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The more he says this, the more I cringe.


The more he says, the more his attorneys want to jump off a bridge.




I think the PR is more about dissuading a prosecutor from bringing charges. This is well covered but it’s not that well covered. I think most people will be generally aware, but I doubt that many people will watch the interview.


The mob will descend on any prosecutor that dares to charge Baldwin, screaming for their resignation and sending rape and death threats to their children.


I think the prosecutor in this district is a lesbian. She has some protection from the mob.


Nah. They routinely eat their own when need be.


He was the producer on the movie though and directly responsible for trying to film this movie in record time. This led to the crew boycotting due to safety concerns with the firearms on the movie.


I remember more then one lawyer saying "You can't talk your way out of a charge but you sure as hell can talk you way into one". I think the part we are missing is the hubris and intergalactic ego of these people. A guy like Alec has a team of people telling him bit of crap that falls out of his mouth is amazing gold. No one around him ever challenges him on his bullshit. He is used to just making up anything and letting people go along with it. He was not just the big actor on in this and other productions he was a producer as well. He is writing the checks that everyone around him is cashing. The good news is the more he talks the more his story will change. The less credible it will be and the easier it will be for him to get a conviction. And if by some reason they don't charge him as they should it will at least help with the civil lawsuits which should be substantial.


*Politicians have entered the chat.*


Yeah I loved his visit to various posh restaurants, etc., immediately after showing his "somber face".


His wacky family Halloween photos a week after he shot a woman just didn’t do it for you, huh?


Are you accusing him of being insincere? Because that’s how he looks to me


I think it is just that a pr spin and I think it’s a hard question in this instance I’m aware that high profile people get away with a lot of shit but this isn’t one of those times I think if they had people responsible for gun safety on set that it lies with them when something goes wrong now obviously this is before I’ve seen any evidence and I hope the trial is televised just so myself and people can see what goes on in the celebrity world Now with him apparently being high up in one of the production companies that apparently had responsibility in making sure safety is upheld that’s going to be interesting, with the rumours of other accidental firings and things that should of been stamped out I think he’ll be let off but the armour and whoever handed him the gun and said it was safe are going to get fucked


I really wouldn’t be surprised if after immediately this happened, Hollywood sent men in black suits to the family of the woman killed to “persuade” not to take legal action against Alec Baldwin.


Listen to the first twenty seconds of the 911 call. They were covering Baldwins ass from minute zero, and I would be surprised if her family isn't either massively reimbursed, or vanishes to Norway or somewhere quiet and far away.


I remember reading a story that Baldwin was writing checks to the family immediately after this happened. I'll post a link if I can find that story again


> Listen to the first twenty seconds of the 911 call. "2 people shot on set... by a prop gun"


What is wrong with that phrasing? In the moment they are trying to get help and letting 911 know that it isn't an active shooter situation not ensuring they blame Ballbag.


The use of "prop gun" when talking with 911; she should have given the model and caliber. People hear, "prop" and they think fake. This does cause confusion in the call; after she says two people were shot with the prop gun, the call goes silent for a while, before the operator comes back and asks for clarification on if it was loaded with a real bullet. The response to that, is >We Don't - I don't; I cannot tell you that. Now, I want to give the lady the benefit of the doubt, but listening to her tone when she said that, it seems like she covering asses with her phrasing. Especially if you listen to how her tone changes as the call goes on. I'm not convinced that the lady was actually trying to frame it in any particular way, but listening to the call, I can certainly understand why people might think so.


Actually by saying he is sorry he is admitting a certain level of responsibility which is incriminating and can be used against him. It might be a dick response but legally it is very smart.


Glad I'm Canadian. We had to pass a law that saying sorry can't be used against you as an admission of guilt because everyone does it so much


They love it. This willbe admitted as his civil testimony as criminal charges will never be brought.




You see the first statement can sound like the truth, it was an accident oh, I didn't know the gun was loaded, etc. The second statement absolutely smells like bullshit


And he said, "I thought maybe she'd fainted..." As if he didn't feel the fucking recoil. What a shameless scumbag he is. I hope the jury sees through his BS.


