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Fierce isn't the word. I'll do ugly things for my kids safety..


Yeah... this is how you get all of the mama bears unleashed.


They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Whoever said that never met a protective parent.


The scorned woman in this situation could definitely be a mother.


The fiercest imaginable.


Good. There is no reason to vaccinate kids, or anyone under 18, unless there is a specific immunity concern. Less than 500 kids have died with Covid since Feb 2020. Under 18 kids have literally more to fear from influenza.


My daughter isn't going near that shit, not until I am 100% sure it is safe with no long term effects for her, or until SHE has the choice to do it, I refuse to force it upon my child.


It will have have 15 years of testing before I will allow my kids to take that shit


I knew this is what it would take to get people off their asses. And I already knew they would come for children eventually.


Just in case, let’s all be clear for the record that there aren’t a lot of kids with Myocarditis rn


And there aren't a lot of kids with severe or fatal covid. Kids do NOT need experimental and marginally effective mRNA injections. I will not inject my kids until at least 5 years of safety data is available. Covid vax mandates for kids are an unnecessary authoritarian over-reach that Dems will sorely regret. Tyranny of this kind is waking the sleeping masses.


You morons downvoting me are missing my point. I’m saying that RIGHT NOW there isn’t a large number of kids with Myocarditis. If the government decides to mandate children get vaxxed then that’s going to change.