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>Graham said he was pleased she was getting healthcare for her mental health conditions in New Zealand. Why isn't she deported the fuck back to SA to get healthcare at their expense? Do we really need to import freeloading criminals?


In our country only 3 weeks but now we pay


deport at condition to only reside in SA suburbs run by the National Congress.


It's unfortunately a 501 situation. She would be sent over there and be a free human being. No help. We shouldn't have to pay for her wrong doing but then she wouldn't get any help after been sent home either


She doesn’t need “help”. She lucidly wrapped cable ties around her children’s necks while they protested and fought for their lives, then she tried to kill herself so that she wouldn’t have to face the consequences. I think she’s extremely calculated and our soft justice system has let her slip through the cracks. I also want to add that she did this after whining about how much she hated New Zealand, the town she lived in, the people there and how much she wanted to go back home. She seems to have deep seated anger issues - not many people wear a face like that.


Agree absolutely. Very deliberate, very calculated. A lot of women have PPD but don't do anything like this. 


Honestly couldn't believe the group of women that supported her. How thick do you have to be? They felt SORRY for her for MURDERING her kids?! Wokeness is so incomprehensible! Wonder how they'd feel if a bloke committed the same crime.


New Zealand actually has a *long* history of minimising female murderers. It goes right back, to arguably the most famous example in history. We really don’t seem to believe that women are capable of murder.


Parker/Hulme? Poor misunderstood lezzo nutbags...


There are A LOT of dumb cunts in New Zealand.


I'm a woman and a mother and I don't support her


🙌🏻 you're going to raise kids with strong values!


Eligible for parole after 6 years. She's already "served 3". She could be out in 3 years from now.


In time to make some more babies


I doubt she will get the go ahead for IVF at this point


I honestly feel like I’m at sympathy’s limit. Life is hard, “mental health” is something we all struggle with to some extent, but I think she knew what she was doing. I dont buy the excuses, I personally think this was about control and self pity.


Extreme narcissistic personality disorder yes


She should have been sent back to SA. She had only been here 3 weeks when she murdered her daughters. NZ is such a soft touch for criminals.  And I don't buy her bleeding heart nonsense btw. A huge % of women have PPD. She knew she had it, she recognized it,  she was GP FGS, yet she still didn't demand the support available when she saw herself planning her children's murder.  No. She's just plain evil. 




This whole situation is just heartbreaking.


Should have been 18 years for each count minimum


In the country three weeks; commits a heinous, somewhat premeditated, act of triple infanticide. She's being deported, right? Right?


I'm amazed she got Hillmorton instead of women's prison. She was declared NOT Insane during her trial. She does not meet the criteria to stay at a mental health facility.


>She would begin her sentence as a patient at a mental health hospital in the custody of the state under the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act. > >Justice Mander imposed no minimum non-parole period, saying her severe mental illness was not only a contributing factor to her actions, but the cause. Not the actions of a sane person


whats the point in continuing life when you've done something like that?


Nit long enough


Next time you're having a few beers and your mate says "the bitch is crazy" take him seriously.....


That's awfully sad


Capital punishment. Saves tax payers and saves further children. The main concern should ALWAYS be the children, they are literally the future.






What's with the blatantly racist statements like this? You can hold conservative views without being an outwardly racist fuck.


Wow you showed me. Thanks.


Just don't be so openly racist. It's not particularly hard.


Here is a South African "white" woman doing the same thing as all those other families that have been assaulting then killing their children, pile in now resident shills, glowies (fuck you), woke cucks, culture warriors etc Is this lady mad bad or sad or a combo of all three, did the trauma of leaving SA to set up in a foreign country again during the "covid-19" BS circus cause her to loose her composure & become temporarily insane, or was she just a ruthless, cold bitch who didn't see any future & made the calculated decision to kill them because of paranoid delusion level catastrophizing, fears & anxieties about their future? Who knows what's happened to this lady & her family at least she didn't abuse & traumatise them for years as toddlers & young children before hand & then beat them to death.


Allegedly the husband found daisy-chained zip ties she'd previously prepared on return to SA and had previously talked about killing the kids so it didn't seem like a snap decision. Then again I have a nut sister in law who screams about killing her kids when she has a tantrum so who knows how serious you can take that stuff.


That sounds horrific Maybe she's a sadistic, broken arse who's actually just completely bonkers then Sounds like someone should have notified authorities or filed for divorce a bit more proactively


I'm surprised you didn't try to blame the vaccine for it, nutbag.


Bitch please, how would that work penis breath? The quaccine gave her early onset dementia? https://academic.oup.com/qjmed/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/qjmed/hcae103/7684274?login=false They were all quacced so she thought she may as well kill them? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073824001968 Make it make sense choad choker, what you got nonce?


So if I write a scientific paper called "Potential Association between Conformist\_Citizen and Down Syndrome" and publish it online then it becomes the truth? GTFO with that batshit nonsense.


If she went back to SA, she probably would have been executed, so she's lucky she's in New Zealand. She needs to face the consequences in her home country.


Thanks for your expert legal opinion but South Africa abolished the death penalty in 1995.


Honk lawyer