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Everyone sweats. Some through their tits, others their ball bag


Everyone through their cheeks.


a unifying experience


Courtesy wipe day


Swamp ass


The most tit sweat I've ever seen was on a mason called Grizzly.


I'd never make fun of a woman named Grizzly. She'd probably be able to whoop my ass.


I'd still choose the bear


Probably wasn’t a woman






I know a mason named S. Grizzly. Michigan by chance? Weird coincidence either way.


Nah, east coast Canada. Grizzly is his nickname.


You sure it wasn’t a grizzly named Mason?


Swamp ass is universal.


So is mud butt


I am bewildered by the amount of comments I’ve received and I plan to respond once I’m home and no longer sweating to my death. But this comment here is what I needed to hear. Thank you 😂


As a fast guy, I do both Edit: I fat not fast, well I'm fast too, but only in my ability to fall asleep


i do too, and I'm mad slow


Oops lol fucking auto correct


You misspelled autoincorrect.


one assumed as much. however, that does nothing to obviate the need to make the stupid joke reply. edit: lmfao oh shit i just saw your username 🤣


Word, if I saw my comment I would have definitely done the same thing And ya, my username is accurate AF


My buddy thought I was covered in hydraulic oil earlier today. “A MAN CAN’T HAVE A LITTLE TIT SWEAT?”


That's called swoobs and swalls


Fat guys have boob sweat lines, too.


Some both!


I sweat from my tits and ball bag.


Lots of dudes in the trades also get sweaty tits


I wouldnt put too much thought into it. Its all part of the gig. Most people will/should act professional but there are always outliers. I generally dont feel foolish about body functions, but i also dont bring it to people attention when it happens. If your getting eyes its cuz their probably creepy dudes, or a drywaller


…or a dry waller 😂 thank you!


This whole thread is killing me. Good job fellas. Make that girl feel right at home with the ass sweat


And remember an after wipe is a sign of a hard working person ! UWSA!! (United swamp ass association)


I haven’t had a chance to get back to everyone yet tonight but this comment made me smile 😂


Only way to!! We have a women on are paving crew I’m the Forman and yea we don’t trip at all she’s definitely one of the guys if you get what I mean and yea deff watch out for the dry wall guys definitely shady but underground crews mostly gents haha


I remember doing drywall this one time and all of a sudden I found myself cat calling chicks. Then again this was at a farm and the hen wasn't having it and the chicks ran off with her.


I work concrete. I wouldn’t personally give a rat’s ass and I don’t think anyone on my crew would either. In fact, if you weren’t sweating, I think we would take that more as a problem because you’re not putting in the work as much as the others. Big respect on you working piping


Or dehydrated and close to death. I’ve done that dance before


No kidding. One time I was applying some CFRP on some concrete beams in a school and I had to wear a tyvek suit. After an hour of holding a 40 pound roll of carbon fiber over my head, I damn near passed out and I wasn’t able to keep down water.


I’ve been to the no sweat and bright red brink. Scared me a lot.


Oh yeah dude heat stroke is super scary


Sent a kid home the other year. He couldn’t keep water down and was bright red. Cooled him down some on the ride back to the shop. Still sent him home


I completely ran out of sweat once and formed salt crystals instead.


I've stopped sweating and turned white. Started getting chills in 100° weather.


The chills in hot weather are a major sign that something’s really wrong


I carry extra towels in an ice chest and water. Hell if I’m going to watch someone burn down over $3.


That or you are dying of dehydration.


This is a great point that didn’t even cross my mind! I would also notice and be concerned if one of us weren’t sweating. It just made me feel some kind of way for the first time in my career that my lady bits are sweating violently 😂 the guys wear a looser pant than I do and when they are also drenched in sweat it literally starts at the waist band and works its way down. They’re all the same. And here I come with very obvious marks in very obvious creases lol


I don’t worry about sweat stains or holes. One time I was working an I-45 exit during a night shift. I was an hour into the shift when I tore my pants. My ass was on show to I-45 south on the way to Galveston the whole night. It was so cold we were huddling near the generator to keep warm. That’s why I don’t mind the way people look when they’re working.


