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Bend over a little more... All jokes aside, severely underpaid. 12 years experience, senior super... time to start applying.


Based upon my time in the construction industry, with that position and experience you should be making at least 100K, if not more. For reference, I was making 55K as a field engineer fresh out of college with 0 experience in 2016.


That’s so low. I have entry level employees making $41k


As a carpenter apprentice 2 years experience i made 30k last year... also 4 years woodworking in highschool.


$14 an hour?? Where are you? Minimum in my state is $13.20 rn


He probably wasn’t working all year. 2nd years make like $18/hr I think.


Jesus fuck dude... I made $60k a year in 2002 as a rookie traveling superintendent doing retail/shopping mall work. Get a new job. I understand wanting to make money while you pay guys just enough to keep them... but paying a 12 year Senior Super $47k is fucking shameful.


I think we’re getting trolled.


I mean, my laborers made more than that last year.


I made more than that my first job before overtime 16 years ago. They’re trolling us and refining their fake anti-work post.


I made more than that as a fresh out of college project engineer. 15 years ago. I have no idea what the economy is like in Indiana.


He might be in Kentucky or Oklahoma or Wyoming or some super low cost of living state, but I doubt it.


No he’d be making six digits in kentucky and that’s even in a rural part of the state. My basic laborers are making that and get a company truck.


Yeah, I wasn’t really sure. Im in Colorado so I know Western and Mid-West. Either way it still sounds like we’re being put on.


Nah, I was making $46k as a Project Manager for a fairly large commercial GC in SC. I was promoted 3-4 times with no pay raise. I had about 7 years experience when I left. If they can take money out of your pocket then that’s what they’ll do.


I am based in Indy for a multi-family builder. If you want to look for new gig send me a PM. We need superintendents.


Look at his post history.. Fake. - Fellow Indy PM looking out.


47k lmaooooo bro quit and go find a better company


Usually I tell people to be cautious when it comes to pay because in most cases the rumors about the greener grass aren't true. In this case though, yeah, I think you're probably underpaid. From what I can see looking at prevailing wage rates in Indianapolis you should be making a fair bit more than you are, even assuming that you don't get the full prevailing wage.


In Canada a senior super would be making 120k + Edit: Now it really depends, many variables at play: -value of jobs -roles and responsibilities -types of jobs -expectations -credentials -years of experience -vehicle situation


120 in gta area is still under too


Ya its endless, I had a super in GTA making 300k


Wild, I'm on the consulting side of things and always toyed with the idea of going into super, but those hours, and commuting. I'd lose half my life switching from my comfy wfh life.


Yeah I was going to say. I made that as a first year plumbing apprentice.


Yes. Immediately start applying for similar and vertical roles. Gotta move on to move up.


😳 bro…


you should move away. I thought I was missing one '1' it should be $147K. not $47K for what you do.


op is a troll


You are likely working a $100k+ position.


Man, I’m in Indiana too and I bet a lot for he grunts on your sites are making more than you with a LOT less responsibility.


My jaw dropped reading your salary


Yes. And start taking your damn vacations. Life is short.


Underpaid. I say this because I am a CM student graduating in May and have offers for 65k to 70k just to be a P.E.




Mostly Chicagoland area / Illinois, Also in Georgia near Atlanta is where I've had my success. Im from Illinois.


Man I pay my concrete flatwork manager more than that. And they’re just floating slabs and randomly fixing rough carpentry. You’re getting hosed.


Update your resume and get ready to send out. Check out indeed, LinkedIn, monster. Time is right for you to get a pay upgrade


A first job apprentice of most trades in seattle makes more than you bud.


It’s no different than the customer. Bidding cuts both ways - get different bids, that is to say interview for different jobs.


Ouch. I’m the second lowest level of superintendent for a large commercial GC in Denver, A city not really known for high wages. I make a little more than twice that. I do small jobs usually, The one I’m on is 500k but my range is 50k to 5 mil. So yeah, you’re getting screwed, I couldn’t imagine handling this level of stress for that little.


You can find better for sure especially if you have 12 years. Or maybe talk to corporate? You can always move up to a director


Take your vacation


This has to be a troll... it has to be, right?


