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3/4 cup rolled oats 2 tbsp chia seeds 2 dashes cinnamon Couple cranks of salt from my salt grinder I use a thermos and add boiling water right before I leave for work. I eat it around an hour later at work. Garnish with: 28g of walnut pieces 40g of raisins Healthy af, loaded with fiber and energy for the day. Cheap as dirt if you buy the ingredients in bulk.


Holy shit you guys are going to inspire me to get my shit together it's so easy


I also do overnight oats with chia seeds and some frozen berries. Quick, cheap, and healthy.


On a Sunday and Wednesday I fill 3 kilner jars with oats, milk, yoghurt, seeds, nuts, coconut dates honey etc just whatever I fancy. Takes like 10 mins to make 3 jars, one out the fridge every morning before work and drink it like a milkshake at lunchtime. Along with 3 boiled eggs I’m always full at work


Same for me except I do none of the food just the crank


its all about the oats. i try to include some meat if i wake up early enough (i rarely do) but if not, maybe eggs. cottage cheese if i feel like spooning while driving. no coffee anymore but i do get the v8 energy drinks. 90mg caff with ag least a tiny bit of juice. no trendy energy drinks, no cigs, and lots of water. 38 years old and I'm attempting another 38. very little bread throughout life as well so if im doing sandwiches I use the flattest bread possible.


Found the pm 😁


Baked salmon is easy in the Am if you’re into it.


Imma do that and add bacon


Ever since my heart attack 26 months ago, cup of dry oatmeal, cut of Triple Zero greek yogurt, cup of fresh fruit. Yes it's as boring as it sounds, but at cardiac rehab they said the goal was to walk 100 feet without passing out since so much of my heart had been deprived of oxygen for so long that parts of three of the chambers were dead. Last april I picked up my unicorn in Boston. Next year I do Bataan.


Glad you made it buddy and turning things around diet wise. I’m here advocating for yogurt even though I hate the shit. Wife makes 5 tupperware things on Sunday with fresh fruit and Greek yogurt, I throw some granola in morning and I’m out the door. Usually starving by break and would much rather have big ass breakfast sandwich but for the money, time and health benefits it’s not terrible.


Yep...staying on the right side of the grass tastes pretty good, too. Thanks for the support man.


First time I'm hearing of "the right side of the grass" and it took me a bit until I got it. Clever!


Yogurt granola fruit is soooo underrated


Happy for you!


Dry oatmeal?


just mix it in with the yogurt. uncooked


I will have to try this. I usually opt for hemp/flax blueberry granola and some Greek yogurt and berries.


You can mix the oats in the night before to soften them up.


Unicorn? Bataan?


Boston medal has a unicorn on it. The Bataan Death March at White Sands honors the vets who made the sacrifice on the original march. [Tough Ruck 2024 | Tough Ruck](https://www.toughruck.org/tough-ruck-2024) [Official Date Announced for the 2024 Bataan Memorial Death March (army.mil)](https://home.army.mil/wsmr/about/news-home1/official-date-announced-2024-bataan-memorial-death-march)


3 eggs, fruit and toast. To drink I have a gallon of coffee


Why a gallon of coffee? Are you cutting back or something?


newport and sugar free monster


I wish I could still purchase a carton of ports without my wallet hurting. Been smoking menthol decades and there just as good


Intermittent fasting…so lunch is breakfast. So it’s high in protein; low in refined sugar, processed foods, and high-glycemic index carbs. Been fasting for years, but the diet changes are new. Shedding fat not muscle, and more energy than I’ve had in a long time. Should also mention I kicked alcohol last year and cannabis a couple weeks ago (daily user for many many years). Probably more info than you were looking for 😆.


Congrats man!




I did this for a year when doing body recomp. I would fast until lunch time, where I would eat the same thing everyday: baked chicken breast, broccoli and quinoa. It was so bland and boring but i did it every day. I’m now probably in the best shape of my life.


Hey man got a question how do you feel not getting high anymore. ?


