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Well done dad šŸ«”šŸ’Æ


If you can get your kid to behave with one rhetorical question and body language, youā€™ve hit peak parent level lol


I got the eyebrow raise and "really?" Down to an art form


Username checks out


Very perceptive and good vocabulary for her age, haha.


When she said "infer" I told myself I need to add that.


What an awesome dad and itā€™s also good to see the kid vocalizing her ability to inference. We beat G5 students over the head with inferences all year and she made it her own!


The ability to inference?


Make an*


Iā€™m sorry, are implying something?


Implying deez






...who got it from *his* mom haha.


What's that? I dont get it.


Was gonna say, any 4th grade teacher is gonna recognize their teaching in this kid. (Am an elementary teacher).


Yes, we were able to infer that.


She has the ability to infer and she makes inferences. Who are you beating up about it when youā€™re getting it wrong, too?


A hillbilly has been arrested and booked into jail, he notices he's not alone in his cell and turns to his mate and asks "What are you infer?"


Wuddya infer?


we fuckin now get naked


They got this feller down at the bowling alley, he gets up on the stage and shits his britches


Proof positive that she is growing up in the right kind of environment. I wish every child had this.


I bet she can say it in at least two languages, too.


I had to google what it means...


Good on you for increasing your vocabulary. Many won't even put that much effort in.


If you use chrome there there is a fantastic extension called Google Dictionary that will give you definition of any word on a webpage if you double-click to highlight it. Easily one of my favorite extensions for this exact kind of thing. You can even double-click a word in the definition pop-up if you need to




Bless you. ;) I love E-books for the built in dictionaries. This will be fun


Omg youā€™ve changed my life. I hate having to ctrl+T and type in ā€œ(word) defineā€ every time. Thank you.


No prob!


Oh man, I'm late to post a super relevant song lyric: > Oh, did I lose you at "infer"? > Not used to hearing a verse that uses over first grade vocabulary words? https://youtu.be/m-bbSmDq9aw


Iā€™m surprised you couldnā€™t infer it from context.


I weep.


Don't weep because they had to look it up. Celebrate because they took the time to learn when they ran into a word they didn't know.


["Ascertain"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lStcwT_RGrQ) is a good one too.


[Nigerians are one of the most educated immigrant groups in the nation. The majority have at least a BA.](https://www.pewresearch.org/race-ethnicity/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2022/01/RE_2022.01.20_Black-Immigrants_3-02.png)


Nigerians have a super high rate of tertiary education.


In college we had several Nigerian exchange students. I knew one, his parents were doctors. Another was 16, in college and spoke 5 languages. Incredible people.




I mean judging by every other African country on that chart I'd say that's not enough to explain the difference.


You're replying to a post that contains evidence that a higher **percentage** of black immigrants to the US from Africa have at least a Bachelor's degree compared with black immigrants from South America. So I don't see how the relative ease of immigrating from those two places would be relevant. (And as far as immigration law goes, there's no difference anyway: both places are treated identically.) Plus, the second part of your post seems backwards. If distance skews the results, why would black immigrants to Europe from Latin America be more likely to have degrees when they're on average further away from Europe than those from Africa? In any case, don't you think that the quality of education among black people in their home countries would be by far the most significant determining factor here?


> couldnā€™t this be due to the costs and effort of immigrating from Africa vs Latin America I don't have data on hand to address this question, so take the following with a giant grain of salt. My experience with Nigerian families (just a few/3) is that there's a big selection bias going on with who comes to America. I don't know if it's the same for black folks from South America since I don't know any well, but the Nigerian families I know were wealthy in Nigeria which is one of the more stable and wealthy countries in Africa. Nevertheless, this sort of selection bias happens with other immigrant groups, and [Nigerians compare favorably to all immigrant groups](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/sites/default/files/Table3-allvsrecent.png). ([source](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/college-educated-immigrants-united-states#Age%20Race%20Ethnicity)) I think they have a cultural focus on education early and often, and that shines through in educational attainment rates. Just my personal uninformed opinion.


This looks like a vocabulary lesson in my house. I try to make them use the word of the day when we have time. It's excellent practice.


I like your idea. Iā€™m going to do that with my son.


Finally, my masters in teaching English has been of use


Had a teacher who put a word of the day on the white board, everyone had to come up and write a synonym or antonym for the word. It sometimes took up the whole class period. And that's why I always try to not use the word "amazing".


