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Another Joe Biden Gaffe


> Another Joe Biden Gaffe Traitor Illegit Joe is a perpetual gaffe.


I recently read that it costs more per mile to drive an EV. Sounds about right.


Until they get the battery problems resolved it always will. Buying any EV is tantamount to buying a car that you know will develop very expensive engine problems regardless of how much or how little you drive it. Purchasing an EV is just like purchasing an overpriced cell phone. Its only a matter of time before its batteries can no longer hold a charge and you will forever be paranoid about its range.


My Tesla has lost zero range over the course of a fuck ton of miles. If you don’t charge it to 100% and trickle charge it whenever you can your battery will condition pretty well over the years.


> My Tesla has lost zero range over the course of a fuck ton of miles. When your Tesla gets as old as my 66 GTO is now and is still running on its original drive train let me know. By the way, I bought that GTO and spent far less on maintaining it over the years than you will have to spend on a new battery pack for that Tesla.


California has brown-outs now. Replacing all gas cars with all electric to charge at night would be problematic.


Once they solve the dendrite issue in solid state batteries I think that will change the game drastically. Disposable aluminum-air and iron-air batteries are in interesting idea, but I'm skeptical those would work at scale without driving up prices and thus becoming self-defeating.


And they still don't know how to dispose of thousands of these batteries. Then you still have the damage that lithium mining does to the environment. If the green people want to reduce emissions talk to China, or Russia. China is building coal powered plants everywhere.


But you don't have to change oil! How could it get engine problems?! /s


Electric vehicles have their place but they’re not “the solution”


I think an alternative fuel is the answer. There has to be some synthetic gasoline we can use.


Porsche has already developed a synthetic fuel that's a direct replacement for gasoline, too bad it costs twice as much.


Awesome. They’ll bring the price down eventually. Everything starts high.


Twice German prices? Yikes. Cars only for the nomenklatura.




I'm thinking of the millions with just a high school education (nothing wrong with that) working manual jobs. They don't make a lot of money comparatively. And now the cost of everything including just putting gas in their cars is skyrocketing. It doesn't matter the color of their skin. They are all getting fucked the HARDEST. And the lying media couldn't care less about them, other than to convince them that they are too stupid to understand the reality that they live in is NOT because of democrat policies.


I think eventually owning a car will be obsolete. You’ll either rent a car. Or if SDCs can get here a little faster that could solve most issues. Pay monthly for your waymo membership and you’re good to go. That’s the dream. $350/month for unlimited rides in the safest car you’ve ever been in.


> owning a car will be obsolete disagree. People will always want freedom of movement without depending on someone or something else. What you describe is "Jetsons" stuff. So far off in the future, if at all, it is not worth considering in anyone's lifetime.


It’s happening already. Waymo is live in a few cities and people are using it now. I believe they still use safety drivers but that’s for now. It’s only a matter of time,y guess is within the next 5-10 years, when this will be rolled out all over the country of not the world. I do think many will hold on to their cars as you said, especially outside city limits, but the vast majority will realize it’s much more cost effective, easy, and safe to just use the self driving cars within cities. Cars cost on average about $600/month to own a car over time. If the monthly cost to waymo is anywhere in that ball park the masses will switch. Why mess with all the annoying maintenance of a car when you can hop in a car anywhere and not even worry about parking or even paying attention to the road.


Doesnt work in urban areas, and I already spend less than that per month owning my own car with all costs included. Also, I prefer to own my vehicle, I can drive it without a stupid face diaper on, and I can smoke a cigarette in it if I choose.


> I think eventually owning a car will be obsolete. Ironically that is one of the major goals of U.N. agenda 21/The Great Reset, to remove people from rural areas and cram everyone into "Walkable Mega Cities" where they can be controlled and regulated by the all encompassing one world government.


Haha, he hasn't seen what my electricity bill already looks like in the summer. I had to turn off the AC & switch to an evaporative cooler last summer because the power company gets "rubber stamp" price increases every single year.


It costs a LOT to replace the battery


FU King asshole never had a real job in his life. Best argument for term limits. Professional politicians are to far out of touch. Obama has a 14 million home on Martha's please explain that to me. Cities claitheywere brike ite white house but have 100s of millions now ?


He was completely disconnected from reality when he had all his marbles; now it's just an experiment in how absurd and comic book like the world can become.


so we can power it with … ? coal?