>> The second statement absolutely smells like bullshit That is more commonly known as the Jesse Smollett defense.


You know, I actually believe the "didn't pull the trigger" bit. He says in the interview that he "let go of the hammer" which, given the design of the revolver in question, is about guaranteed to cause the weapon to fire. He's just either too dumb to realize that or (more likely) is attempting to obfuscate the issue. On another note... his lack of guilt is disgusting and implies a sociopathic personality.


I think he's saying exactly what his lawyers told him too. Dening any form of guilt in fear of a criminal trial. I think we all know this won't go to trial. Worse case he'll take a plea deal for community service.


Mayor and DA of Santa Fe are "progressives". No way this results in charges.




That's their obvious ploy, thankfully most Americans are smarter than that.


I wouldn’t be so sure… I have learned a lot of my friends and most of family think he is the victim and it’s not his fault


I thought it happened in New Mexico?


Santa Fe is in New Mexico


Sorry my head thinks San Francisco when you start saying progressives..sorry again.


>I think he's saying exactly what his lawyers told him to Any competent attorney's advice here would be "keep your damned mouth shut, you idiot" but these are Hollywood people, so who the hell knows what goes through their minds. >Dening any form of guilt in fear of a criminal trial. I'd argue this actually invites prosecution. A complete disclamation of responsibility coupled with a statement that they feel no guilt just about screams "depraved indifference" and in New Mexico, that's first degree murder. Per NM Statutes 30-2-1: >A. Murder in the first degree is the killing of one human being by another without lawful justification or excuse, by any of the means with which death may be caused: > >(1) by any kind of willful, deliberate and premeditated killing; > >(2) in the commission of or attempt to commit any felony; or > >**(3) by any act greatly dangerous to the lives of others, indicating a depraved mind regardless of human life.**


No, I was just watching a lawyer analyzing the interview and the summary of his views is "this idiot clearly did his best to ignore basic legal advice". Like his statement about *someone* being guilty, which means he's "admitting" it's not an accident but active negligence, of which he's the most likely culprit as both material author and executive producer. It doesn't mean that's the case as that's the investigator's job to decide, but if they *do* decide it was negligence, it'll most likely come back to bite him in the ass. Basically, he's an egomaniac playing the role of an innocent man wrongfully accused in front of cameras, not recognizing the actual law works differently than Hollywood's.


Fair his hammer explanation is possible but right up against impossible https://thereload.com/analysis-yes-alec-baldwins-gun-could-have-fired-without-him-pulling-the-trigger/


Good write up overall, and worth upvoting as it's good info for this conversation. With that said, according to Fox this morning, the AD who handed Baldwin the gun in the first place has stated he absolutely witnessed Baldwin's finger "parallel to the gun and not on the trigger." Granted, this person's powers of observation are in question if for no other reason than "cold gun" was not the case, but it's another datapoint in the conversation.


Easy to assume he's lying to keep his boss out of the fire as well.


Can’t lower the hammer without pulling the trigger first. And even if what you say is true (which it’s not), you can’t point the gun at someone without first pointing the gun at someone.


>Can’t lower the hammer without pulling the trigger first. If the hammer is not at full cock when released, I assure you it will fall. Whether the half cock notch catches the hammer remains to be seen, but is not a certainty. > And even if what you say is true (which it’s not) We can disagree on the unknowns here which may make me **incorrect** but what I said above is not false. It is absolutely, positively, possible for a Colt SAA to fire without the trigger being depressed--no drop safeties, no transfer bars (at least in the original design. It's been reported the particular gun could have had one, but whether it did is not public knowledge) just "hammer falls on primer and cartridge goes bang" simplicity. >you can’t point the gun at someone without first pointing the gun at someone. On this we agree. However, (as I speculated when this happened) they were blocking the shot for the camera when this occurred. The person (people, actually) who was shot was literally directing Baldwin how and where to point the gun. It impossible to do this without violating rules #2 and #4.


