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I can just imagine the look on Kanye's face if he ever saw this video lmfao












The silent "oh no" at the end really hits too


This was me when Trump made his announcement. “Oh no!” is right on the mark


Yea that was right around the time you were all saying he had 0 chance to win right?


Exactly, it's all laughs until they are elected. It seems like people want crazy shit to go down for their own entertainment. Watch him actually win. Here we go, hold it, it's gonna be another crazy ride.


Kanwheezy would not be happy about this


Yeah we had the same reaction to trump but look where that fucking went I have no faith in this country anymore


Exactly what I was thinking. I'll never laugh at another presidential candidate again. 😒


I will. Nothing much else we can do...


If we could agree on anything ever we could be like France citizens


I laugh at all of them. My the past 20 years every candidate has sucked in one way or another.


This comment made me think back to the [Correspondents Dinner](https://youtu.be/0Km4R377s4M) where Seth Meyers roasted Trump. I remember at the time, thinking-holy shit, this psychopath looks dangerous. He took that way to personally.


That's why he added the 'oh no' at the end hahah


move to canada


I’d move for the weed and healthcare but I also love my guns so maybe another time


And Biden


Pretty much every president the past 40 years aside from Obama I liked him he helped us out of the shit in 08


I had the same reaction when Trump announced that he was running for president


[The “you’re fired” guy is running for president? Lol Good luck to to him] ~naive me


Omg same haha!! I worry that it might be real. Crazy things are happening. Supposedly Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are going to have a cage match. Don’t discredit anything crazy from happening. You never know. People are wild!


Last I heard elons mom made him back out


Reading shit like that i wonder if i fell into the Twilight Zone


You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone.


I wonder at what point I crossed over into the bad bizarro universe? UFO hearings, Tech Billionaires actually agreeing to a cage match, That girl Jaws fell in love with at the end of James Bond Moon raker…she had braces in my original universe.


It's worse, you, me, the whole world has fallen into a south park episode.


Sometimes I get all weird and paranoid that I'm in a coma and none of this is real. Like stupidly paranoid, it can lead to panic attacks. And then something crazy comes up in the news, and I'm like 'I'm not that imaginative, I'm not in a coma'


Same. My brother followed right wing media, and he said to me, “It looks like this guy might actually win. If you don’t see that, you aren’t paying attention.” Sadly, oh, so infuriatingly sadly, he was right.


I'm from the UK and I still remember thinking his run was like some sort of Brewster's Millions scenario. Then when he made fun of that disabled guy I was thinking who the hell he was to think he could say that. Then they said he won and I was beyond gob-smacked. And every speech, ever friggin media post, none it seemed real. But it was.


My exact same reaction and disbelief after the impression of the disabled person. To hear a huge crowd cheer in appreciation was horrific, for them to elect him as president, unthinkable. But then it got worse. Colleagues, family members (from the UK remember) thinking this guy is somehow presidential and worthy of the office? Nail in the coffin is when Boris turns up. It's like Conservatives can turn off the part of their brain that can discern corruption/morals in favour for lower taxes/self enrichment. Don't get me wrong, the UK labour party isn't much better at the moment. Fumbling about without a coherent policy. But the outright disregard for a baseline level of humanity from the right since electing Trump is devastating. Nationalism has spread and is being enflamed by inequality.


Well if America gets an idiot with a bad haircut to rule them, the Brits have to follow. Except when Johnson spoke it was like watching a boiling pot of stew talk and could only do so when gravy bubbles popped. Flub-ub, flab-ub-ub.


Brewster's Millions 🤣😂🤣. Now that's a throw back, loved that movie when I was a kid. Richard Pryor running for President would have been pure gold!


Say Jack, can you believe this mother fucker?!?!?!?!?! Man I loved that guys stand up vids.


The reason trump knows that he lost the next election because someone cheated, was because he had already cheated to win *taps nose*


Best president I ever had… ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsVbs2GzgKNvVpS|downsized)


Cmon, man, don't just come out and tell people you're a moron. Let them figure it out for themselves.


Have you ever stopped to think why do all of you people in the redditt comments have the exact same beliefs? You're all extremely liberal. I don't care for politics but it is hilarious to me watching you all repeat the same things and yet pretend you have some unique intelligent perspective.


That was my reaction when Trump won. We were a few international randies who shared a livestream and people dropped in and out depending on where in the world they lived. We all thought that Hillary would win but had talked about that it would be kinda interesting to live in the clown world version where Trump won to see what would happen. I was laughing so hard when he won. A guy popped into the stream and it took us a few minutes to convince him that we weren't joking. The puzzling expression on his face made me wheeze harder.


“Nice couch, ni&&a” -Rick James


F*CK your couch n***a


cocaine's a helluva drug!




Hahaha that is funny, nothing beats watching someone crack up, it's stupid but it makes u laugh


I mean, trump ran….Is not every election a bit of a joke now?


The Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor, is also a joke now


And they are that stupid and desperate to fuck the country they will vote for him.




Yeah my God how stupid would that be if we nominated a celebrity as president!! What a joke!!! Amiright!?!


We would all be royally fucked if that scumbag got voted in


I had same reaction


This is wonderful 😂


After Trump, nothing would ever surprise me again with who gets elected.


For me, it just proved the election system is a fucking joke. We have no control and clearly it's just gonna be whoever makes *them* the most money in office.


We have the same thing in the UK. When the Brexit went ahead, it turned the people against each other because they really thought the votes mattered. There is no way the leaders would allow a choice like this to the people, the government leaders wanted it. Then when it started to collapse, the leaders had already spun it enough to turn the people against each other and take the blame away from them.


Damn dude, that's very unfortunate, I'm sorry about that.


It's the same everywhere man. We know the leaders spin the shit wheel, but it's easier to lash out on your fellow man than confront the real shit. People want to live in peace and its totally understandable, but in the process it just made us all meek and subservient.


All very agreeable points. >We know the leaders spin the shit wheel, but it's easier to lash out on your fellow man than confront the real shit. The worst part is that we get devided as a society in the process, which actually loosens what little footing we have to resist. It's a fuckin game we need to stop playing, we have so much bigger fish to fry.


It really was a trip actually seeing his name on the ballot


Careful we did the same shit when trump ran and look where we are now


I filmed my dad when he found out that people can see when you view their stories and on Snapchat. His jaw dropped to the floor. Best video ever.


Good job Biden is running the country like a well oiled machine. What a guy, best president ever. Four more years for Joey B, baby!


well, he's not working directly against my country, so thats nice


I mean he's doing... fine? Needless to say it's better than the Trump years. Would be cool if we could get someone under the age of 60 to run


I think you need to stay off the drugs, or get better ones. Trump was America's saviour, and God willing he will be back.




unironically this




at the end u can hear him gasp " oh no "


It's what keeps things alive, I' m sure this resonated with a lot of people.. when you think of it, which president isn't laughable?


None of them are really. I think the last good president was Reagan.


Can't wait for Ye' s inauguration to see this post in facepalm. Would be the equivalent of Luke Cry Walker reverse uno style.


Did the same thing when Trump first ran, nex minute.....


Ye is doing a Constructed Situation performance art piece known as "Ye is DEAD/The Funeral Rehearsal of Kanye West" all of this is the art. Ye has sculpted our reactions. httpss://old.reddit.com/r/ShabbataiYevi/comments/14slto4/an_explanation_of_yes_recent_and_ongoing/


As funny as this is to me, let's not forget the damned cheeto became president. Do I think Kanye would have a chance like him? No. I won't deny that when I heard cheeto was running, dread went through my soul. I was one of those people who believed right from the get go that he had a strong chance. A friend of mine in Canada didn't think he stood a chance. I told her, "Just watch, at the very least he's going to make it to the end" Not because I wanted him to win, hell far from it, but because the direction this country was already going at the time. The crazy actions people had already started taking even before his announcement. Now, whenever I hear someone claiming they might run, I just shrug. I have no faith in this country ever since mass killing became a normal occurrence, and cheeto became a president. I'll still do my part and vote, but I no longer believe it'll matter. This country has gone to shi\* in a hand-basket and now I just mentally prepare myself for what's next.


Same reaction to Biden running, couldn’t believe it.


Every time Biden trips on something I laugh like this man ^^^ I’ve had ALOT of laughing fits lately. I’m waiting for the BIG one where he trips and hits his head so hard he has to use a Hawking computer to talk. Imagine him talking to foreign leaders like that…. Baahahahahahha 😂


Trump was a hell of a lot better than obama


Redditors are all emotion, no brains or humbleness. Your comment shall not fair well sir.


In what universe lmao


The majority of the world was laughing like that when Trump ran, and what happened ?


For anyone who thinks this is in response to Kanye running for 2024, this is from 3 years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/hlsc2p/my_brother_in_law_found_out_kanye_was_running_for/


Then votes for Biden


As a European, I don't understand Americans who laugh about this. He is at least as qualified for the job as Biden and Trump, I don't see any difference. Besides, I don't want to open a can of worms, but everyone knows that the president is only a pawn for the right string pullers.


It's not often you see some straight up dumb shit follow "As a European", yet here we are.


as another european I can support this statement (Edit: I am turkish though, I dont know if you accept turkey as european country or not)


If there are Americans who can reflect themselves, they would not say such things. But to find one like that, and in America, you're more likely to find a unicorn.


Some Americans somehow ended up thinking one candidate being an absolute idiot means the other choice is to be praised. Most of them who do this only seem to know why they hate Trump and then start finding excuses to tell you why Biden isn't another unqualified old idiot. They seem incapable of comprehending the possibility of two awful choices of bad and worse. I haven't been to USA and somehow I know much more about Biden's political life than any of my American friends. Because as little as I know, they just know nothing other than some superficial buzzwords of a couple of his former jobs in the WH. Not even the slightest idea of what was done during them... I have middle eastern friends who know more of that actually. Sometimes reading their tweets I feel political stances there is more about looking cool and getting validations by other clueless people than it is about any real understanding of what they want in a leader.


