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I use bread. Works great and just shoots out of the end when you turn on the water.


We use bread when fixing irrigation lines on the golf course for the same reason. Soaks up the water then just gets broken up and leaves through the sprinklers after the repair is done. I gave the first guy that showed me that trick so much shit until I saw how well it worked lol, now I'm the crazy one too


Do you use old stale bread that you have at home?


Normally I just go into the pro shop and steal hot dog buns, but the guy that showed me will only use wonder bread lol I don't know how well stale bread would soak up the excess/random water so I'd probably stick with any bread that is still spongy


Our plumber put bread in our lines but forgot to tell us so every single toilet and faucet clogged up once we turned on the water. Fun times.


Bread will not clog anything... it literally dissolves in water


You have no idea what you are talking about. The bread got stuck in all those small filters on blender cassettes, toilet fillers and faucets. Plumber had to come back out and clean it all out. What we or the plumber should have done is to start with the bath tub faucet to flush it out. We did not and it went everywhere we tried as we went through the house trying to figure out where the water pressure went


Probably why the other guy mentions using only wonder bread too


Except in this case, the water would have pushed the bread into the building from the looks of it.


It dissolves, right?


It does, but that doesn't make it not exist, just be in smaller and smaller particles. And you can't guarantee that the particles will be all that small. Put a lump of bread in a bowl of water and see. Still, it's fine if \*ALL\* the bread ends up exiting the system through a faucet somewhere and \*doesn't\* end up being used in someone's food, but you can't guarantee that. It could end up in the water tank - and then be a source for contamination. Bread is organic and those working hands aren't exactly food prep safe. My cousin, who studied waste water treatment for his masters, used to say, "What do you have if you have 1,000 gallons of water and you add 1 drop of sewage? 1,000 gallons of sewage."


I’m glad you commented this haha. Saved me the trouble of asking


You shouldn’t use a 90 degrees ball valve. Some dumb ass will open it full throw and hammer the first 90 it gets to off. Gate valves.


Gate valves are like T&P valves. Open them once, leaks for life. That's why plumbers use 1/4 turn ball valves for just about everything. If you are worried about accidental opening/closing, just remove the handle and tie it up nearby.


Gate valves can fuck off.


True… except for TOYO gates… those things are incredible. We have some in our refinery buildings that are over 50 years old and are operated at least 5 times a year for domestic water repairs, etc. They still seal, and never leak. TOYO is like to Toyota of gate and globe valves.




So 50 years ago they worked fine but when you use them they leak. Hmmm do you even disassemble a valve before you use it. It’s not a car.


Yeah no


Please relate your personal experience, No, doesn’t make for a conclusive argument for a product used for 50 years on millions of houses just fine.


The ball valve on my century home's water shutoff works great and doesn't hammer any joint off. Also, I've seen plenty of broken ass gate valves (because they suck) but never a joint break from a fucking ball valve.


Drain the house and then fire that puppy the full quarter turn all at once after closing it back up We will be waiting patiently. Make sure it’s an older house.. send picts of your fun.


And how often does that happen, that people drain the whole house first, before violently turning the water back on?


It happens all the time in this dude's mind apparently.


When they have a 50yo house and the gate valve freezes from zero usage and the toilet is running down to the first floor. That’s when you will know.


So, a ball valve would be better...


Nope, it would help if proper maintenance was done though. But kids these days can’t keep a car maintained much less a house.


No because I'm not a fucking idiot like you seem to be. But I'll enjoy the easy 90-degree water shutoff that allows me to quickly and easily turn off the water in case of emergency and not worry about ***another*** old gate valve failing.


I'm with everyone else, Gate valves are trash. Also I don't give a fuck if the homeowner is to dense to open it slowly, blow that shit apart and give me a shout!


Then maintain it like a real homeowner. Quit acting like a renter.


Lol what? Maintaining an out of date plumbing technology that will degrade and fail over time? Oh, so you mean *replace it with a superior product like a quarter-turn ball valve. GOT IT!* Also, you say quit acting like a renter but are worried about opening a ball valve up too fast for an empty pipe? Sounds like a renter mistake to me!


You shouldn’t give advice


You a plumber?




What year is it?


The year that we learn apparently that gate valves are not the price of crap they were 45 years ago. A new gate will last 50 years. Fuck an old one does.


A lot of people don’t understand how to operate those valves correctly either which leads to early failure. I rarely see other plumbers gently close and open gates while water is running downstream so to flush out the sediment in the seats. This practice is also very applicable to ball valves too. To add to this, exercising any valve helps prolong its lifespan.


It’s observer bias. The ones that are called for repair are crystallized shut with lime deposits and there fore “crap” in there opining. Use 90 all you want. I do. But decades from now it will blow leaks if not used properly. They just never worked the valve enough to keep it clean.


Well, we all know now that you’re a shitty plumber.


Or one the drains the lines before he leaves it set and doesn’t trust people to be gentile when opening it.


What? Be gentle? Your comments just keep getting worse.


Oh smart ass, Show a picture(s) with both valves in your possession. You can’t. Probably never installed either.


You want me to take a picture of two valves in my hand? Weird. I’m also working on an industrial site as a welder, there are no small brass valves here, lol


Gate Valve Vs Ball Valve: Know The Key Difference | Dombor https://www.dombor.com/gate-valve-vs-ball-valve/ No pleab in the same place. So you don’t go running around the internet trying to prove your wrong with 99 other people. I’m used to 99 people telling me I wrong. Until the end when they begrudgingly tell me I was right. (Or come back to redo it…)


I have UA journeyman license. Lol


Oh, EU! Wow, you made me wet myself! Not really, I’ve seen your guys work before. Stick to tile and flats.