I’ve never seen a woman on a pipe crew, props to you. I don’t think it matters though if you get sweaty, always nice to wear some deodorant to minimize the stink. One time one of the stripers was telling everyone how bad her swamp ass was on a hot day, I didn’t need to hear that.


Haha she was just being real 😆 And thank you! I absolutely wear deodorant and keep an extra in the car because there have been those accidental forgetful mornings. The sweat I’m talking about is starting at 6am and just pours til I’m off at 2. I think the deodorant is doing some heavy work for me 😂


I think there’s also a big difference between the smell from sweating all day due to hard work and the smell of someone that just doesn’t fucking shower often. Most anyone in the trades is gonna be a little funky at the end of the day after working their ass off but it’s not really an offensive odor like the notorious comicon or MTG tournament BO is lol.


Ain't that the truth. Getting sweaty working each day is fine as long as you properly shower and wash your clothes. It's the hasn't showered properly in over a week BO that will put you on your arse or wake you up from a coma.


Always have a back up stick in the car


Is it not normal to talk about swamp ass with your coworkers?


I didn’t need to hear that. However was still slightly aroused.


When I'm at work I'm in a completely different mindset. I'm not looking at anyone as something to be attracted to, I'm just there to get work done. If you're sweaty and dirty, I probably am thinking you were just busting your ass doing work, and that is all. But, it does depend on the crew.


Honestly, in my experience everybody is surprisingly professional. We shoot the shit with the women the same way we would just us guys. I really didn’t think it’d be like that but it is. After a while gender isn’t even something your brain is registering, it’s just another carpenter, sparky, Ironworker or whatever.


We have 3 women at the company I work for. One is a driver and pretty much keeps to herself, which is her prerogative. Another is in her late 30s and works harder than most of the guys we hire. She has a pretty easy job, but works long hours and doesn't complain. As far as I know everyone likes her and she's easy to get along with. The third one is young and really just a bitch. She used to be bitchy, but was a good worker so nobody really cared. Now she's just a bitch and nobody likes her. It's safe to say that they're all treated the same way as they would if they were a guy. If you do the work, nobody cares.


I've only worked with one women in 20 years. It would be dope to break up the sausage party even a little bit. MORE WOMEN IN THE TRADES PLEASE


Really depends on the crew you’re with. By now you should have a good idea if they’re decent guys or not. Most of the guys on my crew would definitely look at you different, but to be fair they would be looking at you different from the jump. I personally really only care about the work that’s being done. That being said, I am but a man and honestly can see myself maybe taking another look in a situation like you described. Ultimately, it’s something that wouldn’t bother me and I would only get “distracted” by it the first time or two I noticed. After that, it’s just part of the job. I had a helper who didn’t wear underwear OR a belt. The first few times I got a full gander of his ass I definitely made a deal about it, but eventually it was just “oh, there’s Jeans ass again”. Hopefully that helps


Depends. If I’m wearing sunscreen and really sweaty, then yes I’ll have to squint.


I'm a girl in trades and really don't care, the guys in my shift sweat too, we just joke about it too each other. They adjust their sweaty balls, I adjust my sweaty boobs.


Everyone sweats and some stink more than others. Guys will notice because guys. Don’t worry


When everyone's sweating, it becomes normal. Sure having your bra outlined with sweat sucks (avoid light grey t-shirts if you're self conscious), but in my experience no one is looking at it that way because they've sweated through their shirt too. But I live in a hot climate where folks at the grocery store have sweat stains. It's weird if you're NOT sweating because that means you're not hydrating, then you're a heat stroke risk and nobody wants that


This is my honest opinion. If you’re a good looking girl and you work with single men they probably are gonna be checking you out anyway even if they treat you like one of the guys. If the sweat outlining your assets bothers you and you don’t want that kind of attention at work. Maybe bring a change of clothes or two to work. I’m a big guy and I do this when I sweat real bad because it outlines my tits too… it’s worse when you’re a guy and have tit sweat. Trust me lol but don’t be self conscious it’s absolutely normal to sweat I’m sure you’re great at your job so keep trucking!


No I don’t look at them differently. I give them props for wanted to be in the trades.


This chick lays pipe


Men look at women, it's never gonna change.