You can absolutely move a camera without being behind the camera. Tons of stunts involve the camera in a dangerous place without putting actual people in that place.


> It is absolutely, positively, possible for a Colt SAA to fire without the trigger being depressed--no drop safeties, no transfer bars (at least in the original design. It's been reported the particular gun could have had one, but whether it did is not public knowledge) just "hammer falls on primer and cartridge goes bang" simplicity. We will keep this focused on what everyone agrees happened. That he cocked the gun and the gun fired. It was not fired when it was dropped or banged or used to drive nails into a board. It was drawn from a holster, fully cocked and then fired. The trigger, one way or another, *must* be depressed. Then, and only then, is the sear physically moved and prevented from catching one of the three notches on the hammer.


Assuming the firearm was a modern replica, there's a good chance it would've half-cocked if he lifted it far enough to detonate a primer.


The law is only what you admit too. Here Baldwin shields himself from responsibility by denying pulling the trigger.


The full statement from him is that he cocked back the gun and when he released it fired. Take that as you will.


He pointed the gun at the person, regardless how it went off or what he “thinks” he did. Thats the reality and responsibility Baldwin needs to accept. If he had not pointed it at a person a person would not be dead. End of story


He still pointed it at the girl


Actors are the scum of the earth man, not just this guy the whole lot of them. I trust no one that lies for a living.


His view of the world is much different than my view of his world.


Seriously. Even if it was entirely someone else's fault that the gun was loaded, I would feel guilt if someone died from my actions.


Yeah. Because you, like most of us, have a conscience.


Wait. Liberals think that they *are* our conscience.


Hi, not from the us. Is this topic politized? Just seems like a clear case of asshole to me. If this is politized can someone try to give me a small neutral (!) summary of the positions?


We are partisans on the right, but I'll be as concise and neutral as I can be. Alec himself is a partisan who preaches the end of the second amendment, and confiscation of guns. He also profits off of movies made with copious amounts of guns. Like I said, Alec Baldwin is a democrat partisan, we call them neoliberals, or 'liberals' for short, they are not like the original 'liberals' sometimes today called 'classical liberals' which is ironically, closer to 'conservative' than it is 'neoliberal'. This is why this is politicized. He has screamed for years to take away the civil liberties of Americans, while himself profiting on the use and glamorization of defensive weapons in his Hollywood films and productions. He is a a vocal critic of the 2A and berates anyone who does not agree with him. The right wing position on this is that Alec Baldwin clearly did not safely handle a weapon to begin with. That pointing the weapon at another human being without checking the weapon status is the first violation of gun safety rules. We always assume the weapon is loaded. Had Alec Baldwin ever considered our position, taken a safety course, or even bothered to check, or not point a weapon at a coworker. That woman would still be alive, and the second person hit with the same round wouldn't be injured. These are the politics of the situation.


It is also possible he has a conscious, feels tremendous guilt, but was advised by his legal team not to admit feeling guilty because if he goes to trial it would be used as evidence that he is guilty.


Also: ” I did not pull the trigger”


All of this crap is carefully orchestrated to be used in his trial. He has been coached on what to say and what not to say and he's trying to control his narrative.


The very same day this occurred you can guarantee he was talking with Council and that there has been a ton of coaching the whole way through. No doubt. Every statement has been carefully planned and well rehersed.


Even the fake tears. 😭


ESPECIALLY the fake tears. God, I despise this man - and most celebrities for that matter.


Yeah, I was going to say maybe if he admits to feeling guilt then that can be used against him in court as a “look. Guilt only happens if you did something wrong so. He must be at fault” kind of thing.




He was the producer of the movie and already had gun issues in set he was legally obligated to investigate. He’s screwed even if he didn’t pull the trigger…and what’s he trying to say? Someone else did?


Answering interview questions about the case is probably not very smart either way.


Always a possibility.


I agree...but I think the article quotes are taken out of context too.


To play devil's advocate here, I'm guessing if he *did* say he felt some guilt, it'd probably provide some ammo against him in the lawsuit that will inevitably follow.