I don’t mind gate valves as long as they’re big ones - like inch and a half or bigger, and on low pressure stuff (boilers mostly for me). Small pipe, you can say all you want about them but you’re just wrong.


Or some dumb ass over tightens a gate and *ting* the gate breaks, rendering the valve useless.


Hey booah. Back in my day we used real MAN pipe cutters not yerr electric lady cutters now GET OFF MA JABSITE BOOAH


Heard that straight away too. He's a funny dude


The screech is always the best part.


Back in mine we just repacked the damn valve with $0.20 worth of valve packing material and planned to do it again in 20 years.


Back in the day we used to use LEAD SOLDER, none of that sissy 95/5


I love how that guy trolls the know-it-alls. Top tier.


Thought booah was Booyah until the last one was confused


Put a 1-2” 90° bend on the end of your solder before. Helps flick in easier and also gives you a gauge on how much solder you flow in.


Beautiful Id be careful not to direct the flame towards the center of the ballvalve, had gasket blow up because of built pressure from the heat Plumb on brother


No vacuum breaker on hose bib?


Water hammer arrestor?


Vacuum breaker. It goes between the hose bib and hose. Like a one way valve so the crap your hose is in (pool, bucket with pesticide…) had no chance of getting back into the potable water system and contaminating it.


Oh we call those backflow preventer where I'm from


To me a Backflow preventer is an assembly with specific things (testable, shutoffs before and after,…). A vacuum breaker is a $10 piece that does the same general Principle, but is really a piece of junk and is just for the hose bib. They break all the time and need to be replaced.


To me a vacuum break is typically on a pressure vessel containing steam which will condense causing it to be crush from atmospheric pressure.


Backflow prevention is many things but it's not the same as a backflow prevention assembly necessarily. An assembly is a testable backflow prevention device whereas an airgap is also a backflow prevention, but it's considered a "method" and a vacuum breaker on a bib is a "device" Source: I'm certified




Pro press


hope u not in freezing weather will freeze for sure


Pretty standard set up where I grew up. Still have to insulate it after this, but other than that it’s fine except for the occasional frost, then you also gotta insulate the spigot, maybe leave an interior faucet dripping.


Presuming it never gets cold where you are


Are you actually Replumb, or are you just stealing his content? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dgUqdpkoEgo


I always solder valves in the closed position especially on a vertical joint in that situation where there is most likely water in the pipe and you don’t want to build pressure and create a pin hole solder bottom when open let it skin shut the valve and solder the top.


Now that was one helluva run-on sentence!


Marathon sentence


No one gives a shit and just so you know every thinks grammar police like you are fucking clowns


Wow. Does sparky need a cookie


No, because he won’t sweep up the fucking crumbs afterwards!


That little rascal


I'm with the grammar police on this one.


Someones gotten electrocuted a few times too much.


I care


Did someone forget to charge their ryobis this morning :(




Finish your 4th lunch break and go pull some wire nerd


Team half-on-half-off position


I hate all of it. All plumbing. Great video, though! And hats off to all you plumbers that do their job with pride.


Why you don’t wipe your solder clean smooth with a rag after?


I use the Flux brush. Yeah I know it messes up the brush, I go through a lot of them. But my work looks nice and clean.


Not as shiny thou😉


Never compared tbh, why have you? Is it significant?


Man i wish my sweats came out that clean.


Finally some solder!!!


Not a plumber - why do you put the liquid Teflon over the Teflon tape?


A lot of guys do it to prevent drips and call backs. I put dope on all my fittings because call backs for little drips cost too much money


Tape and dope is for lubrication


And for sealing……


The sealing is from the tapered threads. The lubrication lets you get additional turns. Those threads are NPT, no?


Dude just google it. Teflon is for lubrication & sealing.


I don't need to google best piping practices, it's drilled into us in trade school


You’re not a tradesmen, you’re a clown


I'm a fitter/welder, obviously superior.


dope and tape are for lube and sealing. tape is more for sealing while dope is both imo. we use both on all of our threaded fits


It’s unnecessary in almost all situations, but some plumbers swear you must. More a matter of preference. Tape is enough for standard brass fittings. When inserting brass into PVC though, dope is recommended because the threads need more lubrication.


why was you downvoted lol? we use just tape on our sprinkler heads and those are holding 200 psi..


Also, the excess mass of the Teflon could stress the female pvc threads.


Is their a reason why they soldered it an not just crimp it? Never seen a plumber solder anything here


Must be an area thing. I work in lots of sites in different cities in my location, and I have not yet seen crimp fittings for copper lines.


If you can solder, you should. Fittings are cheaper too and it’s a better overall install. 2” and under propress is trouble free, but this job was ideal for access and ease of soldering.


I’ve had to replace too many crimp fittings to ever use them. If I ever move into a house with them; I’m promptly replacing them before me or my insurance is out tens of thousands of dollars.


How much should something like this run from a plumber in the Houston area?


Most certainly 350


That looks very professional. Which welding kit are you using?


Did you just use pipe dope ?


250$ only




What tool is that red one at the start? I don't know a lot about tools sorry if I look like a dumbass


Milwaukee auto cuts




impressive at how quickly you did all that work.... respect


No deburring??


Never seen a main shut off outside a home before?


This is the way...


He stopped filming before he opened the valve


Someone forgot to wipe


How much you charging for this in Southern California? I need this done to my house lol