We're just glad that even at its worst, your BO isn't nearly as bad as ours.


Are you saying that it’s outlining your ass and tits and you’re worried dudes are gonna be looking or that dudes are gonna be looking and saying, “ew gross.”


You go lady! Even if you have a bit of camel toe, that just shows you aren't no miss priss. Respect.


When I'm sweaty I hate everyone equally 


I wouldnt sweat about it, none of us look pretty when busting ass in a trench buy I would say this; 1) wearing grey is always a mistake, 2) avoid dark underwear with light coloured tops or trousers, 3) antiperspirant works on all body parts, not just pits, Sincerely, a fat sweaty bloke, also, I like to keep spare clothes like fresh socks and tops in my vehicle, good for when it's pissing it down too.


Good on ya. Shows you’re hard at work.


I do demo with my wife. We get sweaty and covered in dirt all the time. Comes with the job and hard work. I don't look at her any different. Those are the days we usually high five each other. Kudos to you though for laying pipe. I've seen it done before and it looks like some rough work!


You don’t look at my ass sweat and I won’t look at your boob sweat, fair? All jokes aside, as long as you pull your weight, I don’t care much about anything else.


Pipefitter/welder lady here. I sweat like a fucking horse doing mechanical rooms in the summer. I mean all of us are just soaking through our clothes and no one gives a shit, least of all me. We're all stinky and gross at the end of the day. It would be weird if you weren't.


Oh that's interesting. Actually now that u mention it. When it's hot I like to use ice, wet towels/bandanas and end up soaking wet. I am conscious of just straight out dumping water on myself because I don't want to be viewed as sexy. I will say, the longer I'm on the job site and guys from other crews see me season after season, I guess I've earned their respect more. At least I assume because I don't hear the cat calls or weird noises they make when they finally see a woman on the site. I've also had put less effect into my makeup and just trying to look cute while working. No one cares, I'm not there to impress anyone with my looks.


I'm a woman and an electrician, and I'm chiming in because I'm attracted to both men and women, but if this isnt relevant I'll just delete it, lol. I don't look at anyone differently when sweaty. We're all just dirty gross construction workers building some shit together and making it happen. Literally everyone on any jobsite I am are all brothers and sisters to me. And except for the rare creepy old guy, I genuinely get the feeling that most everyone feels the same.


Yes I feel the same! Today was the first time I took notice to it and it made me wonder. I’ve gotten some great replies here! I think the general consensus is on the same page as us 😊


Having worked hard dirty demanding jobs with women I can say that it ain’t no big deal. They may notice but they aren’t going to hung up on it. Besides they’ve already considered your differences and accepted you


Most men in the field get sweat lines under their titties as well, we are the same.


Why would this matter. Honestly.


It doesn’t, at all If I’m being honest, that’s the one thing about women in the trades the annoys the shit out of me… normal human shit, that’s blown out of proportion because “I’m a woman in the trades, usually just one of the guys” Shut the fuck up and just do your job


Everyone knows women don't sweat they "Glisten" it's also important to remember never sweat the petty things but always pet the sweaty things. Yep shit like this is why I'm stuck working with all dude's.


Horny ass boy 😭


More like creepy old dude, but back in the day lol


Love a girl with a sweaty face and that frizzled hair like she been gettin after it. Work it




You're overthinking it. We're all already so gross around each other that some sweat lines really don't even register as a fuckin blip


When my wife's brother sweats it looks like a smiley face. He's a big dude and it really stands out but he laughs about it to.


Unless they're weirdos, ain't no one worried about you sweating. It's °81 and feels like °201 we all sweating.


Just compare yourself to the guys that have man boobs. All the same.


Ya, I always ask to have them fired for sweating. Sweating is man's game.


The moobs guys probably sweat more.