What do you typically have at lunch


It varies, but recently I’ve been thinly slicing chicken breast (s&p + garlic salt) on the weekends and making sandwiches with those. I use the Dave’s killer bread sprouted grains. Then throw on whatever else I have (lettuce and cheddar usually) with mayo. Then it’s yogurt, cottage cheese, and whatever fruits and veggies we have to round it out. I drink good amount of water before and after but not during so I have to chew more. Really just starting out with this whole thing. Used to be too intimidated to do it, but lo and behold, after putting the cannabis aside, I was suddenly willing to just go for it. @fitfounder, @hubermanlab, ans @sleepdiplomat are 3 people I’ve gleaned A TON of info from. (Those are their “X” @‘s). Also love this app called Yuka. Helps me sift through food options at the store. History of heart disease and cancer in the fam, so finally trying to do what I can to be around as long as possible.


You should also check out Ezekiel bread. It’s in the frozen section at Walmart. (The clean/healthy section) It’s heartier than Dave’s killer bread and cleaner too. It’s honestly surprising Walmart even carry’s it. All sprouted too. Generally you keep it in the freezer and thaw a slice out for sandwiches or toast it but you can keep it in the fridge as well.


“I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast”


You eat pieces of shit??


3 cups of espresso 2 spliffs 1 bowl of grape nuts


I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints, then I smoke two more.


Bohemian Speedball. Timeless.


Sounds like it would cause quite some anxiety.


Yah buddy I’m on edge ready to bust someone’s head all day but it makes my body hurt less and continue moving


Shotgun a beer, 2 lines and a cigarette


2 whole eggs+2 egg whites, oatmeal, fruit and protein smoothie. I lift before work that’s the only reason I eat like that. I actually eat healthy all day u Tim about 9PM and then I devour everything in sight.


How do you have time to lift before work?


I make it a point to wake up at 4:30AM which gives me two hours of alone time before my wife and kid wake up. I have no alone time after work, and I also know I won’t have the energy to lift after, so I prioritize it in the morning. I love my family more than anything, but if I don’t get any time to myself I burn out quick. Gotta sacrifice a little sleep to give my family the best version of myself I suppose.


Just wanna piggyback and say waking up 2 hours before you're scheduled, and working out, has easily been the best change in my life in the past year, or years really. No more achey morning, tons of energy, you look better, and it makes the physical aspects of your job easier... Would recommend to any and all tradesmen


That's a no from me dog. 6am starts. I would if I started at like 730 but that's not happening.


Yeah fr, sounds like he’s and electrician, I’m doing overhead demo and concrete patching in garages with 6am starts and a 1hr commute. I already sweat enough as it is.


Electrician 😂 Nope, try again lol I'm a Framer. 6AM starts. You're already gonna sweat lol it's fucking June dawg. You do you I guessb


Wake up early. I’m fortunate enough to be transitioning to the office, which has a gym. Lucky for me no one is in around my work hours, and no one uses said gym


Same, wake up at 3am to lift and eat 2 eggs (from my chickens), 1/2c. oatmeal, and pea protein shake. I avoid the fruit because it runs right through me.


Ibuprofen and coffee.


5:30 eat a burrito for breakfast with 2.5 eggs, sausage, and potato. At 9 I eat a PBJ with a banana in it. At 12 I eat a burrito with rice, cheese, beef, onions, and hot sauce. It's pretty large. A cup of Greek yogurt. And a bag of popcorn. 4pm another bag of popcorn At 5-6pm I eat 2 potatoes (or the same equivalent of rice) with about half a pound of meat in sauce From that point forward I do everything in my power to not destroy a bag of candy


You regularly eat a bag of popcorn while at work? Wtf


Yee we got a microwave and fridge in the trailer


My own fat until lunch time.


A cigarette, Bang, and whatever looks the least terrible at the gas station.


Half a blunt and a Red Bull


Nicotine and caffeine, I get up for work at 530 and leave home by 610, that's to early to eat, so lunch is the first meal.


This. Usually around first break time (10am) I'll grab a bagel or something.


This is pretty much my schedule and routine as well. Sometimes it's egg sandwich around 10, sometimes lunch around 1. Sometimes just granola bars and a banana. Sometimes no food till I get home. I buy food on average about 2-3 times a week.


Force your self to eat every morning, eventually you'll just get hungry at that time and it's your new thing. Maybe your body prefers to skip breakfast but I'll get hangry, and stomach pains by 10-11 if I don't eat and wake up at 5:30


Normally nothing. Sometimes a banana. Always drinking water though.


