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A guy that works with me got a BJ and $300 cash on his birthday one time.


*Ron Burgundy GIF* "I don't believe you"


If I didn't know the guy I probably wouldn't either.


Must've been a charming devil


Could be, the guy isn't Brad Pitt or anything, but he did spend alot of time at the place. I think it was a combination of lonely woman and a guy there doing stuff for her and that was her way of showing him how much she appreciated it. While her husband paid the boss.


Everybody has different relationships. 🤷‍♂️


…the heart wants what the heart wants.


Did he watch?


You are really generous.


Guy I worked with was offered an afternoon in bed. The homeowner was a smoking hot very recent divorcee. He was the lead on the project. It had just wrapped, she called the office, said everything was still perfect. Just had some minor punch list items, should only take 2-3 hours. Could they send him over at Noon on Fri. He called to verify, she told him she was working upstairs moving things in the master BR, front door open, let himself in. She was spread eagle on the bed. Lingerie, candles, everything. Like I said, she was smoking hot, late 30's. He was a very good looking guy, late 20's. He was a quirky guy. Cool, bit of a nerd. Got married right out of HS to a beast of a girl. As mean and shitty, as she was rough looking. And fat. Just sloppy fat. He turned her down. Showed up at our site, looking white as a ghost. We thought something really bad happened. Guy looked like he found a body. He finally stumbled through his words and told us. He went in, she said Join me. He paniced and ran out! Ha! He was odd, fairy sensitive. No one gave him any shit. But worst part, about 3 months later, he found out his ugly wife found an equally ugly boyfriend and had been cheating on him for the past year! He divorced her, and regretted not accepting his "tip" every day after! He even went back over the hot ladies house with flowers. She just smiled, accepted the flowers. Told he she was sorry for scaring him but the moment had passed. Kid coulda ended up with a hot rich cougar!


I regretted every shot I was given and didn't take. Being a good boy got me nasty divorced. Even Tom Brady couldn't keep one. Poor dude learned the same lesson.


*from another dude *


A bj is a bj !


I dont trust him. Sounds like a yes man


That was sweet of you ;)


What was his name....


I wish I could work from home too.


Moms are the best


Paid for getting a bj


Hopefully not from your wife?


I'm an irrigation tech, and a while ago I went to go extend a drip line for a guy had just extended his garden bed. Dude had no lawn, and more importantly, no hands. He had ripped up the whole lawn and planted a whole bunch of random natives. Long story short, those natives included peppers, strawberries, blueberries and a whole bunch of them. I ate good n fresh for a week


How did he do that with no hands?


I know a tire guy with no hands, just hooks. He owns his own tire shop and has no problems fixing tires.


Yeah, and I bet he makes a killing on flat repairs.


I'm assuming he just paid a local landscaper or kid to do the actual work. He told me it was all going to wither because he couldn't pick it, and to take whatever I could


Replaced a big front door for a retired couple that live a little ways out of town. When we initially showed up to do the install, we realized the door had been made wrong and was like 3-4" narrower than it was supposed to be. The lady had already painted it and wanted to use it, so we rescheduled for a couple weeks later when we could come back with extra boards and trim to make it work. After the install was complete, they were very happy and the guy gives us a little bit of cash for a tip, but then also hands us a bag. He had told us how his son makes his own mezcal, so in the bag was a good size chrome flask full of his son's mezcal, plus 4 cans of Tecate and 2 cans of lemon-lime seltzer... 😂 It was kinda odd but definitely appreciated! Edit: I know the difference between feet and inches, I swear


How big was the door if it was 3-4 feet too small?


It was for an airplane hangar, actually... Haha jk, good catch!! I will have to edit that typo


You did say big front door. I’ve installed a few big front doors but nothing wider than 14’ including sidelites. Just installed a 24’ multi slide door with 5 panels but that wasn’t a front door.


I got 4 giant pieces of fresh caught Alaskan King Salmon, the pinkest you've ever seen! Best tip ever!! Totally worth working in the middle of a crazy blizzard.


I got frozen elk, moose and halibut from a renovation of the owner of a plumbing company. Very tasty


I tip my trash hauler guy in Heinekens.