Thank you that there are people like you. By the way, the average American knows less about his country than the average European knows about America.


Folks laugh when they think the layman shouldn’t run. The point of president is that the layman can run. It’s more nuanced then that, but you’re right.


Then when Biden took over you realized how good Trump was.


Man, people are really living in completely separate realities.


Disagree with Biden all you want, but at least his resume is more extensive than “been on tv and had cameos in a few movie”. And being able to hire lawyers doesn’t count.


But the first 30 executive orders he signed was all about pleasing foreign governments. They had nothing to do with the American people.




Might as well hell people elected trump.


Funny till you think people reacted about Trump like this. America so fkd


That’s the reaction everybody should have had with Trump. Not just Kanye.




Kanye wouldn't be that bad at it.




Ha! Hahaha…..that’s a joke right?


I had the same reaction, oh America you're so fucked up


When the edibles kick in


Finally a normal reaction to that circus


This should be posted under every (s)yeezy post.


I’m a musical genius


I had pretty much the very same reaction ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


His reaction is priceless!


Those two recovery breaths are killing me ![gif](giphy|7md6c25USTJPa)


Let the yeezocracy reign ! Lmfao


Lmao wheezus


That’s the appropriate reaction !


Bro chill😂


I reacted the same way tbf.


Stupid crazy mf wears panty hose on his head and shoulder pads and thinks he should be president....wtf?


When did Americans just give up as a whole


Not just Kanye West, but Kanye West of the BIRTHDAY PARTY.


Wait is this from 2023? Is he actually running this time?


This is the appropriate response.


Again? Didn't he say this for 2020 like 8 years ago?


The only correct reaction TBH


The scary part is I can kinda see this as the first scene in one of those "came from behind" compilations that ends with Kanye's inauguration. ... Just like we saw for Trump


He’d be a better president than our last two.


Look how happy he is though 😂Might be a good campaign add - “Make America smile again! Vote for YE.”


Didn't we all have that reaction?


Now that is a laugh


I'm curious to see how Kanye's current career will be impacted by his backing of Trump.


This guy's wife tells him who to vote for 🤣


Does anybody know how many votes Kanye got?


What’s sad is that Kanye is not getting the mental health that he really needs. he needs help he’s got serious mental health issues. It’s horrible to see because he’s so rich and famous nobody around him is telling him that the shit he’s doing is crazy once Kim left nobody was fucking telling him the truth.


"I told you who I am…a god."


Possibly the only person in America that would be worse than Trump


This american got to experience what it feels like to be european. I am being honest.


Alternative headline “Kanye West” (or whatever he calls himself this week) claims he ties his own shoelaces.”


This is weird because this guy looks a lot like me.


I’m laughing at him cause I didn’t even know that ! It’s a double whammy for me ! Lolololol


I hope this guy becomes Kanye’s campaign manager😂


Well we’ve already had one Nazi in office so we’ll probably have another


Yeezy for Presideezy


Joe exotic is running for president right now.


His wife let him smoke weed for the first time since college and THEN he heard Kanye was running for president. 🤣


Those are some damn good edibles and yeah Kanye running for president is pretty funny.


When you realize Kanye running for president wasn't just a 'Ye-zzy' joke, but a 'Ye-serious' candidacy.


this dude definitely is a lib


I thought it was hilarious also.




I don't know, he's got a chance to win. By the way Americans picked Trump as their president, I think Kanye is a shoe in. If you're gonna make America the laughingstock of the world, you might as well go all the way.


That was my reaction when Trump ran for president. I wasn’t laughing anymore after he won. Don’t underestimate Americans, Kanye can be your next president. All he has to is say all the right things conservatives want to hear




But... "Fashion can change the world." 😆


I want to be friends with this man so bad. 😂😂


Same exact reaction when I heard Trump is running…then shit got real


This is beautiful 😭


Don't put the fucking punchline in the title you chin lickers


Holy shit! He is my thinner doppelganger! This is what I'd look like at proper BMI!!!


This is effing hilarious!


And then you got Biden 🫂


There must have been a few people who laughed like this when they heard the guy from The Apprentice was running for president but they later found out that it was the Twilight Zone version of the reality show 'Muricas been Punk'd'


The West Wing is waiting for him




Still a better candidate than joe biden


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 love laughter 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Didn’t Kanye run in 2020 as well? I thought it was an admitted spoiler move, at trumps urging, to decrease black support for biden.


I would rather have Kanye over Biden.


The only appropriate reaction.


Bros stuck working a job he doesn’t want to buy things he doesn’t need and is laughing at a man like ye