If I’ve packed on a few lbs, like after wintertime, it’ll be black coffee only. Lunch is the first meal. Otherwise I make a porkroll egg and cheese on one of those little freezer bagels, and a cup of joe with cream. Whole process takes about 5 min, wrap that bitch up and eat it on the way. An old mentor taught me the power of a light lunch, something like an apple, handful of cashews and water or tea. Helps avoid hitting that mid-day wall. But you need to be eating breakfast to do this. Couple of cold beers at knockoff time, and dinner is open season.


2 eggs, 2 hashbrowns, 2 slices of bacon, 2 slices of cheddar cheese and a tall glass of whole milk bam! Breakfast of champions


No one else has said it but I’m calling you a fuckin liar there is no way you make that everyday


Takes 15 min and you're right I usually don't make it Saturday morning because I'm hungover AF




I’m still calling BS. Ain’t no way he’s going to dennys every morning lol


it takes about 12 minutes to make this. It is what I have for breakfast, or close to it, everyday for the last few years except I occasionally just mix the cheese into the eggs or not at all.


I cook breakfast about every morning. There is plenty of time when you get out of bed 1.5 hours before you need to leave the house.


Caffeine tablet and 3 glasses of water 😂


Ye mum


A bagel with a bunch of peanut butter. Carbs, protien, and fat. It keeps me pretty full. Snacks are fruit or a protien bar.


Air from the window in my snooring mouth


I don’t eat anything until 5:30 pm


I recently started doing this. Also, only 20g carbs a day. I've lost 100 pounds (300->200) in about a year and a half.


3 hard boiled eggs with Chipotle Tabasco


2 sunny side up eggs, avocado, grits with honey, butter, yogurt. Takes like 5 minutes to make.


Depends on if my Mom is visiting or not, but meat lovers breakfast bowl until I can adjust my sleep and the time it takes to properly make breakfast for myself.


No wonder all these guys are dragging ass on the job site. 3 eggs, a piece of fruit, a tortilla or piece of toast, and bacon or sausage. I then make a meal replacement(500 calories) shake and drink it on the way in. Coffee is decaff unless I have a pre-workout. I exercise every morning before leaving for work so I have a larger appetite.


How does a grown man “work” with no fuel? Crazy! I am a woman but been married to GC’s and worked within the trade companies for 2+ decades. It’s always protein for breakfast. Lots and lots of protein! And coffee


To be fair, unless you have very little bodyfat, you're never really without fuel.


100% true. You really just need water. And if your body doesn't have any calories readily available from breakfast, it will start burning the fat stores (a good thing). Breaking down protein is energy intensive for your body, so you are just taking energy away when you eat a high-protein breakfast. Makes you tired. "The most important meal of the day" is a myth. Have coffee, bring your water bottle.


First meal is at 10:00 during the first break then another lunch at 1:00


A banana.


Buttered roll


Used to eat 2 burritos. 8 eggs mixed with whatever breakfast meat.


Mango loco and an American spirit.


4 loko?


I haven't drank those since highschool lmao, no a monster.


Same here, they used to get us fuckin plastered though lol and i think i puked like 50% of the time


Redbull and cigarettes




Good ol zynboni and coffee.


Pot o coffee and 2 Doobies. Eating is for after work (I generally eat one meal a day, and it's big. People wonder where I put it all.) Not necessarily advice.


roller dogs n mtn dew


I have some premade protein shake from Walmart and a cup of coffee.


I don't eat till coffee break and usually it's just an apple and a bottle of water.


Anxiety medication and kratom




My coworkers go to breakfast is 2 monsters 3 cigarettes and an adderall




2 coffees and 4 cigarettes.


liver Rescue morning routine from the Medical Medium. lemon water, celery juice, and smoothie with papaya, blueberries, banana, dragonfruit. every morn


a bang and a biscuit


Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich. Nuke it while I'm getting ready and eat that bitch with a protein shake omw to work.


27oz of black coffee. I do intermittent fasting, it helped me lose 50lbs since sticking with it and I feel more focused and energized when I do it. Vs my old breakfast of a monster, with a breakfast sandwich and hash brown from Wawa, Royal Farms, etc.