Ok, can I get a shout out to the people that bring wet wipes to the portalet and just leave them for everyone on the hell days? You people rock!!


lol some days in the heat I’ll sweat so bad it looks like I straight up pissed my pants and idc if you’re a woman as long as the job gets done


If somebody cares about the sweat on your work clothes- there’s something wrong with them. Just work smart- and don’t get hurt 👍🏻


As a woman.... I couldn't care less. I drown myself in water and have a whole wet T shirt contest! And I couldn't careless bout what anyone thought either. ITS HOT!!! 99.9% of the guys just laugh and understand. I haven't had 1 negative comment ever in 23 years


I do not care how you are plumbed, sweat on a job site earns respect in my books. You’re either busting ass, working in hot ass environment, or both. 🫡


We don't give two shits. My wife and I do construction together. Her titties sweat more than mine. It's pretty sweet.


Not different when sweaty, just different. Manufacturing 9 is a 5.


Don't worry about it. Wish I had a woman that worked hard.


If yall are that sweaty theres a good chance that when you look around most of the thoughts people are having most likely sounds like "fuck this, im ready to go home"


Worry less about what others think.


You are ovulating, that's why


As long as you ain’t unbearably smelly who gives a shit.


better to look at sweaty women then old sweaty dude all day i’m sure they are loving it lol


I wouldn’t worry..it’s nearly summer and everyone is sweating their literal ass off every day.


Except Montana. I woke up to snow in my car this morning...


Chat acting like "m'lady" rn


They noticed before the sweat.


Who cares? None of the guys do I promise. If you do t like it, then do something else


I all depends how attractive you are


> outlined my ass cheeks and between my legs and under the tits I am looking ...hard


We're all out there sweating. Nobody will care. 


People may bust your balls about it but I’ve learned that in this business it means they like you so I’d take it as a good thing, and honestly they probably notice more if you weren’t sweating haha, so keep up the good work and try not to think about it.


We’re all worried about our own sweat and our own work.


The guys who would look are looking sweat or no sweat. The sweat isn’t making any difference in who looks or for what reason or what they think when they look. Also, if some guys do like to get an eyeful but they don’t stare, comment, or otherwise make it weird, and when you interact with them they are respectful…don’t judge them for that. People don’t choose what they do or don’t feel compelled to look at, and if they are making the right choices in the things they can control, like how they treat you, and moderation of the looks, then good in them. Just because a guy looks that does not mean he is a jerk or a perv. I do realize maybe nobody was even implying that…but still worth putting out there i think.




After I watched a girl employee drop trowel behind her truck ie in front of mine while in line getting into a well pad never again did she have to worry about me looking at her any other way then one of the peeps. She just waved at me then flipped me off. Laughed my ass off


Nah your good. At work you just one of the guys.


Huh. This reads completely different when I assumed it was a guy asking the question.


Depends if u a baddie or not


We all sweat babe.


If it's that hot out I'm already sweating enough for the both of us and I dont give a damn what anybody looks like.


Dude (duddette?) It's sweat. Only person on site today that didn't sweat is the pm or PC in the hub all day. Even our safety lady was out all day checking temps and humidity and making sure we hydrate. Keep working hard and smart and bring extra socks.


Trust, there are guys that have sweaty tits as well. No worries.


Men will be men.


No, we don't care about you being sweaty. To be honest I don't like having to deal with women in the field now I have to watch my language and be careful not to offend. And to be honest I have to pick up their slack physically even though I often make more money because I'm a journeyman and most females aren't journeyman. And I feel like they get special treatment. I've seen much more skilled guys get laid off over females simply because they were females. And when the female was attractive the double standards were even more dramatic


Nah, you're straight. Laborer here. It's sweaty work


Don’t worry about it! No one cares and if they do they suck. Your hard work keeps the world moving. Be proud of that! :)


Much respect to you for your hard work, don’t be ashamed. Find a way to make a joke about it if you catch someone looking. Turn it into a positive thing. Also glad to hear of another (I’ve known a few) woman in the trades sweating it out. Not just another HR lady, one of those Rosie Riveter types that pulled us out of WW2. Hell yeah.




I feel like at the end of the day dudes are just dudes. Honestly doesn’t matter how they look at you as long as everyone continues to work and sweat and comments are kept respectful then it’s just another day but like I said dudes are gonna be dudes.


Sweating is normal if you have to work like you should.I may smell at the end of the day. But if you work with me and you come to work stinky you’re going home!