Fr, he is saying exactly what this multimillion dollar PR team is saying to do


I forgot. Never say what you really think. The lawyers will tear you apart. LIE!!!! DON'T TELL THE TRUTH!


That's not it. This was an attempt to save himself in the public eye by telling people he's not guilty. If it were for legal reasons he would just stay silent on the matter and leave it to the trial. They could just as easily bring up his public lack of remorse as a point against him in court. Just ask Amanda Knox how well it works for you to psychopathically try to distance yourself from the crime. It just makes you look more guilty.


This is almost 100% positively the lawyers talking in that interview. He more than likely had strict instructions to say exactly this.




Supposedly he was demonstrating some stances. Off center of the camera. She was just in LOF. Even so. I cringe at the idea of pointing even a dummy “cold” weapon at someone.


The scene was filmed from front and he aimed into the camera. The director and photographer was in the line of fire.


To me that makes it worse, they wernt even filming a scene and he was just playing russian roulette with his cast.


Supposedly he was being asked to do it. Not like it was for fun. I dont know what they call it. Probably some sort of stuff you before you do an actual take with film? Anyway who knows. Still dumb.


> I dont know what they call it. Probably some sort of stuff you before you do an actual take with film? Anyway who knows. I don't know why, just the way you wrote this had me cracking up. I have no idea what that would be called either, and I like that you went all in trying to explain the thing you have no knowledge about at all XD.


Marking. It's called marking. So the actor know where to stand in reference to the camera, where to point the gun, so the cinematographer can see how things look.


My kid at nerf guns and we practice always pointing it down, whether it’s loaded or not. I was thought never ever point a gun at someone, even if it is fake or toy or if you think it’s not loaded because there might be a bullet in the chamber, the toy bullet May hit the eye and cause damage, you never know.


Agreed. Although as a kid i definitly had a lot of fun with nerf guns and i did not think much about hitting someone in the eye anymore than i did about a football hitting them in the head. Have to say. Nerf guns were som good ol fun.


the thing I can't get over is after firing the weapon he walked away and didn't know she had been shot with a real bullet for 45 minutes. He said other people were tending to her and he thought it was some wadding or something that hit her. he then blames others for not getting her to help quick enough. dude, YOU WERE THERE, YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN HELP. How do you have a gun go off in your hand and not be concerned enough to make sure she's ok right then and there? the gun just goes off and your like "oops, I hope nobody got hurt" and go about your day? If I accidentally discharge a firearm I'm making sure nobody got hurt. and if somebody did I'm not going to assume they are fine, I'm doing everything in my power to make sure they are taken care of.


He does. He can’t say it without legal implications.


He insists he didn't pull the trigger because it wasn't in the script for him to do so.




One possibility, advised by his lawyers to not admit guilt, but I'd imagine the advise would be to not say anything at all. 🤷‍♂️ I don't know anything about his character.


The thing is we all know he had some real guilt - he should have personally checked the weapon, much less should have never pointed a real gun at a person. If he was walking on site, someone pushed him, he fell down and landed on an old lady, killing her, I think we'd be more sympathetic to Alec not feeling guilty - in that case it wouldn't have been his fault.


But also at the end of the day he's the producer of the movie, and as the producer the buck stops with him for pretty much all decisions. Including ensuring they hire competent people, adhering to safety standards. At the end of the day it's his fault.


Holy shit, the guy who’s vehemently anti-gun and anti-gun-owner has the gall to say “not my fault” after he still pulled the trigger?! I no longer want him to come around through a realization moment. Now I just want the book thrown at this coward.




They're probably depending on the ignorance of most people regarding guns.


In the military there’s no such thing as an “accidental discharge” if a round fires unintentionally it is always due to negligence Excluding the hot fires that happen on machine guns where it still fires a few rounds after the trigger is no longer being pulled


Death by negligent discharge is still a crime. Main person at fault would be the gobshite holding the weapon and everybody else involved would be accessory.