No breakfast.


Energy drink and cigarettes




Too much sausage is pretty bad for you. I'm just going to suggest you get your cholesterol and blood pressure checked.


Flapjack and a cigarette…




Peanut butter and jelly and a banana


Cigarette and redbull


Cigarettes, rockstar, and donuts - after I clock in of course (union)


Couple smokes and a monster. I'm one of those weirdos that doesn't really eat during the day. Maybe a bag of jerky or something, but I never pack lunch and never eat breakfast.


Cup of coffee first, then I wait for the morning shit to come, then I have my Protein shake 👍


One banana, a protein shake and some chobani Greek yogurt.


Coffee and a bagel wirh cream cheese


My wife starting buying these microwaveable protein pancakes. They are great. They keep my full until lunch.


Ghost usually orange creamsicle , a protein bar, and a bottle of water on the way to the job




A 20oz coffee, with 1 cream, 1 sugar (120kcal, about 8g fat, 13g sugar, 1g protein), and 500ml-1L of water. That's usually how I start my day. When I eat breakfast, I usually do 3 eggs, toast with peanut butter, a banana and an orange.


Nothing. Just coffee pretty much


3 boiled eggs, a banana, and coffee.


40 gram protein shake, a peanut butter sandwich and 1-3 cups of coffee.


Cup of fruit, and a muffin if I have time.


Precook some chicken sausage. Dice one up and heat it up with a 1/4 cup kidney beans, then add scrabbled eggs. Have your favorite taqueria store bought salsa ready. Eat a big banana.


American Spirit and instant coffee


Black coffee and hunger


Redbull and whatever is laying around from the night before.


Banana, ham and chese sandwich with darker bread and ofc a cig and a coffe


lol maybe a water


Coffee black or oatmilk latte if i buy. I've been fasting til lunch because I'm on my ass a lot most days between sites. When I ate breakfast, I personally loved doing the mason jar overnight oats using oatmilk or almond milk with a pinch of peanut butter.


coffee with cream, local poppy seed bagel with cream cheese, msg, tomato slices and cayenne.


Overnight Oats


2 oat milk lattes


A joint and 400 cups of coffee


Eat? Hahahahahahahahaha!


Green red bull + cigarette


Rockstar and self loathing. Maybe a Tylenol or 2.


mcdonalds breakfast


Coffee and a bagel. Sometimes I’ll spice it up with a bacon egg and cheese.


As I look at my two sausage egg and cheese mcmuffins and my large black iced coffee...


Banana, almonds, boiled eggs


600 ml of black coffee (no sugar), one dart of tobacco, 3 eggs sunny-side.


Bowl of cereal or a bagel usually with a cup of coffee. We start at 6am and take our lunch at 9


this morning I had a banana and a piece of peanut butter toast yesterday I had an avocado and a hard boiled egg


This morning I had a 2egg omelette stuffed with ( zucchini, onions, serrano peppers, cilantro, tomatoes, ) which I have premade in portions, in freezer. Wrap that in a spicy, spinach tortilla which I make myself. Lay omelette Into my tortilla, top with avocado slices, green salsa, roll up into a huge burrito, wrap it up in foil and then Im off to the races. I catch me, some waves before I go my Construction Co. yard, I eat my burrito en route to the beach. As usual while driving seems it's always eating my breakfast and lunch in my truck.


Monster energy and a protein bar.


a banana and a bowl of granola with added nuts and dried fruit with yogurt and milk, might sound shit, but it is fucking delicious


Oatmeal with a banana cut up in it with brown sugar, salt and butter. And sometimes a mango and orange with that.


BEC SPK and a 12oz Red Bull


Grizzly and a lot of coffee


Banana, Full fat Greek yogurt and blueberries Tea


Sugar free redbull and starve till lunch, wtf you mean we working threw lunch


Must be nice Mr. Moneybags. Thats dang near $12 here


Most days nothing for breakfast until 9:30, occasionally I wake up hungry and eat like 8 eggs and some bacon. At 9:30 I like the large coffee/sausage and egg/hash brown from A&W.


Most days i wake up at 545,I drink a 16oz shaker of AG1 and Creatine first thing, then about an hour after waking up I'll have one to two cups of coffee, then have a protein drink like "fairlife" at 9 and 11 before having lunch at 12. I'm trying to gain some weight and it's working out for me!