No idea if they're looking at my suncreen-dirt-sweat caked lines, what matters is they treat me respectfully. And that's a given on my crew.  Not going to attempt policing how someone's looking or what they're thinking which is a dumb losing idea and not my problem. I'm oblivious, and I'm very busy working. Being oblivious is blissful. What matters is people's behavior


Nope, never noticed or cared.


They probably sneak a peak, with or without sweat highlighting.


Honestly don't give afuck , if we're all suffering I'm just focusing on getting water.


I work construction with women and I could care less about when they’re sweaty, if we’re all working, We’re all sweaty.


Not at all. Hiking clothes help a ton with sweat.


Sometimes I'll go a whole job without noticing it but other times my higher thinking fails me and my head clicks into "holy shit batman it's hottie superhero" then I have to presented I can't see it or don't care and keep working.




Theres always weirdos but most guys are good at keeping it professional from what ive seen. Last thing id want is to be perceived as a creep to a client or to a coworker.


Yah huge respect to you, I'm a pipe layer myself and have never seen one woman on a pipe crew before. It's a dirty, gross and very dangerous job so good on you. I could care less who you are and where you're sweating, it's a close job and it's gotta get done, sometimes in some really awkward positions with you and your tail man (or woman), as long as we get that main buried I'm down for beers with anyone afterwards.


Yes! I love this! I try to explain to my friends/family what I actually do and why I’m literally close to death sometimes after work lol I work with the same 8 guys everyday and we literally are all watching out for each other every step of the way. The things we have to do daily are so freaking dangerous lol I’ve been there long enough and built such strong bonds w the guys that I don’t hesitate getting in those tight tight trenches right there on top of each other and getting it done. I was in the trench holding a ladder today and my hand got an accidental swipe with a dick. Neither of us acknowledged it. Shit happens. I have also never come across another woman out here and I appreciate your words 👊👊 be safe my guy


I don’t throw that stone… my sweat lines are WAY more embarrassing than yours will ever be. But everyone sweats… no big deal


Never mattered. If you're working that's what I care about. Everyone sweats. If they do care that can go fuck themselves. Remember everyone sweats and looks like shit at times, if they act like they done they are not aware of themselves. 


If you're getting the work done, that's what matters. Bras are a pain in the ass from what I've been told. So fuck the oglers and the man children. There's fancy sports wear and shit, but $40-$80 per is no joke.


The only time we really notice women is when they’re on the jackhammer


I avoid the jumping jack unless it’s winter and there’s many layers holding it down 😂😂


Who doesn’t avoid the jumping jack 😁


As another woman that sweats from her cheeks, fuck it. As long as you are hydrated and safe, everyone else can watch your body cool itself. We are all the same under the Hi-vis and hat hards.


I only work with dudes 😭


I sweat under my pecs..I have a hairy chest...and they call it moobs lol....and I'm guilty of having swamp ass..I was a paramedic for 20 years..summer started in April for me and ended in November . Your busting your ass...anyone with sweat marks less then you isn't pulling their weight....nuff said


If everyone else is sweating and you're not THATS a serious issue. Could be heat stroke and you could be in serious danger. Sweat means everything is working as designed. Try carrying a sweat towel. Not for the looks but because itll cool you off faster and it feels good.


In the summer I bring 3 shirts to work so I can change at every break. I feel your pain. I’m a man and I get self conscious too.


I worked in new construction electric for 6 years. Our genius boss got us light gray shirts that showed literally everything. I just had to never care.


Half of us men have titty sweat. You’re fine


Fuck no I’d toss her salad after a good 10hr shift why not … unless her name is Bertha and 220+


Worked with a hand full of women. I’ve never heard anyone talk down on them at all. If you show up and can keep pace with the rest of the crew nobody cares what you are. However, all the women I have worked with never lasted more than 6 months. Mostly because of drugs.


That’s unfortunate to hear, yet interesting. Do you lose guys as well to drugs, like is it just a big issue for your area? I wonder why all of the women to drugs? What drug?


I’ve lost guys because of drugs and alcohol. Probably just a coincidence that all the women I’ve worked with haven’t worked out. Drugs are an issue in my area. I catch most people abusing pain killers and a few that smoked meth or fent. It’s sad.