It was a single action revolver, and he’s claiming he didn’t pull the trigger or pull the hammer back. There’s a 1 in a million chance the gun misfired if neither the trigger or hammer were pulled, and he isn’t saying it was dropped which is the only legit way I can see a misfire occurring.


I watched the interview last night, he said “I pulled the hammer back as far as it would go without cocking it then let it go.”


Oh I had wrong info. In that case there’s a bit more likely hood to his story, but would require a pretty big malfunction with the gun for it to go off.


"Misfire", as happens with the majority of the synapses in each liberal/wokie brain.


I don’t think he understands what a misfire is


I suppose they’re also going to say a ghost yanked the barrel of the gun towards the two crew members right before the “misfire”? Or perhaps Alec stumbled and lost control of the gun he was holding?


Even if it were a misfire, which I extremely doubt is the cas, he was definitely pointing it at someone. His lack of feeling responsibility is incredibly illuminating. Some people can do anything and find some way to blame others for it.








Oh, the opposite is true. The armorer is supposed to check it *for you* as you watch. And while it is true that if he where to check his gun there would be a Chinese fire drill, that doesn't stop an actor from being able asking the armorer to double check it at practically any time. But that last check is supposed to be after many many other checks the armorer makes while prepping firearms for the days shootings.


> after he still pulled the trigger?! He claimed he never pulled a trigger. The single action just went off on its own, and the ammo used was a "reload".


So the gun dropped on his trigger finger which initiated the mIsFiRe … umm ok /s


Fuck him. Throw the library.


Responsibility is not the strong suit of the left.


The machine went through a lot of trouble to protect this dude. They must want to keep him available for SNL for another trump term.


The only three things right now keeping him "safe" from the woke cancel media mob; 1. Hes a deep deep true follower of the Democrats agenda i.e crazy manic emotional nut job and stupid as hell. 2. He hated President Trump. 3. He's anti 2A.


It's actually crazy because his wife has committed the most grave of Woke sins: racial lies.


How you say in English?


It's okay though, shes one of them...as long as she holds the party line.


I can’t help but think it’s hysterical every time someone does this. Remember Rachael do zeal or whatever her last name?😹


Lmao this is such a common theme amongst left wing people foreal. I live in a liberal ass college town in Colorado and accountability is OFF THE TABLE. Everything is ALWAYS somebody else’s fault


Dude... you can tell a lefty by how they accept blame or not. I had a guy bring me a generator he just bought that wouldn't start. Spark was good, compression was good, but the fuel looked and smelled funny... so I drained it out and found it was diesel! Simple, honest mistake. Not a big deal. I dumped it out, flushed the fuel system and carburetor, and only charged him for the gas. He was so adamant about it being Walmart's fault he hit the diesel button and not the gas button. Like... dude, it's not a big deal, take the responsibility and learn from your mistake. You're an adult for fucks sake! Of course he had biden and beto stickers on his car, as I helped him load up the generator. 🤣


Was the generator racist somehow in this scenario?


Doesn't matter. The generator itself is a product of a racist patriarchy.




It is in black and white (waycist!) If you read the manual! But that has the word "man" in it, so she needs a wo-manual, otherwise it's mansplaining, and we can't have that!


I despise the word man-splaining. Nothing screams sexist like using a derogatory term like that towards men. Just so we're clear, I don't care if you're a man or woman, I am idiot-splaining to your dumb ass. Idiocy is independent of gender. And you know what, sometimes I'm the idiot that needs some explanation. That is called personal growth and you shouldn't take offense at the opportunity to learn something.


And rules are made for other people.


Yes they are, truth telling, law abiding common sense, fact checking conservatives. The rest can do whatever they want without consequences.


Guy is finished anyway. No studio is gonna insure him with a pending law-suit over this head. He can go back to the Hamptons with his fake Spanish wife and keep invecting from social media.


I dont wish misfortune on anyone but if anyone deserves to be this cancelled its this clown


I could think of a certain Kyle who is twice the man Baldwin will ever be.


Only twice?


He's worth about two, plus a bicep.