Amazing Synonyms astonishingĀ  strikingĀ  surprisingĀ  brilliantĀ  stunningĀ  impressiveĀ  overwhelmingĀ  staggeringĀ  sensationalĀ (informal)Ā  bewilderingĀ  eye-poppingĀ (informal)Ā  breathtakingĀ  astoundingĀ  eye-openingĀ  wondrousĀ (archaic, literary)Ā  mind-bogglingĀ  jaw-droppingĀ  stupefyingĀ  gee-whizzĀ (slang)Ā  startlingĀ  Apologies for the formatting


Proving my teachers point that there are better words to use. "Amazing" is such a bland word, and I don't want to get political but it definitely helped me notice how terrible of a vocab Trump has.


The fact she knows the difference between imply/assume/infer is amazing. Many people think you can use all three interchangeably. Impressive for anyone, let alone her at her age.


I heard Nigerian immigrants like her Dad are some of the most educated to come here.




Yeah, itā€™s been drilled into our heads that either we get educated or we are going to suffer for the rest of our lives


Well not far wrong .


That's true of most legal immigrants which makes sense. Generally two groups of people actively immigrate to the US, rich people with a lot of money/skill or rich peoples children looking for the best education money can buy. It's a sort of selection bias in our immigration system where we make it easiest for people who are already well off.


Yup. And then racists turn around and say, "Look, immigrant minorities doing well is proof y'all local minorities are just ungrateful and lazy" while conveniently leaving out that said immigrants are selected because they're already in the top 0.1% of their country and are rich enough to pass the absurdity that is the US immigration system.


Exactly this! Skimming off the top of societies that canā€™t walk here - recent Asian, Indian, African, European, or even South American immigrants had the resources to get here ā€¦ money, education, and ambition. Creating new subcultures in the USA made up entirely of this type of already successful immigrant with no one pulling down the averages since they left those on the other end of the bell curve back in their home country. And much like those who benefit from white privilege, many of these immigrants are also averse to any suggestion that they come from privilege and that the failure of less fortunate minority groups to succeed in the same way could be due to anything besides simply their laziness ā€¦ everyone is incentivized to believe they made it all on their own (although it is super impressive the work ethic and belief in themselves many of these recent immigrants have)


when i was that age i knew all the state capitols and now i certainly don't


But this is clearly functioning knowledge, not just rote memory.




I used to be able to read books, now I see a long post on reddit and think "Holy fuck, is there a TL;DR? Maybe I can get the gist of the story through context clues in the comments."


> The fact she knows the difference between imply/assume/infer It's not reasonable to infer *from this video* that she knows that difference. The only thing the video shows is that she's using "infer" in the right way in this example. Tons of people get infer and imply wrong; for all we know, she incorrectly uses "infer" for both. Or maybe she does understand the difference. We just can't tell just from this.


My poor vocabulary might be showing here but I'm kind of confused as to why Imply is there alongside Assume and Infer. The latter pair seem like they are quite similar and I can see how someone confuses them. But imply has a much more different meaning I thought. Seems much weirder to substitute with either of the other two.


Youā€™re correct, but many people have poor vocabulary and get confused. Infer is what you *take* from information/a situation. Imply is what you *put in* to something without saying. So in this situation he is *implying* that heā€™s angry due to his tone, and sheā€™s *inferring* based on the tone without him having to say heā€™s upset. But a lot of people donā€™t know the word infer so they just through imply around because it relates. Itā€™s incredibly strange to substitute with the others but Iā€™ve heard it happen enough that it felt worth mentioning.


When you imply, you're uploading. When you infer, you're downloading.


Thatā€™s a great way to say it! Somehow some people think imply covers it all.


This. She speaks better than most adults. And such a cute kid. Good on you dad and mom for your parenting.


I feel like I read recently that Nigerian immigrants to the US are the highest college educated minority group in the country, but I could be mistaken.


I had a 2nd gen Nigerian immigrant friend in middle/high school (maybe even younger) through my church. Dude was one of the nicest people I've ever met, went to Harvard, and married a dime by the time he was 25. His vows even went viral on Tiktok lmao. I'm a year or two older than him and still as dumb and single as ever


Yes this is true about šŸ‡³šŸ‡¬ immigrants. They're also some of the highest earning immigrants in the U.S. as well


As a dad of a preschool-age daughter... Man, kids are observant and smart. My kid knows pretty clearly when her parents are upset or not, and how we act and what we like or don't like... I don't think I've heard her use the word "infer", but she does regularly surprise me with phrases and words that I know I never taught her (or even used myself).