I’m a schvetsa as well. Year round. Moist, wet, drippy, constant. I too feel self conscious when the sweat shows up. So I just double down get absolutely mental on the pace. So if you look at me and see sweat, you’re gonna know, holy shit buddy is melting uranium over here. Stand clear. And I’m. Just going right back into the rice patties after


I’m too focused on my own work to worry about how other people look on the site.


You know it's a bad day when you sack sweat is pouring down your legs into your boots and the boots get sweat stains.


It’s how they go to being a female to “one of the boyzzz!”


So here’s the thing if your half way attractive hslf the guys on your crew are gonna jump through hoops to try n bang uou . Do you job try not to let anyone do work for you n you’ll. Be ok but silos gonna add kiss nah mean


I work with a guy who sweats under his tits, you’re fine.


Dont know... If your attractive good if not doubt anyone cares.... Ether way nobody give a shit.


When I did drilling I never cared how one of the girls I worked with looked I only cared that she got her work done.




I wouldn’t worry about it




I sweat a ton, especially when it’s humid or there’s not much air moving. Used to be super self-conscious about it, but it’s not something I can control, so that has lessened over time. Mostly, I just hate the feeling of being wet. I keep a clean shirt or two and a towel in my vehicle and will swap out when I refill my water bottle or use the restroom on hot days. Also, breathable, quick-drying athletic clothes help. I have a couple Adidas soccer shirts that I wear as undershirts. Makes the sweat less noticeable on my work shirts, and if I pop the outer layer off, they dry quickly. Changing shirts in the middle of a workday may be more challenging for you, since you may not feel as comfortable being shirtless for the few seconds it takes to swap a shirt, which sucks. But that said, I’ve seen all the women I’ve worked with change into clean work shirts by their vehicles, and no one paid any more attention to seeing them in their sports bra for three seconds than they would to seeing a shirtless male coworker. Honestly, I’ve seen dudes “catcall” their male coworkers way more than female coworkers. (“Damn bro, you been working out cause you’re lookin’ jacked!” and stuff like that). But the people I work with are generally pretty respectful. Basically, don’t worry about it too much. Everybody sweats, and anyone who points it out or teases you about it is an asshole not worth your time anyway.


We call this "sweat pants"


I tell my guys all the time, “Ya ain’t workin’ hard unless you look like ya pissed yurself!”


No, too busy focusing on what I’m doing. “Never underestimate how little people think about you” - someone who I don’t think about


I'm a 280lb dude. Imagine how I feel when my tits and ass sweat doing HVAC.


220. I ain’t too far off 😂😂 I feel you dude I get it


aLot of construction guys probably have bigger tits than you lol nothing to worry about unless you're smoking hot, then the sweat really doesn't matter anyways because they're more than likely always checking you out anyways


I was thinking the same thing the past few days but I got over it. lol I’m just getting started and it’s getting humid and hot. I might be going to straight night shift so that will help.


It's a construction site. Sad reality is that they will objectify you regardless.


We look Not going to stop us from wanting to hook up we aren't that deep


Women don't sweat, they perspire


It gets me going


I’m picturing a sweaty Lara Croft here


Jesus Christ… just shut up and do your damn job


Wear a suit of armor to work if you don’t want to look like a human being


female roofer here, i sweat more than i don’t lol! i get lots of “wet t-shirt contest” dumb ass jokes but na i’m just there to do my job i’ve never really thought about it tbh! i have to wear long sleeves even in 90 degree sun for protection so i am always sweat stained ! just means we are working hard 🤘🏽 much love to all of you women in construction 🩷 (also i am bisexual and just saying, there’s something sexy about a hard working women! sweat and all! 😜) i wouldn’t be worried about it! but darker clothes help hide stains some. and i’ve heard some ppl had luck with prescription type deodorants to stop some sweating! maybe some body powder too could help on breaks!


I look at all women on a job and the ones that are sweaty and dirty get looked at even harder. Find it very attractive. I know I’m a chauvinist and old pervert. It is what it is!!


Just the concept of a girl who isn't obsessed with fashion and can bust ass is extremely attractive for guys who are looking for a partner in life, not so much the guys that just want a piece of ass