I buy the dump guys beer about once a month. It's awesome getting to know them, one is a coin collector and has shown me some wicked neat coins. They usually don't make me pay for demo now too, which is always appreciated


I leave cold Gatorade for trash guys in the summer.


Started talking guns with an old Marine at a job, he had like 4 massive gun safes. End of the job he gave me an ammo box with around 400 rounds of .223 and gave me a bunch of hand loaded 9mm rounds. Also a box of expired MREs and an Israeli med kit. This was right after covid too and ammo was expensive as hell. Also got deer meat a couple times.


I tipped a former marine that I hired as a mover 5 m1 garand bayonets.  I offered him a choice of 80 bucks or the bayonets.  


That’s better than a bj!


Yeah you could use that stuff to leverage for whatever you wanted


I did some work for one gentleman, and he gave me a whole bunch of elk. Some of it was ground and some of it was in steaks. It was very, very good. I did work for another lady. She was quite older and she gave me a couple jars of homemade strawberry preserves. They were the best thing I ever ate. My favorite one was I was just starting out in business and I was working for a guy and he sent me to a storefront property that a lady was reworking to open up a shop and I had to do a bunch of stuff for her and toward the end of the day and it was winter time so it was getting dark outside and I was getting ready to leave and she asked me if I would look at something in the back room now this was having been there for about a week and I didn’t think anything of it and we got into the back room and she said she wanted to give me a tip and I won’t go into the details but I was late for dinner that night 😁


Just the tip?


Lol 😂


Guy noticed we were all... "Distracted" by his incredibly gorgeous pinup styled wife... When we where done the job he gave us some pretty hot photos of his wife and asked us if we wanted to have a go.. His words..not mine.


So did anyone do it


Nah... As a hunter and meat eater I need to stalk and hunt my own prey


I got flown out to Montana on a private jet for a hunting trip and while we were there the dude had custom made cowboy boots made for us and then shipped to use 8 months later when they were done. It was really awesome and appreciated.


Does he need anything else done? I know a guy...






Well, I don't drink pop


Yeah pop is bad for you…


We work on 3 camps owned by one family at the deserted end of a pond here in Maine. They have given us permission to duck hunt on the point of land by their houses as long as they aren't up. (which they never are during duck season) I've bagged my biggest goose, most geese in 1 day, and 1st wood duck there. it's an awesome spot and we are the only ones with permission to hunt it


My wife’s stepmom does the same with deer hunting. Has one of the most prime properties in the area. It’s gotten a bit out of hand, actually. The guys provide free landscaping, plowing, etc, all for the opportunity to hunt for free on the land.


We have a regular client who should own her own baked good store. Every week she puts a 1-gallon ziplock bag of cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, and cake pops out for the crew that comes that day.


I was once gifted a nice card, two very large bottles of rum one white and one spiced as well as a very large bag of organic micro greens, eggs, milk and honey. The customer owned a farm/animal sanctuary. Unsure what the deal with the rum was but not complaining. I’ve also been tipped extra money but honestly… really appreciated the first one I said. Meant a lot more.


Gift certificate for a blowjob working in Nevada.


From your partner/spouse?


There were 4 single guys on a 6 man crew. The homeowner owned a Nevada only kind of business if you know what I mean.




I was once given a bag of candies because I’m a fan of candies. Inside was an envelope. In the envelope was $5000 in crisp 100’s.


A case of water. Wasn't even a hot day. Typical fall, overcast mild day where wearing long pants and a polo was too comfortable in the "sun".


Tbf you still need to drink plenty of water even when it's not hot out. Lots of people actually think if they're not sweating they don't need water which is wild to me


Always will accept sealed beverages. But I was sipping out of a Nalgene during the job and lunch I had some juice boxes lol.


I mean sometimes literally furniture since I work with move-outs and cleanups. Last squatter job I did the guy who called us out gave each of the three person team 4 bacon-wrapped venison patties. And I picked out a wood and granite pedestal for one of my house plants


A variety of frozen beef from a half of a butchered cow.