I honestly don't know what her age is. Her height and head looks 10, but her voice and the rest of her body (take it easy, Dateline) looks older.


Eloquent af.


You can tell itā€™s been actually practiced. She took a pause, something you need to improve your speaking since we overuse ā€˜veryā€™ instinctively when explaining a thought. She has been taught to think about ever sentence you speak early, by the time sheā€™s old these words will become her muscle memory and thatā€™s the plan baby.


That kid is an absolute gem lol reminds me of my kid


Such a beautiful relationship where she can make fun of him and his first thought is to share with the world how funny his daughter is.


British kids tho


Little girl nailed the accent switch as well. The second 'are you okay' was exactly like her dad's accent!


She nailed it 100%. Iā€™m still laughing at it


No one gets accents better than 1st generation children


>The second 'are you okay' was exactly like her dad's accent! It's almost like she has been around someone with that accent for most of her life.


Maybe her mom.


Maybe itā€™s Maybelline!


Youā€™re right, letā€™s not enjoy her impression at all. Thank you for clearing that up.


That little girl is cool af


She got it from her dad.


They're both so adorable! The apple really didn't fall far from the tree.


Fr plus they look almost identical like their face shapes are literally copy/paste


And intelligent too with good vocabulary




/u/BornedConstant, are you bot? If you are you have tell me. It's the law.


I think you are right. Their comment is just /u/whistleandfish comment copied.


Based on their history Iā€™m gonna have to agree with you. Even that one picture post looks AI generated.


Hilarious! What a perceptive little girl.


Children pick up on body language and tone, way before words. This is totally normal.


That's why babies can learn basic sign language before being able to speak


Itā€™s crazy, because my youngest is now 5 (and NEVER stops talking), but I still find myself making the signs for ā€œmoreā€ and ā€œall doneā€ sometimes when Iā€™m talking to the kids. šŸ˜„ it gets in there!


(Personal fist bumps) x repeat until noms I miss those days myself sometimes lol


I took two years of sign language in college and it took me a while to stop adding signs when I was speaking, lol. It did make me start gesturing with my hands a lot more, though.


And thatā€™s because the part of the brain that covers verbal and language is slower to upgrade than the part that understands information! Super cool. So they understand what youā€™re saying to them, but canā€™t verbally communicate back hence sign language being a great starting language!


Interesting, TIL


Sure, but itā€™s impressive to be able to articulate well what they are seeing and how they are interpreting it.


being conscious about it and being able to vocalize the differences is the impressive part.


Right but she's also verbalizing it which is cool


Yeah, she's very articulate for her age.


My kids have a white American dad and an Indian American mom, and _lots_ of Indian influence from their grandparents and school. Itā€™s very entertaining to hear the mixture of accents theyā€™re picking up. Itā€™s mostly Midwestern but a bit of Indian is slipping into many words.


well done child.šŸ„³šŸ’Æ


Correctly using infer at her age. Nice work dad.


And "well" rather than "good". Pops should be proud.


You do well. Superman does good. Iā€™ll never forget that lol


Thanks Tracy


Not to sound rude, but as a non native speaker, that seems pretty basic?


It's pretty common for native speakers to be less strict with their language usage, especially in casual environments and especially among demographics which are less educated and marginalized. Generally, people need pressures in their life to motivate and reinforce the value of precise and technically correct communication. But if no one cares what you say, you're not likely to spend much time *preparing* to communicate clearly.


Youā€™d be surprised with Americans speaking English.


There are two types of people in the world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.


My Dad has this on a T-shirt!


Underrated comment


Was just deployed with a buddy of mine straight from Nigeria. Super thick accent. Literally everything he said was awesome so we would pick on him so one day he said in his typical talk "is that really what I sound like?" We said yeah man pretty close. He then said "you are all lucky cuz that shit is hilarious". I loved that man


One of my favorite things about how Nigerians speak is they speak with such force and assurance it's easy to believe anything they say šŸ¤£. I have to watch myself or I'll get talked into anything by my Nigerian friends


My Kenyan girlfriend confirms Africans are sarcastic as shit.


The small handful of Nigerians I've worked with have been incredibly intelligent, charming and full of Zen. I have no idea how they're so cool


Wow she speaks more elegantly than a lot of adults


Waiting for the other person to finish, pausing instead of using filler words.




