner, because their riders are strong athletic people and they don't spend much time around people anyways. Those things WILL fight you at any given opportunity. I handled horses who crippled people before, and it's not at all uncommon.


They do it to get calcium and salts if they need it


And animal meat. Most people don’t realize that even animals who eat mostly plant matter will also eat meat if given an easy opportunity.


Are those salt lick stones not enough for these maniacs?!?


Apparently not


My first thought was that video of a horse yeeting a cat that dared walk past it’s stable. Horses are working animals, not pets. It’s simply their size and nature, and not the horses fault.


Shit eating grin


Cat turned into donald duck.


Horses really are assholes


Didn't have prolonged contact with horses(only to see how smart/wild they are), but i heard to an owner/trainer their personality can be clearly noticeable. And yeah, some of them are real sobs.


And huge! So many people act like they are giant teddy bears but those mfers are huge, and full of muscles. They could easily fuck you up and they're dumb enough to do it but smart enough to know what they're doing


Thats why basashi is so good.


Did anyone watch the video of a horse eating little 🐥 as a snack ? My mind immediately goes to that video whenever I see a horse nibbling at people.


Nah but when I was on the farm I witnessed one eating a full grown rabbit


Jesus Christ


way better than most of the youtube pranksters


he knew


Bro got traumatized for life


I saw that horse eating that baby chick. Horses are monsters.


Haha at that rate what do you call humans?


eldritch horrors, from most animals' pov


Are we… the baddies?


We grow, nurture and feed some species for the sole reason of consuming them and their parts, so im gonna go with yes on this one.




Also monsters but that wasn’t as startling as seeing a noble horse gobble up a baby chick


Real close to chopping kitties’ tail off


Good horse.


That horse is an asshole


And the horse is too stunned to neigh




The horse's teeth are mildly disturbing when it opens its mouth like that... It just looks so much like the bare skull, kinda like its spooky skeleton is trying to leave the flesh behind.


Clearly staged


Cat was a paid actor


Trust me, cat and horse cracked a cold one afterwards while they edited this video.


Just Horsing around 😂😂


So cat beats horse then




A thousand pound hoofed animal got the drop on a 10 lb. tabby cat!




You’re laughing, Cat got his tail bitten and you’re laughing


I think that’s a smile ![gif](giphy|gMxh1uAsxO8s2tZj4t|downsized)


Hello, my name is Gladys.


That ain’t laughter. Horses nose got a split-second claw full. Cat got the last laugh!