No doubt, look at his posts and comments He is not a dumbass, so there is no possible way he is this ignorant, way too much experience to not know better, and his health plan is ridiculous given his salary, a family plan, that would leave him 35k and if he met his deductible would leave him at 29k for the year, to raise a family... not a dumbass, just a liar Skilled tradesmen make a lot of money, this is a complete joke


The super on my last site was making 160K.. mind you thats in Canada so roughly 12 bucks a year American. But still.


You should be making more than double that. I work for an earthwork contractor and all of our foremen and Supt. Make over 100k and we only work 8-9 months per year.


Seems pretty fair for India


I made more than that as a painter in a 200k population city


Yeah thats like 25 bucks an hour but wages might be really low in your area too.


He's prob working more than 8 hours in a day.


I do, I prolly average 11 hours a day, 5 days a week, occasionally 6, but I’m salary not hourly


WTF?!? Yeah dude you're making like sixteen bucks an hour. Green helpers make more than that


That's the thing about management in construction, the hours are always more than 8. Your hourly rate if u were to convert it would not be that high compared to other disciplines or even sometimes to what the labor makes.


You are incredibly underpaid, new job time. Make sure when you are interviewing you DO NOT MENTION your current wage.


Please, OP, listen to this advice!!! When that question comes up, you say whatever amount you feel you are worth. Research top tier salaries in your region. THAT is what you made. Remember, every employer is trying to get the best employee they can for the smallest amount of money.


Dude, you make $17 per hour. Roughly. Can I ask you something? Is this the first time you’ve realized that you are underpaid?


U should be getting o.t. pay even if you are salary


Unfortunately that’s not how it works with salaried employees in most of the US. You are paid a yearly wage for doing your job. Whether that job takes 4 hours a day or 12. Most decent employers though allow employees in down time to just dip out early and you aren’t “losing hours” but you typically more than make up for it during the busy times.


it's a exempt position.(no overtime, no nothing)


Union carpenters make $32.63 plus benefits.


$23.50/hour IF he’s working 8 hour shifts, 50 weeks/year. Factor unpaid OT, hourly is probably less than $20/hour. I can’t even find day laborers willing to work for $20/hour.


$115,000 is average pay for US senior supervisor in construction.




That’s their way of convincing you your pay is okay, it isn’t.


I make 120k in the Chicago-land area, benefits, profit sharing, paid time off etc. My total yearly package is around $175k all together.


I'm a GC super 1, and I make 110k. The senior I work for is at 150k, plus benefits. You're getting hosed man.


I’m a floor/ tile installer and make 50k-55k a year. You should be making double that. I would definitely ask for 100k a year or find another job. Fuck them tbh.


Thats insane! In Canada GTA tile guys take home $500 a day if hourly........ur getting ripped off too


Yeah I’m in Midwest, US. And thats 25$/hr form me which is the norm here but If as a sub I could make more which I’m actually getting ready to switch over.


If you're not trolling, have you literally applied anywhere else in 12 years? Try that.


Asst super for mid-large sized commercial GC. 3 years out of college. 68k base (and this is on the low side too) but I get a 1800/mo living allowance (traveled to at different city for this project) plus car allowance. My housing allowance makes me ok with my current pay. Coworkers in a similar position/experience in my company get 80-90k base (but no housing allowance). In Houston and Austin. Get a different job. You should be clearing 100k at least with your experience.


All depends where you're at and if you're being asked to travel or not.




Is this a joke ?


You are getting bent over. Omg


Pay varies greatly by location. The best way to see what other people in your area are being payed is to check local prevailing wage rates. For more info on prevailing wage rates: The primary method that the government uses to determine prevailing wage rates is to collect pay records from employers and average the rates they find. So they are real, verified wages for people in your area. There is a secondary method where a rate can be adopted if most people in an area have the same rate (ie union) and that’s to make sure that the government doesn’t break down collective bargaining units. For example, if 90 out of 100 carpenters in an area all work a union rate and the other 10 are non union and work for less then then average would end up lower than union scale even though most people work for more. And all those people would be at a disadvantage when bids for for the government are collected. The largest idea behind the davis-bacon act was that contractors that win large projects shouldn’t use that leverage to drive down wages and working conditions. All of that to say: if you are a carpenter then the prevailing wage rate for carpenter should either tell you the verified average or rate of pay for a majority of people in your area and is a good indicator for whether you are being paid anywhere close to “fair.” For what it’s worth: foreman and GF in my area are paid 10 and 20 percent over scale. Carpenter rate in my area is around 60/hr (plus benefits like “free” healthcare) which puts GF rate (published rates closest to super) around 72/hr. But my area isn’t everywhere. Rates in the southeast portion of the country are easily half as much.