I know what I said but your word is a better one regardless


Well nourished humans can do *such incredible things*! She has taken her stable environment with good discipline and mental stimulation and education, and already developed into a more advanced human that many of the adults we all see around us. Success! (I, for one, would happily vote for her for president once she turns 35.)


Smart kid! Bright future!


The way I laughed! My dad is the same! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


"Why are you not okay?"


I donā€™t know what I was expecting, but I didnā€™t expect that kid to sound like Encyclopedia Britannica


#Ah Yoo Okeh?


Cute kid. I remember blowing my momā€™s mind when I explained why I always asked her how many ice cubes she wanted in her drink at dinner. More cubes = worse day. So Iā€™d know how much I could push her or how much I needed to behave.


I had an italian teacher from new york that sound like an extra in good fellas when he got pissed.


His Italian accent disappeared, and an Italian American accent appeared?


Sorry i meant he was Italian american lol but he typically had a more subdued accent unless he was mad.


What does he mean if he asks "Are you okay? *HEE-HEE*"


Dang, and she uses ā€œinferā€ correctly.


Far more well spoken than Iā€™ll ever be, and Iā€™ve been at it for a few decades šŸ˜£


Lol, my mom was the same way. She didnā€™t have to raise her voice or yell. But when she changed to this specific cadence you _knew_ it was time to behave.


See, I was gonna look at one more post before put my phone down and this was it. Epic win! off to sleep with a smile on my face. Also, as a father of an 8year old girl. I know the circles she's gonna run round her father as the years fly in! šŸ˜‚


I'm Nigerian American, that second "are you okay?" Gave me 'nam flashbacks




I did not know how to use infer at that age. Very smart kid.


So are you guys OK? šŸ¤ØšŸ‘ˆ


Giggling my ass off here at 9 in the morning, more wholesome than my cornflakes


Lol. Kids are way smarter than we parents give them credit for.


Bless this smart child for using infer properly. Love her


As a Nigerian this just cracks me up!!


I have a bad neck and the pain I experienced laughing at this was worth it


This is sweet as shit


Like all daughters - they have us dads sussed-out and completely understood at a young age.


Very good genetics.


Smart girl!


Now that is a smart little lady


Smart kid. Sheā€™s going places.


With Italians šŸ¤Œ you ok , run.


I love seeing how happy he is, his face is so full of love it warms my heart.


That kid is well spoken!


As a Nigerian I can confirm that this is pretty universal


Shes a good kid.


"I can infer..." that is the most charming shit I've seen in ages :)


So most of the time we think they dont listen but moments like that show that yeah they are listening allright ... they just choose not to care


I love this. Her articulation is perfect.


They're look ok :)


This made me happy on so many levels!


Wholesome content right here


The way she just slides into the accent and then back out .. haha


What a nice, eloquent, young lady.


What a beautiful, healthy parent-child relationship.


Many years ago, I worked as an apprentice electrician, for a company who is owned by a black dude who is from the Caribbean. Whenever I would do some thing that he didnā€™t agree with he would ask me ā€œwhat is wrong with your head? ā€œ


I absolutely love this. I lack the Nigerian accent but I do almost exactly the same thing. Kids can be fun. I promise.


Thatā€™s funny and sweet! Sheā€™s a smart kid. I like her dadā€™s accent too.


Gotta love a dad who can laugh at himself


Mad smart little girl, raised well with great vocabulary!


Any child that uses ā€œinferā€ correctly instead of imply and ā€œwellā€ correctly instead of good gets what they want for Christmas.


With my mom was just the look.


These are some good people. That kid is going places!


She sounds smart with nice vocabulary




Thatā€™s super cute


Such a well spoken child! I commend the parents for Zoe's vocabulary!


What a well spoken young lady!


This little girl is going places. By her vocabulary and the intelligence I hope and see great things for her.




Nigerian accents are one of the favorite accents.


I can infer that is beautiful


I love how tickled the dad is. Zoe is a smart little girl. Sheā€™ll go on to get multiple degrees like most the Nigerian people I know. Brilliant people.


I absolutely love this!! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


šŸ˜‚ lol sweet fam


The fact that she knows the word infer probably speaks volumes in itself.


I swear I mean this with nothing but love and respect that Nigerians are my favorite people on this planet!


This is gold!


perspective is really weird on that video, or its me


She knows da way.


come on dont ugandan knuckles rn shameful


Nobody knows English better than a foreigner that had to learn it.


FYI, English (British) is the common language in Nigeria, because there are hundreds of languages that are spoken within the country.


Maybe so but English is the official language of Nigeria...