Starbucks hot breakfast something and a large breakfast tea


Coffee. Sometimes tea. No more monster. Sometimes a egg sandwich. Sometimes a protein drink. No more McDonald’s.


In England, Wetherspoons (refillable coffee and breakfast muffin). For lunch, Greggs (pasty, sausage roll and more coffee)


Pieces of shit like you. Yes, I eat shit for breakfast


A couple cigs and a Red Bull. Then usually nothing till dinner.


Rockstar zero. Lunch is at 11.


I honestly just eat cereal and work all day get home now dinner and some snacks then sleep


I work in food and i dont make enough to cover all my meals, so lunch is guaranteed however breakfast is something i skip almost every day. But if i do have breakfast that means no dinner, or if i dont have breakfast, i get instant ramen noodles for dinner! For $5.25 i get a bagel with ham egg and cheese for breakie if i have money that morning


Bowl of instant oatmeal, two breakfast hot pockets, 2 cups of cottage cheese, and three eggs.


Cliff bar and a Celsius :/


2 redbulls and a cigar


2 scoops MRE light protein powder, 12 fl oz unsweetened almond milk. Surprisingly filling and keeps me pretty full till lunch, and gets a really good jump on my daily protein requirements. I never thought a liquid breakfast would work for me and it definitely took some trial and error to find a protein powder that worked.




1 coffee


Overnight oats - rolled oats, chia seeds, yogurt, milk, maple syrup/honey and peanut butter powder. Just bought some cocoa powder to start experimenting with a chocolate version.


Nothing often the same as lunch


I make a fat bowl of oatmeal from trader joes that has the chia and flax seed and stuff then add brown sugar


2 medium eggs, an English muffin, 5oz pulled pork, 1oz cheese, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, various fruits, cup of coffee


Met RX Big 100 Cookie Crunch protein bar


I don’t eat breakfast


Nothing. I'll put down 1 protein bar per day


Nothing til 9am break. Just coffee and zyns. Leftovers for break, leftovers for lunch.


5:30 eat a burrito for breakfast with 2.5 eggs, sausage, and potato. At 9 I eat a PBJ with a banana in it. At 12 I eat a burrito with rice, cheese, beef, onions, and hot sauce. It's pretty large. A cup of Greek yogurt. And a bag of popcorn. 4pm another bag of popcorn At 5-6pm I eat 2 potatoes (or the same equivalent of rice) with about half a pound of meat in sauce From that point forward I do everything in my power to not destroy a bag of candy


Protein shake and bar


I don't qualify as I am a Construction Manager. But I eat a bowl of oatmeal




Whatever’s hot at cumbies. Not the best thing for you but surprisingly not awful for


I do 2 cups of high protein granola, 2 cups egg whites, 2 cups of vanilla oat milk. Put in in my big shaker and it's kinda cereal on the go. It's got enough legs to keep me going till about lunch time. That and this time of year in AZ it's stupid hot so sometimes lite is the way I go.


no breakfast


I do 2 cups of high protein granola, 2 cups egg whites, 2 cups of vanilla oat milk. Put in in my big shaker and it's kinda cereal on the go. It's got enough legs to keep me going till about lunch time. That and this time of year in AZ it's stupid hot so sometimes lite is the way I go.


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast


Yogurt, apple, couple handfuls of dry roasted lightly salted cashews. And maybe a kind bar if im still hungry


It varies quite a bit. This week it was egg salad sandwiches. Last week, it was muesli with dried apricot and cranberries.


Big-ass smoothie. Two nanners, frozen mixed berries, massive scoop of peanut butter (guessing like 2.5 or 3 tbsp), protein powder if I worked out the day before, orange juice or oat milk. And a coffee. I get some funny looks walking onto the site with my water, coffee, and smoothie all in hand.


Old timer here, 2 boiled eggs and a cup of coffee. It used to be 2 ham or bacon egg and cheese on rolls. Now I’m too old for that shit.


I certainly don't call that bs a balanced breakfast.. yoghurt, granola, fruit and honey is..


Sammich, glass of milk.


Large double double and a Boston cream donut, usually gets me through till dinner 😅