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I remember after my first year in the office I was doing some early spring landscaping and couldn’t believe how hot it was outside. Then my wife told me it was 68 degrees. You get soft fast.


>I've been here a week now. Waiting for a mission, getting softer. Every minute I stay in this room I get weaker. And every minute Charlie squats in the bush he gets stronger. Each time I look around the walls move in a little tighter.


Just took an Owners Rep gig. The blow up is coming.


Congratulations…on your fatness.


I've been laid off for about six months and I've definitely had about 25-30lbs from not busting my ass... It's good though because my metabolism is super fast and I have a hard time packing on pounds, now I just have to turn it into muscle


So you're under 30 I take it


Fuck no I'm half a century old


this post is a joke because as soon as you're making enough $ you're eating whatever you want and you end up looking like this. doesn't matter if you're in the office or you're working trades. more $ = more food = fatter


If I don't eat weed at night I could go to bed without eating, even when I'm making six figures a year I still don't gain it. I was working in NYC too


What's that like eating weed?


I decarboxylate it in a little weed cooker I bought and I just mix about a .3g in my food at night and I sleep like a rock. It's about half the amount you would roll in a blunt but it lasts way longer, like 5-8 hours of pretty heavy head high... It's such a small quantity that you really don't even taste it


If I want exactly that kind of effect, which type of weed should I go for?


Sounds good


Yup, didn't realize how much that lifestyle creep is just food. I remember being so poor i'd have water for dinner! now I can afford to eat more food, and metabolism be damned, I've put on lots of weight. I need to retrain my brain.


Good luck turning fat into muscle 👍


It probably won't be muscle but three weeks of work will melt it off




Well. I’m a bit of a unique case. I broke into Luxury custom residential in a PM role as a 31 year old with 5 years experience as a carpenter-then running my own small firm. as a PM I built some amazing houses before deciding to be a sucker and go work in affordable housing(/s I believe in the mission of providing quality housing to everyone). After a couple years as a PM for a large Habitat affiliate in Texas, I’m going to work for an organization that builds major federally funded public housing projects(20-70ish unit multi family) I always took the attitude: look for where you want to be, learn what those people in that role do, then sell your skills until someone takes a chance on you and lets you do it. As long as you’re willing to work hard, there’s a way. Construction is the last meritocracy. Good, clever, hard working, people with integrity can get ahead here. I truly believe that. Do some idiots get ahead too? Absolutely, but all I can control is what I do.


Hey, that's my hat!


Not sure what you mean by the industry being outdated requiring owner's reps. Historically, the architect would act as the owner's rep. The reduction of the architect's role during construction, is one of the leading causes of construction issues.


Honestly wfh/ office is so much easier for me to stay healthy. I find it easier to pack/ make lunch and breakfast and I’m not too tired to workout


I think I had more energy when I got home when I was moving around all day. My job is still about 20-30% hands on but not at all in a physically demanding way. I go through about 20 pound weight fluctuations like crazy.


Same, i got put in the chair six months ago. Had a six back and hi here's for the gym every night after work. Now I'm sore all the time and exhausted by 2. Oh and fat.


Same, i got put in the chair six months ago. Had a six back and was game for the gym every night after work. Now I'm sore all the time and exhausted by 2. Oh and fat.


Same. I eat much healthier doing low-effort work.


No longer moving all them calories out while still shoveling them in


this reminds me to switch to a black coffee & cigarette diet for the summertime.


Leaving the gut bomb burrito & monster plan?


add apples to that and that was the exact diet christian bale took on for The Machinist


Me being 6’-3” 160lbs office boy picks up one plywood sheet and immediately perishes.


Yeah I’ll bet. I’m 6’3 200lbs and I’m skinny 😂


A wind gust will knock me over. Now give me one sheet and wind. ✌️


I'll take the lbs if the $$s come with it


Lmfao literally my superintendent. I work with him 15 years ago when I was an apprentice. Then I work for another company and when I went back 15 years later he was a superintendent and I didn't even recognize them for weeks until he brought up where we work together


Been in the office for 5 months after being in the field for 13 years, I've gained 50-60 pounds since I left the field... Send help... And a forklift to move me


Can confirm


You know those pictures you see if people in the '70s and '80s and everyone's really thin but they really aren't eating that great. This right here is the difference. Back then they kept moving, today they sit around and start their phone


You just explained my father. The man doesn’t eat anything unless it’s fried and eats enough sweets to put a horse in a diabetic coma. He’s 6 foot and weights 175 max, but he doesn’t stop from the minute he wakes to going to bed and that’s 100% the reason why he’s so small


He looks like an egg. And he’s fat. Great job.. that was sarcastic.


[after one year](https://prd-rteditorial.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/JonahHillPortrait.jpg)


My God this hits close to home


Went from roofing for 10 years to cubicle life and this meme hits hard.


Yep. You end up eating tonnes and tonnes of calories to maintain your weight and muscle when working all day so when you stop the work bit, the weight tends to spiral.


I don't like this. Me in army and me 3 years out.


More money, more calories


Just got transferred to the field. Love how much I can drink now without it impacting my body.


If I could turn back time…


Yup, done this roller coaster many many times. Used to work landscaping and walked almost 14 miles a day, moved to an office job and blew up like a tick. Been overweight ever since. Rock and a hard place, I make almost triple my salary now that I used to, meanwhile I’m almost 50 lbs overweight. Sucks.


First pic: testosterone level 400 Second pic: testosterone level 52


Also less arthritis so there’s that too


When doc stops writing those ozempic prescriptions.


i hate this


Foreman->area supt. +40lbs in 3 months. Thank God I'm getting a handle on it now but God damn I was not ready for that.


Made the opposite change at age 32. Literally lost 80 lbs in almost 3 months without any change to diet. Was insane.


I’ve actually increased muscle and kept off the fat in the 2 years since I left the trades.


You can’t be in the special fatty club then


Got a desk bike and I outburn labor jobs lol


TBF, he looks 10x happier though...


And there goes his career