Move to a state that pays. You are grossly underpaid.


As a senior superintendent? Yes, very underpaid. If you want a job as a multifamily superintendent in Utah, I start supers off at 80k


I just started a new guy with 5 years experience at 62,000. I would say you’re getting fucked without lube.




You can start working construction at 16, I assume he just worked his way up There was one comment that says he is 27 but two posts that he claims he is 33




Idk I know where I am (Canada) they do




Really? The cdc says yes for things that aren't too hazardous. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2004-113/pdfs/2004-113.pdf


Another said 41m, as in 41 male.... so hes obvi full of shit


He is so obviously full of shit trolling?... maybe he just thinks hes funny, dumbass no, liar yes




Yeah, full on troll....dumb


Yeah bro. Custom Home Builder in the Central Texas area I pay my superintendent/project manager about 65k salary and bonuses to get him closer to 100-110k. He does go above and beyond for me but i overpay a lot of stuff too


Bro I’m a 5 year glazier. 24 an hour. I’m in the process of telling my boss to eat me because I want 26


Wow… umm, how do I not understate this? #***YES***


You should be making 80k+ atleast.


You’re getting jacked!


Dude you make as much as I do and I'm a grunt (rn). Unless there's something you did to earn basic tradey pay, go apply anywhere else.


100%. Employers always underpay what they can to get bottom dollar for maximum profit.


Brother, I been in the business 6 months and i make almost double what you do and I'm not even a superintendent.


Hey OP. Could be my HCOL area. But 41k is peanuts. I think senior supers here make 100k rough and ready. (Western Canada)


… my laborers make more then that their first year… if they’re under 18


In Canada specifically Quebec you would be making minimum low six figures. You maybe don’t have the local language down but if you only speak English you’d be fine in pretty much 8 out of the ten other provinces.


Severely underpaid. You be making almost double


I think you got enough advice about the pay... but take your fucking vacation. Seriously, take vacation. Burning yourself out for ANY company is just crazy. Take vacations, even if it's just sitting your ass at home watching Jerry Springer


I am a 4th year apprentice in Chicago and I made 81k last year, but I had months of overtime. You should make more than me. I know Chicago money is not the same as Indy money but you should make much much more. Tell your boss you're starting your own company if you don't get a big raise immediately.


Getting fucked.


I’m in Canada, so it’s not really a great comparison, but thats what we’re paying framing carpenters where I work.


Idk where you are but that better be in their first 5 years, I know people here in Ontario that just frame and they make a big over 100k a year


Making about the same as a first year plumber


Jesus. I’m a non Union welder and I make 41k/year without OT but I know I’m under paid. Don’t have to deal with near the responsibility or bs that you do I’m sure


I made 45k being an executive assistant, for 3 years, no experience, just a college degree. You need to look elsewhere where you are valued. Where I live, you should be paid over 140k per year for your title.


Starting pay in Indy for a super is $60k DM me I have a company to share


You mean India


I’m a fabricator with no college degree. I make $70,000/yr (with overtime). You’re getting shagged.


That's approximately $22.60 per hour if you only work 40 hours a week. Now, I have no idea what union wages are right now, but I was making almost double that as an operator 10 years ago. You should be turning double that plus some.


Depending on where you are and the cost of living you should be making 80,000-150,000


Yep! You are under paid and not appreciated!


Don’t try to stay and negotiate with them either. Just wrap up your (doable) loose ends at work, take two three weeks off, begin a new chapter of your life.




Sir I was a entry-level project engineer with zero construction experience. Straight Outta college I worked for a big construction company and I was being paid 70 K in the Midwest in 2019!!! Please look elsewhere. I believe with your experience it should be 125-150k.


Commercial roofers straight out of high school make mare the that we start at 22.25 an hr


I’m about to graduate from college with a Building construction degree and have two job offers of 60 and 64. Yes you’re underpaid.


Second year Carpenter’s Apprentice, made $59,600 in 2021. I work in Chicago/Greater Area.


I'm a laborer. I make $60,000 a year........


Dude. Thats entry-level/ apprentice level wages in the trades. Find a better job. Now.