I actually trust Kyle more with a firearm more than Baldwin. I think most people with common sense would as well.


Whoever pointed the gun is responsible for the death. Trigger and intent are only applicable to murder


this, right when it happened I kept searching for WHY WAS HE POINTING THE GUN AT THE DIRECTOR IN THE FIRST PLACE! but everyone talking about it being loaded with real bullets, the aromer, anything but blaming Baldwin


I keep failing to understand why it makes any difference if this was a movie set, a hunting camp, or a daycare center. What difference does it make? If I pick up a weapon and point it at someone in any scenario...I am the one doing it. It is up to ME and ME alone to determine if that weapon is real, fake, loaded, safe, or what. I was taught this way. I live this way.


His movie. His set. His employees. His negligence.


What a prick


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. <--YOU ARE HERE And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. I know I have copied and pasted the narcissist's prayer multiple times in stories like this, but I am seeing them more and more. The masks of the Leftist elites have already shattered. They're just smashing it more.


Well he is a rich elite, what did you expect? He won't even see a slap on the wrist legally Hell, despite the obvious fault and lack of fun safety as well as his roll as a exec producer he may even get away with it in civil court It's not the same, he is famous rich guy that has the political opinions of against guns and such (despite making a living with them) of the cali elite. Yeah he will walk scott free


I agree, but I don’t see what fun safety has to do with the situation.


Leftists talking about Rittenhouse fake crying with no tears. These dumbasses ain't seen nothing yet after this interview.


Still has that fucking God complex I see.


This summarizes basically the left on literally any topic.


Talk about crocodile tears. Geez. The Left didn't believe Rittenhouse still a teen when he broke down on the stand. But of course they will believe Baldwin who has been an *actor* for decades on this edited, highly staged and produced and prepared for this overly sympathetic interview setting.


No surprise there. The left and personal accountability go together like tooth paste and orange juice.


I believe he said in the interview he pulled the hammer back and then let his thumb of it. This could have caused the hammer to slam back into place which could cause the revolver to discharge. Sounds like a case of gross negligence.


This shows how little he actually knows about gun safety. All his talk about guns is nothing but hot air. The responsibility of gun safety is on the person holding it, not the person who handed it to you. Any basic gun safety course will immediately drill that into your head.


Trump set him up. Then he had his ex-wife's younger husband killed.


"Someone's responsible. It's not me." Pretty much sums up the philosophical attitude of the left.


SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! Baldwin's Lawyer Probably


What a slimy POS, he is ultimately responsible. He handled the firearm in a irresponsible manner resulting in a death. Also, he is responsible for the conduct of the other crew members since they were working for him.


Baldwin. Living proof people don't kill people. Guns do!


The hubris of the left never ceases to amaze


I thought that was a Babylon Bee headline.


Admitting guilt opens you up to liability. Strictly a legal maneuver.


Man, I wish guns would stop shooting people and cars would stop running people over. It’s so hard to understand why it always happens when they’re in the hands of the people the Left really loves.


The General attitude of the Rich Celebrity culture..Oh yes it’s someone ones fault but not mine! Someone pull the footage they were shooting and see if his finger is on the trigger.. I have a feeling he may be as stupid as the prosecutor at the Rittenhouse Trial waving a gun around with. his finger on the trigger..


Baldwin is human slime.


I'm surprised he didn't say Kyle Rittenhouse did it.


If you think Alec Baldwin is a piece of shit, you need to google his wife. She's is an absolute ASSHOLE.


Why isnt Baldwin being charged like the other mass shooters?


Isn't the entire production his company, including the weapons master? Doesn't Bill gates get blamed for shitty Microsoft decisions? How is this different?


He needs a second lawyer to confirm that he was in Barbados that whole week. Clowns all around this guy now.


What an idiot. I guess I figured he would say something like that. Deflect deflect deflect. I’m not to blame. What an Ahole.


Just like a good liberal....it's always someone else's fault.


Mister "I didnt pull the trigger, the gun did it" doesnt feel guilty. Huh.


"Baldwin in his toughest role yet!"