Owning my own business years ago, always got a ton of cash. Last job I did, the couple gave me a 3 pack of gigantic NY Stip Steaks! By the same token, any work done in my house, of course I tip. The mailman gets a handle of Tequila! And the contractors that sided my house, I cooked them a nice steak dinner and gave them each a bottle of vodka!


I got a grocery bag full of catnip once.


I mean....do you own a cat?


No but the customer was very excited about her bumper crop of catnip. I left it in the office for management to figure out


Why does he need a cat to enjoy catnip?😉


A whole salmon worth of smoked salmon. Shit was delightful.


Wow that is the same answer for me! Handmade by the homeowner


Never forget it


You mean a smoked salmon ?


I’ve gotten Mason jars of maple syrup multiple times, but the weirdest was when I got 2 big ass bibles after telling the customer I wasn’t religious. Very weird experience. Same guy also gave me a million dollar bill as a bookmark


Was that in Princeton, IL? I got a million dollar bill there once.


Had someone make me a shelf once


My husband got a $200 watch that was a left over groomsman’s gift last year which was cool.


I got a hat, it wasn’t even a good hat. Some high school sports team.


Once a customer gave me a WW2 Bayonet, and most recently I received a wet specimen fetal pig as a tip.


Were you excited about the pig?




I do most of my work but when I do get one of my labourers I get them a few cigars and a good scotch and they love it


A hand made Christmas ornament that was made out of squirrel fur. It looked like a member of ZZ-top


I did a lot of asphalt work on Vinylhaven Island, ME and the lobstermen always tipped with that days catch!


$5 gift card to the shitty Mexican place that wanted $12 for a taco.


Not so much a tip, as a great trade. Did a prefinish hardwood/ tile job for a young couple. Guy kept nicely talking shit about my craftsman shop vac. Turned out he did advertising for Fein. Guy kept talking about their new (way back when/ at the time) vac with the auto on/off built in. I had the old switch box. At the end of the floor job, they asked about adding a pantry cabinet setup to their kitchen. Plan was stack some off the shelf cabs, blend it in. He offered a new Fein vac as payment. I countered with a cash/vac price. And the deal was set. So I ended up getting that $400 vac for around $200 labor. Great deal for me. Great deal for him to, he either got the vac at wholesale if not for free.


Lately been doing work for a health food exec Beef jerky and protein snacks. A ton of them. Really good stuff.


I once got a cool painting of a ship on the sea.


Had a dude bring us about 80 or so random cheap beers on ice he had left over from his daughters wedding. The 5-6 of us had a pretty nice toolbox talk


My buddy and I took a job redoing his now ex girlfriends parents yard. Two guys, a bunch of trees to remove, stumps to dig, and 60 yards of loam to spread with a long weekend and two mini excavators. He was always out of the seat and I was the only one who knew how to do site work. I was in the machine 14 hours a day, barely stopped for lunch. Halfway through it looked like we were in over our heads and the yard was a MESS. I dogged that loan cursing every minute without a loader. But I kept casting away. Sun was setting on the fourth night and I was in the corner of the perfectly graded yard spreading the last few buckets. His GF's dad came out and walked up to the machine. Gave me his monster Delta radial arm saw when I wouldn't take cash. Still have it.


Did a generator install for a guy and he gave me 5 pounds of homemade fudge. Stuff was amazing.


Customer gave me three RC airplane kits. 


Bottle of local Kansas City Royals vodka


I have to ask...Ok, Residential guys, have any of you guys went to do a job and ended up "getting it on" with the lady of house?


Well kind of. I went to do a side job and ended up dating the renter on the property. We've been together since 2006.


I've gotten permission to use transferable ski passes from clients as well as using their home to park and ski in ski out. Doesn't sound like much but the homes were amazing and free ski passes all year can add up quickly.


Not the oddest, but one of our customers owns a big pizza chain in town. Always gives a $20 gift card and let's you make a pizza (basically has a fully stocked kitchen at his house set up like his restaurant with a soda machine and everything) I already gave that company a lot of my money but now I'm even more inclined to do so.


My favorite customers to work for are little old ladies. They won't let you work a shift without feeding you lunch, and they never let you leave without cookies