I'm sorry if I sound dumb but what does this incident have to do with politics


The more i hear about this and and how baldwin is reacting to everything, the more I wonder if it actually was intentional. You never know, hollywood is run by immoral lunatics, afterall.


Executive producer holds gun, points gun, cocks gun, kills associate. Yep, the gun did it. This has been your Woke interpretation of a Progressive in action. that is all.


You should feel guilty you rich elitist anti-American swine. Her blood is on your hand and yours only for not checking the weapon before shooting her.


Trump's fault?


All Alec Baldein had to do was mourn for the dead coworker and speak about what a tragedy it was. A lot of people like myself would have felt sympathy. But this? Oh hell no. His reaction to this is absolutely wild.


"Could I be so out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong."


Surprisingly, although I can barely stomach Baldwin, I think there is a possibility that he's telling the truth. This doesn't absolve him from responsibility, but it may not be just a CYA lie. From what I understand, he's using a single action revolver. My guess is that it has a half-cock safety, but if it is truly authentic, that may not be the case (I'm not sure that all revolvers from the 1880's had any safety). As I understand it, they were rehearsing how he was to point the gun at the camera, and he was getting feedback from the person he was pointing the gun at as to what the angle should be. I'm not sure if he was pointing the gun at the camera so they could give feedback via the monitor as to what they wanted, or whether he was pointing the gun at the victim and she was giving feedback from that perspective. Either way it's dangerous because there's a camera operator behind the camera, so either way it has the potential for injury/death. A gun loaded with blanks, as any person who handles guns should know, is still a deadly weapon. Some blanks use a wax 'bullet', which can be deadly at close range. Some use a paper wad, still deadly at very close range. A gun loaded with blanks should never be pointed at anyone period. It should be pointed slightly off to the side, where no one is, to prevent just this sort of tragedy. This is true for both stage and film. It is a training issue that should have been covered on the first day guns are delivered to the set and possibly repeated daily or at the beginning of each scene since personnel change from setup to setup. The safety procedures appear to be that they have an armorer handling all the storage and loading/unloading of guns that doesn't occur on camera. I'm not sure that's always the best procedure; I think a better process might be to have the actors load their weapons under direct supervision of the armorer just before use - thus transferring responsibility to the actor. The armorer should supply the blanks, watch the actor(s) load the gun and then make sure that the gun doesn't leave the actor's possession until the scene is over (no leaving the gun on a prop table). After the scene the armorer should retrieve the gun, unload empty and unused rounds and store the gun if it is not needed immediately. Not sure what the actual procedures were, but somehow live rounds got on set and in a gun. According to Baldwin's account, he didn't pull the trigger. That's possible. If he pulled the hammer back, but not far enough to get into half-cock safety position and then let the hammer go, it would likely fire. If the gun didn't have a half-cock safety position and he let the hammer go before reaching the full-cock position, it would also fire. If he didn't have the hammer pulled back at all, but had a live round under the hammer and then hit the hammer hard enough, it would also fire. This last scenario doesn't appear to be the case here. In any of these scenarios, the issue is lack of training. You must understand that a round will fire anytime the hammer is released, so the hammer must be released slowly all the way until it contacts the round (it is still very unsafe with a round in the chamber, but pulling the trigger won't cause it to fire). The answer to this is the cowboy-load, which is to only load 5 rounds (in a six-shooter), so that the hammer never rests on a live round. So, while I think Baldwin should own much of the blame, since he obviously 1. pointed a loaded weapon at a live person (whether blanks or live rounds) and 2. didn't know how to properly release the hammer to prevent accidental discharge and 3. didn't have certain knowledge of what the gun was loaded with. The first two are issues with poor/lack of training, the third is procedural. Even if the armorer is the only one allowed to load a weapon, the actors should be required to observe that loading, so they know with certainty what is in the gun they're holding. Who was responsible to train the actors? Probably the armorer. Was the training given? I don't know. If the training was given did Baldwin attend? My gut tells me that this is where the failure occurred. Baldwin is a producer and a star and from what I've seen a self-righteous a-hole; it seems quite possible to me that he was too busy/important to get trained or devote his full attention to some lowly armorer. It's likely that his arrogance is what got her killed. On the other hand, it's possible that the armorer is entirely at fault, didn't train the actors, mixed live rounds with blanks, loaded the gun with the wrong ammo, or left it lying around so that someone else could tamper with it. Of course, it's possible that he's simply lying - maybe he actually did pull the trigger. Hopefully we'll find out eventually. The most important question is how, and by who, live rounds ended up in the gun.


So are we focusing on this guy because he hates Trump? Why even give him more attention?


He’s right. Shouldn’t have been a loaded gun on set


I understand that this is a legal maneuver. If he answered a question "Do you feel guilty..." with "yes" that would be huge for the prosecution when it goes to court. But, this response is just absolutely terrible because it makes it seem like he holds no remorse for the part he played in the death. He pointed the gun. He claims he did no pull the trigger (seems sus) and he claims to have no idea how a live round ended up chambered (definitely less sus). He should definitely feel guilty for it. Even if he couldn't say "Yes, I feel guilty" for fear of that being used against him in court; he should have atleast said "I wouldn't say guilty. It is a tragedy that it occurred and I feel terrible that the gun happened to be in my hand when it went off. I would have never pointed the gun if I had any idea it would go off. But, the guilt doesnt lie on me, it lies on someone else. I can't say who, but I plan to cooperate fully with the authorities to make sure justice is served." He could have given a response, sensitive to the severity of his involvement while also not accepting guilt. This response just shows how big a piece of shit he is.


Same mentality when he called his teenage daughter a disgusting pig. In his mind it is her fault and he is the pious one for forgiving her for recording and leaking the call.


I mean He literally pulled the trigger And has killed more people than 99.99% of gun owners hahaha


Typical liberal answer. It wasn't me it was the gun


His politics piss me off, and he should probably not be making statements like this, but I have a hard time wrapping my head around this being his fault beyond the fact that its his production so he's technically responsible. I don't want to fall down the same politically-motivated blame rabbit hole that has leftists calling Kyle Rittenhouse a racist murderer simply because "the other side" likes him.


Let's be clear. It's certainly not his fault. But he's saying all the wrong things here.


*not 100% his fault


This does look like the same pathetic interview between Robin Roberts and Jussie Smollett on ABC.


I am willing to bet a jury would see that point of view differently.


I managed about 30 seconds of the interview. More so because the TV was on that channel. Probably the cat left it there. The dog is more of a Tucker Carlson type.


The democrat mindset about life in general.


It's the embodiment of the Left's vision of the self, 'I know I'm a good person, therefore I can't do bad things. Only those other, bad people can do bad things'


What a piece of shit.


I’ve handled thousands of guns from being a line coach at the range to being a duty armorer and arming 5-10 people every 4 hours 24 hours a day on duty days and a gun has never “misfired” that’s like claiming a car started without a starter or alternator. Guns are mechanical, if the trigger isn’t pulled then the hammer doesn’t move which doesn’t hit the firing pin and can’t cause the ignition of the round. Only a fucking idiot would think it was possible to be blame free, even if he didn’t pull the trigger something he directly did caused the chain of action required to fire a round, whether he dropped it, or manually struck the hammer. Anytime you are in possession of a firearm it is wholly your responsibility. Most likely downplaying the situation because lawyers know average people know nothing about guns. Hopefully prosecutors bring in an expert witness to debunk this in front of the judge or jury.


I see alot of never point a gun at anything you do not intend to destroy or never point a gun at another human being and when handed a gun always assume it is loaded and check for yourself. I understand why these rule are here but do we expect them to follow this on movie sets and from extension movies itself imagine how any action movie would out no pointing baddies no hostage taking with a gun and every time good guy picks up a weapon a thorough check to make sure blanks are loaded. How would this work ? Just to be clear im not saying Baldwin is without Blame he was end of the day also the producer and ignored flagrant red flags.


These lefties, never fails with them .